The Owl House x Male Reader

By runeightmiles

71.3K 874 704

Y/n Noceda was weird. His sister, Luz, was too. Then, their mom sent them to camp but they stumbled on the de... More

Authors note
A Lying Witch And A Warden
I Was A Teenage Abomiation
The Intruders
The Convention
Unholy Union
A Titans Will, Young Blood, Old Souls
The Den
Echoes Of The Past
One Shot
Hush Now
Y/n Bio
True Magic
I'm Better Than You
An Encounter
A Small Hint
Where I've Been...
Y/n's Weapon Arsenal
Past is Prologue
Final Stand

Witches Before Wizards

4.9K 77 83
By runeightmiles

Open on the Owl House. Wind howls as it moves Luz's open and creaking window.]

Luz rolls over and breathes heavily

Flashback to last episode: Owlbert hopping through the portal door in Eda's tent with a sack in his beak, Luz running through behind him, ect.

Luz wakes up with a gasp and looks around the room

King snores and y/n is still being held up up by his hands

Luz: It wasn't a dream!

Luz opens the window

Luz: Good morning, terrifying fantasy world!

A Monster waves at her from the ocean.

Monster: Good morning.

The monster sinks back into the ocean.

Luz: Ughhh.

Y/n falls off the hands and gets up and then groans

Y/n: Mehhh...

King snores more

Luz picks up King

Luz: Good morning, you little cutie‐pie.

Luz kisses his head repeatedly

King: I am not your cutie‐pie!

Luz: Yes, you are.

Luz hugs him tightly before putting him back down on her sleeping bag.

King sighs

King: I know.

Cut to Luz and Y/n, fully dressed, opening the bathroom door. Several owls fly out of it, hooting. Luz watches them fly away before entering, walking backwards.

Hooty: Hi, Luz!

Luz screams and karate chops Hooty's face

Hooty: Ow! I'm just wishing you a good morning.

Hooty retreats to the front door

Hooty: Jeez! Hoot! Ow!

Luz: Sorry, Hooty.

Luz looks at the bathroom counter and picks up her Azura book. Flips it open to a headshot of Azura and holds it up to the mirror

Luz: This is it, old girl. Your first day on the Boiling Isles, as a Witch Apprentice.

Luz punches the air

Luz: Hyah!

Luz opens a closet door while covering her eyes

Luz: Please have witchy clothes. Please have witchy clothes. Please have witchy clothes.

Luz takes her hand off her eyes and sees a closet full of stereotypical witchy stuff

Luz: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Luz screams

Cut to Luz writing "Witch Apprentice Luz" on a name tag and sticking it to her chest. She is now wearing a robe and what looks to be a witch's hat as she stands at the bottom of a staircase.

Luz squeals

Y/n: Where did you even find that?

Luz just slaps on a wizard apprentice y/n name tag on him

Toilet flushing. Eda's shadow appears on the wall before she steps into frame.

Eda yawns

Eda: Hmm?

Luz: Good morning, Eda the Owl Lady. I am ready for my first day of Witch Apprenticeship.

Y/n does a salute.

Eda: Ugh!

Eda shakes spiders out of her hair, picks another one out of her ear

Eda: Who are you, again?

Luz: Huh?

Luz stares in horror as her name tag falls to the floor. Y/n facepalms himself.

Luz follows Eda into the kitchen

Luz: Remember me? Luz? Y/n?

Luz grunts as a coffee cup hits her in the back of the head

Luz: We freed the oppressed and defeated the evil warden together? Yesterday?

Eda: Kid, lay off the details. I haven't even had my cup of apple blood yet.

Luz: You mean apple juice?

Eda: No.

Y/n: Can I try some?

Eda: If you can get it from the shelf.

Y/n just looks annoyed as he summons a hand to pass it towards him. He gets a cup and tries it.

Y/n: Not bad. Not bad at all. Even taste better than apple juice.

Eda sits on the kitchen table and drinks from her mug. King is sitting in a high chair and stabbing a fork into a yellow blob with eyes sitting on a plate.

