Reunion at Sea

By ZoneRobotnik

17.3K 620 395

Shortly after having a nightmare vision about him on an island filled with dark magic, Rapunzel meets the rea... More

Into the Great Tree
Mirror, Mirror
Into the Dark Kingdom
Mad King
Rest and Relaxation
Town Meeting
Rise Up
His Story
A Necessary Change
Old Friend
Something Strange
Talk It Out
Rallying Call
The Return of the King
Back to the Dark


139 8 4
By ZoneRobotnik

Nigel should've known better than to expect to be left alone for too long. He stepped out of his home and stopped short with his heart in his throat as he saw Varian standing outside his door. "Sun Above, don't DO that, boy!" He shuddered and moved to walk past him.

"You're going to bring us to the Bunker." Varian told him calmly, and Nigel stopped short. "Rapunzel is waiting in the war room with a map for you to mark. I suggest you don't waste time." He turned and walked off and Nigel groaned as he followed the infuriatingly-indestructible teenager, glancing nervously at the boy's father, who walked alongside him.

While it was nice to know the man was out of the amber, finding out that he was apparently part of a warrior group from a fallen Kingdom and had secretly been harboring a weapon of mass destruction in the form of his already dangerous son was...not pleasant. But he couldn't do or say anything about his presence in the Kingdom, because the boy's crimes had been completely forgotten because of what the King had been revealed to have done to him.

Nigel still didn't know for sure if it was true or a clever fabrication. Apparently, the boy couldn't remove his armor to show them yet.

They entered the castle and went straight to the war room, where Rapunzel was waiting with the Saporian Prince and Princess - if Nigel had known that that thief was the Prince of Saporia, he would've advised they send him to the bunker right away! - and the rest of the accursed Brotherhood, who Varian swiftly joined so they could create a protective barrier around him - as if he needed it.

"Nigel, you told us under truth serum that you know where the bunker is." Rapunzel told him.

"We want you to take us there." Andrew said calmly.

"And you don't get a choice." Juniper said firmly.

Nigel sighed heavily. He had barely started the day! "...Very well. Is this everyone, then?" He looked around. "Your Lady-and-Waiting and lover aren't coming?"

"They're training with the Royal Guard." Rapunzel assured him.

"I'm coming along." An unfamiliar voice said.

He looked to the side and saw a gray-haired stranger leaning on the table lazily. "'Sup?"

"Who is this?" Nigel asked.

"Oh, this is Ruddiger, once known as Regulus. He's an ex-Disciple of Zhan Tiri and is working with us to stop her people and her return." Rapunzel explained.

"...Ruddiger?" Nigel's brow furrowed. "Wait. Wasn't that your raccoon?"

"Cursed. My old boss was a bi--big jerk." Ruddiger quickly corrected himself when Andrew gave him a sharp look.

"I...see." Nigel sighed. "And when would you like us to set out, Your Hi--Majesty?"

"As soon as you mark on this map," she pushed it towards him, "where the bunker is."

Nigel was handed a quill and sighed, reaching for the inkwell before he moved it over the map. They watched as he scanned it carefully, and then he marked a spot in the mountains. "There." He put the quill back in the inkwell.

"Okay, then." Rapunzel nodded. "Varian, can you memorize it?"

"Already did." Varian said, nodding. "I know that area, too, but I've never seen any kind of bunker there."

"It wouldn't be a secret bunker built in King Herz Der Sonne's time if it was easy to find." Nigel huffed.

"Well, then let's get going." Rapunzel clapped her hands together. "We're going to find the place and see if there are any 'others' still there!"

"And set them free, if there are." Juniper nodded.

"Well, let's not waste time." Adira suggested.

They all headed out to carriages waiting outside and piled in. Nigel couldn't help but feel nervous, traveling in close proximity with the Brotherhood. He had, after all, thrown their precious Moonstone out into a blizzard and proceeded to help spread rumors about him. He was feeling anxious just looking at these people.

Not to mention the little imp himself, who sat next to the Prin--Queen like he belonged there.

"Are you nervous?" Rapunzel asked Varian gently.

"A little." He admitted. "But, I've got all of you with me, and I know I won't be staying. We're going to shut that place down, for good."

Rapunzel nodded firmly with a smile.


The carriages pulled up next to the base of the mountain and Nigel stepped out with a sigh. "Forgive me, my King and all the Kings before." He muttered, then walked over to press his hand against a certain rock, giving it a twist to the left, then the right as he held it down. The ground started to shake as part of the wall opened up and revealed a door in the wall. Then he walked over and knocked on the door before saying "The Sonnes shine over Corona."

The door opened and he looked back at Rapunzel. "You...may want to brace yourself."

"What is it?" Rapunzel asked.

He just motioned for them to all follow him in.


They came out into a wider area and Varian gasped in surprise. "What...what is this?!"

Ruddiger gently took Varian's hand, squeezing it soothingly as they looked around in silent horror and disbelief.

The "bunker" was much more than a small hideaway with a lab like Varian had suspected. It was a city inside a hollow mountain populated by armored guards and people in chains. He felt ill, just imagining this kind of life for himself, and Quirin wrapped an arm around him protectively.

