Reunion at Sea

By ZoneRobotnik

18.2K 621 400

Shortly after having a nightmare vision about him on an island filled with dark magic, Rapunzel meets the rea... More

Into the Great Tree
Mirror, Mirror
Into the Dark Kingdom
Mad King
Rest and Relaxation
Town Meeting
Rise Up
His Story
A Necessary Change
Old Friend
Something Strange
Talk It Out
Rallying Call
The Return of the King
Back to the Dark


115 3 7
By ZoneRobotnik

Red was missing.

Angry had come up to Rapunzel's room crying in worry because she'd woken up to use the bathroom and found her sister gone from the room, with her boots and hair-ties left behind. Rapunzel, of course, had rallied the Royal Guard – that were still in the Capital and hadn't already gone after The Jester – to look for her.

"Red! Little red-haired girl!" Stan called, holding up a lantern as they walked through the woods.

"Why can't kids just follow simple orders? They always cause trouble when they don't." Pete grumbled.

"Because they're kids, Pete. I don't know about you, but I was a pretty free-spirited child myself." Stan chuckled as he thought of his childhood.

"Yeah, and we see what kind of adult that made you." Pete huffed.

Stan sighed. "Pete..." He shook his head. No, he wasn't going to indulge Pete's bad mood by arguing with him again. "Never mind."

"No, go on, Stan." Pete turned to him. "Why don't you tell me what's on your mind? We're going to have to do it in the morning when they check us all for werewolf marks, anyway!"

"Pete, I know you're mad about the truth serum—"

"Furious." Pete confirmed.

"—but that's no reason for you to take it out on me! No, you know what? I'm tired of this." He clenched his fist on the lantern. "There's only so much ridicule and abuse a guy can take! You've never really respected my opinions when it comes to adding things to my uniform—"

"Because it's not protocol! And a cravat looked terrible on you! Even Maximus agreed!"

"—and you've always told me off for bringing lunch from home for myself instead of sharing it with everyone, when you don't share with everyone yourself—"

"Wha—because you always bring such delicious food!"

"—and I'm always having to clean up after your mess when your loose lips cause trouble!" Stan finished firmly. "And I have been standing by you, defending you when everyone spoke against you, complimenting you even when you make mistakes, but this is going too far! I don't care if you're upset about having to take truth serum – we ALL have to take truth serum! We have shapeshifting MONSTERS out there and we can't take any chances! But you're so fixated on your grudge against a teenager that we – yes, we – hurt by throwing out into a blizzard and then you decided to tell him he was worthless as you slammed the door in his face getting back at you by making you Patient Zero for his truth serum cookies – WHICH WERE MOSTLY HARMLESS – that you're snapping at everyone even when you're no longer on it!"

"What's the point of pretending to be nice?! Everyone's seen my true nature, everyone knows who I really am!" Pete threw his hands up. "If I'm such a burden to you, then fine! Why do you stick around?!"

"Because that's what friends do!" Stan insisted.

"Then, maybe you need a better friend." Pete said coldly, before he turned on his heel and stormed off into the darkness.

"Pete? Pete! They said not to be alone!" He followed him into the darkness, his lantern lighting the wall. "Pete!"

"AHHHHHHH!" Stan felt his heart stop briefly as he heard a scream of agonizing pain.

"PETER!" He ran towards the sound and found a large figure stepping back before it dashed back into the shadows. Lying on the ground, Pete was clutching at his arm and whimpering in pain, blood slipping from under his hand.

"Pete!" He ran over and knelt down next to him. "Oh, geez, hold on!" He took off his bag and pulling out bandages to wrap it up. "Pete, I need you to move your ha—"

"What happened?!"

He looked up to see Princess Juniper and Prince Andrew joining them, along with some others.

"Pete got attacked—"


Andrew and Juniper exchanged concerned looks and then Juniper ran over to lift Pete into her arms. "I'll get him back to the Capital and get this tended. Hopefully the Sundrop's magic can undo any adverse effects."

"'Adverse effects'?!" Pete cried, holding his arm.

"I'm going to contact Varian, tell him we need his help. If the werewolf has chosen a host then, in this form, it'll be drawn to him once he leaves the wards. Hopefully he can calm whoever it is down." Andrew nodded.

"I'll go with her." Stan said as he picked up his bag, and Andrew nodded and pulled out his Communication Mirror as he knelt to check for tracks in the moonlight.

Juniper took off running and Stan followed her, holding up his lantern to light their way. He cast a glance at his longtime friend's pale, sweaty face and felt guilty for ever leaving him alone.

"'Bend it to my will...consume the sunlight's....gleam'?" Clyde squinted at the notes. "No, 'Glow'."

