Reunion at Sea

By ZoneRobotnik

17.3K 620 395

Shortly after having a nightmare vision about him on an island filled with dark magic, Rapunzel meets the rea... More

Into the Great Tree
Mirror, Mirror
Into the Dark Kingdom
Mad King
Rest and Relaxation
Town Meeting
Rise Up
His Story
A Necessary Change
Old Friend
Something Strange
Talk It Out
Rallying Call
The Return of the King
Back to the Dark


190 7 5
By ZoneRobotnik

"My dad is going to be out all day, he's out surveying the Kingdom right now, so it's the perfect time to meet with the people." Rapunzel said as they all sat or stood around Quirin's kitchen, where they'd been served drinks.

"If you want to organize the people, I'd turn to Xavier." Floyd suggested. "He is, at least when I was still in the Kingdom, one of the most respected people in the Capital City and he knows everyone."

"By the adults, maybe." Clyde remarked, nudging Varian.

"His impromptu stories can go on a while." Varian nodded.

"Yes, well, it's the adults that will mostly be dealing with the King." Quirin said with amusement at their shared disdain for the man's habit.

"Lance is talking to everyone at the Snuggly Duckling, and Lady Caine is handling the other criminals in town. So, it's up to us to get the citizens onboard. Quirin, there's a Saporian airship hidden in the woods that Varian can hide in if a guard decides to get curious. Speaking of which, Varian," she passed him his chameleon dust, "we...saw the room."

He accepted the vial silently and put it in his backpack. Clyde gently squeezed his hand comfortingly and murmured something Rapunzel couldn't hear.

To say that she was surprised to know Varian had a friend in town was an understatement - well, Varian had insisted they were "not friends, but not enemies, either" but the way they behaved around each other was very familiar and almost familial. He was more relaxed around him than she'd ever seen him, and she felt a tad jealous. Even Andrew didn't put him at such ease, and she supposed it was because Clyde wasn't at all connected to his time in prison.

"Varian, Clyde, why don't you two go on back to translating?" Rapunzel suggested. "You seemed to be enjoying that more than this meeting. We'll tell you everything we talked about here."

"You got it, Princess." Clyde did a finger-gun, stood up and scooped Varian into his arms as he protested the whole time, carrying him back to the lab with Adira and Ruddiger at their heels.

"Can you put me down?!" Varian protested.

"And let you trip on your magnificent cape? Perish the thought." Clyde teased.

Eugene and Cassandra chuckled as the door closed behind them. "Okay, so, back to the topic of revolution." Eugene turned to them.

"I doubt all of the Royal Guard is onboard with what went on down there." Rapunzel said grimly. "I didn't see the Captain anywhere, so he must be with my father."

"We'll worry about the Royal Guard later." Quirin assured her. "Let's focus on the people. Xavier has a secret basement that he once showed me, we can organize a town meeting in there and tell everyone what we found out about the King. If it's coming from you, Princess Rapunzel, they will believe it."

"I know it might seem cruel," Cassandra said carefully, "but, maybe we should wait for Varian to finish his translations so he can show them his back. It's the biggest proof we have, words won't be enough even from the Princess."

"I suppose him ignoring the black rocks problem isn't enough proof of his cruelty." Floyd frowned.

Hector looked at Quirin, who pursed his lips tightly, then looked back at Cassandra. "It's a sound idea, daughter, but definitely one we should ask him if he's alright with doing."

"Either way, he should be at the town meeting to give his testimony." Quirin said grimly. "Lady Caine, as well. They're both citizens of Corona, after all."

"We can't wait for Varian to finish his translating." Rapunzel shook his head. "If they need proof, I...I have my journal. I drew a...a picture." She clutched at the strap of her satchel. "I can show them it, show them...what he told me."

"I doubt he told you everything." King Edmund said grimly. "Just the things he told us about were horrific, but I could sense he was holding back."

