The Girl Who Cried Wolf (Watt...

By gioviandrea

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"Why won't you just accept me!" His voice boomed as his back was turned to me. "Because I hardly know you! B... More

The Girl Who Cried Wolf
Chapter One : South Carolina
Chapter Three : Alpha Jett Black
Chapter Four : Sexy Ass Angels Everywhere
Chapter Five : Helping A Fairy God Mother
Chapter Six : Accidents Happen
Chapter Seven : Fat Chicks
Chapter Eight : Fights
Chapter Nine : A Chance
Chapter Ten : You suck
Chapter Eleven : Ugh
Chapter Twelve : Parties
Chapter Thirteen : Revenge is a fun game
Chapter Fourteen : Surprise
Chapter Fifteen : A Different Side
Chapter Sixteen : Alpha Teach Us About Love
Chapter Seventeen : A Beautiful Death
Chapter Eighteen : Another Challenge
Chapter Nineteen - Is There Any Hope Left
Chapter Twenty - Finish Him
Chapter Twenty-One : Daddy Doesn't Matter
Chapter Twenty-Two : A Little Romantic

Chapter Two : No Way

229 14 1
By gioviandrea

After devouring my delicious breakfast, I washed the dishes since it was apart of my deal to work as a maid.

I didn't mind doing the chores because it wasn't hard nor did it consume a lot of my time.

I actually finished cleaning both the kitchen and bathrooms while Jacob made phone calls.

"It's finished!" I yelled out as I smiled promisingly at accomplishing my mission.

"Great because we are going to go shopping for you right now." I tilted my head in confusion.

"Apparently the pack is having a party for the big bad Alpha Black. Which means I'll have to introduce you as my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? Why not as a maid?" I asked and he smiled down at me.

"Because you are not a maid to me, you are a friend who is a girl." Ah, I understand now.

"Just be sure you know that the girlfriend I am has a space between girl and friend." He laughed at me, but I was both serious and playful.

I knew that yes, Jacob is attractive and I do know that he is my type. But for some odd reason I feel that we'd be better off as friends than lovers.

"You ready?" I nodded my head yes as I walked by his side towards the garage.

I had changed my clothes into a simple outfit of a light lilac dress and some nude heels. Within about five minutes of after talking to Jake.

We currently were sitting in his white Range Rover, that he loves so much. In a way it reminded me of the way Bill treasured his stupid televisions. That bastard got what he deserved.

"What theme or feel is tonight's party?" I glanced over, asking Jake as he drove the car.

"Ah shit." He spoke. Did he really forget to ask? I let out a giggle as he rubbed his temples.

"Can't you just ask someone..."My voice trailed off when I heard that he was already asking someone through thin air.

Wait how is that even possible?

"Tonight is going to be a formal dinner party. So I guess your going to look like a princess." I smiled at his cute tone of voice as he told me.

"It's a good thing I can walk in heels." This little comment made him laugh, and boy did it sound adorable.

"You wouldn't be surprise on how many she-wolves can't even manage to do that." Ah that reminds me about the question from earlier.

"How were able to ask your question without using a phone but through thin air?" My mind was practically was dying to know.

"As I told you before I am the Beta of this pack of wolves, so I'm able to mind link anyone and everyone just as the Alpha can." I formed an O with my mouth and he cracked a smile.

"So telekinesis?" He shook his head.

"Nope. Just mind link." He popped the P and I stopped from questioning him anymore.

Jacob pulled into a random parking spot and killed the Range Rovers engine. We hopped out and started out shopping adventure.


"What are you? Grandmas old pillow case from the dollar store?" Jake shook his head at me and told me to change out of what looked like a cute dress, but turned out to be a disaster.

"Fine! But this dress will be the last!" I warned Jacob and he's mean fashionista side.

Walking back towards the dressing room I couldn't help but wonder if I could manage to fit in with a whole bunch of these wolves?

Well if I had managed to fit in with Jacob, who is the beta, I should totally be fine right?

If this is true, then why can't I stop feeling like its about to be like some sort of roller coaster?

"McKenna Rivers I think I found the dress!" He yelled out.

