Troublemaker | Station 19

By goonerscribblesox

358K 8.5K 1.8K

When the arrival of the youngest member of the Bishop family, Maddie, turns up at the station, skeletons come... More

{Cast & Characters}
1. Arrival at 19
2. Home sweet home
3. Exhaustion
4. Sour Mood
5. Escape Act
6. Grounded
7. Staying At The Houseboat
8. Risking It
9. Hero
10. PTSD
11. Oh Mother Dearest
12. Sick Day
13. Reunited
14. The World As We Know It Now
15. Our Fallen Hero
16. Tiger on the loose
17. Moving In
18. Bringing Up The Past
19. Probie Sullivan!
20. Victims
21. Wrongful Arrest
22. The Aftermath!
23. The Chase Is On
24. It's Too Early To Say Goodbye
25. Too Soft
26. Memorial Service
27. Unwanted Guest
28. Pushing Her Luck
29. Uncle Mason
30. Back To Italy
31. Hospital Trip
32. Confessions
33. Recovery Begins
34. Date Night
36. Unfamiliar Face
37. Anxiety
38. Leaving For Italy
39. Late Night Fears
40. Confrontation
41. Mood Swings
42. Reconnected
43. Teenage Trouble
44. It's Wedding Day!
45. Fallout Of Events
46. Happiness Doesn't Last Long
47. Turmoil
48. Awaiting News
49. Other Side
50. Awake
51. Nobody Likes Hospitals
52. Welcome To The Family
53. Wrapped Up In Cotton Wool
54. Recovery
55. Surprise Visitors
56. Show Some Respect
57. Back To School
58. Violence Doesn't Get You Anywhere
59. Birthday Wish
60. Who Doesn't Like Fireworks?
61. Rise From The Ashes
62. Celebrate!
63. Celebrate! pt.2
64. Fear
65. Truth Comes out
66. Seattle Heatwave
67. Maybe One Day
68. Are We Ready To Try This Again?
69. The Beginning Of A Downward Spiral
70. Sneaking Out, Again!
71. Testing The Limits!
72. The Calm Before The Storm
73. Devastation
74. Grief Stricken
75. Depression
76. Late Night Hospital Visit
77. Therapy
78. Feelings
79. As The Bells Ring, Blood Is Shed
80. Diagnosis
81. The Truth Hurts
82. Homophobic Slurs
83. Burnt Turkey
84. Accept That Its Over!
85. Actions!
86. Deep Trouble...
87. Rose Petals And Champagne, All Around!
88. Realisation
89. Christmas Is Just Around The Corner!
90. It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, Well Kinda!
Book 2 Update!

35. Unforgivable Actions

4.2K 95 25
By goonerscribblesox

"Why aren't you dressed yet? We need to leave shortly!" Maya said as she appeared in the doorway of her teenage daughter's bedroom.

"What are you talking about?" Maddie asked confused from where she was still lay in bed, her arm propped up on a pillow as she stared down at her phone.

"We talked about this last night Mads. You're coming to the station with me today," Maya told her firmly.

"Why can't I just stay at home? You let me do that last night," Maddie asked confused.

"That was only for a few hours. I would feel more comfortable if you were somewhere that I could keep an eye on you," Maya explained.

"It's not like I can do much even if I wanted to," Maddie mumbled as she continued to lie in bed.

"Look, I know that you don't want to come but I am not going to argue with you over this. I still need to finish getting ready myself and I can really do without the hassle this morning," Maya said wanting to avoid an argument this early in the morning.

"Yeah, I'll get up in a minute," Maddie said as she remained in bed. Maya was growing impatient and took hold of the duvet and ripped it off, although she would never be so cruel as to throw ice-cold water on her teenage daughter.

"Mom! What the hell?" Maddie shouted annoyed.

"Up, Madison!" Maya said sternly.

"Why would you do that?" Maddie grumbled as she sat up in bed and brought her knees up to her chest. "I said that I would get up in a minute!" She said.

"First, lose the attitude and second, I have already asked you to get up and you ignored me. I've told you that I can't be late today," Maya said as she rested her hands on her hips. "I am going to finish getting ready. I expect you to actually be out of bed and ready by the time I'm back otherwise I won't be happy," Maya said firmly.

"What was all of that shouting about?" Carina asked confused as Maya walked back into the bedroom.

"Oh, Maddie refused to get out of bed and she isn't happy that she has to come to the station with me," Maya briefly explained as she grabbed some clothes out to change into instead of her usual running attire. "Do you think it's a good idea for her to come to the station with me today?" She asked.

"Well, I think you've made the right decision, the one that makes the most sense. I can't exactly take her to the hospital, however, it wouldn't be good to leave her on her own," Carina stated.

"That's what I thought but she isn't exactly thrilled about it though," Maya chuckled. "I know we left her yesterday but that was for a few hours and she still had Sarah with her," She added.

"Esattamente. It's for the best that she goes with you," Carina agreed.

"So, are we going to ride together today?" Maya asked as she quickly changed her outfit.

"Si. I just need to try and figure out what to wear," Carina said with a sigh.

"Oh. You're telling Bailey today?" Maya questioned.

"I am and I'm incredibly nervous to tell her in case she yells," Carina confessed.

"Don't be nervous. I don't think she will yell at you and if anything she will be understanding about it all," Maya emphasized with her girlfriend. "Alright, I'm going to check on Maddie and make sure that she is actually up now,"

"If I hear yelling then I know why," Carina said with a smirk. "Buona Fortuna," She added.

Maya laughed as she dipped out of their bedroom and padded across the hallway into her daughter's bedroom where she still remained in bed.

