Mr&Mrs kim

By minsuga2211

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it's all started with a kiss #Namsoo #Yoongiu #Taennie #jirose #Liskook #jineon #Moseok Love Jealousy Reve... More



91 9 1
By minsuga2211

~Time skip~

Sitting on the dinning table opposite to Taehyung after serving him and Jennie what they asked to eat you watching him eating like a kid. He was happily digging into his food while she just looked at him with admiration how the small yet big boy looked so lively and happy she sure couldn't believe he was the same guy who kissed your sister forcefully, bullied her took drug and now he was completely opposite as was treating her like he was waiting for her in his family

Little did she know someone else was also watching her looking at Taehyung like mother and for the first time his heart beats saying he took a good decision it's non other than Namjoon. Standing behind the piller in the dark living room he was watching his little brother smiling so brightly and that's also just b'cos if a food item.why not? After all someone cooked his favorite food for him for the first time that kid was overwhelmed with joy and happiness when he saw you picking up the plates after they finished.he walked back to his room.

Tea: that was really amazing noona! You know no one ever asked me my favorite food to cook for me. Thank you so much noona you're really so good.

Jis:What really how come nobody asked you your favorite food to cook for you?

(You chuckled as you kept washing the dishes and Taehyung decided to wait for you)

Tae: Become my mom isn't there you know
(he spoke simply with a smile while your smile dropped which he didn't notice. Somewhere it hit you really very hard)

Tae: Maybe if mom was there she would have asked me. When i was small mom used to make blueberry pancakes and peach cheesecake for me. But then one day she left us.

(She just gulped listeningto him while placing the plates in the cupboard)

Tae: But then you made me blueberrie pancakes today. I'm so happy. You're amazing!

(He spoke with brightest smile as she looked at him with admiration while she couldn't process what exactly happened to their mom. What did he mean by she left them??!!)

Jis: Tae, it's past 9:30 now, you should go to bed! You'll be having college tomorrow.

Tae: Did you just call me Tae?

Jis: Ohh- that's just i love giving nicknames so I'm sorry but if you didn't li-

Tae: Oh no no noona, I loved it!! It's so cute. Thank you!
(You smiled seeing how he was squealing with happiness because if a mere nickname)

Tae: Okay lemme guide you to hyung's room, i mean now your room too and this mandu to her room and I'll go to bed. Let's go now?!

Jen: yea... don't called me that....

Tae: whatever...let's go or you want me to carry you....(whisper in her ear)

Jen: you-- ( shoot death glare)

Jes: let's go Jennie, you should go to bed too!!

Jen: yes....

While walking through the hallway Taehyung's phone rang and he immediately picked up.

Tae: yeah bro ?

Tae: Oh 1v1 match ? Oh sure!!

Tae: Cool! I'll make a set up and call you back

(he hung the call and looked at you)

Tae: This is hyung's room.

(He posted at the door infront of her but she didn't move.)

Leaning ears against the door Namjoon was listening your and Taehyung's conversation.

Tae: What happened noona? Go, hyung must be waiting
(he chukled teasing you)

(Namjoon's eyes winded as he choked on his own breath hearing that)

Nam: me? Waiting for this mother korea?? Hmph never in million years!!

Jis: I don't care about him, but what's up with you tae?

Nam: Tae? Haww...she definitely knows black magic. Witch! Impressing everyone!

Tae: What happened noona?
What is up with me? Nothing!!

Jis:Games? At night? No way! Look at those eys bags!! You're college tomorrow tae! Go and sleep. Here gimme your phone and go to sleep. No games. nothing. Night is to sleep not to play. I see this is why you have those huge eyes bags under your eyes! No more late funs from today!

(She simply extended her hand to Taehyung to give his phone himself and god knows why and how Taehyung kept his phone on her palm without any hesitation rather with smile.)

Tae: Ok! As you order noona! Good night!