Oh boy.

"Wait? Why are you getting more excited than me?" I asked as he passed me the dress to change into.

That man was right. This dress is the one. It was in the color peach with a V line in the front that wasn't revealing but more elegant.

As for the back side, it held a similar style for the front but had a longer gap from the back of my shoulder towards the spot right above my booty.

And the best part that I loved, besides its color would be the silky material. To add a bit of edginess, they places small diamonds along the top of the V line and shoulders. The diamonds reminded me of little rain droplets you see on spider webs.

Except these rain drops would have probably been there if I danced in the summer time rain.

Walking out of the dressing room to face Jacob, I saw that he was talking to about two more guys. And when I came towards Jake, all of their eyes were on my body.

"So what do you think?" I questioned Jacobs fashion side.

"I think you look beautiful." His voice left some of his feelings of lust inside the words. I smiled.

"You'll get some of this later." I whispered seductively before heading back to the dressing room.

I did it because I knew it would make his friends jealous, although I didn't actually mean it.

"I'll be looking forward to it, love!" He shouted in response and I slapped my ass.

When Jacobs friends left him, I was sure to thanked him for the dress.

"Jake you are probably the best fashionista I know!" I squealed in excitement as the cashier handed us the dress.

"Well you do learn one or two things when you have a younger sister. Damn, can she be annoying." I grabbed his hand in mine and causally walked beside him.

"What? You never did this with your friends before?" He looked at me like I was some complicated geometry equation. "It's normal for me, if you want I'll stop."

"Since you insist on holding my awfully huge hand, then I'll hold you small and soft one." Jake poked my cheek and we walked over to some shoe store.

"Can I get a pair of silver stilettos?" I asked the employee as soon as we walked inside.

"What size?" They asked and I gave them my answer just as they did.

"Seven an a half please!" The person rushed off to bring back any silver stilettos they could find.

"You have very small feet." Jacob told me as he took a seat next to me on the small couch that seated two.

"At least I'm not like you, big foot."

"Hey, you know what they say about big feet, don't you?" He wiggled his brow and I laughed.

"No, I don't. Please inform me Jacob." I caught him off guard with my sexy voice.

"Well a mans foot size is half of their-"

"Here you go ma'am! Sorry for the long wait this just happened to be the last pair." The guy who looked younger than me by three years, said and offered to put on my shoes. I accepted.

"No, I'll do it instead." Jake's tone held seriousness like I haven't heard before. And the poor kid ran away.

"You didn't have to be so mean you know." I held onto his shoulder as he slid on the silver heel.

"I can't let him have you. Your McKenna Rivers, the girl who discovered my secret."

"Your damn right, Jacob from Twilight." I giggled and then extended my arms. "Now help me up so I can start practicing my cat walk."

He laughed at me as he pulled me off the couch effortlessly. It was when he was helping me practice my walk that I noticed his that he had a tattoo.

"That's sexy." I spoke without realizing.


He noticed where my eyes were and before anything else could take place he gave his little cocky smirk.

"I got it when I became Beta. My mother promised that I could get a tattoo so I got this one." He ran his finger over his arm.

"Nice. I don't know if you noticed last night when I was in your room, I have one right in between my back dimples." I pointed to area and continued to walk as he stared.

"Now that's sexy." His voice was low but I didn't find it sexy. So instead I replied with the same voice.

"It's about time you notice how nice this girl's body is." I, of course, was talking about myself. "Whatever makes you happy, wolf boy."

I pursed my lips in response to his smile and walked away.

After paying for the shoes we drove back to Jacobs house. We had hours until party time.

Apparently it's being held in a big building. And we have the whole two stories to ourselves. Just how rich are these people?

"Hey, you done yet?" Jacob politely asked me through the bathroom door.

"Yeah just let me finish zipping this up, unless you'll do it for me."

It wasn't a surprised when I unlocked the door that Jake walked in sighing.

I held my boobs in my dress as he zipped the back. When it was done I thanked him.

"Now all I need are those." I pointed to the stilettos that were next to me. Jacob bent down and placed them on my feet as I held my balanced.

