RJ oneshots

By Elazul-Jumi

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random oneshot ideas that come randomly to my mind (I can't promise I'll update this regularly, it would be m... More

Before you read this
Rewrite The Stars
You can't stop the beat
RJ Omegaverse
RJ Omegaverse (part 2)
RJ Omegaverse (part 3)
RJ babysitting
RJ Omegaverse (Final part)
RJ Wedding
Perfect Harmony
RJ comes out
One last sunset
What if we...?
What if I...? (What if We...? Part 2)
Top of the Ferris Wheel
Unsaid Family
The Proposal
Day of the Wedding...s!
Without Him
Be With You (Without him Part 2)
Song dedicated to...
RJ's "Graduation" and First Kiss
Dance lesson
"Last Waltz" (Dance lesson part 2)
Unexpected declaration
Small update!
Snow day!
Taking care of an "army" (RJ Babysitting Part 2)
That's how you make me feel...
I've made my choice...
The Nerd and the Bad Boy
His First Date (The Nerd and the Bad Boy Part 2)
I love you... but you're not mine...
Welcome Back...
Midnight Kiss
Amazing Parents
His First (Unofficial) Day at School

The Perfect Gift

284 9 7
By Elazul-Jumi

It was only a few days before christmas, and Ricky was going insane. This was gonna be the first christmas he would spend with EJ as his boyfriend, they've been dating since the first days of January, and Ricky knows that it's been one of the best years he's ever had... which is why he's getting so stressed trying to think of what gift would be perfect for EJ on christmas, since he feels he needs to give him something in return for the wonderful year they've had together

Ricky: UGH! why is it so hard to think of something to give to EJ when I literally now most of the things he likes?! *on a video call going through a mall*

Nini: because he probably already has at least one of those things? *wrapping up some presents*

Big Red: and because those things would be out of your price range? *playing videogames*

Ashlyn: and because you know that he would be grateful by just spending christmas with you? *also wrapping some presents*

Ricky: I know, but I'm pretty sure that he's gonna get me something and I don't want to look like a bad boyfriend by not giving him something on christmas! *ruffles his curls out of frustration*

Nini: why don't you try making the gift yourself?

Ricky: Nini, do you even remember the last time I tried to make a gift by myself?

Big Red: hey, at least we got that glue out of your face, and your eyebrows and hair survived!

Ricky: still, I'm not doing another gift in my life ever again, I've had enough with that attempt at a photo frame *still walking through the mall, looking for something*

Nini: I never said that it should be something like that...

Ricky: Nini, you literally said that I should try make the gift myself *looks at her with a serious face*

Nini: and I wasn't finished, I was also gonna say that you could write him a song!

Ricky: wait, a song, seriously? *stops walking and looks slightly nervous*

Ashlyn: that's a great idea, Nini!

Ricky: I don't know, I haven't written a song in a while...

Big Red: come on dude, how many people can say that they got a song as a gift, on christmas?! Even I know it's a perfect idea!

Ricky: I know, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to write it in time!

Nini: don't worry about that, me and Ash will help you, we could even start today if you want!

Ashlyn: yeah, that way we could finish it in less than 3 days, which should give you enough time to practice it before you sing it to EJ!

Ricky: both of you are lifesavers... all right, let's write this song!

Nini: We'll see you in a bit, I'm almost done wrapping up the presents I got for everyone!

Ashlyn: same here!

Big Red: I think I'll ask for help from Seb or Gina, because last time I tried wrapping gifts, I ended up covered in duct tape *laughs*

Ricky: ok, I'll see you and Ashlyn at your house Nini, ok?

Nini: you're not coming here to find out what I got you for christmas, we'll write the song at your house *says stern*

Ricky: well, it was worth a shot *laughs* I'll see you at my house then, bye everyone!

Ashlyn Nini and Big Red: Bye Ricky!

They all hung up and Ricky quickly left the mall, to then get on his skateboard going back to his house, when he arrived he quickly told his dad about Ashlyn and Nini coming over to help him with his gift for EJ, he then quickly went to his room and started to look for his notebook where he previously wrote songs, and was glad to see that there was still some empty pages in it.