"We don't need to know all the details. all the people need to know is that my father is unstable and...a cruel man." Rapunzel looked at her mother, who was somehow remaining composed even when Rapunzel felt like she was going to break. She needed to be strong like her. She stood tall like her mother was and turned back to them. "We need to make sure he can't hurt any more people, and we need to take down anyone else that supports his cruelty."

"Which is?" Floyd prompted.

"We...we don't know for sure yet. But, we will find out. Let's focus on organizing the people." Rapunzel nodded.

"After the town meeting, we'll start spreading rumors. Those that would stand by the King despite them will show themselves." Cassandra said, nodding. "You'll know who is the most loyal because they will be the quickest to try to shut them down without finding out for sure if they're true or not."

"What about propaganda?" Queen Arianna suggested. "You could make flyers with...with quotes allegedly said by my husband. Varian has an impressive memory, he could..." She took a deep breath then released it slowly. "Rumors can be shut down a lot easier than posters can be destroyed. If they take them down, they'll just be replaced."

"All good ideas." Rapunzel nodded. "But, let's get that town meeting done, first. Quirin, you and I will go talk to Xavier. Floyd, why don't you come with us?"

Floyd nodded and stood up. "While I'm in the city, I'll try to see if I can detect any trace of that Disciple. The artifact I've been using is..." He pulled out a glowing compass and knocked on it as it pointed towards Varian's lab, "acting up here, for some reason."

Rapunzel gasped. "Oh, riiiiight. We should...probably tell you about this." She headed over and opened the door to the lab. "Varian? Uhm, can you come out here, please? And bring Ruddiger?"

"Okay?" Varian said, and then they all came back out, Ruddiger around Varian's shoulders.

Floyd raised an eyebrow. "Your Highness?"

"I think I know why your artifact is acting up." She gently lifted Ruddiger from Varian's shoulders and set him on the table. The compass' arrow pointed towards him. "Ruddiger, uhm, used to be a Disciple of Zhan Tiri. He defected and is on our side now, but it seems that he a Disciple."

"Your raccoon?" Clyde looked at Varian.

"I don't really know why he's a raccoon, but Lord Demanitus, who is a monkey now, told us that he was most likely changed by Zhan Tiri. But, we saw his true form when we were trapped in a dream world by Tromus, and he helped us escape it and said that he was a traitor to them, so...he's a good Disciple." Varian explained.

"Hm...I'll have to contact Eiram, I don't know how to...make it stop reacting to a particular, this raccoon was once human?" Floyd looked at Ruddiger curiously.

Ruddiger just stared up at him, and then his eyes glowed green briefly before he turned and hopped up onto Varian's shoulders again, curling up with a huff.

"Well, as long as you're away from him, it should still work." Rapunzel looked at Floyd.

"Right..." Floyd reached into his pocket and pulled out a familiar-looking mirror. "I'll be right back." He walked off to another room.

"Can we go back to work now?" Varian asked, stroking Ruddiger's fur.

"Yeah, you can." Rapunzel smiled.

"Wait, Varian." Cassandra stood up and walked over to him. "How soon do you think you can get it translated?"

"Honestly, I'd say a week, maybe two." Varian admitted. "Assuming I don't get distracted."

"Okay...would you be willing to give a testimony at the town meeting once it's arranged?" She asked.

He blinked, then glanced away. "You mean of the King's 'attentions'?"

"Yes." Cassandra nodded.

Varian sighed. "Sure." He turned and walked off to his lab. "Just let me know when, so I can mentally prepare. Maybe I'll write it down, just in case."

Cassandra nodded, watching as Adira and Clyde followed him in, and then the door was shut between them.

"Well..." Rapunzel stood up. "Let's get going, then."

"We'll go with you." Eugene stood up. "Pretty sure that people will start asking questions soon if we don't."

"Besides, you'll need the support." Queen Arianna stood up. "I will be going with you as well."

