Make It Right || J.JK

By closetofmaknae

27.5K 655 294

Everybody believes that marriage is the happily ever after of every couple. But realistically speaking, is it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 18.5
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 12

972 31 18
By closetofmaknae

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Jungkook's POV

I sighed and sat on Minhoo's bed as I got inside his room. He had his back turned against me as a way of rebellion. Where did I do wrong that they suddenly acted like this? Tell me! I give them the attention they needed, they never lack our attention. I gave them everything they wanted and needed, but only to an extent where they aren't to be spoiled brats. I taught them what's right and what's wrong. Where and what have I missed?

"Minhoo, we need to talk."

"Talk about your disagreement about buying me a VR?" He spat back. I closed my eyes shut controlling this sudden anger that rose in me. How dare he disrespect me?

"That too, but who taught you to disrespect you father, huh? Who taught you to pull out your tounge at whoever you wanna pull your tounge out to?" I immediately went straight to the point.

"No one," he replied bluntly. And now he knows how to lie? Damn, now I know how my parents felt when I was being a brat and when I would lie to them.

"Now you're lying? Nobody taught you how to lie, especially inside this household. This is my house and you follow what I say. You follow the rules I built here," Psyche, I didn't really build us rules. "Who taught you how to disrespect your elders, huh?" He stayed quiet. "Answer me, Jeon Minhoo."

"Dad, I told you. No one," Dad, he sounds so old saying that and I don't like it... Where did my baby boy go? How can he grow up so fast?

"You don't learn something if nobody taught you. Well then, if nobody taught you, then where did you learn that from?" He stayed silent. Great, he knows. "Answer me."

"Jae Yoon," he replied shortly. Jae Yoon? Isn't he the one he mentioned who had a VR?

"You learned it from"

"H-he was showing me his VR, then his parents came and gave him an Xbox, he didn't like what his parents gave him, and he...did what I did just now," he stuttered. I sighed and pushed his shoulder down, now laid on his back, facing me.

"What he does isn't your business. He is mistreating his parents and they are being controlled by him, which is what I don't want you to be and to do," I spoke as calmly as I could, although Minhoo already started to cry from all of this. "I raised you to be a good boy, Minhoo, not some spoiled kid who gets everything he wants and treats his parents lowly like garbage. You are under me and as long as you are still with me and your Mom, you follow our orders. You follow us, not us who'll follow you."

"I-I'm sorry, Daddy..."

"I must teach you a lesson. I don't want this to happen again, not just to us, but I don't want to hear from someone that you treat your friends and classmates like what Jae Yoon does, okay?" He nodded and replied a quiet 'okay' before I continued. "As your punishment and for you to know your limits as our son, you're not getting that VR. One day when you grow up and earn money on your own, you can buy the latest version of this VR thing."

"Okay, Daddy. I understand," I smiled hearing him say 'Daddy' again. Just a small little baby of mine. I caressed his hair to which he started to smile. "I wanna make money on my own one day!"

"I just want you to enjoy your childhood like a normal kid, Minhoo. Just normal toys that everybody can afford, and not some high-tech gadgets that'd drift you away from what's actually fun. Or possibly, they'd drift you away from us."

"No! I don't want to be away from Mommy and Daddy!!" He sat up from his bed and immediately hugged me. I pulled him up to my lap and patted his back to sooth him. I feel bad for yelling at him and scolding him awhile ago, but if this didn't happen soon, everything might be too late already.

"Mommy and Daddy loves you, Minhoo."

"I love you and Mommy too..."


"Now, now, princess. Listen to me. Don't make this any more harder than this," I called, but she still kept on being a witch and throw her plushies around like she's the lead villain in a movie. I can't believe my own daughter has this sick attitude of throwing things around. "JEON MINHAN, ENOUGH!!!" That's it. That was the last straw.

She did stop however, though she continued to stomp and scream around. I get it, people scream and throw a tantrum when they're frustrated, but I don't want Minhan to grow up with this attitude. I want her to be able to control her anger and not to vent it out by throwing things. Damn, she's just four and now she has anger issues?

(A/n: When I was a kid, I have no temper. It is just now that I grew older that I have anger issues and it had gotten worse and worse. I get angry atleast 10 times a day, and not even my parents can knock me out of my anger phase. I'd just sit there alone and read to let it flow out, and if they disturb me, anger 40% rises up to anger 100%, just why do they have to disturb me when my anger almost cooled off?!)

"What's wrong with you? Not only were you being whiny about not getting something, just because your brother planned on getting something doesn't give you the right to disrespect me and throw a tantrum like a brat!" I went on straight to the point. "I don't mean to tell you you should hide this from your mother, but it doesn't give you the right either to speak about adult matters."

I get it, she was there. She saw everything. She didn't like it. She can't help it but tell her mother. But I was about to speak about it to Y/n anyway...or would I??

"You're a meanie!! You don't love Mommy, you love unnie!!" Jesus Christ, when will children be not fooled from what they see? Eyesight is enough evidence to put us in jail, is that it? "And you're a bad Daddy because you don't love me too!"

Aha!! Barbie drama!! I knew it!!

"Who says I don't love you or your Mommy? Who fed you up with these bad words? I would have been never here for you if I don't love you. I wouldn't give you your toys if I don't."

"That!! That!! You didn't get me that Barbie wheels!!" Does she mean roller skates? "And you didn't get me the other toys I wanted!! So you don't love me!!"

