Did you miss me? |Villain Ura...

By ChawitZoweee

2.9K 19 5

After a childhood of torment and bullying from her peers for being poor, and having a weak quirk. She comes b... More

The Beginning of a Hero?
What's a hero anyway?
Who did this?
Why does she look like her?
UA -Part 1-
UA -Part 2-
I need it
First day at UA!
Back to base
Plan A...
Sports Festival!
Another day...
Mall trip!
Training camp!
Training Camp! Pt 2!
Torturous fun!
Staying silent.
The fun part!
The Lame Part!
Depresso Expresso
I-island pt 2!
This isn't fair


40 0 0
By ChawitZoweee

I sat up and I looked out the window,  I saw the small amount of people walking in the dark. It caught me off guard when I saw Inko. She looked afraid as if she thought someone was tailing her, I looked behind and I did see somebody. I exited my apartment after she passed by and I tackled the person who was following her, I needed to know why they were tailing her. Midoriya wouldn't like this at all.

I noticed who it was, He looked shocked when he saw me and I saw Inko pull out her phone. I realized it was Bakugo, I pulled my hands off of his throat and I backed away realizing this was a trap. I heard sirens in the distance, I started running down the road when I saw more of the police cars, I backed up and I changed into the Bunny. I used my grapples to attach to the building. I saw Detective get out of one of the cars, "Get down and we won't have to hurt you!" He exclaimed, I started running the opposite direction though, They don't think they can actually take me down do they?

I kept running across building tops when I saw a fucking Helicopter!  I used One for All to kicked through the roof of the building, I fell through and I landed on somebody's dining room table. I sat down on their table for a minute before they ran out of their room. They looked shocked as I waved to them before shoving past them, I ran into their room and I jumped out the window onto a small time hero.

They freaked out as I ran into an allyway, I saw I was running by a casino and I broke through the wall, I ran in and across. Once I broke through the other wall I saw Mina and Nijere with Dragoona on the other side of the wall, must be because of their intership shit. I ran the other direction to see Fatgum, Kirishima and Tamaki. They cornered me, or so they thought. I looked up and did the math for where I would have to land at what time.

I jumped to one side of the wall, I use my quirk slightly on my feet and I ran over them, Nejire started to fly chasing after me. It's now time to get serious, the pastel haired brat won't make it. Mina was stuck on the ground and so where the others.  I summoned my blades, She attacked I deflected and that repeated a few times over. "You're really annoying!" I told her, She kept attacking, I finally got sick of it and I sliced through her arm. "Did you forget what I did to Mirio?" I asked her, She glared at me determined to beat me or some shit.

I disabled my quirk seemingly ready to fall to my death, Nejire freaked out when she saw me do this and went to catch me. "What is wrong with you heroes?" I asked her, "What's wrong with you?" She asked, I used my quirk to float me up again. "Well..... I have murderous tendencies, I murder people, I've tried to kill myself many times-" "It was a rhetorical question!" She said stopping me from speaking and more than I already did. "I like you!" I said before knocking her out. I picked her up and Starting floating towards home.

On the way I stabbed a helicopter's blade off and the people in it. I cut through a whole police car too! I went inside and I opened the spare rooms door, I grabbed a chair and some really adorable pink and white rope I've been saving. I also have blue and white but she'd look like blue threw up on her. I made a fake little horn and I made her hair looked like Eri's, I gave her a cute red dress and I tied her to the chair.

She soon opened her eyes! "Hi love!" I exclaimed hugging her, She looked down at her outfit and I could tell she felt the little horn on her head. I ran out the room, "I'll be right back!" I exclaimed before grabbing my hand held mirror. I ran back in the room excited to see the shock on her face from how beautiful she looks. I skipped in and showed her, She looked confused until she released who she was meant to be. She looked up at me shocked before I left again.

I changed into my beautiful doctor's outfit and I got my precision knives. I walked into the room and she looked afraid as she released what I was going to do with her. "Since you're already Eri... I'll be Overhaul!" I exclaimed proving her suspicions. I giggled now excited to do whatever I wanted with her blood. Perhaps I'd run around UA's hallways and throw blood around. I'll definitely give Himiko a portion though. She'd be thrilled when I give her a bag of one of the big 3's blood!

I pulled in some needles too, "We can't lost any blood!" I informed her, She looked at me fear and hatred seeping out of her. "Please stay her for one moment." I asked something very important of her, I left the room and pulled out a phone Shiggy gave me earlier. I called him and I asked him something very important. "Thanks Shiggy!" I exclaimed "It's fine." He said before being rude and hanging up on me. 