Varian chuckled. "We're getting real close to the end. Sure you don't want me to finish by myself, let you get some sleep?"

"You need to sleep, too. I don't care if you're some Moon God or whatever now." Clyde nudged him.

"You should care." Varian smirked. "I've got powers now."

"Having powers doesn't change the fact that you have basic needs." Clyde raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, it might. I haven't been needing to use the toilet at all." Varian shrugged.

"Wanna bet, as soon as you can control the rocks, you will?" Clyde grinned.

"...Sure, I'll take that bet. What's the wager?" Varian smirked up at him.

"Ohhh, now that's a tricky question." He grinned. "I got it. If I'm right, you and I are going to spend an entire day at Gothel's cottage, alone."

"Excuse me?" Hamuel said from where he was watching silently.

"I'll be with a demon hunter, Hamuel. I'll be fine." Varian assured him.

"Hmph. We'll see what the Brotherhood feel about that." Hamuel crossed his arms over his chest.

Varian chuckled and looked up at Clyde. "And if I win, you gotta take truth serum for a whole day, and be with me the entire time."

"Ohhh, risky." Clyde grinned. "There may be truths in this here head you aren't ready for, pipsqueak."

Varian chuckled. "I dunno about that, can't be much worse than—"

He was interrupted by his Communication Mirror starting to glow and he tapped it twice. "Yeah?"

"Varian, we need you to step outside." Andrew told him. "The werewolf has chosen a host, and I have a theory that, once you leave the protective wards, it'll go right for you. And you should be able to calm it."

Varian frowned. "Hold on." He closed his eyes. 'Moon, can you confirm if that plan will work?'

It is as the Saporian says. Do take care, though, dear one.

He nodded. "Alright." He stood up. "The Moon agrees with you. I'll go outside and wait for the werewolf to come to me."

"Keep your guards close. I'm on my way with the Royal Guard." Andrew assured him.

Varian got up and sighed, heading outside with Clyde and Hamuel following him. Adira and Hector were already outside, of course, and they quickly moved towards him as he stepped out.

"Varian, what are you doing?" Hector hissed.

"The werewolf is coming. I need to calm it down." Varian said, nodding firmly. "It's my duty as the Moon."

Hector hesitated, looked at his sister, then nodded and stepped back to allow him to walk outside.

Varian sighed and then reached out a hand, closing his eyes. 'Come to me.' He thought. 'Come to me. Come to me from the woods, to where the moonlight shines unobstructed. Come to me where the moon's power lies.'

He felt it before he saw it. The large figure dashed from the woods towards him and he walked out further towards it before they met in the damaged town square. The werewolf stared down at him before it slowly lowered itself into a bow. He smiled and gently placed his hands on their head, focusing. "It's alright..." he whispered, "it's alright. Show me who you are. Shift back. Don't be scared."

The werewolf's red eyes widened and then it drew away a bit before moving forward and nuzzling him affectionately. He stroked their fur gently, humming softly as the werewolf started to shrink smaller and smaller and smaller, the gray fur turning red under his touch as he continued to stroke their—no, her—hair.

"...Red?" He whispered, and she slowly raised her head, her green eyes shaking. He smiled and gently stroked the blue mark on her cheek. "It's okay." He held her closer. "You're okay. Let's get you inside the wards."

He lifted her up and carried her back inside, then tapped the mirror twice after handing her off to Clyde to put to bed. "The werewolf is calm and shifted back. It's Red." Varian told Andrew.

"Good work. We'll head back, then, check on Pete."

"Pete?" Varian frowned.

"Red bit him in her crazed state, he's bleeding pretty badly. Juniper took him back to be healed." Andrew explained.

'Serves him right.' Varian thought. "What about his partner?"

"They were separated briefly, we haven't gotten his story yet. Keep her safe, keep yourself safe, we'll see you in the morning." Andrew smiled.

Varian nodded. "I'm almost done translating the incantation, by the way."

"Good to hear, but don't push yourself. Get some sleep." Andrew reminded him.

Varian sighed heavily. "Yes, yes, I know."

Andrew chuckled. "See you tomorrow."

The mirror went dark and Varian sighed and left his lab.

"What once was mine." Rapunzel sang as her hair finished healing Pete's wound. "There. How do you feel?"

"Like I'm going to be sick, but the pain is gone. I think I'm allergic to wolves." Pete made a face.

"You're fine." Juniper smirked, then looked at Stan. "You okay?"

"I-I'm fine." Stan nodded.

Rapunzel nodded. "Good."

"Stan, what happened?" Captain Solomon asked with a frown.

Stan glanced away. "We...we had a bit of an argument. He was...mad about little Red running off, and ranting about kids not following orders and I said that I used to be a free-spirited child and...well, it kind of evolved from there."

