The Billionaire CEO

By AidinWhite

49.4K 1.3K 90

{Book #4 of The Winters Series} Five years out of school, and five years that Winters Group had prospered and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six

Chapter Twenty Nine

600 24 1
By AidinWhite

Olivia Thorne

Adrian comes home today, meaning more then one thing.

First is that I never had to be acting CEO in his absence until now, and it was then that I noticed how busy his job is.

I couldn't do his job.

It was another day though which meant I had to pull myself out of my revorie and focus on the work in front of me.

File after file that all had to be signed off on, taken to the corresponding floor, and executed correctly, on top of getting reports for the Dubai incident that was still under investigation despite the pipeline being fixed.

Letting out a sigh I glanced at the clock.


It was three in Switzerland and Adrian left the country at Twelve PM in Zurich which meant he'd be landing here by One PM.

"Excuse me, Ms. Thorne" I glance up to see Jessica my assistant standing in the door.

"Yes Jessica" I reply waiting for her to continue.

"There is are visitors here for you" she informs me.

"Names?" I ask, even though I have a good feeling of who.

"Mia, and Kate" she replies, "they wouldn't give lastnames".

"Let them in" I direct and she nods before walking away.

A moment later my frosted glass door is pushed open and my two friends walk into the office, both dressed like they could be runway models, yet I knew well enough that they just had expensive taste in clothing.

"Look at you miss COO" Mia says.

"I'm acting CEO right now as well until Adrian gets back from Switzerland" I say closing the confidential file in front of me.

"Does your pay go up to fifteen percent for the four day trip he took?" Kate muses.

"No, and I wouldn't want it too" I reply, "I have enough money as it is".

"I have zero doubts about that also when do you get off of work".

"This was my last file for today, Adrian assigned a new project so that's what's going on, along with one that he has yet to meet with Nico about and fully cooperate in board room".

"They're both busy all the time I have no doubts about that" Mia laughs.

"Nico is also looking out for his friend he's been looking into finding the person behind the dual attempted assassinations on Adrian" Kate says gripping the back of one of my chairs.

"They've acted like brothers since knowing one another of course Nico is looking for who tried to kill Adrian" Mia says gesturing out to New York, "the person is also still out there which is the scariest part".

"Can we not talk about this please" I state, not liking the uneasy feeling in my stomach that this conversation has.

"I'll stop" Mia says while Kate gives me a soft comforting look.

I'm close with all the girls, but solely because Kate and Nico live not too far away from me and Adrian they were the one's that knew me the best besides Adrian who uncovered everything through just spending time with me.

Now I'm a billionaire at twenty-two, and am a co-founder along side the same man who showed me the world both figuratively and literally, yet I also know nothing would matter if he was suddenly ripped away from me, I didn't like this feeling of helplessness to be able to stop Adrian from being in harms way.

Over seven years since that day and the roles were now reversed, the difference is Adrian wasn't kidnapped.

"We should go for drinks, it's been a long day" Mia says, and we all nod.

I then swipe my signature across the line, and close it before personally carrying it out of the office following the girls.

Locking the doors I set the file on the reception desk, and give them instructions of who is to come get it before we all head down to the lobby so that we could leave the building.

Outside of the tinted glass I spotted Kate's McLaren, and Mia's Porsche along side the car that I had driven to work.

"I can't believe you drove Adrian's Chiron to work" Kate smiles pushing open one of the doors.

"It's not just his besides it was the first car I ever got into that was his" I say unlocking the car.

"You two have to be made for one another" she laughs pulling open her door.

Getting into the French supercar I start the engine and wait for Kate to pull away before following as we head towards Rao's which was in northern Manhattan.

I was lucky that I was driving an all wheel drive car with a lot of power because New York's streets were soon going to be slightly slushy from the snow that we had just started to get, and was actually quite rare to get but none the less it seemed that we might get the off month this year.

Half an hour later we got to the restaurant and parked before walking inside to get seated.

"Good evening, Ms. Thorne would you like a private table" the waitress politely asked.

"Yes please" I say before we are led towards the back.

When we sat down I took the drinks menu and opened it looking through what they offered.

"What can I get you for drinks?" the waitress asks looking between us.

"How about a bottle of Seven Falls Cabernet Sauvignon for all of us to share I think that should be all" I say looking around the table, with no objections to what I had ordered and said.

"Alright I will be right back with that for you three" she says before heading off.

"So Kate want to give us any news for your new clothing line?" Mia asks.

"My Winter lineup will be showcased at the end of the month" Kate says.

"I will be there to see them" I say as a bottle of the wine I ordered was set in front of us along with three glasses.

"Thank you" I say before we all pour ourselves glasses, and begin talking once again.

Conversations with them were always calm, business rarely came up, mostly it was stories, and funny things that we remembered often resulting in us laughing for hours on end.

"Olivia what wasn't there one day where you couldn't find Adrian and it took you like ten minutes to find him" Kate says peeking over her glass.

"Yes there was, I went to find him, and he was no where in the house so I double checked on every floor there was no way he could have not heard me even if the house is mostly soundproof, so I'm like maybe he went somewhere so I phone him, doesn't answer so I go down to the garage and there he is in the middle of the garage hand cleaning and drying his cars listening to music, without a care in the world" I explain before taking a sip from my glass, "I would have been mad that I spent so long looking for him, but he was doing something that he loved quite literally sitting cross legged shining his cars, so then I just walked over and we ended up being there talking until Kate came over to find me and she found us both in the garage" I say.

"I didn't expect it, you two were just there acting completely casual as if you were in your living room not the garage beneath your guys home" Kate laughs.

"That happens a lot with me and Adrian" I remark, "speaking of which I should go home to meet him there" I say pulling out the money for the wine bottle, and leaving it in my place.

"Bye Olivia" Mia and Kate say at roughly the same time before I walk away.

Sliding back into the car I start my drive back towards the Hamptons relaxing into the seats as I drove.

When I got home, I quickly parked the car in its spot and went back inside so that I could actually be sober even though I was despite have a blood alcohol level that was higher then legally allowed.

Walking into the kitchen I poured myself several glasses of water, before nestling myself into the couch to read a book that I had been reading over the past four days.

An hour or so passed, and I had reached the finale of the book when I heard the door open and I turned to see Adrian walk inside carrying his bag, and dropping it on the floor.

"Olivia!" he calls out, and a smile swiftly grows on my lips before I all but sprinted into the entryway before jumping into his arms.

Just because I'm wealthy doesn't mean I can't be excited.

Adrian then holds onto me while spinning in circles, until he stopped and dotted kiss all over my face making me laugh.

"Hello bellissima" he says planting a final one on my lips.

"Hi Adrian" I say.

"I missed my beautiful girlfriend".

"Not as much as I missed you" I reply, and he laughs.

He then hums and set me down.

"Maybe, but I'm hungry are you hungry" he says walking into the kitchen.

"Yes, I'm hungry I haven't eaten since lunch time".

"Well I don't feel like cooking, so" he says dragging out the last word. "How about Indian food".

"Naan bread" I quickly say.

"Goes with everything" Adrian says completing the sentence while he called the place we normally ordered from.

Hugs and kisses followed by good food, it's good to have my boyfriend back.

So Adrian is back in NYC and now we enter the lawsuit and drama section of this book so be prepared, also leave comments, vote, and share. Anyways


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