Luz: Teach me some spells. When do I get a magic staff? Was I supposed to bring my own runes?

Luz gasps

Luz: Do you have a dangerous magical quest for me?

Eda: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, kid. Being a witch doesn't happen overnight. Also, you're wrapped in a bathrobe and wearing the dirtiest traffic cone I've ever seen.

Luz pulls her hat off and blows on it, revealing that it was, in fact, a traffic cone with a severe layer of dust on it.

King laughs in response

Eda: But a magic staff, huh? You really want one?

Luz: More than anything.

Eda: Magic staff, come to me!

She holds out her hand. For a second, nothing happens. Then several things crash distantly. King, Luz, and Eda all slowly turn to the sound, until Eda's staff appears and smacks her in the face, clattering to the ground.

Eda grunts and picks the staff up, spinning it before tapping it on the ground

Eda: It's early. Now, witches are awarded their staffs from school. With me as your teacher, you'll be taking a different approach.

Eda drops a bag of potions onto the floor

Eda: You'll have to work for it.

Eda leads Luz through the living room

Eda: I run a few businesses. On weekends, I offer rare human treasures that Owlbert drags over from your side of the realm.

She grabs a toy sword and hits a button near the pommel.

Sword: I shall smite my enemies! Ages six to eleven.

Y/n: Then no one's getting smitten I guess

Eda tosses the sword over Luz's head

Eda: But most days I sell only the finest homemade elixirs and potions.

Luz pulls a bottle from the bag and reads the label

"Snake oil."

Eda: No one wants an un‐oiled snake. Follow me.

Cut to Eda and Luz walking onto a balcony.

Eda: Today you'll deliver packages and sell potions to that town over there, Bonesborough. You'll have to be careful. I have rivals everywhere who'd love to take my business down and you along with it. You wanted a dangerous magical quest? Sister, you've got one.

Luz: I won't let you down, Miss Eda.

Luz turns to salute Eda, dropping the sack of potions off the balcony in the process. The two of them watch it fall, Luz wincing when it crashes loudly on the ground.

Eda: I'm sure.

Cut to the living room, where Eda is pushing Luz out the door with a new bag of potions.

Eda: Remember, never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.

Luz: Uh...

Eda: Good luck!

Eda slams the door closed and dusts her hands off, then looks at King

Eda: I hate to interrupt your power nap, but you have to go with her.

King: What? But I just found the perfect spot. Why do I have to go?

Eda: You and I know she's either going to get lost or eaten, probably both.

Luz squishes her face against the window

Luz: No, I won't!

Eda closes the blinds with a spell

Eda: And because you work for me, too, unless you want to start paying rent.

King throws a short tantrum before stomping out the door

Eda: Be back by nightfall or risk mortal peril.

Eda slams the door again

Hooty: Have a nice trip.

Y/n: Can I have some more apple blood?

Eda: No.

Y/n groans and sits on a chair.

Y/n: Then can you actually teach me something that doesn't involve hands?

Y/n summons a hand to high five.

Eda groans.

Eda: Well first you need a spell circle. Like so.

She draws a circle and a ball of light pops out.

Y/n: Like this?

Y/n thinks of a spell and a hand pops out.

Y/n: Still hands?!?!

Y/n is frustrated while Eda is a little confused.

Eda: How did you do that?

Y/n: Huh?

Eda: The way it works is by focusing Magic into one point, via the spell circle with your fingers. How did you do that without anything?

Y/n: I think about it. That's how I've been doing it this whole time. By thinking about it.

Eda looks even more confused.

Eda: You have potential kid. No one in the isles can do that. Not even me.

Y/n looks at his hands amazed.

Y/n: I got a bit of a idea.

Y/n thinks about something and this creates a even bigger circle. What comes out of it is more amazing than just a hand.

Y/n: A person! Yes!

The figure in completely black and has white eyes and purple outline.

Eda is amazed by the accomplishment that y/n made.

Eda: That is some powerful magic there.

Y/n makes a hmmm sound.