Nam: Gave?
( He whispered to himself not believing how the younger gave HIS PHONE to you without any objection. He was surprised how you just came and already handling everything.)

Jis: Good night! Good night Jennie!

Jen: Good night Unnie!

(On listening you saying good night he immediately rushed to the bed and slipped under the blanket and shut his eyes to pretend to be sleeping. You knocked on the door two times but then the door cracked indicating that it was open you you just went in. Your eyes feel on sleeping figure of Namjoon and went narrow with attitude)

Jis: Look how the trouble of my life sleeping peaceful after creating a storm in my life.hmph!

(She sniffed out sharply and rolled your eyes without knowing that he was listening everything.)

Jis: Aish! Atleast he could have told me where to sleep.ugh! I won't let you sleep like that!!
(You stomped towards his side of the bed and took a deep breath before calling him)

Jis: ohh hello!! Mr.Min Namonster!! Get up!!

(Namjoon didn't wake up rather continued sleeping more like the pretended to be in deep sleep)

Jis: Ahann sleeping beautaee wake up!! ( you shook him by his shoulder but he wasn't waking up)

"ugh! How the hell such headaches take birth on earth?? Is she for real? Now she won't let me sleep?"
Namjoon though while pretending to slwep closing his eyes while you were busy waking him like an earthquake hit. But he was completely unbothered. And why not?

You can never make up someone who is not at all sleeping rather pretending to be asleep. Here Namjoon wasn't interested to listen to you so he decided to just ignore so you'll give up automatically.

Smirking in his mind he was enjoying his fake sleep when suddenly a splash of cold water hit his face making him gasp and immediately ope his eyes as temper rose to his head.

Nam: WHA-

Jis: Thank god you wake up!! I thought you passed out so i put water on you face (You spoke very casually as if you didn't just drench him with a water)

Nam: wake up? Who the hell wake up people like that?

Jis: Me! Anyway i don't have time for your bullshit. Tell me where should i sleep?

Nam: Can't you see how big the room is?? How big the king size bed is?? Just go to the other side and sleep!

Jis: What do you mean by other i cant sleep with you on same bed! Did you marry me forcefully to sleeping with me

Nam: Don't think too much babe..i don't have time for your emotional k-drama dialogues. Just sleep and let other sleep! just grab any corner and sleep!

Nam: Wait here-

(You about to say something but he cut you off and stomped to the cupboard and came back eith an extra blanket and threw it on the couch along with pillow)

Nam: Go your bed is waiting. Now sleep and let me sleep
( he shook his head in disbelief and walked to the door and locked it )

Jis: Hey! Why are you locking the door?!! What are you intentio-

Nam: should i call everyone to sleep here ?? Huh? A nice sleep over in this bedroom?

(She looked at him with an irritated expression and stomped to the couch to sleep)

Nam: A whole package of migraine headache.

#On other side#

Tae: This one is your room...

Jen: yea...thank you..(about to go in)


Jen: huh?

Tae: I.. i mean- i want to talk to you...if you don't mind can we...just for 2 minutes...

She nodded and enter into the room followed by him

Tae: sit..

He make her sit on bed and sitting in front of her

Tae: actually Jennie i wanted to apologise what i did to you.... I'm really sorry for everything...please forgive me...

Jen: you really feel sorry or you just saying b'cos Namjoon oppa told you...

Tae: No Jennie..i really feel guilty for what I did...and i want to say thank you too...

Jen: Thank you ?

Tae: yes b'cos of you i meet noona...and now she is my sister in best and sweetest noona...and its all happened b'cos of you


Tae: really thank you so much Jennie and please can you forgive me now...

Jen: Only if you promise me to not repeat that...

Tae: no never ever... (immediately reply with his boxy smile)

Jen: hmmm....(just nodded)

Tae: so friends?? (Extended his hand to her for handshake)

Jen: sure ! (Smile and accepted)

Tae: ok now you sleep I'm going to bed room is next to you if you need anything just call me.

