One shots (karlnapity,dreamna...

By mixspoonSuga

12.6K 191 23

This is just some oneshots of the dream team. No, I won't do anything of those oneshots of the minors or of t... More

What a shame (Dreamnap)
Idiot (dreamnapfound)
Drinks 🍷 (dreamnapfound)
Betrayed (george)
Lastima (sapnap)
Can I call you? (Dreamnap)
Flirting is my speciality (karlnapity)
Paper heart (angst dreamnap/dnf)
Mirrors (dreamnap)
Arrested (sapnap)
Dancing (karlnapity)
You're not fun (Gx S)
Karlnap- Meet me once again
Late notes
One way or another- deamnap
The argument -dreamnapfound
Pie - dreamnap
Oh,I see -dreamnap
Side character view -sapnap
Side character view- sapnap

The King's son

387 6 0
By mixspoonSuga

I actually wrote this a few months ago but enjoy! :D

A Long time ago, The King was a young man with black hair with lovely brown eyes. His name was Bad, none knew what his real name was but all they knew was that Bad was the greatest King of his kingdom. Bad was a very sweet and mysterious guy, nobody knew what was going on in his head. In very story comes in a good ending, which in fact wasn't the case. Bad had a secret,he was a human but also a demon. However since he was a demon, it didn't bother him at all. Although Bad fell in love with another person. His name was Skeppy, bad loved him very much. And well since bad was a demon and Skeppy wasn't also an ordinary guy, instead he was a king from a land very far way. Skeppy had the power of water. Since both of them loved each other very much. They got married then they had a kid who they adopted and was given the heredity of his father.

The King's Son
(Minecraft au)

Sapnap was born with powers of his own dads. Bad and Skeppy were surprised that sapnap had powers. At first skepy thought that their son was gonna be normal but after the accident where skeppy was babysitting.
"Okay sapnap, now what is this?" Shows a card picturing a dog.
"DOG!" Sapnap shouted
"Good! And what about this? *Shows a picture of a campfire*
"Ooo CAMPFIRE!" Sapnap was giggling until fire was flowing out of him-
"AHH BAD HELP!" Skeppy yelled so that bad could hurry up.
"What's going on- is sapnap doing what I think he's doing?" Bad was shocked.
"You mean having this fire flowing over him then yes" meanwhile skepy was trying to calm down. Sapnap was confused, he thought skepy would praise him for getting it right but instead skeppy was afraid of him. Bad went up to baby sapnap and told him, "sapnap..are you okay?" Sapnap just smiled and told him "mhm!" Then gave a big smile. "Skeppy, you know what this means right?" Bad looked at his husband, he was surprised and a bit worried. Skeppy replied" yeah, I can't believe he has your powers..that's literally AWESOME!" As skeppy did a small jump as excitement.
Bad grabbed baby sapnap and skeppy, then gave them a family hug.

Which this was the story where the king's son
Sapnap lived as the New demon king!

Sapnap's POV

I have heard stories of me when I was a small baby. When my parents found out that I had powers and how much they had Trouble raising me. But overall they both still loved me, I got a hand of controlling my powers and I did learn from the best.
I wasn't the best at making friends but to tell you the truth. Neither did I expect to be in love with both of them.

Third POV
"Hey sapnap! " said a brown haired boy with sun glasses. Sapnap turned around to see his friend George. "GEORGE!" Shouted sapnap while jumping off his tree. "What you doing here George?" Asked sapnap. "Well Dream and I have some news to tell you actually!"

Sapnap was nervous, actually very nervous and it's one of the guys he had a thing for.
'What if they don't wanna be with me anymore? Do they know that I'm not actually human!? DO THEY KNOW THAT I LIKE THEM!?" Just questioning more and more.
*snaps fingers* "sapnap you there?" Dream questioned. Both guys were worried that sapnap wasn't saying anything.
"Oh yeah I'm fine just kinda surprised that's all but what's the thing you guys wanna tell me?"
Wondered sapnap. "George and I are dating!" Dream said it with excitement.

Sapnap wouldn't believe it. The two guys who he had been in love...ARE ALREADY DATING!?

"Congratulations you guys!" Sapnap was trying so hard not to sound sad but he needed to play along before he's emotions get the better of him.
"Yeah, we were pretty nervous to tell you since we didn't know if you were gonna be happy for us-" George smiled with a small giggle.
"Pff, you guys are my best friends besides you guys make a pretty good couple so congrats " sapnap trying to sound convincing.
"Hehe, thank you sapnap" said Dream.

Soon after the boys confessed about their love. Sapnap felt like he had nothing else, he wanted to leave before he went emotional.
"Well, I have to go now because Karl is late and I have to meet up with him now so see you guys later!" Sapnap was shaking after speaking.

Sapnap's POV
'I can't believe was stupid enough to even think that they would like George and Dream are together!? Please..don't make this more worse than it is already!' Either way I still wouldn't have a chance. I mean look at George and Dream both are very attractive, Dream was the most beautiful eyes and very supportive..George does hate me for being annoying but he doesn't mind me being myself.
They're perfect for each other, but me?
I'm not originally a human..if they knew that I wasn't actually human-
Would they not like me anymore?
I gotta stop, all I need is to forget I have ever liked them!
That won't be difficult...right?

I'm gonna see Karl, at least he will understand.