Y/n: Jump!

The figure jumps

Y/n: sit!

The figure sits.

Y/n: Roll over.

The figure rolls over.

Y/n: High Five!

The figure high fives him.

Y/n: Yes! My first thing that isn't just a hand.

Y/n: Okay. Go back into the circle.

The figure returns into where he came from.

Y/n: How about this?

Y/n thinks of body armor. He sees no circle this time.

Y/n: Hm. Maybe it's only alive thi-

Y/n trips and falls to the ground. He winces but feels nothing. He looks and sees a purple aura over him.


Y/n gets up and turns of the body armor.

Y/n: What magic is this called?

Eda actually looked shocked for a little from some sort of realization.

Eda: There actually isn't a magic type to describe what you're doing.

Y/n looks even more excited.

Y/n: Then I can name it?

Eda: Yeah if you want.

Y/n read a lot of books, manga, and watched a lot of anime and figured something out that could describe it.

Y/n: Dark Magic!

Eda smiles as she looks at a kid who's growing as a witch. A few minutes later, Luz and king come inside and go inside their room. Y/n follows.

Cut to the room

Luz: So, King, what kind of Chosen One should I be?

Y/n (Thinking): Chosen One?

King kneading Luz's sleeping bag, yawns and lies down

King: Huh? What?

Luz picks up her book

Luz: Should I be full of optimism and goodness, like the Good Witch Azura? Or should I be like a bad girl Chosen One with black nail polish and a mysteriously withdrawn attitude?

Luzuses the book as a mouth

Luz: "I act like I don't care, but I secretly do."

Eda comes in

Eda: Oh, you guys talking about bad girls? Wait, what's going on?

King: Eda, tell Luz how dumb wizards are.

Eda gestures with a severed arm and almost hits King several times

Eda: Ugh! Wizards are the worst. Never trust a man in casual drapery.

Eda laces her fingers with the severed arm's

Eda: Why?

King: Your wizard client told Luz...

King laughs

King: she was a‐‐

King laughs even more

King: was a Chosen One!

King laughs

Eda: Wait, wait, Luz?

Y/n: That was what the chosen one talk was about?

Eda snickers and laughs so hard she falls back onto the floor

King: He even gave her a map.

Eda and King laugh as Luz hides behind her book, an embarrassed blush on her face.

Eda: Let me see this map.

Luz hands her the map. She inspects it for a few seconds.

Eda: You didn't think this was real, did you?

Luz: What?!

Eda: This map is bunk. There's no lake with a Celestial Staff on the Boiling Isles. I would have stolen it ages ago.

Y/n: Very true. She's stolen close to everything here

Eda notices Luz's down face and hands her the map back

Eda: Ah, don't worry. Couple more months here and you won't look like such a mark.

Luz: Can I have some time alone?

Eda shrugs and leaves the room. King hops off of Luz's sleeping bag and follows Eda. The door closes, casting the room in shadow.

Luz: Maybe they were right.

Luz leans against the wall before sliding down it to the floor

Luz: Huh?

Sunlight is illuminating one corner of the map, revealing the word "one" in shining blue lettering. Luz holds the entire map up to the light revealing the message: "The chosen one The path will only appear to the worthy".

Luz: "The path will only appear to the worthy."

Luz gasps

Luz: That's why Eda couldn't see it. But am... I really worthy?

Y/n: Luz. To be honest, I don't really know if any of this is true. However. If anyone is worthy, its you. So I'll believe for you.

Luz: Thanks y/n.

Y/n: Don't mention it

Cut to the living room, where King is laying down on the couch.

King: Finally! All that mean‐spirited laughter made me sleepy.

Eda: Crony, wake up. You said that wizard was one of my clients?

King: Yes. Now go away.

Eda: I don't know him that well...

Eda sits on the couch with enough force to send King flying into the air

Eda: And I don't trust this itch he's scratching in the human.

King: Less talky, more nappy.

Eda sighs

Cut to the door of Luz's room, which Eda pushes open.

Eda: Hey, Luz? Aw, nuts.