I skipped back to the room Nejire was in, I saw her trying to escape. "Do you know what Overhaul did when Eri escaped?" I asked her she shook her head "He punished her worse than ever, He wouldn't just cut her arms, he would dig around in them with his knife. I don't think he even used the blood for anything after either!" I exclaimed, "You already cut through my arm-" She tried to say but I interrupted her. "It's healed, Don't worry about it! Thank Sir!" I exclaimed smiling at her. She looks confused.

I started getting bandages ready for when I was done, I put buckets under her and prepared for blood to spill so did she. She was so scared, She knew she was helpless against me and I prepared the camera. "I only have this camera because I supposedly tortured Bakugo, This is my first time torturing somebody though." I informed her, She stayed silent, still as afraid as ever. "Now, are you ready?" I asked, She just stared at the floor.

I grabbed one of the small knives and cut myself first. "This is basically all I'm doing to you." I told her, she kept staring at the floor. I tied her hands onto the chair parts sepertly before rolling up her sleeves, "I know I dressed you up as Eri but I don't think I can do this while you like like that." I told her, I pulled out black hair dye and blue eye contacts. "Let's work on this." I told her before untying her and bringing her to the bathroom. I undressed her and put her in the bath.

She didn't fight back, I brushed her hair while humming a beautiful Lullaby. Once all the knots were out I pulled the black dye out and I turned on the showed. I applied the black dye and she looked just like Haru after I put eye contacts in anyway. I showed her the mirror and she didn't respond at all, She just sat there looking afraid as if she was about to be tortured. What a coincidence.

I brought her back to the chair and I tied her up, I pulled out the knife and she finally reacted. "No!" She yelled, I put my hand over her mouth. "Waking people up, Not very heroic." I scolded her before tying her mouth up, "Stay quiet please." I said before cutting her arm, The red liquid seeped out slowly but it was still beautiful to see. I walked up to the camera and I turned it off. Nobody but me and her had to see this beautiful arrange of red.

I cut and cut away, She only let a few tears shed down her cheeks.  I chuckled a bit "Do you even feel pain?" I asked her, She simply nodded "That must suck!" I exclaimed, It really must suck though. I haven't felt pain for almost a year, Right now it's December 14th. My birthday's in 2 weeks isn't it? Weird I almost completely forgot about it. It's always been pretty important. The one day I've loved more than that is January 27th, My sisters birthday. I always woke up happy and we had a small party. I miss her and Dad and mom very much. I can still talk to Midoriya when I sleep but it's different. He isn't alive.

I came back to reality and I realized that I got more than enough blood, she had passed out though. I got bandages and I bandaged her arms, I'll take out the contacts later. I locked her in the room after that. I walked up to my bed and I just looked at it. I don't want to sleep, I don't want to see Midoriya, I don't want to see All Might, I don't want to sleep and I would rather have a nightmare than see any of them honestly. I hate this quirk and I hate all of them.

I walked to the kitchen and I realized I didn't have much to cook with. I left my home and walked to the grocery store, I grabbed fruits, veggies, produce and dairy. Stuff to cook with, I walked out without paying and surprisingly only the manager came to stop me. I summoned my sword and cut his head off before leaving, I walked back to my home and put everything out on the counter. Sir had moved me to a bigger home so I'm able to house Nejire, I turned on the Tv and went to the news station. 

"Ua Nejire Hado kidnapped by "The Bunny" Don't interact with her."  The news said, I chuckled at this before I started to cook, I cooked a bunch of recipes I found online. Fruit crepes, Fruit parfait, eggs, Omelets, shit like that. The table was full of food. I got a smaller table and put most of the food on it before I brought it to Nejire, She had woken up. "Are you hungy?" I asked her, She nodded just barely. I untied her from her seat and she started to eat. "This is pretty good." She commented, "Right?!" I exclaimed excited that she liked my food.

She was almost completely done with her food when I asked her an important question. "Would you like to join the league and serve as a spy?" I asked her, She almost choked on her food. "but my parents..." She started I shut it down, "Your parents were killed recently, They got caught in a villain chase and they got smashed under debrief." I told her, She flinched she knew I wasn't lying from how serious I looked. Tears formed in her eyes, "Your joking right?" She asked, I shook my head showing her I wasn't.

She was a lot like me, about a year ago. I let her be by herself in that room and when I came back in she was a different person. I brought in a garbage bag back with me, "What's in there?" The now dark haired girl asked, I dumped it out on the floor. It was the body of a civilian, She screamed surprised to see a dead person. I smiled at my work, "What's wrong? Never seen a dead person?" I asked her, She shook her head unable to speak from the fear I caused her. "Touch it." I ordered her, she was panicking.