"Are you kidding me?" Maya asked unimpressed while still trying to remain calm even though it was proving to be difficult.

"Just go without me," Maddie muttered.

"Absolutely not, no!" Maya scolded whilst she shook her head. "Get up now,"

"Ugh. Your so annoying," Maddie muttered under her breath as she climbed out of bed.

"Fifteen minutes, Maddie!" Maya said before she exited the room.

"I take it that went well," Carina said sarcastically as she had overheard the conversation between the two blonde's across the hall.

"God, why is our kid so stubborn?" Maya asked as she flopped down onto the bed dramatically.

"Well, we know where she gets that from Bella," Carina said while she couldn't help but smirk.

"Hey!" Maya exclaimed as she threw the pillow at Carina who chuckled.

"You know I'm only joking Bella," Carina said. "So have you actually managed to get her out of bed now?" She asked.

"Eventually yes but next time, you can get her up!" Maya insisted.

"No, no, no. Non è un caso, bellissima," Carina said while she shook her head. "Don't you remember the last time that I tried that? It didn't end well at all. That job is all yours,"

"I'm gonna be late!" Maya shouted through as she finished making herself a smoothie.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes," Carina said as she ran out of the bedroom to show Maya her outfit, "Huh?" She asked for her opinion.

"Okay, well, if you're trying to let Bailey down easy, you should look way less hot," Maya pointed out with a smirk.

"Ugh, too much? I thought it was too much," Carina muttered out loud as she headed back into her bedroom to get changed again. "Wha... Ugh."

"Okay, so we're not driving together," Maya said with a subtle nod, turning back around. "Maddie, let's go!" She shouted out.

"Are you sure that I have to come to the station?" Maddie asked as she walked out of the bedroom dressed in a plain white tee, mustard yellow checked flannel and black leggings. "You know I'm pretty capable of staying home alone,"

"We've already been over this Maddie. It's not up for discussion," Maya said with a sigh. "Just go and say bye to Mama. We're already late and as the captain-"

"As the captain, you cannot be late and it doesn't make a good impression to the rest," Maddie cut her mother off who looked unimpressed.

"Okay, quit being a smartass and go say bye to Mama please," Maya told her daughter.

"Whatever you say," Maddie said with a curt nod before she walked into her parent's bedroom to see Carina frantically searching through outfits, "Uh Mama, what are you doing?" She asked confused.

"Trying to find an outfit that's the most appropriate to tell Bailey that I am needing to go back to Italy," Carina explained as she looked up at the teenager.

Maddie looks at the outfits scattered on the bed, "Oh, well if you're looking for an outfit that screams out 'I am quitting' then you should totally go with this one!"

"Bambina I am not quitting as such," Carina said as she shook her head in amusement. "However, I do this outfit that you've chosen."

"Hey Mama, uh can you please try and persuade Mama to let me stay home alone?" Maddie asked.

"Nice try Bambina. We made the decision together and you're going to the station with your Mom," Carina said.

"Dammit," Maddie muttered under her breath. "Well, I guess it was worth a shot asking you." Maddie said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"What was worth a shot?" Maya questioned as she appeared in the doorway of the bedroom.

"Maddie wanted to see whether I could get you to try and change your mind," Carina explained.

"That's not happening. You're coming to the station," Maya said firmly.

"Like I said, it was a worth asking," Maddie said.

"Go get in the car kiddo. I'll be out in a second," Maya said handing over her car keys to her daughter. 

"Alright. Bye Mama!" Maddie said with a small wave before she left the bedroom.

"Bye Bambina," Carina replied. "I think she was trying to play us off one another again,"

"Hm yes. That wouldn't surprise me if she did that" Maya chuckled. "Okay so I really need to go before I really am late. I will see you later,"

"Arrivederci. Ti Amo, Bella," Carina said. "Be safe!" She added.

"Of course, always!" Maya said pressing a light kiss to her girlfriend's lips. "Bye!" She waved.

Maya exited the apartment building and quickly ran outside to her car to try avoid being any later than she already was. Buckling her seatbelt up, she noticed the miserable expression on her teenage daughter's face.

"What's with the sad face, kiddo?" Maya wondered.

"I just wish that I could have stayed at home instead. Well, actually I wanted to go and see Sarah, she still isn't coping well and I just want to be there for her," Maddie said. "You and Mama keep telling me that I'm still recovering so surely it would have been better for me to stay home,"

"I know that you don't like it but I would prefer to have peace of mind that you're somewhere that I can keep an eye on you," Maya explained as she pulled out onto the main street to begin the drive to the station. "And I know you want to see Sarah but you can see her tomorrow and if you'd like then she can stay over."

"Really?" Maddie's face lit up at the idea of that happening.

"Yeah, I'll talk to Mama about it and as long as Sarah's mom agrees as well," Maya agreed.

"Awesome," Maddie grinned.

Maya kept her concentration on the road out in front but out the corner of her eye she could see her daughter looking hesitant to say something, "What's on your mind?"

"How-" Maddie looked at her mom confused before she was cut off.

"You're my daughter, therefore I know you and when you want to say something," Maya chuckled.

"Oh..." Maddie said.

"Okay, so what is it?" Maya wondered.

"If you're that bothered about keeping an eye on me at the station then what are you going to do when you have a call out?" Maddie asked curiously. "Oh! Do I get to sit in the back of the truck?" She asked with a small smirk playing on her face.

"Sure, I'll even let you join in on the calls." Maya couldn't help but play along.

"Really?" Maddie asked surprised.

"No," Maya snorted. "You can sit in my office or wherever you feel comfortable and focus on the school work that you have no doubt forgotten about," She said.