Her room is empty with only y/n in the corner, the howling wind pushing open the window. Eda runs to the window.

Eda: Hooty, where'd she go?

Hooty: Hoot, hoot. If you want the answer that you seek, solve my riddle within a week‐‐

Eda punches the wall hard enough to shake the whole house and leave cracks in the wall.

Hooty: Ow! Okay, okay. She went into the forest towards Bonesborough. Sheesh!

Y/n jumps from the monstrous amount of strength.

Eda: Ugh!

Luz's POV

Cut to a sign proclaiming the city limits of Bonesborough, next to which is Luz.

Luz inhales

Luz: My first mythical quest. Ha!

She jumps and slides down an incline, then gets over a fallen log. A thick fog rolls in as she keeps walking.

Luz: Okay. Got my scroll, got my youthful optimism, got my trusty weapon.

Luz pulls out the sword and hits a button on it

Sword: By the power of Skullgar, I am out of battery.

The lights on the sword dim as Luz lowers it. She continues onward, ducking a branch and cutting a rope with the sword.

Luz: You know, I wonder if I made the right choice by coming here.

Luz gasps

Luz: Wow!

reveals a village full of cats wearing clothes and walking on two legs. Luz walks through the village, beaming as she looks around. She approaches a fountain in the middle of a square, from which a witch with a sword strapped to his waist emerges, flipping wet hair out of his face.

???: I see. So you're the Chosen One.

???: scoffs

???: The Celestial Staff should've picked me, Nevareth Bladestrife, Teen Prince of Angstmore.

Luz stares at his biceps

Luz: Yes. Yes, I did make the right choice.

Eda's POV

Cut to an alley

King sniffs

King: This is where we met the scones. I mean, the wizard. Whoa!

Eda pushes aside a patched curtain.

King: It wasn't like this before.

The castle is now in complete ruin, with crumbling walls, no spire, and faded banners. One of the front doors is laying on the ground, and as they look, a chunk of wall falls from a pillar.

Eda: I don't like this.

A door creaks open, revealing the library. Tattered scrolls now litter the floor, shelves are broken, paintings are ripped, and chunks of debris are blocking the stairs. Eda steps forward, onto a bundle of scrolls. She picks them all up, each illuminated with the glowing message of: "The chosen one".

Eda: I really don't like this.

Y/n's POV

Y/n groans in pain

Y/n: What the hell is this? I feel in a way hungry but it's different. Like it's not hunger but it is at the same time.

Y/n groans even more. Black veins come from his eyes and a black liquid with a blue tint seeps from every hole in his body.

Y/n: Help Me! Hooty! Eda! Luz! Someone!... Anyone... please...

The liquid covers him entirely, forming a cocoon of sorts. From the inside, black scales are all over his body, horns come from his head, claws and wings are growing, his eyes were glowing green instead of his blue eyes. And most weirdly, a crown made of shadows.

Hooty: Hoot! Hoot! Someone called me! Y/n? Was it you?

Hooty looks at the cocoon as it splints open, revealing... What anyone could only call a monster... A demon...

Hooty: Who are you supposed to be?! Where is Y/n?!?!

??? (In a deep, echoed, stale, and stalled voice): Y/n is no longer here. I am Nowhere. Now tell me, wooden owl demon of the house.

Nowhere runs so fast it looks like he teleported, and grips hooty, cracking him.

Nowhere: Where is kel. I have a score to settle with him.

Luz's POV

Cut to the middle of the woods, where Luz is walking with Nevareth and a flying onion with bat wings.

Luz: Nevareth, your vengeful backstory is so compelling. And I'm lovin' your animal sidekick.

Nevareth: After my village was consumed, my heart has known nothing but vengeance.

They stop walking.

Luz: Nevareth!

Nevareth: Lady Luz, do you think love can bloom on the battlefield?

Luz turns and laughs to herself

Luz: This quest is questing in all the right ways.

The three of them walk onto a bridge, yelping when a creature jumps in front of them.

Nevareth: Ew.

