Life Without You

By mfung84

17.4K 746 157

[23 April 2022 - This story is complete but currently going a second round of edits with improved plots and d... More

Sneak Preview
Chapter 1 - The Painful Truth
Chapter 2 - A New Life
Chapter 3 - A Difficult Birthday
Chapter 4 - Shocking News
Chapter 5 - The New Celebrity
Chapter 6 - The Press Conference
Chapter 7 - Why?
Chapter 8 - Date Out with Hiroshi
Chapter 9 - Hard to Resist
Chapter 10 - Missing Leon
Chapter 11 - Reunion
Chapter 12 - Coming Home
Chapter 13 - Beth's Wedding
Chapter 14 - Rehearsal
Chapter 15 - The Dream
Chapter 16 - Relocating Back Home
Chapter 17 - Adjusting to Fame
Chapter 18 - Andy's Birthday
Chapter 19 - Dark Days Ahead
Chapter 20 - Rising Up
Chapter 21 - Meltdown
Chapter 22 - Dread with Worry
Chapter 23 - In the Hospital
Chapter 24- Progress
Chapter 25 - Rehab
Chapter 26 - Leon?
Chapter 27 - Doppelgänger Trouble
Chapter 28 - Unpleasant Truths
Chapter 29 - Heartbroken
Chapter 30 - Toughen Up
Chapter 31 - Angel gets Married
Chapter 32 - Obsessed Fans?
Chapter 33 - Out of Rehab
Chapter 34 - The Elia Dera Show
Chapter 35 - Desperate for a Break

Chapter 36 - On to Yellowstone National Park
Chapter 37 - Lost
Chapter 38 - Reunited
Chapter 39 - Awkward Encounter
Chapter 40 - Join the Group
Chapter 41 - Campfire
Chapter 42 - Enjoying Yellowstone (with a twist)
Chapter 43 - The Reveal
Chapter 44 - Financial Woes & Trust Issues
Chapter 45 - Helping Leon
Chapter 46 - Depressed
Chapter 47 - Forest Cherry Hill Park
Chapter 48 - Remember?
Chapter 49 - Andy Discovers the Truth
Chapter 50 - Painful memories I
Chapter 51 - Painful memories II
Chapter 52 - Confrontation
Chapter 53 - A New Companion
Chapter 54 - Leon vs Hiroshi
Chapter 55 - The Red Story
Chapter 56 - New landlord
Chapter 57 - The New Housemate
Chapter 58 - Being Away
Chapter 59 - Surprise in Japan
Chapter 60 - I won't give up
Chapter 61 - Framing Leon
Chapter 62 - Interrogation
Chapter 63 - Ignoring Leon
Chapter 64 - Thinking of You
Chapter 65 - Knocked Out
Chapter 66 - Where's Sky?
Chapter 67 - More Company
Chapter 68 - Proceeding Alone
Chapter 69 - Beacon of Hope
Chapter 70 - Captured
Chapter 71 - Game of Life and Death
Chapter 72 - Saving Andy
Chapter 74 - Wait for Me
Chapter 75 - His Gain, Her Loss
Chapter 76 - Being Set Free
Chapter 77 - Leaving the Dream
Chapter 78 - Reborn
Chapter 79 - Moving On
Chapter 80 - Will you?
Chapter 81 - Ever After
Chapter 82 - New Life (End)

Chapter 73 - Andy's Recovery

87 5 2
By mfung84

The paparazzi could not stop clicking their cameras away when they saw Leon come out with Ariel from her house as they followed the medics who hurriedly wheeled Andy into the ambulance. Once they were inside the ambulance, it gave both of them temporary relief to escape from the flashing lights and obtrusive questions thrown at them. Without any bodyguard around, they were left to fend for themselves.

Once in the emergency ward of the hospital, the doctors were hard at work in treating Andy who was now unconscious and feverish. The nosy paparazzi were forbidden by the hospital to enter, so they gathered outside.

Ariel could only wait, helpless and worried and fearing the worse. Leon held her tight as she sunk in his chest.

"He's a brave boy, he'll be fine," he comforted her.

"Leon, Ariel!"

Leon and Ariel looked up and saw Beth approaching them.

"I'm so sorry what happened. Rita told me everything," she shook her head in disbelief.

"Losing my son is scarier than being kidnapped," Ariel remarked through muffled tears.

"Miss Beautiful, if your Andy is brave enough to rescue y'all, don't you think he'll be brave enough to pull through this?" Beth tried to cheer her up.