"What, how-" Maddie was baffled. Maya cut her off again.

"As I said before, you're my daughter and I know you," Maya chuckled. "Your school work should keep you busy and out of trouble for a while at least,"

"That's not fair," Maddie said with a small pout on her face.

Maya chuckled as she entered the parking lot. "Well, I think that everyone at the station will be happy to see you since they've all been seriously worried about you. I have received numerous texts and calls from all of them,"

"I'm a pretty likeable person. I mean who wouldn't want to see me?" Maddie said with a smirk on her face.

Maya turned off the engine on her car, "Okay smartass. Come on. Let's go inside, I'm already running late."

"Oh, I thought that I would just sit inside the car all day," Maddie stated.

"You're hilarious kiddo," Maya said as she rolled her eyes. Reaching round to the back seat, she grabbed her backpack out as the two of them climbed out of the car and headed inside the station.

"Uh-oh," Maddie mumbled.

"What?" Maya asked confused.

"Well, if you weren't already having a bad day then it's about to get a lot worse," Maddie said as she stared at the person in question. 

Maya knitted her eyebrows together in confusion, following her daughters gaze to spot the one man that she detests.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Maya groaned out loud as she swung the door open ready to face him.

"Captain Bishop. We keeping mother's hours around here?" Dixon asked as he checked his watch.

"Dixon. Or do I call you 'Dick' for short?" Maya fired back, accepting the folder from the firefighter who was sitting at the desk. "We're not open to visitors." Maya told him, opening the door to her office, "Come on Mads." She said. Dixon was quick to follow both of them inside.

"We haven't met before-" Maddie was quick to cut Dixon off.

"Yeah I already know who you are but I don't like you," Maddie stated with a scowl, she was feeling uncomfortable by the presence of the man.

"Wow you are a feisty one," Dixon chuckled and looked back at Maya, "I take it that she belongs to you, Bishop?" He asked.

"Is there a reason that you're breaking COVID protocol and bothering me first thing in the morning?" Maya asked, ignoring his previous question.

"Well, it's not 'first thing'," Dixon said as he gestured to hold up his wrist with his watch showing the time, "I just came to say that if you care at all about the safety of your people, you'll put a muzzle on Miller and try to mend some fences,"

"Is that an official statement from PD?" Maya asked.

"Just advice from a fellow front-liner," Dixon stated.

"PD should be the one mending fences," Maya told him as she put her smoothie down on her desk and reached to grab a folder. "Parking tickets on a fire truck?" She asked.

"Well, that's just fun and games," Dixon chuckled, which just angered Maya even more, "A lawsuit's a lot more hostile, don't you think? That can't be good for morale around here,"

"Did you seriously come here just to say that?" Maya asked trying to keep her temper in check.

"No, I also came to say... nice haircut," Dixon said as he chuckled again before turning his attention to the teenager who was giving him a scowl. "Nice to meet you kid,"

"Yeah, I can't say the same about you," Maddie muttered under her breath as Dixon left the office. "Ugh. I really don't like that guy at all, he gives me the creeps." She said as she sat down in the chair in her mom's office and spun around.

"Well, not a lot of people do like him," Maya chuckled. "Even his own son can't stand him!" She said.

"I don't blame him at all. He is totally an asswipe," Maddie giggled.

"Maddie!" Maya can't help but stifle a laugh.

"What? It's totally the truth!" Maddie insisted. "So, can I go and find everyone? I might as well have something to do."

"Okay sure but be careful please," Maya said worriedly, fearing the worst that Maddie would end up hurting herself in some type of way. "And once you've said hello, come back here so you can make a start on that school work," She added.

"I'll be fine don't worry Mom," Maddie reassured her mother as she got up from the chair. "Ugh seriously. You're not forgetting about that are you?" She asked.

"Absolutely not," Maya said with a grin.

"Okay. I'll be back once I've said hello," Maddie agreed as she exited the office to spot four of her favourite people gathered around the reception.

"Tia Andy! Sully!" Maddie exclaimed.

"Ahh! Mija!" Andy exclaimed.

"Hey kid," Robert waved from the steps.

"Hey, what am I? Chopped liver," Vic asked offended.

"Sorry, hi auntie Vic," Maddie said with a smile.

"Oh, come on, hey, what about me? I thought that I was your favourite uncle," Travis teased. Maddie couldn't help but play along.

"Nah, it's Dean," Maddie told the firefighter. Travis pouted at the teenager in front of him. "I'm only kidding uncle Travis. You're all my favourites," She said with a giggle while moving to give each of them an individual hug.

"I was about to say. I felt rejected then," Travis said playfully as he held his hand over his heart.

"How are you feeling Mija? I'm so happy to see you!" Andy exclaimed.

"I'm happy to see you all as well," Maddie said while smiling. "I still feel a bit sore but I'm okay," She added.

"Well, we didn't think we would see you here so soon squirt. I thought you would be at home," Vic said.

"That's what I wanted to do but Mom was terrified to leave me home alone in case I tore any of my stitches," Maddie explained.

"I suppose that makes sense," Vic shrugged her shoulders.

"It's good to see you kid. You look a lot better than the other day," Travis chuckled. "I mean you actually looked terrible the other day,"

"Wow, thanks uncle Travis," Maddie chuckled. "Well, I better go get started on my school work before Mom comes looking for me. I just wanted to say hi to you all," Maddie giggled.

"Alright. See you later kid," Sully waved.

Maddie walked back into her mom's office, "I'm back!" She announced cheerfully.

"You're back sooner than I expected," Maya said as she was now sitting behind her desk, taking the opportunity to catch up on paperwork.

"I know. I didn't you to send out a search party to come and find me," Maddie smirked.

