Into The Deep End - A Roman R...

By msbigredmachine

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Sasha has always tried to play it safe, to keep her life as simple and risk-free as possible. Things change... More

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By msbigredmachine

As Andrea became a distant memory, a very special week was dawning. Sasha was celebrating her birthday, and in five days, she and Joe would be completing their first year as a couple. Sasha received a lot of birthday love and gifts from friends, which was heartwarming. Last year's birthday was a quieter affair with her kids, taking them out for a nice family dinner. She was very pleased that she could afford to take them somewhere fancier this year. Joe sent a whopping thirty-six bouquets of roses, one for each year of her birth and in different colors. They covered the porch and the doorstep, a nice surprise for Sasha as she returned home with Mia after picking her up from school. Mia had a lot of fun arranging the bouquets around the big house. Sasha adored the flowers, but it only her miss her man more, as he was once again thousands of miles away at work.

Back in the quiet comfort of their bedroom as she settled in for the night, Sasha received a strange text from Joe.

1 New Message

From: G.I.

Sent: 11.35 pm

Turn on the radio.

He knew she had a radio station that she listened to religiously. Wondering what this was about, she did as he instructed. She had to wait for the male DJ to go through a number of shout-outs, and then, "...So Joey from San Antonio got in touch with us, and he wants to dedicate the next song I'm about to play to Sasha, who's in Tampa. It's 'Dreams' by Boyz II Men, and it's for Joey's special girl Sasha on her birthday. Good choice, Joey. Enjoy and happy birthday Sasha from us here in the studio!"

Here I am again, wondering if you're okay

Can't stop this troubled heart, 'cause we're apart, miles away

Phone pressed up to my ear, wish you were here holding me

A face to go with your sweet voice will bring me joy, totally

I know I can't be there, baby it's alright

I'll be waiting for you tonight

I pray that you'll be there when I close my eyes

Meet me in my dreams tonight

Sasha felt her eyes sting as the lyrics washed over her, driving all her feelings home. Joe was in San Antonio, and she was stuck here in Tampa without him. He knew this was one of her favorite songs, and to imagine him saying the words to her made her heart ache and feel lonelier than ever. She was currently wearing one of his t-shirts, and it smelled just like him. Right before the song ended, she decided to give him a call. She made sure to get rid of all traces of her tears before picking up her phone and dialing his number.

"Calling me to say thank you?" He had obviously expected her call. Sasha could almost see the smirk tugging his lips. What she wouldn't give to kiss those lips right now.

"Thought you hated the name Joey," she said.

His voice danced with amusement. "Well you took a liking to it, so I guess it ain't so bad."

Sasha smiled dreamily. "Baby, that was so sweet," she told him. "I love that song."

"I know you do. What did you get up to today?"

"Not much. Got a nice big cake from Reggie, Amber and the others at work. I saved you some. Cheryl took me shopping in the afternoon, I took the kids out to dinner and my boyfriend flower-bombed me."

"Did you like the roses?"

"I loved them, baby. But now they're literally everywhere thanks to Mia. The house smells great though," she replied, ending with a forlorn sigh. "I wish you were here, my love. When will you be home?"

"Sooner than you think," said Joe. "I only have one day when I get back but we'll make the most of it."

"Okay. So what are you up to right now?" she asked, sitting Indian style on the bed.

"Not much. Just being the gypsies that we are. You know how it goes."

"You sound out of breath," Sasha stated, noticing he was grunting every few seconds. "Everything alright?"

"I'll be fine in a sec. Um, babe, I need a teeny favor."

"What's that?"

"Could you come get the door? It's a little chilly out here and I got two big bags and my house key's buried somewhere, so..."

Confused, she was about to ask what the hell he was talking about when she heard the doorbell ring downstairs. The sound echoed through her phone at the exact same time, and suddenly, it all fully registered in her brain.

He's here!

Her phone slipped from her hand. "Motherfucker!"

She was downstairs in a flash. Throwing open the door, her legs nearly gave out at the sight before her. Her man was decked out in his Shield gear; the vest, cargo pants all the way to his combat boots, his long hair flowing down his shoulders and chest. She'd never seen anything so gorgeous.