Nigel turned to them, noticing they had all gone silent with shock.

"All this time..." Andrew breathed.

"They've been locking us up and enslaving us in secret." Juniper finished for him, clenching her fists.

"This is creepy." Hector cringed, looking around. Adira nodded, her expression grim.

"Well, I'm putting a stop to this right now!" Rapunzel declared, walking forward. "I want to talk to whoever is in charge of this place!"

"Princess Rapunzel?" A guard asked with surprise, turning to her from the slave he had been talking to.

"It's Queen now." She said venomously. "My father was ousted from the throne and is charged with high treason against the Kingdom, as soon as we find him. He's allied himself with demons. But, that's not what I want to talk about right now! Remove those chains, right now! Remove all the chains, by order of the Royal Family of Corona!"

"Prin--Your Majesty, be reasonable. Why don't you come and talk to the Overseer?" The guard offered.

"I will and, while I talk to him, I want this place shut down. I can't believe there's an entire city of Saporian slaves! This is disgusting! Shut it down and unchain all the slaves!"

"Your Highness?" A voice said, and Varian looked over to see a woman shakily approaching Andrew.

Andrew's eyes widened. "Eva?" He moved towards her. "Eva, you're alive? But, you came with our father--"

"Your father lives." She smiled shakily. "But, I do not know where he is kept, only that he brought out to force us to comply, to quell rebellion."

Andrew and Juniper looked at each other with relief. "He's alive!" Juniper cried happily, then hugged Andrew. "He's alive!"

Rapunzel turned to the guard. "We're going to talk to the Overseer. Now."

The guard gestured for her to follow and walked off. Rapunzel walked after him and Andrew and Juniper hung back for a bit to talk to Eva before they followed behind.


The Overseer was a pompous-looking man in a fancy office. He was fiddling with something on his desk when they walked in and it broke in his surprise as he quickly got up. "P-P-P-Princess Rapunzel?!"

"It's 'Queen'." Varian said coldly.

The Overseer's gaze shifted to look at Varian. " were supposed to be coming here..."

Varian gasped with mock-joy. "Aw, you already got a room for me and everything? Forget it, this place is getting shut down." He finished with a cold tone.

"I can't believe that this Kingdom that claims to be full of life and joy and love is hiding such a terrible secret! Well, I'm done letting my forebear's secrets run wild!" Rapunzel slammed her hands on the desk, knocking something off it with the impact. "Shut it down and let everyone go! NOW!"

"B-But, Your Majes--"

"NOW!" Rapunzel grabbed her frying pan and held it aggressively.

The Overseer paled and turned to the guard. "You heard her! Tell everyone to unchain the slaves and let them go!"

"Where is my father?" Andrew demanded, walking forward.

The Overseer squinted at him. "...Wait, Prin--Queen Rapunzel, is all this because you have become the lover of the Saporian Prince?!"

"NO! I'm dating someone ELSE, we're just FRIENDS!" Rapunzel said with disbelief. "And 'all this' is because I had my eyes opened to the horrors that my father had been trying to hide from me - from everyone for YEARS! And I'm stopping all of it! So bring out their father, set everyone free! No more chains, no more whips, I am ABOLISHING slavery!"

"Technically, it was already abolished." Nigel muttered.

"Well, apparently not!" Rapunzel gestured to a window in the wall that looked out on the city. But, as of today, it WILL be. Now, is there anything ELSE my father has been hiding from me?!"

"N-No, Your Majesty." The Overseer said meekly, then got up and went to a door at the back of his office.

"Out of morbid curiosity, can I see my room?" Varian asked.

"Y-Yes, after this." The Overseer unlocked the three bolts on the door and opened it before he went inside.

They followed him in and found themselves in a bedchamber. There was a man lying on the bed, chain keeping him in place. The Overseer unlocked the chains and then stepped back, letting Andrew and Juniper run to his side.

"Andrew...Juniper?" He breathed, looking in awe at his unchained hands and then pulling them close to him. "You've both grown up so big..."

"Dad!" Juniper cried in relief. "Dad, you're alive!"

"Thank the Sun." Andrew laughed a bit. "I am not ready to be King yet."

Juniper shoved him lightly and he shoved her back with a smirk.

Rapunzel smiled and walked over to him. "King...uhm...I just realized I don't know your name." Rapunzel blushed. "My name is Rapunzel. I'm the new Queen. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Crawford, my dear. Crawford Sapor. And, is so good that you found your way home." He smiled. "And you're already making wonderful things happen." He slowly got up with his children helping him. "Oh, thank you, my children."

"Let's get everyone out of here." Juniper pulled out her Communication Mirror and tapped it. "Clementine!"

The mirror glowed. "Yes, Juniper?"

"We're going to need the airship brought over." Juniper smiled at her father. "We have a lot of our people to bring home."

Varian turned to the Overseer. "Can I see my room, now?"

"Y-Yes, of course." The Overseer nodded, eyeing the Brotherhood nervously.