The Creature daces

Creature: Hum‐di‐diddle, to pass the bridge, you must first solve my riddle.

Luz: Hit me, little furry man.

Creature: Your quest shall stop if you fail this game. So tell me, my dear, what is my name?

Luz: Hmm.

Luz bends down to inspect his nametag

Luz: Uh... Chris?

Chris: That's it. You may cross the bridge. And please take this, Chosen One. It shall help you on your journey.

Chris hands her a ring

Luz: Wow. This is amazing. Thank you.

Luz puts the ring on

Nevareth: Do you need a cape?

Luz: Nah, I think I'm goo‐‐

Nevareth: You can use my shirt.

Nevareth rips his shirt off and ties it like a cape over Luz's shoulders.

Luz: Yes. I need a cape.

Luz giggles

Nevareth: Three cheers for the Chosen One. Hip, hip...

Everyone: Hurray!

Nevareth: Hip, hip...

Everyone: Hurray!

Nevareth: Hip, hip...

Eda's POV

Eda: Oh, no.

Her and King are standing in the cat village, which is now destroyed. Dark clouds hang in the sky and fog clouds hang in front of the houses.

Eda: Are you sure she came here?

King sniffs

King: Can't mistake her smell. Like lemons and young, naïve confidence.

Eda: Hmm.

Eda walks up to the fountain, which is now broken and covered in dying vines. A cat wrapped in vines is laying in the lower basin. Eda kneels in front of the fountain.

Eda: Hey! Wake up, you.

Eda flicks the cat's head

Eda: What have you done with Luz?

Eda shakes it

Eda: What's your endgame?

Cat: To find your pupil and still your wrath, look ahead and follow the path.

It cackles as it disintegrates

King gasps

King: The cat man melted!

Eda sighs and stands

Eda: It's a trap. They want me to follow Luz.

King: So, what do we do?

Eda: Hmm.

Nowhere's POV

Nowhere: I'll ask you a question. I sense titan magic everywhere. Where am I?

Hooty panics and hoots.

Hooty: Hoot! It's the remains of a fallen titan. The boiling Isles! Hoot!

Nowhere: Oh. I see. Now I get it...

Nowhere let's go of hooty and taps him, healing his cracks.

Nowhere: Kel has died. Hasn't he? And now I'm on his remains. Then I have no score to settle owl demon. I'll let y/n go.

Nowhere (Thinking): I release my hold on your body. Use me as you wish, curse user. However, Soon the magic will consume your body leaving only me in control. We are now one in the same. Eternally.

As nowhere reverts he whispers one more thing.

Nowhere: You will remember this. You need to feed on magic. You must until you bring me to full strength. Or we will both be lost to the void

Nowhere's eyes dilate to pitch black and go inside his body and the eyes come back and glow blue instead.

???: Hooty? Are you okay?

Y/n's voice is now normal

Hooty just looks at the figure with fear.

Hooty: Who are you!?!

???: What do you mean? It's me. Y/n.

Y/n looks at his body and gains a look of fear.

He looks around and sees yellow energy everywhere. He's sees some from a distance. A big one. And y/n remembered nowhere's words.

He runs out the house and jumped towards the energy. He could jump dozens of meters high from his usual 4 to 5 inches.

Luz's POV

Luz: Thank you for inviting me to your feast, Princess. All your food was so tiny and cute.

The Princess twirls her hands and creates two bracelets

Princess: For you, Chosen One.

Luz puts the bracelets on

Luz: Thank you. You have all been so kind and thoughtful.

Luz jumps and strikes a pose

Luz: I hope this quest never ends.

Chris: Your quest will soon come to an end, for the staff you seek is around the bend.

Luz drops her pose

Luz: Thanks for ruining the mood, Chris.

Nevareth: Go on, Chosen One. The Celestial Staff is yours. You've earned it.

Luz perks back up and continues down the path.

Nevareth: Farewell, Lady Luz.

Princess: Farewell. We love you, Chosen One.

Birds twitter as they fly overhead, casting long shadows below them. Luz looks away from them to focus on the path, before slowing to a stop.

