Game of Thrones || The Sword...

By RickyAdams9

335K 16.3K 1.4K

UNDER MAJOR EDITING AT THE CURRENT TIME* Ser Arthur Dayne of Starfall was the greatest knight the Seven Kingd... More

"The Man Who Passes the Sentence Should Swing the Sword"
The Runts of the Litter
The King's Arrival
The Kingslayer
A Dothraki Wedding and Honeymoon
Words of War
Wishful for a Good Fight or Death
Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things
Wolves, Lions and Excuses
A Golden Crown and Bloodied Hands
Betrayal of the Obvious Traitor
The Cry for War
The Green Fork
The Whispering Woods
The Quiet Wolf put to Rest
The King in the North
The Bleeding Star
"You hold the reigns"
A Dayne at War
On The Move
To Finally See Her Grace
To Conquer a Mountain
Riling the Lion
Talk of Victory and Life
The Prideful Little Lion
The Second Battle of the Ruby Ford
The Black Lion Roars
A Dayne, A Lion, and Second Sons
Work That Leads to Nothing
The Plan
Jenny of Oldstones
"Make It Yours"
Battle of the Flood Bowl
A Brother and Sister Reunited
Staines That Do Not Wash
A Frey and a Trout
A Red Wedding
A Sign in the Stars
"You want it darker"
Cider and Dead Kings
The Red Mountains
Blood of my Blood
Deadly Secrets
Dragon Troubles
The Dayne Slayer
The Sword of the Morning
Angry Snakes
The Art of Compromise
Dragon Dreams
Stone Men of Old Valyria
"Slavery-free" City of Yunkai
A Different Kind of Cat
A Dance With a Dayne and a Dragon
The Champion of the Braided Bloodrider
Past Events and Unspoken Emotions
Reborn Through Fire and Blood
Bloodriders for Her Majesty
A Forgotten Will
Love Under the Stars
A New Dawn
A City on the Rise
The King in the North Arises Once More
The Mantle of Responsibility
"What You Would Do If You Lost"
"Never Let Go"
The Bait
The Battle of Shipbreaker Bay
The Queen of the Torrentine
Old Vendettas
The Song of the North
No Mercy
Lost Enough
A Brother and Sister Reunited II
A New War
The Mormont Returns
Secrets and Banter
A Promise
"The Monsters Are Real"
Warm Again
What They Have
Set Dates
What They Need
Deal Broker
A Knight, A Warrior, and A Lover At Heart
The North Remebers
Slow Dancing
The Lords and Ladies of the North
The Key
Ghosts of Winters Past
The Wary She-Wolf
Dragon Riders
An Ever-shifting Future
Burying a Hatchet
An Understanding
A Way Through
The Bridge of Skulls
Shattered Hope
Not Invincible
"It Only Gets Worse Before It Gets Better"
An Old Face from an Old Life
Visions of the Flames
Hard Truths
The Long Night
The Long Night II
The Long Night III

A Brave New World

2.6K 133 9
By RickyAdams9

~~Evelyn Dayne~~

Its been painstaking work to fix up the city of Meereen. I have to admit I am impressed the level of damage the Masters could cause before being burnt to a crisp.

The Sons of the Harpy are all gone. What was left of them were massacred by the Dothraki horde lead by Daario and thrown into Slaver's Bay. But, now it conveniently has a new name: The Bay of Dragons.

I like that name.

Tyrion Lannister has come as a surprise to me. When I first saw him in the Meereense fighting pit, I ignored him because of the situation we were in. But now I'm finding myself grow angry. Admittedly, he is a good advisor but I can tell all he is is a lion that's lost it's roar.

But other than a few small things like that, Meereen is at peace. People in the streets are happy from what I can see. The former slaving cities of Essos have changed permanently. And if any decide to revert back to the old ways...well, I'm sure they'll think twice.

"Your hair is getting long enough to braid now."

Daenerys says absentmindedly as she runs her soft fingers through my curly hair, making me smile happily.

"I'm glad."

"Whenever a Dothraki gains a victory over another, they braid their hair to signify their victories."

"So that's why you have so many?"

I remark with a grin as she nods, placing a soft kiss on my lips before laying her head back on the soft pillow. We lay in there in bed lazily as there is nothing for either of us to do today. In the bedroom, Queen Daenerys can pretend just for a little bit that she isn't a queen.

Daenerys reaches her hand up, tracing the scar over my eye from the Kingslayer with her index finger.

"You have had many victories...few defeats..."

She whispers and I look down at her with a smile.

"You are my greatest victory, Dany."

She places her lips on mine for the umpteenth time that morning as the familiar but never boring duel of tongues ensues again. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door but Daenerys ignores it.

Another knock and a voice.

"Your Grace?"

A female voice asks and Daenerys groans a little bit, separating from me. The pout from her is cute and I smirk.


I whisper with a grin and she looks to the door.

"What is it, Missandei?"

"Your Grace has visitors."

"From where?"