Rapunzel walked over to them. "I'm going, too."

Nigel sighed. "I will...assist in the freeing of the enslaved Saporians."

"Thank you." Rapunzel nodded and then walked out with Varian, Ruddiger and the Brotherhood, leaving the Saporians with Nigel.


Varian's room was actually nicer than King Crawford's. There was a bedroom with a desk, bed, table and chair. There were chains at the bed just like the other room, but also a nicer, more comfortable bed and a pet bed for, they suspected, Ruddiger. There was a door at the back and inside they found a lab all set up for him to easily get to and from the lab and room. Another side room had a shower and chamberpot and a wardrobe full of clothes just like the slaves were wearing in his size. There was also another chair for visitors - or a visitor - sitting at the table and a nice little food storage area.

It looked like, unlike the others, Varian wasn't intended to ever leave the room and just live out his life in here, with the King visiting to give him orders. The thought sent shivers down his spine and he couldn't help but think of Pete's initial assumption about Frederic's intentions when he'd told him he wanted to enslave him.

How long did he intend to lock him up down here? Did he have such intentions for him? Would he be allowed to visit anyone else, or would he just remain locked up, forever, the secret brilliant alchemist of Old Corona?

'I wonder if this is what Lucas was referring to when he came up with the whole "secret treasure" story.' Varian thought with a cringe.

"Well..." Quirin cleared his throat. "I think we've seen enough. don't you?"

"...Yeah." Varian nodded, turning to go.

"Varian...are you okay?" Rapunzel asked.

"Well, since I'm not living here, yeah!" Varian nodded. "Honestly, though, I'm seriously creeped out. This is what he was offering me all those times? So glad I refused. Yikes." He walked out.

Rapunzel nodded. "I'm ready to close this door for good."

"Me too." Ruddiger nodded.


They left the room and went out to rejoin the others with helping free the slaves and help them walk up the ramp of the airship. When they were all onboard, King Crawford turned to Rapunzel. "Thank you." He smiled. "Thanks to you, my people may finally return to our ancestral home. And, of course, we will help you with your Disciple problem."

"We told him." Juniper explained with a grin.

"Your Majesty, may I ask that you come back to Corona Castle with us?" Rapunzel asked, gesturing to the carriages. "We can begin mapping out where to rebuild Saporia."

"Ohoho, you are already eager to start on the next task! Take some time to relax though, my dear. You have done a great thing today." He gently placed his hand on her shoulder. "I intend to return home and be with my people, but I will return in due time after I have recovered from...this place." He looked at it, then looked at Varian. "You were quite fortunate to have not been brought here."

Varian nodded. "Definitely. And, thanks to Queen Rapunzel, no one will ever be brought here again!" He paused. "Though, remove the chains and it might be good for a hideaway if needed. You know, evacuating and all that."

"It's a thought." Rapunzel nodded. "For now, King Crawford is right. We should relax." She smiled and hugged the old King. "I'm so glad that I was able to save you."

"Thank you." Juniper smiled at her.

Andrew nodded. "We're going to go back with our father, but we'll be back tomorrow." He promised.

"Alright, take care going home!" Rapunzel smiled. "And, when you get back, we'll start figuring out where your 'home' is here!"

"You don't need them for that." Ruddiger reminded her. "I can tell you where Saporia once stood."

"Ah, yes, seeing as you helped tear it down." Juniper smirked.

"Consider this my making amends." Ruddiger smiled.

"Let's return to Corona Capital." Rapunzel nodded, turning to face the guards, Overseer and Nigel. "All of us. I'm going to need you guards joining the battle forces, we have a lot of trouble to deal with."

"That's for sure." Ruddiger nodded. "I can sense many of my brother and sisters here in Corona. The witch-hunters may as well put their compass away, because it's not going to work."

"You can sense them? Can you find out who all we're dealing with?" Rapunzel asked.

"I might have to figure out who we're not dealing with, first." Ruddiger chuckled a bit. "Can you take me to the Demanitus Chamber?"

"Tomorrow." Quirin said, before Rapunzel could reply. "Let's take some time to relax, remember?"

"So he says." Varian shrugged with a grin.


"Aw, man! We missed out on something awesome?" Eugene asked when they were later told about the bunker.

"You must've been pretty impressive, bossing them around." Cassandra chuckled at Rapunzel.

"Oh, definitely." Eugene nodded. "Which is why I'm sorry I missed it!"

"Well, you had work to do here!" Rapunzel giggled. "How are the men looking, Captain?" She turned to him.

"Well, they aren't accustomed to the new magical weapons Clementine and Xavier made them, but they'll get used to it." The Captain shrugged.

"My sword was on fire, Raps! On. Fire!" Cassandra said excitedly.

"Sorry I missed it!" Rapunzel giggled.

"Well, I can show you later." Cassandra grinned.

"So, the King of Saporia has returned to his people." Xavier walked up to them with a smile. "Truly, your Majesty, you are a miracle-worker."

Rapunzel blushed. "I didn't do it alone. I couldn't have done it without my friends backing me up!" She hugged Varian and smiled at all of them.

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