Being Bad For Good Sake


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This is my obsessive life, and the most important thing is that I have never allowed myself to cry. Despite m... Еще

Obsessive Life
Daily Routine
MDC Anniversary
MDC Anniversary Part 2
MDC Anniversary Part 3(Lila Busted)
Tiring Weekends (unwanted visit)
What happened?
Enrollment in Gotham Academy
Unexpected Twist
Flight To Gotham
First Time Meeting
First day in Academy(1)
First Day in Academy (2)
Are You?
Timothy Drake
Face Reveal
Failed attempts to befriend her
Am I falling in love?
I Pretend to not care.
I Don't Need Your Pity
It doesn't matter who apologizes first... The apology is the one that matters.
The Dance I never expected...
The Rumor...
Recognizing Presence in the Absence.
Would You be My Girlfriend?
The Betrayal

Have to Go

692 16 2

Marinette's POV :-

As my vision gradually cleared, I found myself face to face with two unfamiliar men. Their voices seemed distant, echoing in my head, and my surroundings appeared hazy. Reacting instinctively, I quickly assumed my fighting stance and threw a punch at one of them, connecting solidly with his face. I immediately realized that my actions might have caused them harm.

After a few moments, my vision began to sharpen, and I could discern the figures of Luka and Mr. Timothy Drake before me. I managed to regain my footing and stood up, feeling a mix of confusion and concern. I inquired about the man I had inadvertently struck, discovering that it was the same person I had encountered at the café the previous day. Regrettably, his face was now bleeding, and I felt a pang of guilt for causing him harm.

It was frustrating to see how the situation had escalated, with a crowd forming around me, even though I was perfectly capable of walking on my own. I wished they had given me some space and allowed me to assess the situation before rushing to my aid. Despite my initial defensive reaction, I knew deep down that I was not responsible for the chaos that had unfolded around me.

I glanced at the clock and realized that I was already late for my mission. It seemed like I couldn't catch a break, always finding myself running behind schedule. Was it my destiny to be perpetually late? This time, the reason for my tardiness was the unnecessary interference of those senseless individuals who liked to meddle in other people's lives. I couldn't help but feel frustrated with them.

"Thanks to both of you, I'm now running even later for an important task. I need to leave immediately. Please fill me in on all the details of what happened at school, as our classes will be merging today," I stated, trying to mask my irritation. With that, I made my exit, although I was still in pain. But as the saying goes, the French have a knack for enduring pain as if it were part of their daily breakfast routine.

"Boss, I understand the importance of providing updates during the mission, but having you on Bluetooth directly might not be the best option. It can be distracting and potentially compromise the mission's secrecy. Is there any chance we can designate another contact person for me to report to?"

I was already on the field, carrying out the mission, and having Plagg involved always seemed to complicate matters. His unpredictable nature and tendency to cause chaos were not exactly reassuring. However, I had a job to do, and I needed to make the best of the situation.

"Boss, I understand the situation. My mission is to rescue the leader of the 'Dark Dimension' mafia gang from a group of highly skilled gangsters. It's not a simple task, given their expertise in sharpshooting, hand-to-hand combat, and weaponry. However, I am well-prepared and aware of the challenges ahead."

As I approached my destination, only a few minutes away, the urgency of the situation became apparent. The plan had been updated: my primary objective was now to neutralize all the gangsters and then transport the leader to a hospital for medical treatment. Given the reputation of mafias, finding a willing doctor would be a challenge in itself.

With the new plan in mind, I focused on preparing myself mentally and physically for the task at hand. Time was of the essence, and the success of the mission relied on my skills and resourcefulness

"Boss, why are we protecting a mafia leader? It seems contradictory." I questioned the Agency's decision and my role in the mission.

"He's actually one of our undercover agents who has infiltrated the mafia," Boss explained. "He provides vital information on their activities, helping us target and dismantle criminal organizations. Besides, I personally admire his integrity despite his association with the mafia. He's proven himself to be a good person."

Understanding the agent's significance and Boss's perspective, I committed to fulfilling the mission diligently.

I arrived at the abandoned car garage, greeted by the unpleasant stench reminiscent of Plagg's camembert. "Boss, I've reached the location. It's an abandoned garage," I reported, feeling somewhat unlucky to have to share every detail with him. "Red Bug, your team is ready with a backup. Should I inform them?" Boss inquired, attempting to maintain a serious demeanor that always seemed to have a touch of humor.

"Boss, as I mentioned before, I prefer working individually and don't require a team or backup," I asserted, reaffirming my stance. "Yes, I understand the mission's challenges due to the gangsters involved, but I have prepared accordingly for that. You agreed to my terms and conditions when assigning this mission, so please honor them and send the team back to the institute. I will handle the mission on my own." After some persuasion, Boss relented and dismissed the team. However, I still sensed the presence of two agents lingering nearby. Plagg's intentions remained as enigmatic as ever

As I stepped into the garage, I laid eyes on the captive leader, bound to a wooden chair with tape covering his mouth. His body bore the brutal marks of the gangsters' torture, with scars, wounds, cuts, and a bullet wound on his shoulder. "Boss, I've located him. He's right in front of me, but he's in a severe condition due to the gangsters' torture," I informed, aware of the presence of around 10 to 12 individuals lurking in the shadows. If my instincts were correct, they were my targets.

I couldn't help but scoff at their audacity. Did they really think they could outsmart a top spy like me? Their presence was easily detectable, as they obstructed the natural flow of air and their breaths were faintly audible. These poor gangsters were in for a rude awakening. In the guardian language, I relayed the situation to Plagg, ensuring my message was understood by his two spies surveilling me. "It appears I'm not alone here. They have surrounded me from all sides. There are 15 of them. Please instruct your spies not to interfere." To my surprise, one of the gangsters responded in the guardian language. This language was typically reserved for individuals with high access and authority, such as special instructors, top spies, and the Head of the Agency. How did he come to possess this knowledge?