"Funny," Maya said, rolling her eyes. Her daughter definitely had a sarcastic side today.

"Uh. I hate stupid Math!" Maddie groaned in frustration. Maya looked up from her paperwork in question.

"Let me have a look and see if I can help," Maya offered.

Maddie moved her laptop around so Maya was able to see the screen now as well, "I don't understand these equations at all," She said as she sighed.

Maya looked at the laptop in front of her and found herself puzzled by the questions. "Uh. Well, Math has definitely changed since I was at school," She admitted.

"That's because you went to school years and years ago! I'm so confused!" Maddie said in frustration.

"Hey. It wasn't that long ago," Maya said offended. "Don't panic, we have a look over it-" She was cut off by the klaxon being announced.

"Does that mean you need to go as well?" Maddie questioned.

"I'm afraid so kiddo but when I get back I'll help you with it," Maya told her daughter before she darted up from her chair.

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit," Maddie said with a sigh as she watched her mom run out of the office.

Deciding to push her work aside, she grabbed her phone out and clicked on Sarah's number to FaceTime her.

"Hey, babe." Maddie greeted her girlfriend with a smile. From the camera, she could tell that Sarah was buried under her duvet, her eyes were red and puffy and she looked emotionally drained. "You okay?" She asked softly.

"Hi, babe. I'm okay I guess." Sarah spoke quietly. It was evident that she had barely slept at all. "I miss you," She added.

"I know. I miss you too. I just wanted to check in and talk to you," Maddie said with a small pout on her face. "I wish that I could come and see you."

"I'm not great company right now. I'm a mess," Sarah admitted.

"That doesn't matter. I told you that I am here for you, even you claim that you look a mess," Maddie said with a smirk. "But for the record, you still look beautiful in my eyes."

"Awe. Thank you, Mads." Sarah said and she couldn't help but blush. "I really do love you," She said in adoration.

"And I love you too, Sar!" Maddie said with a matching smile. "Oh, my mom said you can sleep over tomorrow if you want?" She asked.

"I'll have to check with my Mom but I don't think it'll be a problem," Sarah said with a smile. "I love spending time with you,"

"I love being able to spend time with you as well," Maddie said. "You look tired. Have you slept much?"

"Not really," Sarah confessed. "I have a headache from crying so much," She added.

"Oh no. I'm sorry to hear that!" Maddie frowned.

"I'm going to try to get some sleep and see if goes away. I'll text you in a bit," Sarah said.

"Okay, babe. I love you," Maddie said.

"I love you too. Speak to you soon," Sarah said. Maddie ended the call, she felt was awful to see her girlfriend so upset.

Maya jumped out of the truck and ran straight into the action. There was an elderly woman rushing towards them all in a complete panic.

"Please hurry. He's out there! It's gonna get him!" The lady exclaimed.

"What is?" Maya asked confused.

"Whoa!" Jack said alarmed. They looked over to see the metal scraping on the ice as they can spot a large machine that is caught on fire.

"Where's the driver?" Maya questioned, not spotting them anywhere.

"Come this way. It's my husband! He fell off!" The lady continued to explain as they ran to follow the women as they looked over onto the ice to see a man lay on the ice who was groaning out in pain.

"Help! Help, please!" The man said in pain.

"I tried to get to him, that thing's moving around like crazy!" The lady said.

"Okay, we've got this. We've trained for this." Maya said reassuring the woman when she wasn't exactly sure of that herself.

"We have?" Travis asked confused. Maya looked around briefly annoyed and she did feel uncertain but didn't say anything at all so she didn't alarm the already frightened woman.

Maddie sat in her mother's office, trying to focus on her school work but was past the point of being ready to give up now. While looking through the glass window, she spotted Ben sitting out in reception behind the desk.

"Hi, Ben." Maddie grinned at the firefighter as she walked out of the office.

"Hey, munchkin! You okay?" Ben questioned.

"Yeah I am good but I am just bored now. I have given up on my school work so I need something else to do," Maddie told him.

"Is it Math? I tried to help Tuck out with his but that stuff is confusing now." Ben stated.

"That's what my mom said as well when she looked at it. You guys are old," Maddie said as she giggled.

"Hey. I'm not that old," Ben defended himself.

"Sure, whatever you say, Grandpa," Maddie said with a smirk on her face.

Ben gave the teenage girl a look in offence, "Oh come on, don't start that again."

"Sorry. I couldn't help it," Maddie said as she giggled. "But I am bored still," She added.

"Okay, so how about a game of cards? I'm sure we have a pack stored away somewhere," Ben suggested.

"Nah. Card games are lame," Maddie said.

Ben raised his eyebrow in question, "Okay then. Do you have any better ideas?" He asked.

"Actually I do," Maddie said as a small smirk appeared on her face.

"Right. Go on then," Ben motioned for her to continue.

"We could make a Tiktok dance video? I have been wanting to do one for ages," Maddie said with a grin on her face.

"Yeah. No. I'm not doing that," Ben said not impressed at all.

"Oh, why not?" It would be so much fun!" Maddie said with a pout.

"Well one, I am not going to humiliate myself on the internet which is available for anyone to watch," Ben said while he shook his head. "And aren't you supposed to be taking it easy anyway?" He asked.

"Everyone might as well just wrap me up in the bubblewrap," Maddie muttered to herself. "I feel like I literally can't do anything without either of my mom's telling me to be careful and that I could end up hurting myself." She told the firefighter.

"Well, I know it must seem annoying but they only say it because they care about you and don't want to see you hurt yourself worse," Ben said. "None of us does," He added.

"I know. I understand that but it just drives me insane," Maddie stated.

