Reunion at Sea

By ZoneRobotnik

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Shortly after having a nightmare vision about him on an island filled with dark magic, Rapunzel meets the rea... More

Into the Great Tree
Mirror, Mirror
Into the Dark Kingdom
Mad King
Rest and Relaxation
Town Meeting
His Story
A Necessary Change
Old Friend
Something Strange
Talk It Out
Rallying Call
The Return of the King
Back to the Dark

Rise Up

143 8 4
By ZoneRobotnik

Lucas' sabotaging their propaganda told them that they couldn't wait much longer to make a move. "If we risk getting the word out again, a lot of innocent people could get hurt when he manipulates their protest into a riot again." Varian said grimly as he drew on a scroll. "Now they're expecting a frontal attack."

"So, what do we do?" Hector asked.

Varian got up and walked over to a table and set down a scroll he'd been drawing on, unrolling it to reveal a map of the Herz Der Sonne tunnels. "We go in from below." He looked up at Rapunzel as she came up next to him. "There are exits from the tunnels all over the castle, not just the vault. We already used the vault before a year ago, so they'll know about that one. So, we'll be sending people to the exits here, here, and here." He pointed to spots on the map as they crowded closer. "Those will come out in the kitchen, the stables and this one is out by the servants' door. Finally, there's this one right here." He pointed to another exit. "This one will come out in the throne room, right behind the King's throne. Key figures should go through this one to catch the King off-guard. He will probably send Queen Arianna away for her safety, but the only ones we want is him are Nigel. Once we take them down, the Castle is ours and Rapunzel can take the throne."

"What if we run into ol' creepy eyes?" Lance asked.

"If Lucas shows up, Clyde and his father will take care of him. That's why they're in here in Corona, after all. Mr. Miller, did you find Tromus yet?"

"No, wherever he is, his aura is masked or else he's in the castle with Lucas." Floyd shook his head.

"Well, we'll handle them if they show up. Let's decide who is going to be going to the throne room. Xavier, release the signal for everyone to gather here. We'll set out through the tunnels as soon as everyone is ready. Can you make sure everyone is armed?" Rapunzel turned to the blacksmith.

"I have weapons and armor already prepared." Xavier assured her.

"Good. Send the signal." Rapunzel nodded.

Xavier bowed on one knee and then headed out to his shop. Once there, he picked up a prepared lantern that was blue with the Sundrop and Moonstone symbols painted on it. Nodding, he set it off and let it lift into the darkening sky. Other lanterns of the same look came out to join it as people made their ways out to Xavier's shop in little groups, filling the basement gradually.

It was time to strike.


Queen Arianna noticed the lanterns lifting into the sky and walked over to where she had hidden her own lantern. She lit it and set it off into the sky, then watched it go silently. The door opened and she turned to see her husband approaching her, looking weary. "Frederic, is everything alright?"

"Of course." He lied, forcing a smile as he hugged her. She fought the urge to push him away, feeling ill as he held her with the same hands that he'd used to order Varian to be so brutally abused in prison. "I didn't see Rapunzel at dinner, have you seen her?"

"She said she wasn't feeling well and requested she be left alone in her room." Queen Arianna said, still smiling. "She's still adjusting to being home, and that riot this morning probably frightened her."

"Yes...she is so very fragile." He released her and walked over to the door. "Walk with me?" He smiled.

She walked out to follow him. "Whatever happened this morning, it seems to be over. Why so tense?" She asked.

"I just...feel uneasy. I fear that the boy not as confined as I thought. And I cannot bear to have him come back and hurt you again." He turned to her. "Who else would be spreading such accusations? This is no different than his little speech before he kidnapped you."

"Frederic, Varian is just a child. There is no reason for you to be so aggressive to him. Yes, he did wrong, but he has done his time. I believe that he's not going to harm anyone." Queen Arianna smiled softly. "You didn't see him, when he had me captive. He was reluctant, he felt he had no other choice—"

"You don't know the boy like I do, Arianna." He said grimly. "That child is no ordinary child. That boy..." he turned to her, " dangerous. Far more dangerous than any of us could comprehend. Everything about him; his heritage, his abilities, his advanced mind, and I have reason to suspect that he may have magic powers of his own - he's dangerous!"

"His heritage?" She asked.

"The boy is the son of a Seperatist of Saporia that Quirin convinced me to spare from prison. It's in their blood to attack our family, our people!" He said furiously.