"They say they are from Westeros."

Daenerys and I sit up and stand from the bed, rushing to put our clothes back on. Daenerys slips on her dress whilst I throw on my trousers and blouse, strapping my sword to my waist and not bothering to strap Dawn.

I carry the sword with me as Daenerys opens the door.

"They say they are from Westeros?"

She asks and Missandei nods.

"Their names are Yara and Theon Greyjoy."

For just a moment, everything freezes at the mention of Theon. And just for a moment, all I see is red.

"That son of a bitch.."

I storm past Missandei, walking in a fast pace to the throne room.

"Evelyn! What is it? What's wrong?"

Daenerys asks in a worried voice, rushing to my side.

"That fucking traitor! He murdered Bran and Rickon! Burned them outside the gates of Winterfell! That little bastard fuck is going to die!"

I shout angrily, reaching the throne room where Tyrion is waiting for us.

"Your Grace, Evely-"

"Not now!"

An angry tear slips down my cheek and Daenerys grabs my arm, stopping me in my tracks as she yanks me around to face her. Her palms rest in my cheeks as a few more tears slip.

"Evelyn, take a deep breath and calm yourself."

I do as she says, closing my eyes while trying to regain control over myself.

"He... He killed the Stark boys. Bran and Rickon were like my little brothers..."

"I'm sorry, Evelyn... I truly am. Let's just see what they want, yeah?"

I nod reluctantly and she takes my hand, rubbing gentle circles in an attempt to comfort me which helps greatly. I smile at her.

"Thank you..."

"Come on."

She leads me to the throne, sitting down as I stand by her side, holding Dawn out in front of me as my eyes bore on the door.

"Send them in."

Two Unsullied open the large doors at the end of the throne room, allowing two figures to walk through. One of whom I don't recognize while the other I grew up alongside.

Theon Greyjoy.

His eyes meet mine for a second and he immediately looks away, rubbing his arm as he approaches behind of the woman beside him.

"You have the honor of addressing Queen Daenerys of the House Targaryen."

I say aloud, Theon and the woman, Yara, stop at the foot of the steps. They probably know of her long and lavish titles anyways.

Yara looks at me and then to Daenerys with slight hesitation.

"Your Grace... I am Yara of House Greyjoy, the daughter of Balon Greyjoy who was King of the Iron Islands."

'Some fucking king.'

I bite my tongue from saying anything.

"The man beside me is my brother, Theon Greyjoy."

Theon barely lifts his head up to look at us as he shifts in his spot, seeing nervous beyond belief. He should be for what he did.

"Last time we saw each other was at Winterfell."

Tyrion says, looking down on Theon which in it itself is symbolism.

"I seem to recall you making jokes about my height. Everyone who makes a joke about a dwarf's height thinks he's the only person to ever make a dwarf joke. "The height of nobility," "a man of your stature," "someone to look up to." You're all making the same five or six jokes."

"It was a long time ago..."

Theon whispers and I clench my hands tightly around the handle of Dawn, so tempted to just lift it up a slice him to pieces where he stands.

"Look me in the eyes, Theon."

I demand quietly, and he hesitates before looking at me. That cocky look on his face that he always wore back in Winterfell is gone. From what I can see it's been gone for a long time. Now, instead, replaced with a wounded dog.

"Bran and Rickon weren't the only Stark's you killed."

"I didn't kill-"

"We lost the War because of you!"

I shout angrily, no longer being able to control myself.

"You took the North while we were off fighting to defend it! The North was your home and you fucking destroyed it all! We lost because men like Roose Bolton sent to take it all back were corrupt and evil bastards that turned on us!"

I take a few quick steps towards him, grabbing his armor roughly.

"I wish you were there at the Twins, Theon. I wish you were at the Red Wedding, that way, I could've watched you die."

"Evelyn, that's enough."

Daenerys says but I only half hear her. My eyes stay on Theon as he flinches away from me, body shaking and he whimpers slightly. A single tear falls as I push him away from me, wiping my eye before returning to my spot beside Daenerys.

"Are you okay?"

Daenerys asks in Valyrian which surprises me a little but I nod.

"I will be."

She nods, a concerned look still showing before looking back to Yara and Theon.

"I'm sorry, Your Grace. Theon has made mistakes in the past but he's paid for them."

"The Iron Price?"

I remark and Yara looks away for a moment before sighing.

"I don't think I was finished yet."

I say, silencing her before looking back at Theon.

"You and I were wards of Lord Eddard Stark. He was a father to us even though we weren't his actual children, just like with Jon. He raised you better than what you have become. He would be disappointed in you, Theon. You're a rotten man."

I say, making Theon sinks his head even lower. I turn back to Yara.

"You can continue."

Yara sighs a little before looking back at Daenerys.

"We brought with us one hundred ships from the Iron Fleet and men to sail them."

"And in return for them, I expect you want me to support your claim to the throne of the Iron Islands?"

She ask Theon but he shake his head.

"Not my claim. Hers."