"We fought, I took off, I got hurt, end of story. You don't need to know any details. Can I go now?" Pete snapped, getting up off the bed.

"Pete—" Rapunzel got up.

"I need to lie down, Pri—Your Majesty." Pete said as he left the medical room.

Rapunzel sighed heavily. "Well...did you find Red?"

Juniper pulled out her glowing Communication Mirror and tapped it. "Drew, did you find the werewolf?"

"Yeah, she's with Varian. It's Red." Andrew replied. "We're coming back to the Capital now."

"Oh, good." Rapunzel sighed. "...Why would Red be the werewolf?" She frowned.

"We'll ask her in the morning. For now, she's safe, she's asleep, and we're all tired. How's Pete?" Andrew asked.

"All healed up, no adverse effects." Juniper assured him.

"Aside from being allergic." Stan added.

"Well, keep an eye on him anyway. We'll be back in the Capital soon." Andrew assured her. "Go let Angry know her sister's safe."

"I will." Rapunzel nodded and headed out of the room.

Angry was sitting up in bed when Rapunzel came to find her. "Hey." She smiled.

"Did you find her?" Angry asked anxiously.

Rapunzel nodded. "Angry...she's the werewolf. She's with Varian right now, but we need to know if there's anything she might've told you for her to have become the host of the Wolf's Curse?"

Angry frowned. "I...I don't know. She wasn't earlier..."

"I know, so it must've happened tonight." Rapunzel sighed. "...You know what, we'll talk to her tomorrow. For now, she's safe, and we all need sleep."

Angry nodded. "...Can I sleep with you, Rapunzel?"

Rapunzel gasped and then nodded. "Alright." She opened her arms and Angry climbed into them so she could carry her up to bed. Once in her room, she gently nudged Pascal to the side and put Angry between them before settling down next to them.

"Rapunzel...thank you." Angry said softly. "You've always been so good to us, both of us."

Rapunzel smiled and hugged her. "Of course, I care about you both so much."

"Even though we keep causing you trouble?" Angry asked, looking up at her.

"Oh, Angry..." Rapunzel sighed, "you don't cause us trouble. Don't even think that."


"Hm?" Rapunzel blinked.

"My name is Kiera." She smiled shyly up at her.

"Okay...Kiera." Rapunzel giggled. "It's nice to finally meet you properly."

"Mm." She nodded. "Red can tell you her name when she's ready."

"Okay." Rapunzel smiled and held her closer, then looked up at Pascal, who was smiling sleepily. "Hear that? Her name's Kiera."

"Cool." Pascal gave a sleepy thumbs-up before curling up again. Both girls giggled in response.

"Alright, we're home." Maximus sighed as he walked up to the manor and knocked on the door. The door opened and Adira looked out and then gasped with concern as she saw Ruddiger in his arms.

"What happened?" She asked as they stepped inside.

"He took that mutating serum while in human form, almost killed The Jester." Floyd explained. "He's sealed away, by the way."

"That's some good news." Adira nodded. "We found the werewolf's host, she's sleeping now."

"Good, two less things to worry about." Maximus said as he carried Ruddiger to his bedroom. "He's gonna need new clothes."

"I'm sure Maisie will handle that." Fidella said as she looked around the manor.

"Anything of note?" Floyd asked.

"Well, Red bit one of the Royal Guard before reverting back, so that was...unpleasant." Adira nodded. "Your son and Varian are both asleep, and the scroll is almost completely translated."

"Good news." Floyd nodded. "Well, not about the guard. Is he alright?"

"Last we heard, he was being treated." She shrugged. "We'll find out tomorrow."

Floyd nodded. "Well, then, I'll be heading home. Clyde can keep sleeping, just tell him where I am tomorrow."

She nodded. "Will do." She turned to Maximus, who had rejoined them. "Heading back to Capital?"

"Yes." Maximus nodded. "Good night, Adira."

"Same to you. Have a safe trip back." She nodded, then saw them all out and watched them leave Old Corona.

"Hhh....hhh...nngh..." Pete gasped and groaned as he curled up in the darkness, his body shaking and his breathing heavy. "Nngh....hnngh..." He clutched at the bite wound, which had reappeared but was no longer bleeding. "Nnnghhhh!" He clutched at the sheets, tearing them a bit. "It hurts! It hurts! Feels like I'm burning up!"

Pete lived alone, had for most of his life. He had no wife, no children, no siblings to check in on him. Only a concerned cat that trembled and hid under the couch as he continued to scream in the night.

In a few hours, the screaming subsided as Peter Harrison the Royal Guard finally passed out from exhaustion.

A figure with glowing, green eyes grinned in the corner before vanishing in a burst of green fire, with no sign left behind that they were ever there.

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