"Sullivan, we're bringing the stokes out. Don't move him again unless you absolutely have to," Maya radioed through to Robert who was on the ice with the man. "Job one is to get him off there. Then we'll deal with the flaming robot," Maya told Vic, Jack and Travis.

"Lloyd, honey, they're coming for you!" The woman shouted out to her husband on the ice.

"Ma'am, can you put this mask on?" Maya asked as she reached into her pocket to retrieve a mask for the women.

"Um... I told him not to take it out. We aren't even open for skaters. The ice doesn't need it. But he's set in his ways. He can't get through the day without doing his laps. I think he zones out when he's on there," The women told Maya as they walked together.

"Ma'am? Ma'am, I'm sorry. We need more info. So, the... the machine just combusted?" Maya questioned.

"Um, I was spraying the glass when I looked up and I heard him make this little "Aaah!" And I looked up, and there was just this fireball. And I yelled, "Get down, Lloyd, for cripes' sake!" And then he just jumped off. I-I think I should have told him to hit the brake first," The women rambled in a panic.

"Is it gas-powered?" Maya asked.

"Battery," The woman told her.

"Thank you, ma'am," Maya said gratefully as Jack walked over to her.

"What do you want to do?" Jack asked.

Maya let out a sigh."It's electric, so water is out. It's erratic as hell, so I'm not gonna risk anyone getting hurt by fighting it on the ice. We'll just... We'll hit it with the CO2 extinguishers, whenever it gets close." Maya said.

"No, that won't do it," Jack said.

"I know, but we're basically waiting for it to burn itself out, and maybe we can help it along," Maya said.

 "Okay," Jack said.

Maya and Jack stood in the doorway as Travis and Vic walked out onto the ice.

"One foot in front of the other Montgomery. One foot in front of the other," Jack told the firefighter.

It was then that Travis stepped onto the ice, slipped and landed on his back, "Oh crap," He said. Maya winced when she saw it happen.

"Do you really think this is a good idea?" Jack questioned as they continued to watch from the side as Vic and Travis make their way into ice.

"What do you mean?" Maya wondered. "I don't know any other option," Maya said

"I mean Montgomery is practically like Bambi on the ice," Jack stated as they watched him try and not fall over again.

"Oh, God," Maya muttered to herself, debating whether she made the right move or not to send him on the ice. Breathing a sigh of relief as she watched the two firefighters reach Lloyd, although it wasn't over yet.

"Now for the tough part," Jack commented as they watched them from the sidelines.

"Red lights and sirens, people. Let's move," Maya ordered. Vic, Travis and Sullivan were quick to work on moving him back towards the exit on a board. "Come on, come on, come on!" Maya shouted as the metal scraped along the ice.

"That damn fireball is moving fast!" Jack said alarmed.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! It's coming back around!" Maya called out from the sidelines.

"Lloyd! Watch out!" The woman shouted from where she was stood behind Maya as all she felt was fear at this moment.

"Fast, fast, fast, fast," Maya said as they reached the door. "Come on, get the door." The firefighters ran through the doors while Jack and herself moved to shut the door. "Come on. Keep it up. Go," She added as the blazing fireball approached them. 

Maya made quick work of giving out the orders for Jack and Vic to take the ladders to the outside of the ice and hit it with CO2 whenever it gets close.

"Oh. Look who's here," Ben motioned towards the door when there was a brief knock after he looked up from his clipboard.

"Hey," Carina spoke as she walked inside the reception and took off her mask. "Hi, Bambina,"

"Hey," Ben said with a smile.

"Hi, Mama," Maddie said with a slight wave from where she was sat behind the desk.

"Uh, where is Maya?" Carina questioned as she looked around for her girlfriend.

"Yeah, they're out a call," Ben explained when he noticed the upset expression that Carina had. "You okay?" He asked.

Carina let out a sigh, "I just gave my resignation to your wife because I have to go back to Italy."

"Oh. Did she 'Bailey' you?" Ben questioned with a slight chuckle.

"What?" Carina asked confused.

"What does that even mean?" Maddie asked equally as confused.

"You know, the, um," Ben said as he did his impression of his wife's famous look.

"No. You did that very well, but..." Carina said.

"Yeah, well, I've seen it a few times. Was she mean, though?" Ben asked.

"No. Quite the opposite. She was so lovely and supportive. She even cried, which made me cry, and..." Carina said. "Yeah, no."

"Yeah, so, uh, you're going back to Paolo Calvino, huh?" Ben asked while Carina sniffled. Maddie moved off the chair so Carina could sit down and then she plonked herself on her lap instead.

"Are you comfy there, Bambina?" Carina asked.

"Yep. Very comfy," Maddie grinned.

Carina chuckled and turned her attention back to Ben to answer his question, "Yes. Where I did my residency. My friend Gabriella is already there," Carina explained to the firefighter. Maddie pulled a face hearing the women's name she wasn't keen on. "Uh... it's so bad, Ben. Seeing my country like that is, um... I..." Carina said while she chuckled, "I had this feeling when were first learned about how northern Italy was hit with the virus that I needed to be back. That... That pull to fulfil my oath, you know?" Carina questioned.

"Yeah, yeah. Loo... I mean, look, I started my residency down in Los Angeles at UCLA, and- and the first day, the attending on call said, '-J-Just don't kill anybody' You know? It's not quite the nuanced speech that Webber gives to the interns at Grey-Sloan, but, you know, it was still effective,"  Ben told the Italian women. "And... I mean, look, even though Seattle's my home and my heart, UCLA will always be my, you know, birthplace as a physician." Ben continued to explain.