"'re frightening me." She said, stepping back.

He took a shuddering breath and released it. "It is for the better that he is gone, but I suspect he may not be as gone as I thought. He's too resourceful, I shouldn't have sent him on the barge!" He shook his head and walked on.

"...Frederic..." She sighed and looked out a window at the lanterns signaling the attack. She turned and walked on with him, her lips pursed grimly.


To get everyone gathered, told the plan, armed and in armor took all night and by the break of dawn they were giving one last toast for luck and then setting off through the tunnels, each group with a copy of the map Varian had drawn up, their route clearly marked, as well as Communication Mirrors from the Separatists of Saporia.

Rapunzel sighed as she watched her people set off, then turned to those that were left: Andrew, Juniper, Lady Caine, The Brotherhood, King Edmund, Eugene, Cassandra, Clyde, and Varian. The final one walked towards her and held out a hand. "Let's start a new era for Corona." He smiled.

She reached out and took his hand, her hair and eyes glowing at his touch. "For Corona."

They held hands a bit longer, then headed out together for the throne room.


The people had been told to disarm only, no deaths were allowed. Varian hoped that Lucas didn't throw things off. Ruddiger sat around his neck, his eyes glowing green as he and Clyde used their respective abilities to sense for any sign of the Disciples. They guessed that, if Lucas going to show up, he'd be targeting Varian specifically, but they still had Floyd with the group heading for the stables, since it was close to the barracks and prison.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this." Lady Caine said softly. "It's still hard to believe that he's finally going to be removed from his throne."

Andrew smiled and took her hand, gently squeezing it. "Believe it, because this is happening."

"Let's save the tears of relief for later." Varian smiled back at her. "We'll have plenty of time for it, after all."

They both nodded and Rapunzel smiled at Varian and then looked forward as they continued through the tunnel.


Angry, armed and armored townspeople were coming out of the floors like cockroaches. The castle staff fled in terror to bedrooms and the Royal Guard tried to hold them at bay, but were reluctant to strike. "Captain!" Stan cried. "What do we do?!"

"Focus on disarming, do not hurt them! These are our people!" Captain Solomon told them.

"Yeah, but they're an angry mob." Pete said nervously. "Why are they attacking, who's leading them?!"

Captain Solomon looked at the mob and hoped Cassandra was alright.


"My, my, things have gotten quite messy, oui?"

Lucas chuckled as he leaned on Rapunzel's balcony. "You can say that again. Look at them, swarming like locusts."

"When will we make our move?" Tromus asked. "What is zhe plan, exactly?"

"Don't worry, I've got it handled. I just brought you here to watch the show." Lucas assured him.

"What will you do?" Tromus asked.

"Now, I don't want to spoil anything." Lucas chuckled. "Just enjoy the show, but make sure not to be seen by Regulus or the Witchhunters." Lucas left the balcony and headed out the door, humming.

Tromus shrugged and looked down at the growing mob of townspeople meeting in the courtyard. "Zhe Royal Guard doezn't stand a chance." He remarked.


Nigel was starting to feel nervous. Despite all their defenses, the townspeople had made it into the castle and were surrounding the throne room, but they hadn't made a move to enter. King Frederic was tense, but Queen Arianna was as calm and composed as ever. That was something he had always admired about the Queen, to have such grace even in the face of such...impossible danger.

The Royal Guard had been taken down, according to the one man that managed to make into the throne room to barricade the door, and the doors to the throne room were all surrounded. They could hear the swarm of people outside.

And then they heard the sound of stone shifting behind the thrones and everyone in that area quickly got up and moved away from the thrones as the wall behind them opened up and figures stepped out into view. Nigel paled as he recognized the two at the front: Princess Rapunzel and Varian, who was sporting a new look. The Princess and the traitor, coming out together as allies.

"Hello, Your Majesty." Varian said, stepping forward. Rapunzel walked forward with him and those in the tunnel behind them spread out around the room, one of them grabbing onto the guard that had managed to escape the swarm and holding him in place.

Nigel looked around, taking stock of just who they were dealing with: Andrew of Saporia, Lady Caine, the Princess's boyfriend, the Captain's daughter...and he didn't recognize the others at all. But the ones he did recognize, he couldn't believe what he was seeing!

And his shock, Queen Arianna walked forward and stood beside her daughter, facing them.

"Varian..." King Frederic scowled.