He then took out his guitar and started tuning it and by the time it was ready, he heard the doorbell, which meant that Nini and Ashlyn had arrived, he went downstairs and let them in, seeing how Big Red decided to tag along, just so he could hear the song. The three of them said hi to Mike, and quickly followed Ricky into his room so Nini and Ashlyn start helping him write the song, while Big Red just hanged out with them.


As for EJ Caswell... he also was having a bit of trouble thinking what he should get for Ricky, even though he already got him some notebooks in case he wrote more songs, and even a new skateboard in case something happened to the one Ricky was currently using, he still felt as if he could give him something more, so now, he's walking through the mall, accompanied by Gina and Seb.

EJ: seriously, thank you for coming to help me guys, I really apreciate it.

Seb: no problem EJ, anything to help maintain RJ Caswen alive is fine by me *laughs*

Gina: I didn't have much choice actually, you basically dragged me when you started leaving, but still, happy to help you.

EJ laughed at both of those comments, while still looking at what he could give to Ricky.

Seb: but I don't understand why you want to give him another gift, you already have the skateboard and the notebooks for him, so why do you need another one?

EJ: because I feel like it's not enough, I know he would rather be with me on christmas instead of me getting him some gifts, but it's been a wonderful year for us, and I want to prove how much he means to me!

Gina and Seb looked at each other smiling understanding EJ's reasoning, they may not be the type of people to buy a lot of gifts, but still understood what he meant.

Gina: then why don't you get another thing that's related to music, but not too big? Like a guitar pick

EJ suddenly stops

EJ: ...why didn't I think of that? *starts running towards the nearest music shop*

Gina and Seb quickly followed him, and once the three of them got to the music shop, they started looking through some guitar picks, none of them were convincing EJ, until he spotted one that he loved, and was very sure that Ricky would love as well.

EJ: excuse me *the employee walks to him* how much does that one cost? *points to the guitar pick he wants*

Employee: it's $$ (I'm not gonna bother with the price) it's a tiny bit expensive than others because this one is also a necklace

EJ: *smiles* I'll take it!

Employee: all right! *takes the guitar pick, walks to the counter, and places it in a box* do you intend to start playing guitar, or is this for someone else?

EJ: it's for my boyfriend *smiles*, he enjoys playing the guitar so I thought this would be perfect for him.

The employee simply smiled and then handed the box to EJ, who quickly payed for the guitar pick.

Employee: hope your boyfriend loves it

EJ: thanks!

The three of them left the music shop and started making their way outside of the mall towards EJ's car.

Seb: so are you satisfied with what you got for Ricky?

EJ: I am now, I'm pretty sure he's gonna love this *looks at the box*

Gina: he better be, otherwise me and Seb would've wasted our time with you ranting about what else to get him.

They laugh at that comment and then enter EJ's car as he drives away from the mall, ready for christmas


As usual, the wildcats decided to gather at Ashlyn's house at night to celebrate christmas together, since most of the dady was spent with their respective families. Everyone were giving their presents and some decided to open them right as they got a present, except for EJ and Ricky who were gonna wait until they were alone to give each other the gifts they got, but that doesn't mean that they didn't give gifts to some of their friends, they might've prioritized themselves, but didn't forget about getting gifts for their friends.

By the time they were done with their presents, Ashlyn suggested that they should watch a movie together on another room that had more space, to which everyone agreed, with EJ telling them that he and Ricky would be there in a bit, not needing to give explanations as everyone understood what he meant. Once Ricky and EJ were left alone he quickly turned to face his boyfriend.

EJ: wait right here, I'm gonna go grab what I got for you *kisses Ricky's cheek*

Ricky nodded and EJ went upstairs to Ashlyn's room where he had asked her to hide Ricky's presents. At the same time, Ricky quickly went towards one of the closets in the house, where his guitar was placed, which he previously asked Ashlyn to do, then went back to the living room, quickly made sure it was perfectly tuned, and then hid it underneath the table so it comes as a surprise for EJ, to then sit on the floor, in front of the fireplace.

In that moment, EJ started going downstairs and back to the living room, sitting next to Ricky.

EJ: here you go *hands him two presents*

Ricky started tearing the paper wrap, and saw the notebooks and the skateboard EJ had gotten for him.