Rapunzel sighed. "We need to have faith." She softly, then gasped. "Oh! Faith! She's Varian's friend!"

"The young maid?" Queen Arianna asked.

"Well, they sort of became friends, he said?" Rapunzel shrugged.

"I'll go talk to Faith." Cassandra offered. "See what her opinion is of Varian and, if she still cares about him and wants to be his friend, I'll bring her to see him."

Rapunzel nodded. "Alright. Eugene, actually, can you check in on Lance? Oh, and tell him about Floyd and Clyde, so he's not caught off-guard when he comes to visit."

Eugene nodded. "Will do."

"The rest of us will remain here." King Edmund nodded.

Floyd came back. "Okay, where's the...raccoon?" He looked around.

"Lab." Eugene pointed to it.

Floyd walked over and knocked on the door before opening it. "Varian? May I borrow your raccoon for a moment? I need to use a spell that will register him as already 'taken care of'..."

"Once he's done with that, we'll set out." Rapunzel said, nodding firmly.


King Frederic was no fool. He could sense that his daughter was hiding something, she hadn't been as furious about Varian being sent away - or even being in prison up until the point of the explosion - as he expected. Still, he couldn't for the life of him figure out what. He rode his horse with the Captain at his side, looking around cautiously. Something felt wrong. He could sense danger on the wind, like a coming war. Was it Saporia? Had they somehow retrieved their Prince and were here to take revenge?

No, the Saporians had been unnervingly quiet lately, but this wasn't that kind of feeling. It was something else, something...darker. He turned his gaze to a black rock jutting out of the ground, his lips pursed.

"Your Majesty?" Captain Solomon prompted.

He looked at him. "Did Rapunzel this morning at breakfast?"

"I wasn't there. I am concerned about Cassandra, though. I heard she was helping Quirin adjust, and the man may not...react well to learning about what his son went through in his absence." The Captain admitted.

King Frederic nodded. "A valid concern."

"Your Majesty!" They looked over to see Lucas running up to him.

"Lucas, you're back!" King Frederic smiled. "Did you enjoy your vacation?"

"I did, thank you. But that's not what I'm here for. Your Majesty, I found something of concern." Lucas said urgently.

"And already back on the job! Ah, see, this is why I had him among the group watching Varian before." He chuckled and looked at Lucas. "What did you find?"

"This way!" Lucas headed off and King Frederic eagerly followed.

"Your Majesty, wait!" The Captain called as his King took off without him.

Lucas led King Frederic to a cave with a mysterious door over the opening. "Isn't this suspicious?" He asked, turning to him.

"Yes..." King Frederic got off his horse and walked over to the door, reaching out a hand to open it. He gasped as it opened before he could touch it and looked at his hand before he drew his sword and stepped inside.

Lucas went in with him and the door closed behind them, the door vanishing once it was closed.


"Your Majesty!" The Captain caught up to his horse and was stunned to find him and Lucas both nowhere to be seen. "Your Majesty?!" He dismounted, drew his sword and went to look into the cave. It was as small as a one-room shack and had signs of someone being here, but they were old. "Your Majesty?!" He called, looking around. 'They can't have gone far.' He thought, heading over to where his men were looking around anxiously and waiting for word.

Why had he been so stupid as to let him go off alone? Well, he hadn't, the King just had a head-start. And he wasn't alone, he was with Lucas, wasn't he? Then again, The Captain didn't hire Lucas, he barely knew him beyond when they briefly worked together. He was part of the High-Security crowd, and they were all scoundrels. His blood boiled as he thought of the one time he'd caught the man unfastening Varian's clothes after knocking him out. He'd threatened him after that and kept close to Varian, but he couldn't be there for him all the time, so he'd put someone he trusted in his place to make sure nothing untoward happened to the teenager.