"Yeah. I-Italy doesn't feel like home anymore but seeing my country in crisis, it... I haven't felt this kind of a pull to go back in so long, and it's torture watching a situation you can't help." Carina admitted.

"Hey, if I... if it makes you feel any better, um, I feel the same way about this country, and I'm here," Ben said.

"Right. I mean-" Carina said as she was cut off, alarmed by someone banging on the door.

"Who is that?" Maddie asked confused as they could hear the person on the other side pleading for help.

"Just a second," Ben said as he turned around from the chair. "Uh, you know, there's face shields over here," Ben stated as he picked one up and placed it over his face along with his mask.

"Thank you," Carina said and grabbed the face shields out for both her and Maddie.

"Bambina, you need to put your mask on." Carina reminded her.

Maddie pulled her face mask out of her back pocket and put it on. "Done it. Who's at the door?" She wondered.

"Brava ragazza. We're about to find out now," Carina said as she handed her a face shield as well.

"There something I can help you with?" Ben questioned the couple who was standing behind the door.

"Hi. You put the car seats in our car the other day," The woman explained. "Nancy and Wayne," She added.

"Ri-Right, right, right. Hi, Nancy. Is there something wrong with the car seat?" Ben said and then recognized the familiar couple. "Is there-" He was cut off by Nancy groaning out in pain.

"Okay, yeah, we live a block away, and she was feeling crampy, so we went for a walk. - And just as we were passing by...," Wayne explained as Nancy groaned again in pain. "T-T-That's, uh... That happened." He said. "This... It's happening..."

"My water broke!" Nancy told them in a panic.

"Oh my God," Maddie exclaimed.

"All right," Ben said and turned to Carina. "Why don't you grab the gowns over there?" 

"Yeah," Carina said as she was quick to agree and went to grab the gowns.

"Okay, come on in. It's okay. Come on in. It's gonna be all right," Ben reassured the pregnant lady.

"Can I do anything to help?" Maddie wondered.

"Bambina we need towels. I think there should be some upstairs," Carina stated.

"Okay. I'll go find them," Maddie agreed as she dashed off upstairs to find the towels.

"Set it up here," Maya ordered fellow firefighters as PD arrived at the ice rink.

The firefighters were dealing with the fire on the scene at the ice rink when she was approached by PD.

"Hey, Bishop. Are you good?" Marinis, the female officer asked.

"Yeah, pretty contained scene," Maya told them both as they walked.

"What the hell happened?" The other officer asked.

"Uh, we think the hydraulic fluid caught fire. The fire jammed something. We're gonna monitor it until it burns out," Maya explained as she walked with PD.

"We'll let dispatch know not to send anyone else," The female officer said.

"Thanks," Maya said as Sullivan headed over in her direction.

"Is there a problem, Captain?" Sullivan questioned.

"No, no. No problem at all. We got it under control, Sullivan," Maya told the firefighter and turned her attention to PD. "Thanks, guys,"

"Are you sure? I'm here to help," Robert insisted.

"I told you to wait with the CO2." Maya said as they continued to walk.

"Well, it's kinda useless, Captain. I, uh..." Robert stumbled across his words.

"Back to your post, Sullivan," Maya said.

"What are they doing here?" Robert questioned.

"Standard. Not your problem. Back to your post," Maya firmly repeated.

"Well, I was just see...," Robert started as Maya cut him off.

"Sullivan, are we regressing?" Maya asked.

"Hey, things are kind of tense with PD right now. All I'm trying to do is help, that's all. I know these guys pretty well." Robert tried to argue his case.

"Yeah, I know them pretty well, too," Maya told him.

"Hey, uh, who's taking over 19 when you go to Italy?" Robert asked which totally caught Maya off guard.

Maya was taken back, she hadn't told anyone about the change of plans yet and wasn't sure how Sullivan even know in the first place. "Did Andy tell you that? I haven't decided yet," She said, not wanting to talk about it further.

"Well, I'm just letting you know, I'm here to support anywhere I can," Robert stated.

"Thank you, Sullivan. Right now, I need your support containing that fire." Maya stated.

"Copy that," Robert agreed.

"Okay, I have got the towels!" Maddie said as she ran into the barn just as Carina was kneeling down on the floor with Nancy lay down on the floor.

"Grazie, Bambina." Carina accepted them. "Okay, okay. Nancy, I need to examine you, so I'm gonna take off your shoes and leggings," Carina said.

"What else do you need me to do?" Maddie asked wanting to help. "Woah. Wait, is she going to have the baby here?" She asked.

"Let me put this behind her for a little extra comfort,"  Ben said as he placed a pillow behind Nancy's back. "Keep her comfortable," He said.

"Okay," Wayne said as he knelt behind his wife while she gripped onto him for dear life. Nancy groaned in pain Wayne continued to reassure his wife.

"Y-You're doing great," Ben said as he put some gel onto Carina's gloved hand and then she made quick work of examining her.

"Crap," Carina said out of nowhere. Maddie looked at her Mama concerned.

"What's wrong?" Maddie asked Ben who looked unsure.

"Crap?" Wayne asked.

 "Um," Carina looked worried.

"You're saying 'crap' when my wife is in labour?" Wayne asked panicked.

"I'm sorry, no. I just need a second,"  Carina said as she motioned for Ben to follow her.  "The baby's in a breech position," She explained to him.

"Okay, I have a portable ultrasound on the PRT," Ben said.

"All right," Carina agreed as Ben ran over to the PRT to grab it out.

Maya walked over to her team as they were talking about an idea, "What's the idea?" She asked.

"I think we should go after it," Sullivan suggested.

Maya looked at them all amused. "You mean the flaming machinery that moves like a rampaging elephant?" She asked.