Joe smiled at the way she was staring at him, as though she was unsure he was real. "What up, baby girl?"

Oh wow. He'd flown in all the way from San Antonio to surprise her. In his ring gear, no less. She'd told him once before that it was her secret fantasy, to make love to him in his Shield gear. Obviously he remembered. God I love this man.

Without a word, she dragged him inside with both hands, and her mouth was on his before she'd pushed him against the door. Her tongue immediately sought his own and her hands roamed all over his body.

"You got too many clothes on," Sasha griped, fumbling with his belt.

"Can't say the same for you," he said, delighted to discover she was naked underneath the oversized shirt she was wearing. His shirt. So hot!

Sasha grabbed his hand, hurrying him upstairs. The door to the bedroom swung open, and the two of them stumbled inside, not willing to stop their passionate kissing for even the few seconds it took to enter a room. They yanked at clothing, peeling back the layers of garments until it was just skin against skin. The sight of her man naked was enough to make her pause. "God, you're beautiful," she whispered. Stepping closer to him, she kissed his bare body, her lips and tongue moving skillfully over his chest, her fingers tracing his abdomen and then sliding down to rub and tug his already erect cock. She heard him groan with need, and suddenly, she was in his arms as he carried her to the bed.

He laid her down gently and moved on top of her, positioning himself between her legs. The need to have her was overwhelming at this point, so Joe wasted no time easing himself inside her. Sasha gasped and arched her head back as he thrust deep into her. Their hips met, merged, as he found his rhythm, and she wrapped her legs around his body. Leaning down, Joe found her mouth and kissed her tenderly, gently nipping her lower lip with his teeth. He moved down to her neck, trailing the tip of his tongue along her collarbone. Sasha began to moan as he thrust harder, more urgently, waves of pleasure washing over her. Her arms slid up under his shoulders, pulling him closer to feel his warm skin and his body rocking against her own. Minutes later, the feeling overtook them and they both came; Sasha climaxing first, with Joe close behind. Their arms wrapped around each other as they lay on their sides facing one other.

"Happy birthday, nani." He smiled his beautiful smile that always made her melt. She kept one leg around his hip, her fingers raking through his dark, silken locks. "I'm so happy you're here," she whispered. "How were you able to get home early?"

"Talked to Paul and Stephanie. I'll have to be back a day earlier though," he answered. "We're meant to be in Vegas this week for Raw and a few other things. But since our anniversary is coming up during the week, I want you to come with me."

She didn't hesitate. She would sort out the logistics later. "Okay."

Joe smiled and breathed her in, glad to be in her arms again. "I got your presents from the guys at work but they're in my bag downstairs."

"We'll get them in the morning," she replied, leaning in to kiss him tenderly. "Get some sleep, baby. You're going to need it. 'Cause when we wake up I'm gonna make you put on your Shield vest, and I'm gonna ride you so good, you'll forget your own name." She grinned. "Believe that."


A few days later, the couple was on their way to Las Vegas. A TV and radio interview was scheduled in the morning and afternoon respectively, followed by Raw at night. Then, the night after the Smackdown taping, they had a launch party to attend. To this day, how they managed to combine all of these events was beyond Sasha. She found it rather exhausting, but she wasn't about to complain, not when Joe was doing it with a smile on his face.

The first stop was at MTV studios for The Shield. Sasha kept herself as inconspicuous as possible in the corner of the studio, subtly taking pictures on her phone. The trio was given fifteen minutes to meet with the fans before they left. They seemed to have doubled in number and they were just as loud. The boys happily signed autographs and took pictures. Sasha filmed everything, impressed and daunted at the same time. It was surreal seeing stuff like this up close. The girls were screaming and crying and calling at them from all sides.

"I love you Dean!"

"Roman can we get a picture?"


"How are you doing, ladies?" Joe said cheerily to a group of fans, who got a little bit louder as they greeted back.

A young girl looked about to pass out. "Oh my gosh, it's really you."

"Hey, sweetheart," Joe smiled.