"Princess, listen. I didn't get you those roller--- Barbie wheels because you don't know how to skate. I didn't get you the other toys because you already have so much in here, and you should know where your limits stop. You can't get everything you see. You can't get everything you want. If you do, the other children will be sad because Minhan already got the toys and there are no more toys left for them."

"They get sad because they don't get toys?"

"Ofcourse. Just like you. So let's not be selfish and whatever you want the most and whatever you need is enough. Do you understand me, Minhan?" I kneeled infront of her and kneaded her shoulders softly. She looked down and nodded her head. "That's my princess. No more yelling or throwing a tantrum, okay?"

"Okay, Daddy."


Me and Y/n already talked about this upcoming project of mine that night. I tucked the siblings to bed - in their own room - and I went back to our bedroom and had a talk about it. Though we both slept on the same bed that night, I placed a barrier between us, thinking that Y/n might get uncomfortable at the idea of us cuddling like we used to when we're just on talking terms.

The children were still the same. Cute and all, a little fight with us because of their stubborn selves. Me and Y/n once talked about that orphanage that broke down during a bad storm, and Minhan asked what this "help" we were talking about. She found out an orphanage is a house for parentless children and she took out her toys that she didn't need more than anything else and asked me to take it there to give those toys to the children who needed it. When I say she's a princess, she is.

We're 2 months into shooting, and we've already done all of the kissing scenes much to my dismay. I didn't liked it. The first scene took us 3 shoots, unlike during the rehearsals that was just once. Reason why? I haven't kissed Y/n in 6 months during that time and I'm kissing a co-worker. Eww.

The second scene almost gave a heart attack for shooting more than 5 times because some unnecessary noises pop out of nowhere. They sound so intentional.

For the 3rd scene, I was glad it only took 1 shot. The director was absent during that time and I'm at the verge of dying in guilt and worry, the vice director decided that the kiss doesn't have to be perfect, atleast it's there.

Suzy-sunbae and Taehyung have a kissing scene of their own. A movie doesn't take more than a month or a few weeks to shoot, and now everything is settled. The production team just needs to edit everything, and I am not excited to watch the movie.

To say the least, by the way, me and Y/n had gotten better. I did my bestest to show how much of a responsible husband and father I can be. To win your wife's heart over and over again, you just need to be a good husband! Plus points if you're being a good father!!

Reactions from Y/n? She'd blush and get shy every now and then like before. But we're not done yet. I have yet to wow her in so many ways.

By the way, after all the kissing and stuffs, call me dramatic but I immediately bought a lip product at a beauty store. That lip product that bubbles up and removes a layer of dead skin cells on your lips. And damn, my lips felt cleansed and virgin again. That kiss that I didn't liked...vanished!!

Though Y/n did notice how my lips don't look that dry anymore and found that product that I hid cause I love it so much I don't want to share, and now we're fighting over it.

"Give it back!! It's mine!!" I yelled at Y/n who stood on a chair raising her hand up as she looked at the product. She had that applied on her lips right now and it was bubbling up.

"It tickles!" She giggled though her words almost sound incoherent like a toddler who tried to speak for the first time. Baby language.

"Give it back, Y/n!! It's mine!!" I climbed onto the chair beside her and tried to snatch it, but she was fast enough to hop off and run. Oh, I missed playing like a child with her. "Come back!!"

I hopped off from the chair and was about to run after her when our landline rang. The telephone, if you will. I decided to catch Y/n later and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked, and frowned when I heard alot of noises at the background.

"Jungkook-ah!! Come to your apartment. Quick!!" I heard my mom at the other side of the call. My frown deepened as I don't know why she would tell me to go back to that apartment. I completely forgot that I even have an apartment. This house with Y/n and our children felt home and I know I belong here, and with just that the apartment I had was just at the back of my mind.

"What's wrong, mom?" I asked back. Alot of people screaming and running in the background, but since we're just talking through the phone, I cannot decipher what any of the people were yelling about.

"A neighboring apartment was caught on fire and your apartment is just 2 apartments away!! It already engulfed six apartments, you need to come here now!!" I froze, processing everything my mom had said. The apartments are mostly rest houses of other celebrities like me. Whose house was caught on fire and how did it happen?!

"Okay, I'm on my way, there---"

"Hurry!! Me and your dad are already packing as much as we can!!" I have to run there or I'll lose my valuables, important or not!

I ran up the stairs into our bedroom where Y/n was sitting on our bed. Upon seeing me, her cheeky smile came back and stood on the mattress, raising her hand up, the product still in her clasp. "You didn't catch me~~ I won!!" What a childish wife I have here...

I snapped out of my thoughts and ran to the closet, throwing on a black sweatpants as I was only in my boxers, changed my shirt and got a jacket, running out of the room in a hurry.

"Where are you running off to?" Y/n asked in concern before I could run out of the door. "Is something wrong?"

I nodded and replied, "An apartment was caught on fire near mine so I have to run there and help my parents pack."

"I'm coming with you!"

"No, baby. You stay here with our children. I'll be back before you know it," I replied immediately and in no time kissed her forehead before I ran out of the house to my apartment that can catch fire soon, and I don't want any single thing of mine burnt into crisps and be eaten by bugs later.

To be continued...

2400 words

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Yes, I also noticed that it's mostly Jungkook's POV. Have you read a fanfiction that has so many POVs of any of the BTS members like mine?

1. Instagram | kookiesangeldemon
2. Youtube | Kookie's AngelDemon

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