"Well, the battery's running down. It's not rampaging anymore. It's like, uh, sauntering, right?" Vic pointed.

"And you want to chase it on the ice," Maya stated.

"Yep," Robert agreed.

"On skates," Maya said.

"Yep," Robert agreed once again.

"With fire extinguishers," Jack said.

"Yep," Robert said with a nod. "Look, I-I'm tired of watching the same old thing over and over again. We are firefighters. We fight fires. We don't watch fires slowly burn out," He continued to say as there was a thudding of the metal scrapping along the ice. Maya looked out at the ice and thought about it while Vic looked like an excited kid on Christmas day.

"Who can skate?" Maya questioned. Jack, Vic and Robert all raised their hands. Maya glanced at Travis.

"Not me, no. Nope," Travis said adamantly about his feelings towards ice skating. There was more thudding and the firefighters looked onto the ice. Vic couldn't help but smile as Maya looked back onto the ice and then looked at her team.

"Helmets," Maya ordered.

"Yes!" Vic and Robert cheer out loud as Jack laughed. Maya can't help but feel amused by her team yet slightly panicked. They geared up and within minutes they headed back towards the ice.

"Be careful out there!" Maya stated worriedly as they all headed towards the ice rink.

"You think this is going to work?" Travis wondered.

"Only one way to see," Maya said as she looked out onto the ice. All three firefighters skated on the ice around the fireball machine as they worked to put it out with fire extinguishers.

"So far, so good." Travis nodded as Maya squinted her eyes at the flames, wincing when Jack fell down. "Okay, maybe I spoke too soon." He said.

By the end of it, the flames were all put out of the machine and Maya nodded impressed at her teams work.

Maddie decided to head back into her Moms' office to avoid the situation that was happening in the barn. There wasn't a lot that she could do to help so she might as well just keep out of the way.

That lasted for about half an hour before she got bored again, heading back into the barn she went to see the progress that was made, however, she definitely didn't expect to see the guy lay on the floor instead of his wife.

"Woah, what happened?" Maddie asked confused to see Ben and Andy working on Wayne while Carina was still with Nancy.

"Uh, he's uh- he isn't feeling well," Dean said, not sure how to explain it to the teenager as he looked over at Carina for her to give him the go ahead.

"I'm not stupid, uncle Dean. Has he had a heart attack or something?" Maddie questioned as Andy shouted over for him to let the hospital know they're coming.

"Uh yeah, something like that," Dean said as he got to work on radioing the hospital. 

Maddie stood shocked, watching the scene unfold in front of her and although Carina knew she should probably not be watching any of this, she didn't really have time to tell her to leave.

"All right, I'm coming with you," Ben said as they continued to give him CPR. "You're gonna need two extra hands," He said.

"No, it's okay. I got him. Just help us load him, Carina is going to need another set of hands," Andy said as she continued to do compressions on Wayne.

Maddie had ducked back into the office, she thought it was better to keep out of the way and somehow, Carina felt grateful for that. The tension was high and the last thing she wanted was to snap at Maddie wrongly when she knew she just wanted to be close to her.

"One more big push, Nancy, okay?" Carina said as the firefighters all walked in.

"What the..." Robert asked confused.

"Did Bailey kick you out of the hospital mid-delivery?" Maya asked baffled.

"Maya, I need you and everybody else... Clear the area and stand by," Carina firmly stated as she continued to help Nancy with her labour.

"Is Wayne okay?" Nancy asked.

"Who's Wayne?" Travis asked confused.

"The husband," Ben told them.

"And where is he?" Maya asked.

"Hospital," Ben stated.

"Shouldn't she be there?" Vic asked confused.

Okay, if you're not gonna help, get the hell out of here!" Carina yelled all of the sudden. All the firefighters apart from Maya and Ben moved out of the Barn, not wanting the wrath of the Italian woman. "Thank you!"  She said as Maya worked to put a face shield and gown on.

You guys are back!" Maddie said surprised when she walked out and saw the firefighters. "Where's my mom?" She asked.

"Barn. With your Mama and Ben, but heads up... don't go in there, your Mama is very... bossy," Vic said as they headed towards the beanery.

"Gotcha," Maddie agreed and walked into the barn, although she wasn't sure what she would be walking into, she carried on anyways just as she heard cries fill the station and heard Carina tell Nancy she was cutting the cord.

"Hey, little girl. Welcome to station 19," Ben said as he held the tiny newborn.

"Girl?" Nancy asked.

"Yeah," Ben said. Carina nodded as well.

"Hi kiddo," Maya said as she noticed her daughter walk in.

"Hey, Mom," Maddie smiled.

Maddie looked down at the tiny baby in her Mom's arms, "Awe, the baby is so tiny!"

"I know. It's hard to believe that you were once this small," Maya said as she held the tiny newborn in her arms. "And now you're a loud mouth teenager with an attitude,"

"Yeah but you love me nevertheless," Maddie grinned.

"That I do, kiddo!" Maya agreed. "I love you so much!" She said.

It was at that moment that Maddie realized that soon her Mama would be gone, back in Italy and not at home with either of them and she felt sad.

"Are you okay, kiddo?" Maya asked worriedly as she saw her daughters expression.

"I'm just gonna- yeah, I'm going upstairs," Maddie muttered and made a quick dash out of the barn without giving Maya time to say anything else. 

"What, Maddie. Wait-" Maya said but she couldn't do much as she still had the little newborn in her arms.

Maddie wandered upstairs and found Travis in the locker room. Maddie sat down on the bench, sighing and looking defeated.

"Why do you look so glum, kid?" Travis questioned concerned. "Come on tell Uncle Travis all about it," He couldn't help but tease.