"Can I have your autograph?" she stuttered, pushing a rolled-up eight-by-ten Roman Reigns poster and a pen at him. "Of course," he replied, taking the items from her. "And what's your name sweetheart?"

The girl's face lit up. "Brittany."

"Brittany, that's a pretty name," the Samoan remarked, beginning to write. He finished up and handed it back to her. "Here you go, honey."

As Sasha kept her eye on the boys, she was a little startled when three teenage girls wearing Shield t-shirts bumped into her. "Hi Sasha!" They grinned at her.

She stopped short, surprised that they knew her name. "Hello ladies," she smiled back. "How are you? Have you been here all morning?"

The girls nodded enthusiastically. "We love the Shield so much," the girl wearing glasses said. "We skipped school so we could come see them. We don't know when we'll get the chance to see them again so we had to."

"I understand," she smiled. She wasn't their mother. It was not her place to start chiding them and lecturing them. But she sure as hell knew she would have a lot to say if this was T.K.

"So you're Roman's girlfriend," the girl with braces asked her. "We're so jealous. Isn't he pretty?"

"Yes, he's very pretty," Sasha couldn't help but giggle along with the girls. Pretty was quite the understatement when describing her man.

"You're hot too, Sasha," the third girl gushed, "I love your figure. We look at your pictures online and we're always like, damn, that butt though." The girls giggled then stopped, embarrassed. "Sorry."

Sasha laughed. "It's fine. Thank you for the compliment. It's taken a lot of squats to make it look like that, believe me."

"Could we get a picture with you?" the girl with braces asked her hesitantly, holding her cell phone out to Sasha. Really? They wanted a picture with her? Wow. "Of course." She obliged them, then thanked them and went off on her way. She now had a taste of how the boys felt when fans came up to them, and it was kind of nice. She told Joe about it on the way to the next interview, and the Samoan laughed, reminding her that his fans were indeed nice and not as crazy as Ambrose's.


It had to be one of the most magnificent hotel suites she'd ever been in. The décor was dark in a sexy and romantic way. The carpet was plush and fluffy and Sasha enjoyed threading her bare toes through it as she walked around. A bowl of chocolate-covered strawberries sat on the smooth mahogany surface of the table below the flat-screen TV, along with a bottle of champagne and two glass flutes. A beautiful view of the Vegas night skyline sprawled through the glass balcony doors, which closed off a large, round hot tub outside. Sasha planned on making use of that tub tonight. The most interesting feature of the room, however, had to be the round mirror attached to the ceiling directly above the bed. Oh yeah. Their anniversary night was looking very eventful indeed.

Trinity hung out with Sasha, getting ready in the suite for the launch party that the WWE Superstars were to attend. The Diva had taken one look at the room and said, "Oooh, girl! You gon' get it tonight!" When Sasha emerged from the bathroom in her outfit, Trinity's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "Holy shit! Sasha! Turn around."

From the front, it looked like any other long-sleeved, tight red dress, but when Sasha turned to the side, it was a whole different story. The dress was open at the back and it slanted all the way down to her right thigh, the garment only held together by crisscrossed strings knotted at the hem. Her heels made her shorter legs look longer. The mother of two tugged down the dress. "Is it too much?" she nervously asked Trinity.

"Not for me," replied Trinity, "You look fantastic! I've never seen you in anything this risqué. I cannot wait to see Joe's face; he's gonna have a heart attack!"

Like she was one to talk. With the tight, strapless blue dress she wore, there was no way she wasn't getting the D from Jonathan tonight. This was Vegas, it was her birthday-slash-anniversary week, and Sasha wanted to look sexy for her man. She was slimmer, and she felt more youthful every day and she decided it wouldn't hurt to flaunt it a little. She wished Pam was here but the fitness instructor was now too pregnant to do much else, let alone party.

After checking their hair and makeup, Sasha and Trinity emerged from the suite to join Ariane and Nattie outside. When Sasha came closer, both of them gasped. "Damn, Sash! You tryna get Joe killed or somethin'?" Ariane exclaimed, while Nattie gaped at the dress in amazement.

Sasha merely winked and flipped her curled hair back. "Shall we?"