He motions to Yara.

"And what's wrong with you?"

"I'm not fit to rule."

"At least we can agree on that."

I remark sharply and he flinches a little at that. Daenerys turns to Yara.

"Has the Iron Islands ever had a queen before?"

"No more than Westeros."

Daenerys eyes me for a moment with a smile.

"Our Uncle Euron returned home after a long absence. He murdered our father and took the Salt Throne from Yara. He would have murdered us if we stayed."

Euron Greyjoy is one of the Greyjoy brothers. I remember in our lessons growing up, learning that he was banished from Westeros after the Greyjoy Rebellion. He seems like a cunt by the sounds of it.

"Lord Tyrion tells me your father was a terrible king."

"You and I have that in common."

Yara says to Daenerys who nods.

"We do. And both murdered by a usurper as well."

Daenerys looks to me with questioning eyes.

"Will their ships be enough?"

"It's hard to say."

I reply.

"With the former Masters fleet and what we have of our own, it's possible. But there are more than one hundred ships in the Iron Fleet."

I say and Theon nods.

"There are and Euron is building more. He's going to offer them to you."

"So why shouldn't I wait for them?"

Daenerys asks.

"The Iron Fleet isn't all he's bringing. He also wants to give you-"

"His big cock, I think he said."

Yara cuts Theon off. The thought of anyone thinking or saying what they would do to Daenerys makes my blood boil.

"Euron's offer is also an offer of marriage, you see. You want get one without the other."

"And I imagine your offer is free of any marriage demands?"

Daenerys asks and Yara smirks, shrugging.

"I never demand, but I'm up for anything, really."

That remark makes me smile. I like this Greyjoy.

"He murdered our father and would have murdered us. He'll murder you as soon as you have what he wants."

"The Seven Kingdoms."

Tyrion states and Theon nods.

"All of them."

"And you don't want the Seven Kingdoms?"

"Your ancestors defeated ours and took the Iron Islands. We ask you to give them back."

Theon states to Daenerys.

"And that's all?"

"We'd like you to help us murder an uncle or two who don't think a woman's fit to rule."


Daenerys says with a smirk and I smile. Tyrion doesn't seem so convinced of all this.

"What if everyone starts demanding their independence?"

"She's not demanding, she's asking. The others are free to ask as well."

Daenerys stands.

"Our fathers were evil men, most of us here, that is."

She says, glancing at me. My father was really the only one of everyone in this room who actually was honorable. But honor is scarce these days.

"They left the world better than they found it. But we're not going to do that. We're going to leave the world better than we found it."

I smile at that. Daenerys has the biggest heart that I've ever seen in a person. She is truly someone who cares. Someone worth fighting for.

"You will support my claim as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and respect the integrity of the Seven Kingdoms. No more reaving, roving, raiding, or raping."

"But that's our way of life."

"No more."

The way Daenerys says that leaves no room for argument. It isn't an option. Yara looks to Theon for a moment before nodding, looking back to Daenerys.

"No more."

She extends her arm out to seal the deal and Daenerys looks confused. I smile and motion with my arm to lock with hers. Daenerys does so and the deal is settled.

Our first allies in a brave new world.


The winds blow softly on the sea. Salt in the cool air as it nudges the hundreds of ships forward to their destination. A destination that I never imagined returning to.


Though Westeros isn't really my home. Daenerys is. Wherever Daenerys is, that's where home is.

The sun slowly sinks lower in the sky, casting a bright a vibrant beautiful light on the sea's water, making it shine like a diamond.

The star marking the Dawn in the sky hangs towards the South as it always has. It's bright star shining brighter than a diamond ever could. Though because it is not the morn, it is the Sword of the Evening.

That's what I will be one day when the time comes to give up Dawn. And I hope that time is soon. I don't want to forever have to wield a sword to protect myself or those I care about. I just want peace.

But with Daenerys' hand in mine, squeezing gently and her beautiful violet eyes staring into mine, I feel a peace. Nothing in the world is wrong as we continue sailing West.

Her dragons roar overhead as they fly over the fleet, there booming roars shattering the sky like glass as they fly higher and higher. Rhaegal, my boy, flys with his brothers happily.

Looking back to the star in the sky one more time, I smile, looking back ahead of us at the seemingly endless water.

But on the other side I know there's a war. The War of the Five Kings is not over because I am still alive and there are still Lannisters to wage it. But an even greater war is coming and it's something I can feel deep within myself.

The wars to come will be hard but I know we'll have good fortune.

"And now it begins."

Daenerys whispers and I turn to her in surprise. She smiles up at me and I nod with a smile, looking back to the sea ahead.

"And now it begins."



And there's a wrap on season 6 everybody. Writing this story thus far has been an absolute joy and the support you readers have given me on this story means the absolute world to me!

You guys are super awesome and I love you guys so much! Comments on this chapter or any chapter would mean the world to me because I just love to know what you guys think of it.

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading and I'll catch y'all on the flip!!!

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