Ariel nodded, "I pray so."

"By the way, Beth. How's Evan and all the other bodyguards doing?" asked Leon.

"They were sedated with crushed sleeping pills mixed in their ice creams. Thank the good Lord that a passer-by had called for help when he saw one of Ariel's bodyguards lying unconscious on the street. Nothing too serious so they'll be fine. Evan has Rita by his side," assured Beth.

"That's good to know, though I feel naked without the bodyguards," said Leon as he noticed some patients staring at them from a distance, but Ariel did not care. All she could think about was Andy.

Less than an hour later, Andy was wheeled out. The emergency was finally over.

"How's he, doctor?" Ariel asked.

"The symptoms from his arrhythmia acted up due to last night's trauma that you described. We managed to normalise his heartbeat with cardioversion and bring his fever down, but he will need to stay in the hospital for a few days to be monitored," the doctor explained.

"Thank you, doctor," said Leon. They were relieved that Andy's condition was stabilised. Ariel and Leon stayed watch over Andy at an exclusive private ward. After knowing what had happened, Mr Fujita sent temporary bodyguards to protect them.

News broke out of what happened last night and pictures of Leon leaving Ariel's house with Andy on a stretcher circulated on social media.

"I'm fine...yes, mum, yes!" Leon assured for the hundredth time to his worried, weeping mother who called him on the phone. "Don't worry. I'm in the hospital looking after Andy with Ariel."

Just then, Mr Fujita dropped by to visit.

"Fujita-san," Ariel greeted him with a bow. Leon stood up and quickly bowed to his former client.

"Hiroshi told me what happened last night," Mr Fujita was visibly upset. "It's so terrible! I cannot imagine the horror that my daughter and son went through, because of you." He looked at Leon.

"Fujita-san, it's not Leon's fault," said Ariel.

"The kidnapper is someone from his past, isn't it? An ex-girlfriend, if I'm not wrong?"

"Fujita-san," Leon took a deep breath. "I can explain..."

Mr Fujita raised his palm to stop Leon from speaking. He pressed his eyelids shut and let out a long sigh, "I'm an old man who's gone through so much in life. Losing my wife was painful enough, but losing my kids would be unimaginable." He rested his right hand on the rail of Andy's bed and he looked at the poor little boy with cardioversion pads on his chest and tubes running from his nostrils to an oxygen tank.

While he looked, Mr Fujita continued speaking, "All the money in the world cannot buy love and life. All I wanted is for my children to be happy and fulfilled. Yet, in the pursuit of happiness, I have unknowingly supported their poor decision-making that has caused a lot of pain and hurt, especially to the both of you. For this," he faced them. "I sincerely apologise!" He bowed low to Ariel and Leon.

They were shocked by his gesture, especially Ariel who knew her boss never liked her associating with Leon before.

"Fujita-san, you don't have to," said Ariel.

"But I insist, Ariel-san," he waved her off. "I'm human and I have my misgivings too. I owe my gratitude to you both for saving my children's lives!"

"Hiroshi taught me well. If it weren't for his Krav Maga lessons, I wouldn't have been able to fight back," said Ariel. "Andy was right. All of us played a part in bringing the villain down, not just me and Leon."

"Your Andy is a really wise and brave boy, brought up by such an extraordinary mother," Mr Fujita complimented. "Any man who can't see it is blind. If he can't treasure you, he's not worth the keep, right?" He gave Leon a smirking look.

"I most certainly do!" Leon put his arm around Ariel's shoulders. Ariel's face turned red with embarrassment and she changed the topic, "By the way, how's Hiroshi and Hiromi doing?"

"Hiroshi's head injury is not too serious but he will need a lot of rest until he is fully recovered. He will stay at my mansion where a private doctor and nurse will attend to him. But Hiromi..."

Mr Fujita's countenance fell at the mention of his daughter's name.

"Even though she may not have suffered any serious injury, she's too traumatised that she's not been able to act in a normal mental state for now. She's been transferred to a psychiatric hospital for monitoring." He wiped a tear off his right eye.

"I'm so sorry, Fujita-san," Ariel was saddened to hear the news.

"So very sorry," Leon sympathised. Even though he never liked Hiromi, he never wished anything bad like this to happen to her.

"Anyway, take this month off from work. Be with your boy and take care of your mental health. I'll have Han and Hong take over your place for now," said Mr Fujita.