"Mama's going back to Italy," Maddie mumbled.

"I know but aren't you and your mom going with her as well?" Travis asked confused.

"No, not anymore. Both of them think it's best because I'm still recovering and they don't want to risk it with the pandemic as well," Maddie explained. "It just sucks because I am going to miss my Mama so much. Ever since I moved in with them both, she's always been there... and now- well, now she is gone and I don't know when she will be back." Maddie told the firefighter her feelings.

"Have you spoken to your Mom about how you feel?" Travis wondered.

"No. I don't want to upset her," Maddie confessed.

"I don't think you will upset her but you should probably talk to her about it," Travis said.

"I wish that Mom would just ask Mama to marry her or something, anything to stop her from going to Italy," Maddie said.

"Ah, kid, I don't think that would work. It's not that simple," Travis chuckled.

"I know. That's what my Mom said. I don't get it." Maddie frowned. "Why are adults so confusing sometimes?" She questioned.

Travis chuckled and shook his head. "I can't explain that one kid." He said, taking his phone out to text Emmett.

"Alright, I'm gonna go find everybody else. Thanks for the talk," Maddie said standing up.

"Anytime kid. You can always come to me about anything if you don't want to talk to either of your mom's," Travis said with a smile.

Maya walked into the bathroom as Carina was washing her hands, "Watching you bring that life into the world like it was nothing like it was just another day... Which I guess, for you, it is... I think I fell in love with you all over again," Maya confessed as she moved in closer to her girlfriend.

"Mm, you did?" Carina wondered as a smile played on her lips.

"Mm-hmm," Maya agreed as she kissed Carina and moved to lean against the sink. "How'd it go with Bailey?" Maya questioned.

"She made me cry," Carina admitted. Maya frowned when she said that. "The good kind," She reassured her.

"Carina, I thought about it again. I wish that I could come with you to Italy, I thought we could find a way to make it work," Maya said with a sigh. "But with the tension with PD and Maddie,"

"I know. You have to stay. Your whole country's in crisis," Carina said understanding how she felt. "We talked about this, it will be safer for Maddie to stay here with you and you can't leave when there's such a desperate need. It's okay," Carina said as she smiled. "It's one of the many reasons I love you."

"I wish things were different. We both really wanted to go, I promise," Maya said. "I just keep thinking of Chief McCallister looking at my request to leave and thinking that this is why we don't put women in positions of power," She added.

"Right, because she will run off with her lady lover and..." Carina paused and looked Maya in the eyes, "We'll be okay. I'll be back before you know it. I'll be back." She said softly.

"Promise?" Maya asked softly.

"I promise. I will return home to you and our Bambina." Carina said as she pressed her lips against her girlfriend's gently.

"Hey, guys," Maddie said as she wandered into the beanery to find Vic & Jack.

"Sup Mad-Dog. I haven't seen you all day." Jack said.

"I know. It's been a crazy day." Maddie giggled.

"I'd say so. Did you hear about the call we had? We chased fire on ice." Jack said.

"What. Seriously?" Maddie asked.

"Yep. It was cool," Jack agreed.

"That does sound pretty cool actually," Maddie smirked.

"It was. It was intense to get the flames out but we did, on ice skates." Vic agreed as they walked into the lounge with the perogies.

"Ooh, gimme, gimme, gimme!" Andy said excited about them. "Did you guys really chase a fire on the ice?" Andy questioned hearing about the call from Travis.

"And I did it with a toe pick," Vic cheered as she did a little dance.

"Uh, seriously, y'all, I think D-shift is hiding the remote from us," Dean said as he searched around for the remote.

"Ooh, what are we watching?" Andy wondered.

"I don't care. Just no reality TV. I can't take it anymore," Travis said as he flopped down onto the couch.

"Hey, make a room for a little one," Maddie grinned as she jumped on the couch beside her uncle. Travis happily obliged and moved over for the teenager he thought of as his niece as Dean had them both move anyways to search for the remote.

"Well, how will we know if we're better than other people if we don't watch them get drunk and scream at each other?" Vic giggled.

"You guys don't find comfort in that?" Jack questioned.

"No, I do," Vic stated while Andy nodded as well. "We do," She said. 

"Oh, yes." Andy agreed.

"Hey, guys. H-Have you seen this?" Ben asked as he walked into the room and held up his phone.

"Seen what?" Vic questioned. 

"Seriously, where is the remote?" Dean continued to say as he looked for the remote.

"Why do you guys look like that?" Travis asked.

"Hah! Got it!" Dean exclaimed, switching the TV on as immediately there were reports came on about the murder of George Floyd.

"Custody of Minneapolis law enforcement. Bystanders captured the disturbing moment on camera. We warn you that the footage you are about to see is graphic," The TV reporter announced.

"What is this?" Maddie asked confused.

"Turn it off," Ben said in anger.

"The man can be seen calling for help, saying he can't breathe. The officer continued to press his knee on him for 8 minutes and 46 seconds,"  The reporter continued to say as everyone felt a lot of mixed emotions.

"Tensions in the area are at a breaking point as residents feel like the issue of police brutality has yet to be addressed. Many are wondering, when will the injustice stop? For more, let's go to Jason in Minneapolis."  The reporter said.

"8 minutes, 46 seconds," Dean said as he felt angry.

"We held compressions on Wayne for 7 minutes and 32 seconds," Andy said.

"They took more time ending that man's life than we did saving one," Dean stated.

Another update...

Heads up. It's a long one, I have been wanting to post this for a while but literally been so chaotic right now!

I hope that you guys enjoy it as always & let me know your thoughts!

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