Staring//Enemies to lovers//B...

By simpingforbellatrix

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TW: Little quick mentions of ED Bellatrix Lestrange and Crystal Forrest have known each other longer than th... More

1. Crystal and Bellatrix
2. Crystal and Bellatrix Pt. 2
4. First day
5. The Bet Day 1
6. An Exhausting Day 2
7. Archery
8. Offended
9. When?
10. Umbridge
11. Umbridge pt 2
12. The results

3. Daily routine

681 33 36
By simpingforbellatrix

-Bellatrix's perspective-

I genuinely hate that woman. I now no longer have my favorite knife. It's stupid that the knife she gave me is my favorite, but honestly, it's the sharpest, most efficient knife I own. It never dulls because there's a spell to resharpen it every time it dulls even slightly, it's very light and very easy to carry around, the designs are pretty, and all in all, it's gotten me through some tough times. I've thrown it at almost everything possible, and the fact that it hasn't broken makes it one of my most valuable possessions, even though Crystal gave it to me. I hate her with every cell I have, but I still do love that knife.


I lean back in the chair and put my feet on the desk, my hands behind my head as I rest back while Severus gets the lesson plans ready.
"Your skirt is hitched up."
"I know." I say, flattening it back down. The skirt only goes right above my knees so it easily falls when I'm in a position such as this.

"Your knife is showing."
"I know."
"Mind your own business, Severus, I know what I'm doing."
"And what are you doing?"
"Crystal. We're about to have the first class of the day. It's Monday, we've got all years today except fourth. Most of them are growing, horny teenagers and sit in this class for an hour." (I think that's how the schedule goes. I googled it but I'm not sure if it's correct but whatever-)


"And they're going to be staring up your skirt."
"I'm wearing shorts."
"They still will."
"I can handle myself, Severus."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

I hum in response, watching as he sighs and continues the lesson plan. "Why am I even here?" I ask after a while. "You seem as if you've got everything covered."
"In case I'm needed elsewhere, and in case one of our marks burn."
"Yours never burns unless it's an urgent meeting, and if it is, then I'd have to go as well."

"Remember the dark lord said that one of us could come and fill the other in? Normally when it's something like that, I go because you actually have to work and I need a break."
I sigh in annoyance, knowing he's right. "But still, if the dark lord calls, I'll just come up here, ask if yours burned, if you say no, I go alone, if you say yes, then you go. I don't have to sit here all day!"
"Yes, you do. And I need help testing potions."
I groan. "But every single potion either blows up, melts something, does the opposite it's supposed to do, or it spills everywhere. People rarely get it right. Only Granger gets it right occasionally, and I can't stand her!"

"I don't think anyone can." He mumbles. "And the other reason you're here is in case Umbridge comes in. I think she'd annoy you more than she'd annoy me."
"What makes you say that?"
"You're most likely going to yell at her."
"Not true!"
"Mhm. Sure."

"I can keep calm."
"Not really."
"I'm calm now, aren't I?"
"You're only calm around me because we've known each other forever."
"Fair but still. I'm not some raging bitch like-"
"Like Bellatrix is?" He questions, rolling his eyes.
"Don't interrupt me, Severus. But yes."
"No, you're not like her. You're even worse."
"No, I'm not!"
"Tell everyone you've threatened that."
"She threatens a lot of people too!"
"Yes, but you're more likely to carry out your threats. Anyways, I don't understand why you're so obsessed with comparing yourself to Bellatrix."

"Because she's annoying."
"You sure talk about her a lot, which means you think about her a lot."
"She thinks about me a lot too. She constantly stares at me." I groan. "It's quite annoying."
Severus mumbles something but I don't quite catch it.
"Don't mumble, Severus."
"I said, the two of you are very oblivious."
"How so?"
"The way you describe each other, it shows you like each other more than hate."
The bell rings.
I stay silent for a few moments before bursting out cackling, students flinching upon walking in. It takes a few moments before I settle down and I turn to look at him, smirking widely. "Me and her?! Oh, you're such an idiot Severus! I hate her with every fiber in my body."

"No, you don't."
"Oh, and what makes you the authority on that?"
"Because you constantly talk about her and she constantly talks about you."
"Yeah! With hatred! You know this!"
He sighs and shakes his head, giving up. "Don't come annoying me when the two of you get together."
"Don't be so pouty when we don't." I fire back, watching as he turns to the class.

"Moving...on." He drawls, scanning over the first years. They're well behaved but they seem confused as to what they walked in on. "Today we're talking about the cure for boils. If brewed correctly, it'll do as the name says, it'll cure boils, if brewed incorrectly, more boils will erupt on your skin. The ingredients include dried nettles, 6 snake fangs, 4 horned slugs, 2 porcupine quills..." (Thank you google but now we're time skipping bc I'm too lazy for this shit)

-Time skip to fifth year's class-

"So back to our conversation from this morning-" I start, waiting for the bell to ring. "-Why on earth would you believe I like Bellatrix and she likes me?"
"Well for one you're asking about it now. If you didn't care, you wouldn't have asked."
"That has no logic in it, Severus."
"Oh, it does, you're just completely oblivious."
I scoff. "Give me another reason."
"When was the last time you hurt her?"
"We got into a fight a week ago. You pulled me away from her, remember?"
"Where you actually hurt her."
"Last week."
"You two left with bloody noses and a few cuts. Considering it's the two of you, it should be a lot more."
"You two are the two most violent death eaters, if either of you were to get into a fight with another person, that person would leave half dead. You two only hurt each other mildly."
"That's ridiculous, Severus."
"No, it's not. You're just blind."
The sound of the bell fills the classroom

"I am not blind!" I snap at him.

