Book Buddies


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She and he were friends. But more-so, they were book buddies. But they both knew they could be something more... More

Prologue: 1 - Peace.
2 - Curiosity.
3 - Suppressed.
4 - Slight (Major) Fractures.
5 - Rooftop.
6- (1) - Pre-Outing
7 - (2) - Controlled (Outing).
8 - (3) - An (Answer).
9 - (4) - Different [Responses].
10 - (5) - Oddities in [Feeling].
11 - (6) - That Day: Calm.
12 - (7) - That Day: Collapse.
13 - Say it.
14 - Sleep.
16 - Waking Up.

15 - Friends [and Chances.]

1.2K 38 21

These comes a-time in everyones life where chances appear. 

However chance is an odd thing, when there's a chance for something to happen - one would usually take it.

But in some occasions, be it turning on a stove or eating a piece of bread, there is always a chance for something bad to happen; even if the chance of it actually happening is minor.

Those chances, those 0.001% chances are the thing which lead us to either ignorance or caution, it brings us to be more careful of what we do.

Caution to that 0.001% is a good and bad thing, as the more cautious you are the more you're likely to prevent it from happening.

There's always a chance, however, where that caution may lead to the opposite, and your fears of the worst happening may indeed happen.

Why am I explaining this, one may ask?

"Hey Kiyopon! Are you showing us her today?"

Well it's because Haruka has found out that I have a girlfriend.

Which was the absolute worst possible of scenario that I could have ever imagined.

When me and Hiyori started dating, I had deliberately tried to hide it from her specifically because of how interrogative and discussive she can get about me - which then spreads like a virus to the group-chat, then the student population.

So to be as secretive as possible about me and Hiyori's relationship, I tried to schedule our dates on days that no-one would expect to have a date on.

And it worked... for awhile; until Haruka stalked me one day to quote "figure out where I had been running off to."

This lead to her supposedly stalking me for 7 hours straight, and she herself said she was rather surprised I was hanging out with a girl.

What she stated she was more shocked at was the ending of me and Hiyori's date; where I believe we kissed.

This proceeded unto her telling everyone in the group chat that I was dating a supposéd "very-cute girl" (not that she was wrong), and demanding me to allow her to meet her along with the rest of the group.

And that lead to where we are now with me, Akito and Keisei who were both forcefully dragged here; and Haruka with an extremely gloomy and drained Sakura to all go meet Hiyori.

I already told Hiyori that this was happening, and she seemed fine with it even when I mentioned that Haruka can be an extremely proficient tease.

We were all rearing the location where Hiyori was probably was waiting for us, and as we passed the next corner and got to the location where she was.

I saw her, sitting on a bench with her book open and deeply invested in the pages.

Haruka stared at Hiyori and her eyes were glued to her with an extremely desire to approach her right now, while Akito and Keisei generally just didn't care at all and Sakura just got even more depressed when she saw the beauty that was Hiyori.

I told them to wait here at the corner and told them that I'd signal them to come over when needed.

Haruka nodded and giddily went behind the pillar.

And I soon approached her.

Yet even though I was meters away from her, I suddenly saw her peer her head away from her book and look around; until she landed her eyes on me and smiled brightly while standing up and running up towards me.

"Kiyotaka!", she said as she got to me and wrapped her hands around me while I reciprocated her hug by hugging her back.

"Hey, Hiyori", I said to her back.

"So... where are your friends?", she asked.

"Oh, they're coming right no-", I tried replying but was instantly cut off.

"Hey~! Kiyopon's girlfriend!", Haruka came completely ignoring that I was going to signal for her to come deciding to just come early.

This caused Hiyori to quickly detach herself from me and glance at the source of the noise and the posse behind her. 

"Haruka... Didn't I say that I was going to give you a signal for when you're supposed to come?", I told her clearly annoyed that she didn't follow my plan at all.

"Hey, I couldn't just wait! You finally got a girlfriend Kiyopon! And an extremely cute one at that!", she stated causing Hiyori to blush and for me to simply sigh.

"So, How did you guys meet? Who confessed first, what's your name?", she continued asking an absolute barrage of questions while approaching Hiyori who was blushing and had trouble with answering them.

"We-well, I-I mean... eh-eh..", Hiyori said trying to say anything.

She looks cute here, but I should probably help her by just answering them all quickly.

I then began to explain exactly how we met in intricate detail to keep Haruka's attention for long enough so that Hiyori could calm down, and who confessed first; which I just decided to caulk up that I was the one who did it.

It seemed to have worked, as Haruka looked quite satisfied while Keisei and Akito continued to look like they want to die while Sakura drowned in the wallows of despair. 

Well, was satisfied for a millisecond, if you could call it that.