Ricky: EJ I love these! I was actually thinking of getting a new notebook because the one I have only has a few pages left, and the skateboard looks awesome! *smiling*

EJ: I'm glad you like them, but that's not all that I got for you *smirks*

Ricky: *turns his head at EJ* what? you got me three gifts? *a bit worried the song might not be enough*

EJ: it's nothing too big, so don't worry *Ricky relaxed* I just thought that you might enjoy this one as well, maybe even more than the skateboard *laughs* here it is *takes out a tiny white box with only a ribbon*

Ricky was a bit confused about the size of the box, since it's not usual for EJ to give small gifts, but he didn't think too much about it in the end, since he would like it no matter what since it came from his boyfriend. He removed the ribbon that was wrapping the box and opened it, to find the guitar pick EJ had bought.

Ricky: EJ... it's beautiful

EJ: you know what the best thing is? you can wear it as a necklace *takes it out of the box*

Ricky was shocked about that detail, as he grabbed the guitar pick, he started feeling a few tears form in his eyes, but quickly wiped them away, since he still had to give EJ his gift.

EJ: Merry christmas babe *slightly smiled*

Ricky: EJ, I really love the gifts you got me, especially the guitar pick

EJ smiled

Ricky: but now it's my turn, and believe it or not, this *points to the guitar pick* will be used sooner than you expected *smiles*

EJ didn't understand what he meant and was visibly confused, but then he saw Ricky grab his guitar from under the table, which confused him a bit but at the same time, got him surprised.

Ricky: I wasn't able to get you a gift like the ones you gave me, not even with the help of Big Red, Ashlyn and Nini, but then Nini suggested something else as an option, and after she and Ash convinced me to do it, I ended up writing you a song... with help from Ashlyn and Nini but they didn't want me to tell you they helped, but I'm not like that, they also deserve credit.

EJ laughed at that last bit.

Ricky: however, the meaning behind this song is 100% coming from me and I hope you enjoy it. Merry christmas babe

Ricky then cleared his throat, grabbed the guitar pick EJ got him and started playing the song he wrote for EJ.

(You can already tell where I'm going with this)

I still remember the first time we ever kissed
We didn't need no mistletoe
To know what loving is
Through every up-and-down
There's one thing that stays true
Christmas is better every second it's with you

I don't got much to give
So I hope you think this is

The perfect gift, that I could give
To the perfect gift, that ever lived
Yeah this song's
The second best that I could do
When the perfect gift is you, you
When the perfect gift is you, you

I can't pretend
That this has been the perfect year
You held my hand through every tear
You were a home for me
When I had no one there
I promise you that I'm not going anywhere

I don't got much to give
So I hope you think this is

The perfect gift, that I could give
To the perfect gift, that ever lived
Yeah this song's
The second best that I could do
When the perfect gift is you, you
When the perfect gift is you, you

When seasons change and I've lost my way
It'll be okay with you by my side
And darlin' that's why

This song's the second best that I could do
When the perfect gift is you, you
When the perfect gift is you, you
When the perfect gift is you, you
When the perfect gift is you

EJ was smiling while tears kept running down his face as he listened to the song, he couldn't believe that his boyfriend wrote him an entire song, and that he just played it with the guitar pick he got for him, he couldn't be more happier right now.

Ricky simply stared at EJ and smiled during the song, his eyes started forming tears again, but fought them back, but after he finished singing, he didn't care and allowed them to start running down his face, both boys were very happy with their gifts, and the fact that two of them sort of complemented each other made it even better.

Ricky then placed his guitar in the couch, and then put on the guitar pick necklace on himself, this caused EJ to smile even more. They then started to lean in constantly looking between their eyes and their lips, which met in the end, as they slowly kissed, sitting in front of the fireplace.

A minute later, they broke the kiss and stared at each other again and smiled.

EJ: I love you Ricky

Ricky: I love you too EJ

They kissed again for a while, and then finally decided to go with the others, who didn't ask them what took them so long, since they had an idea on what happened, instead they just kept watching the movie, while EJ and Ricky started cuddling after sitting down together, wrapped in a blanket.









Fun fact: I wrote this two weeks before christmas, but since it wouldn't fit that much if I published it already, I decided to wait until it was christmas (at least in my time zone) to publish this one, and I have to say, I think this has become my favorite oneshot that I've done, with the RJ wedding oneshot coming in a close second.

I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did, and merry christmas to all! (if you celebrate it)

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