Sun, he hoped that the boy hadn't been violated down in High-Security. From what little he managed to hear, it sounded like his cellmate, the Saporian, had been protecting him. If anything happened to him, though, Quirin would have all their heads. He vividly recalled facing the man when he first came to live in Corona, after being stopped from (rightfully) arresting Varian's soon-to-be mother and her friend after they caused massive destruction with their alchemy.

A practice that, he thought wryly, her son appeared to be keeping up after alchemy was no longer outlawed. Now they had to wait for people to press charges to actually punish him, but of course that never happened. Not with his father protecting him. It was best to leave his punishment to his father, anyway.

He was getting distracted. He shook his head and turned to his men. "Spread out, search for the King! He can't have gone far!"

"Yes, sir!" The men said, and they started to search.

Captain Solomon cringed, hoping that The King was safe.


Rapunzel walked into Xavier's shop with Quirin, Floyd and Queen Arianna. "Xavier? Are you here?"

The blacksmith came out from behind his forge. "Your Majesty, Your Highness." He greeted, bowing at the waist, then looked up at the other two. "Quirin that Floyd? Goodness, you've changed."

"Yes, I hunt monsters now. The Disciples of Zhan Tiri have been running loose again." Floyd nodded.

"Unleashed during Zhan Tiri's blizzard, yes." Xavier nodded grimly. "Well, why have you all come? Did you come seeking advice?"

"We need your help." Rapunzel said, stepping forward. "We need your help with gathering the people for a...private meeting. My father can't know of it."

Xavier's eyes widened. "It may take some time. When do you want this meeting?"

"Before my father returns to the city tonight." Rapunzel nodded firmly. "But, first, I have to ask you something." She took his hands in hers. "...What are your thoughts about Varian?"

Xavier raised an eyebrow. "My thoughts about Varian? Well, that's an interesting question." He chuckled and pulled his hands from hers, bringing a hand to his chin thoughtfully. "He was very hurt, and lonely. I can't imagine the rumors were helping his psyche, and after I heard about what happened to Quirin...well, I tried to help him after Varian was locked away, but I never even got to speak to Varian before that. I saw him calling for help but he was driven out of town before I could offer it and then the Royal Guard told me not to follow. I believe that he did not want to hurt anyone, and was acting on his emotions when he attacked you during the battle."

"Do you care about him?" Rapunzel asked. "If...if you found out that something had happened to him in prison, would you be angry?"

"It is quite difficult to get me angry, Princess." He assured her. "It would have to be something truly terrible."

Rapunzel reached into her bag and pulled out her journal, turning it to a certain page and handing it to him.

Xavier accepted the book and silently read. At first, he seemed almost amused about Eugene's capture. But, as he read on, his expression darkened and then he looked ashamed before he closed the book, handed it back and walked over to his forge, picking up his hammer and banging on whatever he was working on with aggressive force for several minutes. After a bit, his movements became less aggressive and he set down the hammer before he walked back over to Rapunzel. "What would you have me do?" He asked calmly.

"Gather anyone you think would not turn us in." Rapunzel said firmly. "We're going to 'take care of the problem'."

"Messy business...but, it is necessary." Xavier nodded. "I will arrange for this. Where can I send word that everyone is waiting?"

"Old Corona." Rapunzel smiled.

"Thank you, Xavier." Queen Arianna said gently.

Xavier bowed on one knee. "You have my endless loyalty. I wonder, though, do you intend to call for outside aid if it comes to it?"

"No, we're going to try to avoid all-out war." Rapunzel shook her head.

"Understood." He stood up. "I will contact you when everything is ready. Safe travels, Your Highness."

Rapunzel nodded and then they headed out.

"Quirin," Xavier held out a hand and Quirin paused to turn to him. "I am sorry that I could not help your son."

"You did not know that he needed it until it was too late." Quirin said grimly. "Frederic covered his tracks. I do not fault you." He walked out to join Rapunzel and the others.

Xavier sighed. "I still wish I could have done more." He walked back to his forge and melted the twisted metal back into liquid form. He had work to do.

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