Luz gasps

The Celestial Staff stands on a platform in the middle of a lake, illuminated by a ray of light. As Luz approaches the edge of the lake, a glowing comes from the water, followed a few seconds later by a stone walkway rumbling into place, connecting the edge of the lake and the central platform.

Luz: I knew this world wasn't all gloom and doom like Eda and King said. [skipping and twirling down the walkway] There is wonder here. And I... I think I came here for a reason.

She pauses as she reaches the platform, staring at the staff in awe.

Luz: Okay, this is it. Moment of truth.

She hesitantly grabs the staff. Blue swirls of magic come out of it, creating waves in the lake as the top of the staff glows brightly. She pulls it out of the ground and holds it above her head triumphantly.

Luz: Yes! I am the Chosen One! I knew it! I always suspected there was a reason nobody understood my wacky antics back at home.

Luz jumps and twirls in a circle, then holds the staff with both hands

Luz: Now I have concrete proof.

She laughs

The staff disintegrates, the dust blowing away in the wind.

Luz: No!

She grabs at the dust. Around her, the rest of the illusions fade: flowers at her feet wilt, water drains from the lake and retreats up the riverbanks, and even leaves disappear in a swirl.

Luz: What?

Eda's POV

Eda: I know this guy. He's no wizard. He's what you'd call a puppeteer, a demon who specializes in scamming and manipulating people. He's trying to use Luz to get to me.

King: Yeah, and we're flying directly into his trap. Hurray.

Eda: Well, if you can think of a better plan, I'd love to hear it. Hey, faster, you.

Eda slaps her staff

Owlbert hoots

Y/n's POV

Y/n heard a "No!" from what sounded like Luz.

Y/n: You can do all the dirty handed shit in the world. But there's one thing you never do. no joder com mi hermanita!

Y/n jumps with more haste to get there faster, knowing the cost if he didn't

Luz's POV

Luz whimpers

Adegast appears from the fog

Adegast: Luz, the human.

Luz: Magical wizard?

Adegast: Your hubris has failed you, Witch Apprentice.

he cackled

Adegast lifts the wizard puppet to reveal an ocotopus-like demon. The ground begins to crack.

Luz: Huh?

Her previous travelling companions and cats from the village arise from the stone, a tentacle in each of their backs. They're lifted in the air and surround Luz, who slowly spins around.

Luz: Okay, Luz. Don't panic. This is classic Chosen One biz. You just have to rescue everybody and defeat the final boss.

Adegast: I am everybody! You fool, don't you see? I'm no wizard. And you're no Chosen One. I've tricked you.

evil laughter esues

Luz: What?

As she's distracted by the reveal, her cape floats up around her. It turns to chains, forcing her to her knees. The bracelets become hand cuffs and the ring becomes chains that lock her hands together, secured with a padlock.

Luz: No! Betrayed by my own cool accessories. Why are you doing this?

Adegast: Your mentor has been stealing customers from my potions business for years. She must be destroyed.

Luz: Does everybody have a beef with Eda here?

All the pupets agreeing.

Luz sighs

Adegast: And you lured her right into my trap, all because you wanted to think you were special.

Luz: No. Joke's on you, 'cause Eda isn't stupid enough to fall for your trap.

Eda: Adegast!

Luz: Oh, heck!

Eda and King land at the end of the walkway.

Adegast: Eda, I have you now!

Two cat puppets erupt from the ground, one grabbing Eda and the other King.

Eda: That's right. You have me. Now release Luz.

King: I didn't have to be a part of this!

Adegast: Oh, she can leave. If she wants to. But I sense she wants a real fantasy.

The Chris puppet breathes a cloud of fog at Luz. When she opens her eyes, she's free of her restraints, kneeling in a dark void. Adegast's puppets walk up to her from the dark.

Nevareth: Stay with us, Luz. Stay with Adegast. We need you here. You could be our Chosen One.

Princess: Yeah, you can eat our tiny foods forever.