"Fujita-san, I'm sure Hiromi will come out stronger and better," Ariel consoled him.

Mr Fujita nodded with a thank-you smile, "Take care and let me know if you need anything else. I'll be heading off to see Hiromi." He left the hospital with his bodyguards.

Arnold suddenly called Leon to discuss business matters.

"Look, Andy's right now my utmost priority," Leon explained with a sigh.

"The press is painting you as some love-crazed maniac who still has not gotten his act together since the scandal and your disastrous concert. And you're not bothered? What's wrong with you, man?" Arnold criticised.

"What's wrong with me? I just survived a kidnap! I almost died of alcohol poisoning, faced financial ruin and all you care is about polishing my public image!"

"Dude! We're running out of narratives to save your a**! Focus! You, Leon Waltz, are a brand! Must I keep reminding you that Jake Milliano and the dozens of new artistes popping into the scene may soon topple you?"

Leon sucked in his breath.

"Now, Sheldon's giving his love to Jake who's bringing in the millions. Your last album may have done well but it still fell short of our target. Your absence means no concerts, no events and no money."

"So, Avon wants to give up on me for a 16-year-old newbie?"

"Dude, I'm trying to help you," Arnold reminded. "Let's discuss tomorrow with our team on how to bring you back from the brink. Don't disappoint Sheldon anymore."

"Disappoint him??" The mention of Sheldon's name made Leon feel like throwing up. "I'm so not in the mood or right place to discuss how to "save my brand". Tell Sheldon I won't be available till I'm ready."

"But, but-"

Leon hung up and kept his phone on silent mode.

"Leon, are you ok?" asked Ariel.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine," he forced a smile.

The next few days saw Andy progressing well. He was still weak and his heart still needed monitoring, but he was able to eat well again. Ariel made sure that nothing scary or stressful was present that would stress his heart. She played soothing music in the background and entertain him with light-hearted movies. Leon played board games with him and made video calls to show Sky who was temporarily being taken care of by Rita.

Everyone came to pay Andy a visit and praised him for his heroic efforts. Camila, Beth and Theo, Rita and her parents, Imogen and Evan who just recovered, Anna, Leon's parents, and Angel and his wife, Ivy. Andy never imagined feeling more loved and appreciated by so many people in his life, that for the first time in days, he could sleep peacefully without the nightmares from the kidnapping ordeal.

"When can I go home?" he grumbled one day as his hospitalisation reached the eighth day.

"Soon, hopefully," replied Ariel, even though the doctor had not given him the all-clear.

Night fell and once he was asleep, Ariel asked Leon, "You've stayed here quite a while now. You sure you don't wanna go back?"

Leon had not stepped into his new rented house after the kidnapping incident. Instead, he cancelled the residency and lost his deposit. He decided to move back to his parents' mansion for the time being. His boxes of belongings were already moved to their mansion.

"If I go now, I won't be here in the city. I'll be far, far away from you," he reminded.

Ariel's eyes were downcast. The prospect of not having Leon here was feeling unbearable, but she did not want to trouble him with the uncomfortable stays in the hospital. Ariel noticed lately that Leon was suffering from short hours of sleep, pacing here and there and staring blankly for no reason for long periods of time. Understandably, they had gone through a lot but his unsettling mood was affecting her. As much as he was a great support and now that they were a couple, Ariel felt his behaviour out of the ordinary in some ways. Leon would sometimes disappear in between for long periods of time before heading back up in the ward, with nothing at hand. She assumed he may be trying to make private calls related to his Avon or his personal finances, which were still far from being sorted out.

"Ma'am, a police officer with an important person would like to speak with you," said one of the bodyguards guarding outside the ward.

"Let them come in," said Ariel.

In came a plump man with glasses and dark hair with a slightly balding top, wearing a grey coat with a red scarf and blue jeans. Accompanying him was a male police officer who escorted him inside.

"Who are you?" asked Ariel.

"I'm Johan Olsen. I'm the husband of the woman who tried to kill you," he said with a strong Norwegian accent.

Ariel covered her dropped jaw.

"Johan Olsen?" Leon leaped from his seat.

"Hello Leon, it's been a while," Johan took off his glasses and wiped his eyes. The look of distress was visible on his face.

Leon was stunned at how different Johan looked, a far cry from the athletic high-school heartthrob he once was. He had aged beyond his years and he looked worn out and unhappy.

"I....I...." Johan was struggling to find the right words to say. "I don't know where I should start."

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