"There you go Cinderella, now can we please leave?" I took a paused to think about it.

"Yes we may my dear Prince charming, but please remember I have until midnight before I pass out." He rolled his eyes at my comment.

Jacob was being quite the gentleman and opened the door for me. Since he was so kind to letting me stay in his house and buying me an outfit for tonight, I told him that his mother didn't have to worry about the extra help. Because the two of us would be coming soon.

"Jake." I needed to ask something.


"Thank you for letting me stay at your house and buying me this dress." I paused, making sure there was no cars in sight. "But most of all thank you for making me smile once again."

At that moment when he turned his head I kissed his cheek. It was only a little peck, but I still wanted to show him that I was thankful.

"Why did?" Jacob asked while holding some shades of pink on his cheeks. "Never mind."

The car ride didn't last long after that. We pulled into the rather large parking spot and hopped out. Well actually, I was helped out of the car by Jacob.

"It's like you want me to be a princess tonight since you're always helping me." I teased him but he brushed it off.

"If you keep acting like this I might mistake you for actually being my girlfriend, the kind without the space in between." Jake glanced over to me making me blush a bit.

Jacob lead me inside to where his mother was setting up tables.

"Jacob Skyrine! How long has it been since the last time you paid me a visit?!" Kippie, Jakes mother yelled at him.

"Mom!" Jake whined.

"We'll talk about this later." She moved her eyes away from Jacob and onto me. "Hello dear. I'm Kippie Skyrine."

I stretched my hand to greet her but she pulled me in for a hug. As a reaction, I hugged back as well.

When I pulled away I smiled at her warm expression towards me and Jake.

"I like her Jacob. She gives good hugs." She winked at her son which made him blush in embarrassment.


"No buts. Now go help your father and your lovely girlfriend will come with me." Kippie yanked me away from Jacob before I had a chance to do anything.

"I'm McKenna Rivers by the way." I smiled at her as we set the tables.

Placing the utensils onto of the napkins next to the plate, Kippie and I finished in a faster time then we meant to.

"I thank you for dating Jacob. He can be quite the player at times if you get what I mean." Kippie laughed and I thought that it would be a good time to break the truth to her.

"Kippie." I paused taking a breath as she focused her attention to me. "I'm not Jakes girlfriend, I'm actually his girl friend."

My mouth couldn't stressed the space in between the two words enough. I had expected her smile to drop, but nope. It was still there.

"I knew it." She exclaimed. "I'm sorry, it's just that Jacob said that he'd wait for his mate."

"Oh. That makes sense." It really did because if I was a werewolf if probably wait too.

"Which pack are you from?" Kippie asked and just when I went to tell her Jacob came from behind me. His arms wrapped around me.

"I'm going to steal you away because guest are starting to arrive." Jacob then dragged me away from his mother who laughed at us.

"Why are you dragging me? Let me at least walk at my own pace!" Jake sighed and my feet were finally able to pace themselves normally.

"Now can you please act as if your my girlfriend because if not, these wolves will think it's weird that a human knows about our existence." His tone was formal and I didn't like it.

"I don't understand what the big deal is about werewolves and keeping their existence a secret, but if it's what makes you guys happy then fine." I muttered, receiving a glare from Jake.

"Hello!" I waved to the people who I assume are members of the pack. "Please, right this way."

Jacob ordered me to greet everyone that comes in so they wouldn't feel lost in the huge building. Great.

"Thank you miss." The couple shouted out as they were on their way to another family.

"It's McKenna and your welcome!" I shouted back at them. Sighing, I went over towards the group that Jacob was talking to.

"I think I finally found my other half, or at least someone who can put up with my sarcastic remarks." One of the three said. It sounded like Jakes voice.

"Looks it's that hot chick again." One guy said lowly, but I still caught it. I waved and he did too.

"Ah. Hey McKenna." Jake sounded a bit more relaxed as I approached.

Thank god that his tone isn't the same from before.

"Hey. Jacob who are they?" I asked politely with a smile. I wouldn't want to let the manners my mother taught me go to waste, now would I?

"I'm Asher." A tall buff blonde with green eyes that were brighter than mine spoke.