Nevereth: Luz, why would you want to live in a world where people laugh at you?

Luz: It is beautiful here.

Eda: Luz!

Luz: And you guys think I'm special.

Eda: No!

Eda grunts as the tentacle nearly envelops her

The puppets all close in on Luz.

Luz: But it's not real.

Luz grunts and waves the fog away, running forward to pick up her sword

Luz: I am a Witch's Apprentice. And I'm gonna earn my magic staff the hard way. I believed you, Magic Man. Now feel my wrath!

Luz stabs the wizard puppet through the stomach, making it disappear with a poof.

Adegast screams

Eda and King free themselves, landing next to Luz with grunts. Luz swings her sword at the princess like it's a bat, making her poof away. Three cat puppets approach Eda. She draws a spell circle, sending a plume of orange smoke at them. They disintegrate with distorted screams.

Adegast screams

Nevareth tries to blindside Luz, but his yell alerts her. She catches his sword with her own and duels him.

Luz: I thought we had a connection, Nevareth!

Luz plunges her sword through his chest

Nevareth grunts

Nevareth: Ah, my flawless pecs!

Nevareth poofs

Eda lands next to Luz, the two sharing a smile.

Adegast: Back off!

Adegast holds up King

Adegast: Or the dog gets it.

King: I am not a‐‐

King does a muffled grunt

Eda and Luz drop their weapons and raise their hands in surrender.

Luz: King, I'm sorry. I should have listened to you and never trusted that wizard. You were right. He isn't mystical or magical. He's just a big, slimy jerk.

She kicks her sword but before it hit. A monster had arrived, stomping on its head. Making it drop king

Y/n hears a thought in his head. A spell.

Y/n: death swirls around the void of souls, it opens its three JAWS to devour you whole! Level One Tier One Dark Magic: Jaws Of The Void!

A circle of shadows swirls around y/n and shadow people pop out. They grabbed adegast. He was giant but they were strong and were making his body parts non-functional. They threw him into the circle. when they did, a giant three headed dog eats him and returns into the circle along with the shadows. Y/n from the amount of energy unleashed reverts to his actual form and passes out. He kept his horns and crown though.

Eda picks him up and king

Eda: Well, Your brother is just full of surprises. He coughed up a powerful spell there. Probably the strongest one yet.

Luz looks at y/n, Distressed.

Luz: I'm just confused.

Eda: Thinking of calling it quits, huh?

Luz: This place is nothing like I imagined.

Eda: Hmm. Maybe not here. But come with me. I got something to show you.

Cut to the four of them on Eda's staff, hovering in the sky. Luz and a awake y/n is wearing a blindfold.]

Eda: Okay, you can look.

Luz takes the blindfold off

Luz: Whoa!

Y/n did take off his blindfold. But the weird hunger pang was still there. All he could clearly see was the green energy around him and the isles

They pan to reveal the whole of the Boiling Isles: the decomposing body of a Titan. It's laying with its arms splayed in the sea, its skull illuminated by the setting sun.

Eda: The bones of the Isles. Up close, the Isles can be slimy‐‐

King: And very stinky.

Eda: And gross. But if you look at it from a different perspective...

The four of them look to the sky above the Titan's skull, where stars are beginning to appear. As they watch, a shooting star crosses the sky, there for only a moment.

Luz: It's beautiful.

King: Yeah.

King leans against Luz

Luz: Eda, how did you know that wizard was lying?

Eda: Look, kid, everyone wants to believe they're "chosen". But if we all waited around for a prophecy to make us special...

Eda chuckles

Eda: we'd die waiting. And that's why you need to choose yourself.

Luz: Does that mean you'll give me a magic staff of my own?

Eda: Not yet. But... someday. And you y/n. You have potential to become the strongest witch around the isles. Don't forget that.

Luz leans against Eda as they watch the sun continue to set. Y/n on the other hand could have sworn he heard a voice.

Nowhere: I'll Get My Revenge Kel. Even If I Die.

His arm in response fluctuates between his human form and monster form. Almost as it's throwing a fit of rage.

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