Their partners were waiting in the lobby, and all the men's eyes widened when they spotted the ladies. "Jaws off the floor, boys," Nattie laughed, linking her arms between T.J.'s and Josh's. "Let's go hit the slot machines!"

As she walked towards Joe, Sasha held back a laugh at the way Jonny dramatically fanned himself at the sight of Trinity. Just like she thought. She then focused on her boyfriend's expression as she approached him, looking gorgeous in a tight-fitting shirt with a few buttons open, and she couldn't fight the blush that crept up her face at his intense stare. "Hi."

Joe scanned her from head to toe. "I've never seen this dress before," he stated.

"It's new. Do you like it?"

There was a frown on his face as he inspected her. "It's really revealing. Are you wearing any underwear?" he asked.

"That ain't what I asked you, homie," she retorted. "Do you like my dress or not?"

Holding his gaze evenly, she awaited his answer. He flexed his jaw, working to ease down his rising temper. "It's the sexiest dress I've ever seen," he admitted. "I just wish the rest of the world wouldn't have to see it too. All them dudes droolin' over you? I know that's exactly what's gonna happen."

The scowl remained on his face, and Sasha sighed and wrapped an arm around his waist. They hadn't gone anywhere yet and he was already jealous. "Relax. I dressed up for you. Anyone who wants to look can look, but they ain't touching. Alright?"

His softening features told her she had placated him, but only just. "Fine. You just remember who you're here with, and we'll be alright," he said.

"How could I forget?" Sasha grinned and kissed her possessive boyfriend on the cheek, and then whispered seductively in his ear, "By the way...I only got a stick-on bra on," she said, smirking at the way his eyes widened.

The group took in the sights of the famous Las Vegas Strip and came to a stop at The Bellagio Casino and Hotel. No gaming system was left untouched; craps, roulette, blackjack and the slot machines. A lot of money was lost, with Colby hit the hardest while Sasha struck lucky with five hundred dollars' worth of casino chips. The night ended with the launch party taking place on the rooftop of their hotel. Sasha sat on a recliner with Trinity, saying hello to a few of the wrestlers that passed by. She noticed how Danielle kept out of her way and thought the woman was smarter than she looked. Some floozy was attached to Randy Orton's hip, and the mother of two was glad to see his attention finally diverted from her for good. Sucking on a lollipop handed out by the party hosts, she watched Joe and Claudio talking with some scantily-clad girls, and the green-eyed monster roared possessively within her as the girls got a little too cozy.

"I still can't believe Andrea showed up at y'alls place," Trinity was saying, "That bitch got some nerve. I'm just glad you didn't believe a word that came out of her mouth. She's a pathological liar."

Sasha gave no reply. She didn't want to talk about that woman. Not tonight, not ever.

"She mind-fucked him for years. Thought she could get away with it. If he hadn't believed her bullshit and taken her back, none of that shit would have happened. With the baby and all that. That was the one thing she was truthful about." Trinity glanced over at Joe, her demeanor motherly as always. Sasha was glad that he had such good friends.

"It's been a while now," Trinity said, her voice soft but still audible over the loud music. "His baby would've been three, maybe four, by now. After everything went down, when she broke him. He descended into a dark place at the time." The younger woman paused, her eyes glazing over with emotion before recollecting herself. "I really hope he fully recovers from what she did. Then again how many people do recover from a betrayal like that, ya know? This is probably the closest he's ever come to healing." She looked at Sasha with a small smile. "Ever since he got with you, things have been on the up."

Sasha smiled back, knowing it was the Diva's little way of thanking her. Looking in Joe's direction, her smile regressed to an irritated frown. Did they have to be so close to him? She could smell their desperation from where she sat. And to think Joe was worrying about other men ogling her. How was she supposed to feel when women blatantly pawed him?

Trinity followed her gaze and rolled her eyes. "Pay them no mind, babe. You're the one he comes home to."