"And I'm-"

"Lemme guess. Your his Pikachu." I asked and earned a laughed from both Asher and Jake while Pikachu just looked at me with an unknown interest.

"My real name isn't Pikachu. I know, I know. Disappointing isn't it." He paused as I smiled at his joke. "The name is actually Landon."

"So Pikachu and Ash." I pointed to each of them. "Got it."

"Can't you just at least respect them?" Jacob asked as his amber eyes looked into my green ones.

"When they earn it, yes." I spoke.

He went to move his lips again but was stopped by the sound of glass breaking.


Jacob rushed to where the sound came from and I followed.

"God dammit Sofie! What happened?" Jakes voice filled with authority but she didn't back down as everyone else did.

"They started it." She pointed at two guys who looked guilty. Jacob turned to them but they avoided his gaze making him growl.

"I want an explanation now." His statement left no room for argument.

"They were trying to make me go with them into the bathroom so they could rape me." Her head snapped up as she spoke the last part with a feisty attitude.

This girl and I are going to be very close friends. I can already feel the sassiness of the two of us.

"Is this true?" Jacob asked. And when they didn't answer him his eyes shifted to a dark brown.

"Sofie could always be lying. Since that's what she is known for." A girl with black hair stepped up and said.

I looked over at Sofie once more only to find a terrified expression. Her eyes were on the verge of tears that threatened to spill at any given moment.

Not wanting to see that happen I stepped up. Taking the chance to get everyone to acknowledge my presence.

"Who are you to say that Sofie is lying?" My voice boomed, making everyone silent. "Who the hell would lie as low as this only to get attention? Cause I know most people that look for attention wouldn't even go this far unless there is clearly something wrong with you."

Jacob and everyone else looked at me in disbelief. Mostly because I was a human and second, I just put a girl in her place.

"That's enough McKenna." Jake said to me.

"No it's not. These jerks were trying to rape a girl, Sofie, who hasn't even met her mate yet, and is terrified because of what they could have and almost pulled if it wasn't for her breaking glass. Now tell me, McKenna Rivers, that this is completely fine because it isn't...

"And if you care to disagree with me, then leave because we don't need someone that can't see the difference between good and fucking bad."

By the end of my little rant I had gained respect from everyone in the room, even the girl who accused Sofie had bowed down to me.

"That was amazing McKenna." Jacob told me with a satisfied expression.

"Thanks. I'll leave you to deal with the two bastards while I help your sister clean up." I patted his back and walked with Sofie to the bathroom downstairs.

"Thank you for that." Sofie spoke to me with an appreciative tone. I helped her clean off the cuts she got on her leg from when she dropped the wine glass.

"Anytime Sofie." I assured her second thoughts. "I've been there before. And man, how I hated it."

She laughed at me and I joined in as well. She was too cute to not laugh along with.

"We better head back before anyone else worries over you." She nodded her head in agreement and the two of us walked back.

When peoples eyes landed on me they either smiled in respect or feared me.

"Hey Sofie. Are you alright now?" Jake asked his sister.

"I'm fine now. Just tired." She said. "I'm going to have someone drop me off at home."

"Why don't you spend the night at Jacobs place? I'll be sleeping there so maybe we can have a girls night." Sofie's eyes lit up as I mentioned a sleepover.

"Can I?" She pleaded her brother who's answer was obvious.

"Of course. Let me call Jett to see where he's at." Jacob picked up his phone and began to wait as it rang.

"Looks like someone's getting impatient." I laughed and so did Sofie.

"Ugh." Jacob yelled out as the phone went to voice mail.

Sofie told us that she wanted to wait a bit more since she didn't get a chance to enjoy herself. We understood and she went away.

"Do you want a drink?" Jake offered but I declined.

"The only thing I'll drink is some Coca Cola." He didn't bother to ask why and left to fetch us some drinks.

As I waited for his return I heard a set of footsteps come closer towards me. Their pace fastened and I was a bit anxious myself.

But when the footsteps stopped I turned around to see a muscular man with black hair and cold blue eyes.

"Mine." His sexy voice boomed as I found myself in his arms.

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