"You don't seem too surprised to see me." Varian said, smirking. "Can I take a guess why? Maybe you've made a few new friends?"

"Sire?" Nigel looked at his King anxiously.

Rapunzel stepped forward. " Frederic de Sonne. When I was being crowned a year ago, I was told that the wearer of the crown is a shining example of the promise that is Corona: an ambassador of goodwill to those visiting from afar, and an inspiration to those fortunate enough to live within her borders. But, above all, the chief responsibility of the crown is to keep the people of Corona safe from dangers near and far." She pointed her frying pan at him aggressively. "You have failed to keep your promise to this Kingdom! You knowingly brought danger to this Kingdom, and then ignored the danger when it arose and attacked the people you swore to protect! Therefore, I hereby proclaim you no longer fit for ruling, and declare you a traitor!"

King Frederic stared her down, his eyes narrowed. "And you believe you could do better?"

"I already have. If you had not told me to stay away from the rocks, then they would not have ravaged the countryside. Because of your actions, Old Corona is in ruins! And that's not even getting started on what you chose to do to the only living inhabitant that chose to stay. You falsely imprisoned Varian in his own home, drove him to desperation, spread lies about him and, once you had him in your prison, beat him every month when he refused to essentially be your slave! And even before Varian, you had proven to be mentally unstable, lashing out at any criminals, no matter how small the crime, creating orphans seeking revenge!" She pointed toward Lady Caine and Andrew. "Well, no more, I say! I'm going to right the wrongs that you and our forebears have done! I will make Corona the shining example of goodwill that it claims to be!"

She walked forward and Nigel stepped back, gasping as a feral-looking man grabbed onto him to keep him in place.

"And my first act as the new Queen of Corona is to remove you from the throne and make you pay for everything you have done!" Rapunzel said, raising her chin with a cold expression. "I never thought that I would find someone that was more terrible than Gothel, but YOU, sir, YOU take the whole bakery!"

A few of the group went to open the doors and the people crowded in. Nigel whimpered in alarm.

"So..." King Frederic said calmly, "this is your revenge, is it, boy? Turning my daughter, my wife, my entire Kingdom against me."

"It's what you did to me." Varian said calmly. "Once you learned my father was gone, you turned everyone against me and made me the enemy. The difference is, you told a whole lot of lies...but all I've told is the truth."

Rapunzel nodded firmly. "Frederic de Sonne, you are no longer King! The Brotherhood will escort you to the prison to wait to be judged for your trial."

Suddenly, the torches in the room lit up with green flame and people screamed as green fire formed along the walls of the room. Ruddiger hissed and Clyde pulled out his sword, the others doing the same.

"Well, now, this has gone on far enough." A disembodied voice said.

"Lucas." Varian hissed.

"You have a choice to make, Your Majesty." The voice continued.

"What are you planning?!" Rapunzel cried.

Frederic stepped back, his eyes narrowed with pure hatred. "Whatever spell you have cast, boy, I will break it! Lucas! Tell her I accept her offer!" He yelled.

He was suddenly engulfed in green fire and then the flames all went out, leaving all the onlookers stunned. There was no sign of Frederic, or Lucas. Nigel was left alone, held in a tight grip as he whimpered with fear.

"Take him to a holding cell for questioning." Rapunzel ordered. "And bring me the Royal Guard. I want to know who is loyal to my father and who was 'just following orders'. And as for that group of criminals guarding down in High-Security? I want them all locked up and closely guarded."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Eugene and Cassandra both bowed down on one knee. The others followed suit and she turned to see even Varian, Clyde, Andrew, Lady Caine and The Brotherhood had bowed before her.

"I think it's time we actually get you crowned." Her mother told her with a gentle smile. "You did it."

Rapunzel nodded. "We did it. It's time to right the wrongs done to this Kingdom and anyone else by my family."

"Long Live Queen Rapunzel!" Cassandra declared, standing up with a fist raised.

"Long Live Queen Rapunzel!"

"Long Live Queen Rapunzel!"

"Long Live Queen Rapunzel!"

"Long Live Queen Rapunzel!"

The declaration echoed through the halls several times as Rapunzel walked out the throne room doors to stand and face her Kingdom. Her mother walked out with her and Varian came to join her as the people cheered in celebration.

Rapunzel smiled at him and took his hand, holding it high as the rest of their group came to join them.

"It's the dawn of a new Corona!" She declared happily.

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