"Wow, Kiyopon.... I didn't know that you could be so bold.... perhaps you're as bold to have taken it that far?", she said vaguely not specifying what "that far" was.

But me and Hiyori both knew in one second what she meant. 

When that question came around, Hiyori once again went back to blushing even harder than before.

I thought for a second.

Should I answer Haruka truthfully, or should I lie?

If I lie to her she for sure will continue asking questions, but if I answer truthfully she is sure to be embarrassed and we'll finally get going off to what we were supposed to be doing this afternoon - actually doing something other than this.

In the end, I decided to tell her the truth.

"...Yes, we have."

As those words left my mouth, I noticed her face go from one of teasing to realization.

And then completely red.

"You... you have? Oh-oh well... hmm... uh... What can I say...Congrats Kiyopon... um..."

Indeed, I had done it with Hiyori a few weeks back when the dorms had a power-outage.

It was an oddly perfect time as well, as we were both in my room as she was sleeping over for the night.

In the end she didn't really get any sleep but she enjoyed her time, saying afterwards that she wouldn't want anyone else but me taking her you know.

Considering we had been dating for months now and it was the beginning of our next year, we both took the chance and cemented that day into our minds.

But again, that only had a chance of happening, and that day may have never happened if it weren't for all those events conjuring at the perfect times.

If a power-outage didn't happen, if Hiyori wasn't in my room, and if we hadn't been dating for nearly 8 months; I bet none of those events who have ever concurred.

When we had a chance that may never happen again to have you know, we took it.

Thus is the miracle and curses of chances.

They can lead to positives and negatives, but when they appear it can make one feel fear or in joy; it just depends on situation.

Back to the present, Haruka is clearly embarrassed by my response while the rest of the group seems to lack joy from anything going on; except Sakura who has completely sunk into the floor after my last comment.

"We-well, uh-uh let's go! Rig-right?!", she said trying to compose herself while Hiyori turned so red I had to come over to her and hold her head against my me so she wouldn't be seen by anyone else.

She gave me a rather violent hug in response, and I have no idea why she was clutching me so hard.

"Haruka... can we go back?", said Akito in the most monotone voice he could muster.

"No chance you're both leaving on such a special occasion! Aren't you both even a-bit excited at Kiyopon finally getting a girlfriend?", Haruka said pointing towards both Akito and Keisei.

"Look, it's great that Kiyotaka got a girlfriend, also", he stopped talking than looked me and Hiyori hugging each other, "congrats Kiyotaka."

"But I've got something to do (he didn't have anything to do), and I think Keisei would rather study then be here", Akito explained.

Haruka pondered these reasons for leaving, until she came up with an absolute verdict.

"Nuh-uh! You're coming with us!"

Well, actually I guess it wasn't pondering - more like thinking for one second than quickly coming up with something to say.

"But didn't I say-"

"Come on! Let's go and have some fun!", Haruka cheered while pumping her fist into the air while Akito groaned loudly and followed along while knowing he couldn't win against her.

The rest of the Ayanokouji Group [reluctantly] followed along with Sakura dragging herself across the floor trying to dispel her gloomy mood, to no avail.

All while Hiyori and I slowly followed behind, dispersing our hug after Akito's comment and holding hands while walking.

"You have some interesting friends, Kiyotaka...", Hiyori suddenly brought up while gazing at Akito's and Haruka's odd antics of arguing whenever we were together.

"Yeah, they're pretty special; but they're good people", I told her.

"I can tell, Hasebe-san seems pretty nice."

"She is, but Haruka can get extremely energetic which leads to...", I said looking back at Akito and Haruka, "that..."

"I can tell, but-but that's not a bad thing at all!", she said trying not to insult Haruka.

"It isn't, probably a positive for her to be honest."

Me and Hiyori then switched topics, going from Haruka to trivial things that were random and had no real meaning.

But it felt nice... it felt good.

Being around my friends and girlfriend, I felt extremely warm.

This feeling, these feelings were new to me.

And I knew that they'd only continue to grow to more I was with Hiyori, for she was the one who first shined the light on these now flowing emotions that have stayed hidden and suppressed by him, by me for so long.

But now that I have them and been exposed to them, now that I've been shown just how truly salient these emotions have become to me.

After being changed into what I am now - I don't want to go back, and Hiyori has done what I once thought impossible.

Hiyori was someone who was my friend, but has changed to someone even more important, who I now consider the most important person I know.

Someone who is my girlfriend. 

My Book Buddy, and the one who I desire to be with; for the rest of my days of freedom.


That's the last chapter for this fanfiction, and I'll be continuing to the next.

But I'm for sure making more fluff for her, kinda like a continuation.

For another fan fiction, however.

Arisu's first chapter is coming out tomorrow... maybe today if I have the time.

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