Third POV

Karl knew that sapnap was demon.since Karl was a childhood friend of sapnap so of course he knew. Karl always helped sapnap with his problems from time to time. Karl was just chilling in his room until he heard a knock on his door.
"Sapnap? " Karl questioned sapnap. Karl never seen sapnap cry since they were kids and Karl was surprised. "Karl...I lost my chance.." sniffed sapnap.
"What do you mean you lost your chance? With who-" Karl asked sapnap but before sapnap could answer. Karl knew what he meant..Karl felt sorry for his friend.
"Oh..sapnapy hey? Come here" Karl opened his arms to give sapnap a hug so he would a shoulder to cry on. Sapnap hugged Karl with all of his strength before he could cry, he wanted to scream but he could only cry silently. "'s okay, let it all out. None will hear you okay?" Karl told sapnap. Sapnap yelled so loud that his throat hurted to bad.
'Why? Why couldn't I have a happy ending for once!?' Sapnap thought.

Karl let sapnap cry and cry.
"Hey, do you wanna explore a cave I just found?" Asked Karl. He knew sapnap wasn't in the mood but he needed to clear his thoughts.
Sapnap gave Karl a confused look. "Cmon it's gonna clear your mind for a bit and you should focus on being the king to the throne don't you? This will be like training." Karl smirked. Sapnap smiled a bit "Mhm, okay fine then but I'll beat those monsters butt!" Sapnap giggled while waving at Karl to hurry up. "Right...don't get too cocky sapnap" Karl teased.

Meanwhile with Dream and George.

"Do you think sapnap is okay?" Dream questioned his boyfriend. "I'm sure he's fine Dream don't worry so much about him. Besides if there was something wrong, he would've told us by now-" George was cut off by hearing someone screaming.
Both guys turned around to see a big cave just a few miles away. "Hey...did you hear that?" George whispered. Dream heard and wanted to found out what it was. "Yeah, I did hear that..wait didn't sapnap went in that same direction?" Dream asked. "You don't think- shit SAPNAP!" George shouted while running, Dream was running as well. Dream and George are in love but if it's included sapnap being in trouble they would risk their life's just to save sapnap.

Karl POV

We were exploring the cave but I was attacked by three skeletons. Not focusing behind my surroundings, sapnap screamed.

Sapnap shouted. There were two creepers behind Karl and sapnap noticed, He didn't have a Shield with him. Sapnap didn't care at that point. He jumped behind Karl and pushed Karl back. Karl was fighting the skeletons but was pushed down and all Karl heard was a big explosion behind him.

Karl POV
I was shocked and surprised by the loud explosion but my headache . This buzzing sound in my ear was really annoying.
"SAPNAP!?" I yelled, turning around and seeing sapnap laying on the ground covered head to stomach with blood.
"AH FUCK SAPNAP WAKE UP!" Karl cursed while panicking at the same time. Sapnap wasn't responding.

"Oh Fuck, I need to get you out of here" Karl mumbled. Karl and sapnap went far away from the entrance. Meanwhile sapnap was passed out, completely wasted.

In sapnap's head:
'My head hurts so bad, and where am I? ' I looked around trying to see anything but it's just white all over the place. Am I dead..well shit, they did not need to do me like this-
I haven't even gotten my first kiss yet!
"HELLO!?" I shouted as loud as I could but nothing. I am a demon sure but this is practically new for me. "SAPNAP!" Shouted someone similar. "Karl?" I was tired but I felt cold in the next seconds.

I gasped "IM ALIVE!" I shouted. I apparently was passed out in a few minutes. "Sapnap! You're okay!!" Karl hugged me tightly. "Yeah, Im okay Karl no need to worry" I laughed nervously. "SAPNAP, KARL!" I turned around and saw Dream and George. They heard a loud noise coming from the cave and they were worried. "Oh hey you guys! What's wrong?" I don't really remember anything from a few minutes ago.."why are you here? Aren't you both supposed to be in your HoNeY moon already? " teased sapnap. "Well, we heard you screaming a few minutes ago and we see you on the ground And covered in blood? You okay?" Dream said. "I'm fine besides Karl was here with me so I'm okay" sapnap grabbed Karl with one of his arm around Karl. Karl was confused and embarrassed because sapnap was grabbed on to his waist-

George sassed saying "oh..are you two going out or something?" Sapnap isn't gonna say anything but why not twist this plot a little bit.
"Yeah we are, aren't we sapnap?" Karl then grabbed sapnap's hand and kissed it. Of course sapnap was caught off guard and was also flustered by the sudden action Karl just did. However, Dream and George were surprised and looked very pissed-

"What if we are going out? Do you have a problem with that Dream and George?" Karl smirked. "Is this true sapnap?" Said Dream. "'s true, do you need prove? " sapnap giggled. "Sure, but this time kiss in the lips if you two really going out" George said annoyed. 'They're aren't going out but let's see how far they would go' Dream thought
"Alright you want proof then I'll give you proof!" Sapnap mumbled "Karl, I'm sorry about this..please forgive me".
"It's okay, I'm enjoying this and don't say that I warned you if you fall for me" Karl smirked while whispering on sapnap's ear. "Wha-" sapnap couldn't even finish his sentence when Karl grabbed sapnap's chin and pulled it close to sapnap's lips and boom.
"Now you believe us?"

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