Good point. Glancing back his way, her heart skipped a beat when their eyes met, and she remembered the lollipop she'd been sucking on absently. Feeling mischievous, her actions transitioned to a much less innocent affair, swirling her tongue over the round, red candy before putting it in her mouth. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she held Joe's gaze, sucking slowly, provocatively, reminding him of what was in store for him tonight.

Joe couldn't take his eyes off her. He shifted in his seat, his breathing a little heavier as he imagined that sexy mouth of hers on him. His pants suddenly felt tighter. Fucking hell.

"You alright, man?" Jonny cut into his near-erotic thoughts, startling Joe. He cleared his throat and waved Jonny away before casting another glance at Sasha. She wasn't looking his way anymore, but the sly smile on her face remained. Tease.

As the night progressed, more people joined in the party. Sasha got up to give herself some space. She hadn't gone far when she felt a familiar pair of hands take her hips from behind.

"Wanna get out of here?" she heard Joe's deep voice in her ear, and tremors in her heart nearly went into overdrive.

"Won't it look suspicious if we both disappear?" she asked.

"Maybe, but who gives a shit?"

Laughing, she took his hand. "Let's go."

The moment she got inside their room, she kicked off her heels, tossing them in a corner somewhere. She opened up her suitcase and rummaged through it. "I got something for you, baby," she said, withdrawing a wrapped gift and handing it to him. "Happy anniversary."

Staring at the small box curiously, he unwrapped it, and Sasha watched his face light up. Inside the box was a black leather strap Fossil wristwatch with a round black face. It was big and looked badass, just the way he liked his watches. On the back was an inscription;

Leati – My love is yours until the end of time – Sasha

Well damn. He looked up at his beautiful girlfriend and smiled brightly. "I love it. Thank you, baby." He leaned over and kissed her softly, then pulled her close, sticking his fingers through the crisscrosses of her dress. "You 'bout to gimme a heart attack in this damn dress," he murmured, gazing hungrily at her. "Take it off."

Grinning, she turned around for him. "I'll let you do the honors, baby. Wanna go in the hot tub?"

"Sure." He carefully undid the knot at the bottom of the dress and unraveled the garment, his breath catching as he drank in her nude frame. "Fuck, you're beautiful."

"So are you, big boy," she smiled. "I need the bathroom. I'll meet you in the tub?"

Joe agreed and stepped out into the foyer, walking towards the hot tub and pressing the button for the jets. He stripped completely naked and lowered himself into the churning warm water. Once seated, he exhaled hard, leaning back and closing his eyes. At the sound of loud splashing a few minutes later, he opened them again in time to see his girl descend into the tub holding the bowl of chocolate and strawberries, her hair piled high on top of her head. "What the hell'd you put a bikini on for? I wanted you naked too," he protested.

Sasha shrugged, blushing. "I thought it would be sexy," she defended, biting her lip as she waded towards him. She held up a strawberry. "Want one?" She took a slow, sensuous bite before feeding the rest of it to him. She took another piece of fruit and repeated the action, and neither took their eyes off the other as they savored the dessert. Without a word, he closed in, taking her lips for himself. The chocolate and fruit complemented her taste perfectly. The gentle touch of mouths was followed by longer kisses, each one less chaste than the last. Blindly putting the fruit away, Joe drew Sasha to him, his hands gripping her ass while hers moved over his stomach, stroking the callous, hard surface.

"I've never been a big fan of my abs," he explained between kisses. "I guess I'm not destined for a Colby Lopez-type six-pack."

"You don't need 'em. I like your abs just the way they are," she replied. She'd noticed he'd become self-conscious about his abdominal area since his surgery. She didn't understand why, but she had no problem showing him she liked him exactly how he was. She broke their kiss to admire him. "You are so sexy."

"Thanks for the ego boost, nani." He kissed her chin. "I kinda wish I did a little more to make tonight more special, since this is our first anniversary."

She gaped at him like he'd grown a second head. "Are you kidding me? Baby, this is more than enough. You're working. I'm surprised you even had time to set this up." She pecked his lips. "Besides, there's the second anniversary to look forward to, right?"

"Yes there is. I can't believe it's been a year already. It's gone by so fast. Every day I wonder how I existed without you in my life." He looked into her eyes. "You've changed me for the better in so many ways, baby girl. You're my heart, my soul and I need you. I can't live without you."