I glared at her summoning my blade "Touch it." I ordered her, she grabbed it and almost puked, I brought her a trash can. "I'll leave you two be." I said before I left the room, I wondered what she would do with it  and I hoped she would smash it or something violent. I went down stairs and I ate some of the food I made. It was pretty good, could be better. I ate pretty quickly and headed back to the room Nejire was in, I saw the body now a pile of mush. She was smiling but there was no light in her eyes, She was truly like me.

Now this may have been great but it kind of sucks ass too, I mean she went crazy without fault it was easy. But she must have been so privileged in her life that even the slightest thing could break her, It took me time to fully break when it took this girl 48 hours. She really was a snowflake, A naïve, stupid, pretty, snowflake and I hate it. I never got the chance to be like her, My parents were poor and neglectful, My quirk was weak and I wasn't as pretty as her. She had good friends and everything was great for her until I ruined it all.

"I'll join you." She told me "Great!" I said before I knocked her out, I cut her back open and I placed a tracker in her, She soon woke up and left. She was supposed to run to UA and slam on the gates over and over until somebody came to the gates. When somebody did she would tell them that she barely escaped and she would tell them it was Nejire! She would probably get sympathy, Soon she would 'learn' that her parents got killed and she would have another breakdown. She then would spy for us as a big three student.

I sighed in relief when she left my home and headed to UA. She knew if she asked where I lived she wouldn't answer, She would act as if she hadn't paid attention as she ran away and that she was to afraid to do anything but run. From her tracker it seemed everything was alright, She had a microphone so I could hear what she was talking about. She didn't know about the microphone or about the tracker so if she tries anything she's dead.

Soon enough somebody grabbed her at the front gate, surprisingly Aizawa sounded worried.  "Where is she?" He asked frantically, "I don't know where she lives, I wasn't paying attention when I ran." She told him, He sighed. "I wanted to have a word with her." He said as they walked down the hall. They went to the principle, He was glad to have her back. He was probably worried sick, He too also asked about me.

They should be more focused on her well being, She was crying and they were asking "Where's Ochako?" And shit like that. They should be focusing on the traumatized Nejire, not the current villain. Their student should be more important than me. I'm not going to be a hero in the future, What I do doesn't effect the world long term .I'm short term, Sooner or later I'm going be caught and executed. I'm just a small piece in the big picture, if I wanted to be a big piece I would. 

They then revealed that her parents were in fact, Dead. She broke down just as I told her, She fell to the ground and start sobbing. You could barely tell the sobs were in fact, fake. She cried and I couldn't tell if they hugged her, I know they didn't verbally comfort her at least. She stopped crying and that's when I stopped listening in, I recorded it but that was it. I trust her to do the rest on her own. The plan was she would drop by in an order of: Every 3 days, then the week after every 4 days, then the week after every other day, the week after that she would drop by on Wednesday. The order would change every month to make sure she isn't suspicious, It should work just fine.

I was soon very bored, I mean it's boring.  Listening to their conversations was worse though, I walked over to my desk and I pulled out some paper. I began to plan, Something big. I think I'll be a bigger piece of this puzzle, I mean I have nothing better to do. It'll be fun to plan everything out as if life is but a game of chess, Things are all up to chance and nothing is gaurenteed. The moment Midoriya gave me One for All it was determined. I have no say in the matter, I'm going from a pawn to a king. It's going to be obnoxious.

I took a break and I saw it was 8:30 pm, there was Inko outside my home walking down the road. I ignored her and I then heard a knock on the door. I grabbed my notebook and then I ran to my back window and I opened it before jumping out, I heard saw police cars in front of my home. I ran out of their sight, I saw Tsukauchi and other Police officers. I ran away, I sat down in an allyway and started to play the recording.

I listened for sometime and Nejire never told them anything about where I live, right now she's in her Dorm. I'll ask her about it, I texted shiggy and I sent him some coordinates for Kuro, I stuck my head through and I saw Nezu. I brought my head back through and Kuro closed it. I wonder what they thought that was about. It'd be pretty funny seeing Aizawa stop for a second before losing his shit. Wish I was there to see it. I won't ever go back though.

Heeeeeeeee. Ochako and Nejire are just being girls, What a sleepover! I try to update this everyday but I physically can't keep up with that. I sadly have a life :(. Word count: 3,040 <3

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