Jen: okay...

Tae: good night..

Jen: Good night

~Next Morning~

After taking a shower, Namjoon walked out of the bathroom with towel wrapped around his waist while she were still asleep like there's no tomorrow. He has always been a very punctual gay with sense of responsibilities. Waking up before his alarm rings is his habit. While standing in to the mirror, he was scratching his hed with towel to dry his wet hair the alarm suddenly rang. As soon as the alarm rang as a habit she immediately shou at it


(Namjoon suddenly flinched when she started shouting in her sleep while punching the air)

Nam: Is it just me or there's really some screws loose in her brain? Did she hit her head anywhere at childhood? What the- tch tch.
(He turned back to face the mirror when suddenly a cushion hit hhis head irritated him)

Jis: shut up you cracked drum!!

Nam: What the hell is her problem?? (He stomped to the couch on which she were sleeping)

Nam: sleeping beauty!! Wake up!! It's morning already!!

Jis: Appa 5 more minutes please
(she whine and turned your back at Namjoon)

Nam: I'm not your appa!
(He tapped on her shoulder only to be away. He shook her by her shoulder but she still didn't listen to him. Suddenly he remembered what you did to him last night and tha next thing you knew was a splash of water. She gasped and sat up on the couch.)


(She stood up on couch squinted her eyes but then her eyes fell in his abs and her foot slipped on the edge which made her lose her balance. And the next thing she knew was Namjoon lying on ground while she's on his bare chest shutting her eyes tightly.)

Namjoon was all calm poking his inner cheeks waiting for her clumsy ass of her eyes and get off him.He has never been so much patience with anyone so clumsy

Nam: babe..

Jis: hmmm

Nam: Are you planning to stay like this forever (with that she open her eyes in shocked and rubbing her elbow)

Jis: Aahh!! Ouch my elbow!! Aahhhhhhh
(she crying like a kid and pushing her hair from her face)

Jis: it's all your fault!! Why the hell are you moving around the house like this??

Nam:Like what??

Jisoo' mind
You gulped realising, you accidentally spilled those words but now he'll think you're a creep.

Jis: Like this!! a ugh!! You don't even have a good body!! Just get a shirt already!!

(She spoke as fast as she can and run away to bathroom before he speak)

Nam: what the- wait! hey! You come back!!
(He breathed and glared at the washroom door)

Waking back to the mirror he continues his work

Nam: did she just say i dont have a good body? No way has she even seen me properly? Wait ! Why am i so worried abut what she said? She anyways speaks nonsense.

(He tried convincing himself but then kept searching for a shirt that will fir his body to show some abs A shirt that could show how he is build up.)

Nam: Hmmm... this looks good.tight enough to risk the buttons.

Nam: Wait,but what if she thinks I'm doing this on purpose? Well why do i care? Hmph!

(He shook his head and started to button up his shirt but then for some reason he opened the first two buttons of his shirt and looked at the mirror)

Nam: Do i really not look that hot? Wait what the hell kim Namjoon? Go to the office!!!

The same day. After having breakfast you prepared Namjoon went to his office and Taehyung and Jennie went to college and she were left all alone at home.but then she suddenly heard a phone ringing somewhere in the hall. She wondered whose phone it could be. She walked followed the sound of the phone and saw Namjoon's phone he left on the dinning table she saw some "nina" calling again and again. She don't even know what should she do. So she decide to go and give his phone to his office because the phon was ringing again and again

Closing the door behind you, you walked out of the gate but then the watchman stopped you.

Watchman: Man are you going anywhere? Should i call the driver? Sir will sue us otherwise.

"Bro you're over thinking! He doesn't care about me" she thought in her mind listening to sue

Jis: No no its absolutely fine i can take a cab. Please don't worry.

Watchman: mam,sir said not to let you go out side alone. But if you want i can the driver now.

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