"Agent Red Bug, what a pleasant surprise. We've been expecting you. I hope your journey here was uneventful," he remarked, indicating a familiarity with the agency. "So, were I the spy you were waiting for, or just a fortunate coincidence?" It seemed I had gained notoriety, even among villains who wished for my demise. "Who needs another spy when you're here? That's why I've taken a valuable asset from your agency," he revealed. He had knowledge of me, the agency, and even a spy within it who had access to important files. "What do you want, and why are you hiding? It's clear you have a connection to the agency. Do you seek revenge?" His intentions became clear - he sought revenge, aiming to dismantle the agency by eliminating its heart

"Let the action begin," I commanded, preparing myself for the upcoming confrontation. The two goons positioned themselves, circling around me. I chose to hold back, not wanting to cause any fatalities just yet. As one of them threw a punch at my face, I swiftly leaned backward, causing his fist to collide with his fellow gangster's face. Seizing the opportunity, I grabbed the attacker's hand and effortlessly flipped him over my shoulder, sending him crashing onto the other goon. They lay on the ground, unconscious.

The gang leader wasted no time and sent two more goons my way. They charged at me simultaneously, their speed matching mine as we closed in on each other. At the moment of impact, they fell hard to the ground, wounded but still conscious, while blood dripped from my dual Katanas. Rest assured, I had aimed to incapacitate them, not end their lives.

Four more goons approached, engaging me one by one. With a series of swift punches, I struck the first assailant's face and stomach, rendering him paralyzed. A powerful kick to the back was sufficient to knock down the second goon. As for the remaining two, I used the blunt edge of my Katana to strike precise nerve points, causing them to lose consciousness temporarily. It was a technique I had learned in Japan, allowing me to incapacitate opponents without causing permanent harm. The rest of the goons wisely fled, realizing their defeat was imminent.

Now, it was time to face their leader—the ex-Agent of the Miraculous agency.

He wielded his long sword, setting the stage for a clash of blades. He initiated the attack, swinging his sword toward me. I swiftly defended myself, parrying his relentless strikes from right to left, gradually retreating until I found myself backed against a wall. With no escape route behind me, I reluctantly seized the opportunity to counter-attack.

For the first time in our duel, I swung my katana toward him, engaging in a fierce clash of forces as he matched my strength. The clash generated sparks, showcasing the intensity of our confrontation. Capitalizing on the moment, I skillfully used my other katana to disarm him, twisting his hand in the opposite direction. Though he cried out in pain, I couldn't afford to show mercy.

As his sword fell from his grasp, I released my grip on his arms, swiftly positioning my katana against his neck. Applying slight pressure, I ensured he could feel the chilling sensation of his own blood trickling down his neck.

"Kneel and show me respect, or face your demise," I demanded, asserting my authority over him. His initial arrogance had turned into a plea for mercy. While my original intention was to eliminate him, considering his affiliation with the agency, he would instead be handed over for questioning and subjected to their legal procedures.

I delivered my final words, "The law is unwavering... And it will have its way. Aqueser Banda Vacro." With a firm grip on the collar of his shirt, I forcefully led him to my waiting vehicle.

And now, to save the leader of the Mafia, I swiftly untied him from the ropes and removed the tape from his mouth. He took deep breaths, grateful for his liberation. However, his next words caught me off guard, "Please, marry me..." I couldn't believe what I had just heard. After all the trouble and risk I had gone through to rescue him, this was his response? Once he received the necessary medical treatment, I made a mental note to deal with him appropriately.

I quickly escorted him to the nearest private hospital, but chaos reigned within its walls. Patients rushed around in a frenzy, doctors attending to their urgent needs, and the entire place was in disarray. It was clear that nothing was in its rightful place, further adding to the challenge of ensuring the leader's safety and well-being.

"Quiet!" My voice thundered through the hospital, causing everyone to freeze in their tracks. "Good. Where is the operation theater? We have an emergency. Prepare the OT immediately and run diagnostic tests on him. His name is...?" I turned to the injured mafia leader, urging him to stay conscious and communicate with me. "Sir, what is your name? Keep your eyes open and talk to me."

As he struggled to stay awake, he managed to respond, "I am Jonathan... Morgenstern." It was clear that his condition was deteriorating, and I needed to keep him conscious to avoid further complications. However, the situation became more complicated as his gang members arrived at the hospital, creating a chaotic scene. It seemed they had misunderstood the gravity of the situation.

One of the gang members arrogantly threatened, "Hey, woman, give our boss back, or you'll regret it. I'll break your 300 bones into 2000 pieces. I won't go easy on you just because you're a girl." I couldn't help but shake my head at his ignorance and bravado. "Firstly, there are 206 bones in the human body, not 300. Secondly, feel free to use your full strength; it might actually prevent you from sustaining severe injuries. And I assure you, I will treat all of you without charging any fees."

After a successful surgery and some necessary tests, the mafia leader's condition stabilized, and he was deemed safe for discharge. However, to my amusement (and slight exasperation), he kept murmuring about wanting to marry me and professing his love. Ah, the persistence of some men; they never seem to give up.

With the mission accomplished, it was time for me to wrap things up. I needed to pack my bags, attend to any pending commissions, and handle paperwork related to upcoming concerts in Gotham. It promised to be a night full of work, but I was used to the hustle and bustle of my demanding profession.

As I prepared for the tasks ahead, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of the adventures and challenges that awaited me in the days to come. After all, being a skilled agent always keeps me on my toes, both in saving lives and managing the intriguing complications that seem to follow me wherever I go.

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