"And you won't have to, 'cause I'm not going anywhere," she whispered, her arms winding around his neck as her forehead rested against his own. "I'm so in love with you. I love how good you are to me, to my kids. I'm so happy I met you and took this crazy chance to be with you, and now, I don't want to live without you either."

Her gaze was intense, sincere and full of love. Overcome, he kissed her with a hunger he had never felt before. Sasha's sigh of pleasure morphed into a moan as he began to mold her breasts, his lips making their way down her neck. She felt his hand snake behind her, fumbling with her bikini top until it came loose, and she watched the flimsy garment float away before he brought her attention back to him with another kiss. She gasped as he lifted her higher, tearing away her bikini bottom while flicking his tongue against her right nipple, then sucking it between his lips. He paid the same attention to the left nipple, and feeling his dick stir and harden against her, she moaned softly. She was wet, and it wasn't just because of the warm water. Their mouths met again and their embrace became more passionate. She leaned into him, loving the feel of his hard muscles pressed against her body.

"It's our anniversary, baby. What do you want right now?" Joe asked, squeezing her bare backside.

Sasha dragged her palms down his broad, taut back, gliding over his wet skin. "Well, I definitely want you to fuck me," she told him with a kiss, "But first, let make you feel good, Daddy," she whispered, giving him a sly wink when his eyes brightened at the new nickname. "Take a seat on the tub for me."

He'd gladly stand on his head if she kept calling him Daddy. He lifted himself out of the tub and sat on the edge. She remained kneeling in the water, at eye level with his impressive, very hard dick.

"You gonna suck Daddy like you did that lollipop?" Joe asked, his grey irises dark as he tangled his fingers in her hair.

She smiled, "Better than that." She wrapped her hand around his length, moving it up and down and looking up at him. Seeing the pleasure on his beautiful face empowered her. She leaned in to lick around the rim of his head, then put him in her mouth, her head gradually bobbing up and down as she worked him.

"Yeah. Suck my dick, nani," he rasped, clutching her hair a little tighter. He'd gotten good head in the past before but none compared to how Sasha gave it to him. She always seemed to know how he liked it, and whenever he guided her, she went along without any complaints or fussing like other women did. She was a goddess with a perfect mouth, doing things to him that made him see stars. He forced himself to hold on, wanting to savor her lips on him for a little longer.

She watched him watch her, smiling triumphantly when he gasped and his head rolled back as she increased her suctions. The hard smoothness of him pleased her, the desperate moan he gave when she took him deep thrilled her, and the curses that flew out of his mouth when she raked her fingernails across his testicles made her smile. She continued the torment, reveling in making her man crazy. Sometimes it was difficult for couples to maintain the excitement in their sex life. But when you had a partner that looked like Joe Anoa'i, had his sexual appetite and wasn't home often, it was imperative to pull out as many stops as possible. Sasha took that little lesson to heart and tried to apply it as often as she could.

"That's enough," Joe said when he couldn't take anymore, pulling her off him roughly. Sasha started to smile until she saw the look on his face – pure lust glittering in his beautiful grey eyes, his upper lip curled in a dangerous sneer, looking very much like the juggernaut that destroyed opponents in the ring. That look always had her screaming his name and that of several deities and speaking in tongues, and she hoped tonight would be no different.

"Hold on to me," he told her. He wrapped one arm around her body and hoisted himself to his feet. They kissed furiously heading back inside the suite, and together they fell onto the middle of the soft expanse of the bed. Still kissing him, Sasha fluidly rolled them over so she was on top. "I noticed all those girls at the party, wanting you, begging for your attention," she whispered. "I don't blame them. You're a living, breathing, walking sex machine. They can look all they want, but they ain't never touchin' you." She tugged his succulent lower lip with her teeth, and the moan she received from him was great feedback. "You're mine. Do I make myself clear?"

Her domineering tone was so sexy. She was learning well. He was surprised he didn't come right there underneath her. "Crystal," he agreed, putting his hands on her waist. "Now, turn around and lay on top of me, sweetheart. I want you to look in the mirror as I make love to you."

Sasha bit her lip apprehensively. "This is new."

"I know, baby, but I want you to trust me. Do you trust me, Sash?"

Her eyes grew soft at the question. "Of course."

"Good. I'll make it worth your while. Come here. Let Daddy make you feel good too."

He lay on his back, then guided her on top of his body with her back against his chest. Once settled, he began to massage her breasts, meeting her gaze in the mirrored ceiling and watching her eyes glaze over instantly at his touch. Keeping eye contact with her, he let his right hand trace the soft curves of her body, slowly making its way down between her legs. She loved his hands, so big and gentle to the touch. He rubbed the outer lips of her vagina, teasing her a little and smiling when she sighed and widened her legs to give him better access. Then, he separated her pussy lips, slowly rubbing his fingers along her clitoris before dipping them inside her. Sasha gasped and squirmed against him. "Mmm, Daddy..."

"Look at that, nani. Watch my fingers go in and out of your pussy." When she did so, and then moaned in response, Joe smiled, his long fingers still exploring her. "You like that, baby? Are you turned on watching Daddy play with his pussy?"

"Uh-huh," Sasha breathed, whimpering as she slowly began rolling her pelvis against his hand. Joe groaned softly, feeling her inner muscles clench his fingers, her essence start to seep between the long digits. "Feels like you're ready for me," he remarked. "You want Daddy's dick inside you, baby girl?"

"Yes," she panted, letting out a long moan when his fingers delved deeper. To her credit, she managed to maintain eye contact through the mirror, welcoming the pleasure he was giving her.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, Daddy. Please."

Another groan slipped from his mouth as he gripped his turgid length, guiding it slowly inside her. He lifted his hips, once, twice, establishing a steady rhythm, reveling in her husky groans. "Look at us, baby. Look how fuckin' good we look together," he muttered in her ear, directing her gaze back to the mirror above them. "I love being inside you, baby girl. Two babies and your pussy's still nice and tight," he whispered adoringly. Everything about this woman drove him absolutely insane. He couldn't get enough, didn't want to get enough. He wrapped a gentle hand around her neck and kissed her passionately while grinding upwards into her, slowly sliding in and out of her in deep strokes. "I love the way your pussy squeezes my dick. You make me wanna come so hard inside you."

She absolutely idolized his voice, deep and silky and more than capable of making her come all on its own. A few minutes passed with him thrusting inside her before she decided to take the reins. Pushing away from him, she leaned forwards on the balls of her feet in a squatting position. Bracing her hands in front of her on the bed, she began riding him, pumping up and down on his hard length. Behind her she heard his approving groan, felt his large hands close over her hips.

"Fuck yeah, pop that ass for Daddy. Bounce that big ass on my dick." He grabbed handfuls of her soft ass and squeezed, and Sasha moved faster on top of him, gasping for breath as she felt him in the pit of her belly. "Fuck!" she groaned, grabbing her own ass cheek and spreading it open, "Damn, Daddy, you so deep in my pussy baby."

He was, and fuck it felt so damn good. Joe let her have her way with him, allowed his body to take what she was dishing out, to get lost in the feel of her moist heat and her round, bounteous backside slapping against his pelvis as she rode him hard. "Lean back and look up in the mirror," he instructed. "Watch yourself fuck me."

She did as he asked, planting her arms behind her, angling her body so that he could watch too. As she resumed her rhythm she looked up, and a fresh wave of heat soared through her instantly. She'd never seen herself have sex before. Watching herself make love to him had to be the hottest thing she'd done to date and that was saying something, because in the year they'd been together, Joe had taken her to erogenous heights that she never dreamed of. His hands moved up and down the curves of her body, his palms warm against her dark skin. Whatever water that had clung to their skin from the hot tub had long been dried off by their heat of their bodies. Spreading her legs wider, she grinded her hips slowly, letting Joe feel her slick flesh gliding over his. His shout echoed around the suite, and she loved the reaction she was getting from him. "You like that, Daddy?" she asked him, "Does my pussy feel good?"

"It feels great, baby girl. You look fuckin' amazing in the mirror," he panted, keeping a possessive grip on her rotating hips. "Grain on that wood, baby. Grind that pussy on my dick," he growled. When she took him deep inside her and then deliberately clenched her inner muscles, he groaned and squeezed her hips. "Aww, Sash! Fuck!"

Sasha was in full control now, rocking her hips harder. She cut her gaze back to their reflection. His gorgeous face showed his pleasure, his eyes glazed, alternating between panting and licking his lips. She groaned satisfactorily as he tugged at her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers. His hips rose off the bed to drive into her, over and over, meeting her thrust for thrust. The feeling of him moving inside her was making her brain fuzzy. Wanting to look right into his eyes as he came, she changed positions so that she was facing him. Joe drew in a sharp breath as she descended on his dick, watching the hard length disappear inside her. Ensuring she'd taken him all in, Sasha leaned down to press her body against his own, feeling his hands instantly grab her ass, and wrapping her arms around his head, she began to ride him once more.

"Watch my ass in the mirror Daddy," she breathed in his ear, "Watch me ride the shit outta your big dick."

The sight of her ample backside bouncing and rolling, her lips brushing his scruffy beard while she fucked him, was near orgasmic. He could feel his dick buried in her depths, her pussy gripping every inch of him, her hot heavy breathing on his cheek, causing pleasure to course through his veins like an addictive drug. He fought against the overwhelming need to come, but it was near impossible as she continued to ride and grind him relentlessly, her body writhing like a snake as she kept him pinned underneath her. Thrusting upwards, he pulled her hips down, spreading her ass cheeks so he could piston deeper inside her wetness. Her face was buried in his neck, her moans vibrating against his skin, her walls damn near decapitating him as he fucked her desperately. It was a valiant effort to hold on, but when she started licking his neck, he lost it. He simply couldn't; the pleasure was too much.

"Fuck!" He barely pulled out of her in time, and he roared in triumph as his orgasm ripped through his body, shattering like shards of glass inside him. He pumped his dick rabidly and unloaded thick milky spurts all over her backside. Still on top of him, Sasha purred at the feel of his warm release trickling down the curves of her ass cheeks, and she rubbed her ass against his length in encouragement, coaxing out every last drop of his seed. Joe felt light-headed, from his toes up his spine and inside his brain, every part of him shaking and sweaty and utterly spent. "Shit, nani," he groaned, barely aware of her soft lips still on his neck, caressing his skin in their post-coital embrace. "Have I told you how much I love you?"

"A few times," she chuckled, brushing his sweat-dampened hair out of his eyes. He sighed contentedly, then peered at her. "Fuck, I'm sorry. You haven't come yet."

"It's okay," she started to say, and gasped when his hand slipped between her thighs, his fingers rubbing her slick folds before sinking inside her heat. It was not his style to leave a woman hanging, let alone his own. He prided himself on always being thorough.

Sasha moaned loudly as his fingers thrust in rapid motions inside her, going rigid with white-hot pleasure. His free hand caressed her breast while his lips tugged her nipple, sucking and stroking her towards her climax. Sasha groaned as her body finally spasmed, crying out his name as she let loose all over his fingers. An eternity seemed to pass before her body calmed, and she melted in his arms, struggling to regain her bearings. "Wow."

"Wow is right." Pulling his fingers out of her, he sucked them into his mouth. "Mmm, delicious, like always," he commented, smirking at the way her eyes darkened. When he was done, he pulled her in for a kiss, and her moan told him she also liked the way she tasted. He broke the kiss and massaged the back of her neck. "You alright?"

"Mm-hmm." She pressed another kiss to his lips. "It's been an amazing week, baby, and I have you to thank for it."

Joe smiled softly and stroked her hair. "There's a lot I have to thank you for, nani. I love you. You're the best thing that's happened to me in a very long time."

She brushed her thumb across his cheek as tears sprang to her eyes. "Oh, Joe," she murmured happily, sealing his lips in yet another kiss, grateful to have this sweet, sexy, amazing man in her life. She truly hoped it could always be this good between them.



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