"When it comes to the two of you, you are."
"Something is seriously wrong with your mind if you assume I like her."

"Just give it a few months, the two of you are surely going to be a couple."
I gag at the thought, causing Sev to scoff. "I fucking hope not."
"You'll see." He replies before turning to the class.

Obviously, since they're the most chaotic class, not everyone is seated and Sev rolls his eyes.

"Everyone get in your seats quickly." His sentence coming out slow and cold, like always.
A few get in their seats and he sighs, looking at me.

"SIT!" I shriek, and almost immediately, everyone sits. The way I am with Severus is the complete opposite of the way I am with everyone else. I'm quite calm and sarcastic with Severus, and I somewhat act like a child, but with everyone else, I'm more flirty and far more, how do I say it, more...well there's more screaming and cackling, basically. Oh, and threats. Many, many threats.

Class goes on and I listen to Severus blabber about wit-sharpening potion and tell them about the essay they are to write.

Occasionally, people glance over at me, and under my skirt or at my chest, assuming that I can't see them because I'm spacing out. "Sevy?" I ask suddenly, listening as he finishes his sentence before turning to me.
"Yes?" (Yessss.... Long drawn-out slow words)

"I'm going to interrupt you for a second." I focus my eyes again and blink a few times to fully come back to reality. "Now. If anyone looks at my chest, or under my skirt again, you'll have a knife stuck so far into your shoulder, even madam Pomfrey will struggle taking it out." I say coldly, looking each and every one of them in the eyes while I talk, watching as some of them shiver, and some of them flinch while looking away. "Mk, that's it. Continue Sev."

Severus nods and continues with his lecture while I go back to spacing out, having absolutely nothing to do, like always. I genuinely hate teaching here, nothing's ever different besides when Potter goes off fighting with his little sidekicks. All I do is wake up, eat breakfast, dread classes, sit and watch Sev teach, yell at kids for staring at me for too long, have lunch, go back to class, wait for class to end, go for a run, have dinner, and sleep. Nothing in my life is eventful except for the whole 'double sided' thing, but if I'm being honest, even that's getting quite boring.

"Mmm?" I mumble.
"Can you handle detention today?"
My head snaps up at that, looking up at Sev. "Yeah, who for?"

"The golden trio."
"Ah, no wonder you don't want to handle the detention." The both of us are whispering since class is still in and we don't want to make too much noise. "What did they do?"
"You have got to stop spacing out."
"No. Now what did they do?"
"Weasley and Potter put some stuff in Granger's potion and it exploded."
"Really?" I ask, looking up to see Granger's desk covered in messed up potion, the golden trio desperately trying to clean it. "Awww, I missed it." I pout.

"It's insane how you can tune out almost everything."

"What can't I tune out?"
He glances around to make sure no one's listening. "Bellatrix."
I roll my eyes. "I tune her out most of the time she talks."
"Mhmmm..." He mumbles doubtfully.

"I don't know why you're so obsessed with assuming that I don't hate her."

"Because you don't hate her."

I roll my eyes. "You know nothing, Severus."
"Sure. Moving on, detention is at seven tonight, and you can choose to do whatever you'd like with them."

"Mk." I mumble, going back to spacing out. Seven leaves me just enough time to take a run and eat dinner. I normally never eat with the teachers in the great hall, I'd rather not sit in front of children more than I have to. Bored out of my mind, I remove my legs from the desk and sit correctly, taking out my knife from where it rests on my thigh. I notice a lot of glances as I do so, and a few flinches, as if they think someone was staring at me again. Truth is, I'm not entirely sure if anyone stared, I was far too spaced out. The knife is just to cure my boredom at the moment. I begin to carve into the corner of sev's desk, carving a little mushroom, noticing him sigh in annoyance and defeat out of the corner of my eye.

-Time skip until all classes are done-

"Finally!" I groan, leaning back in the chair and stretching. "I thought the day would never end."
"You always say that."
"And you always agree with me."
"Mhm. Well bye sevy, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yup, bye Crystal."
I nod at him and get up, walking up to my room, quickly changing into a simple sports bra and shorts, grabbing a coat to put around me so no students know what I wear. Not many people know of my afternoon runs, and I prefer to keep it that way. Only Sev, McGonagall, Dumbledore, and Bellatrix know of my runs, and Sev and Lestrange learned about it while we were children since I've always had a habit of taking a run after classes. I quickly sneak out of the castle, avoiding as many people as I can, sighing in relief once I reach outside, still hidden. Fresh air." I whisper, a tiny smile tugging at my lips. Every day, 5:30 pm, I go for a run to relax myself, releasing all the stress from the day and allowing myself that sense of freedom for only a while, allowing myself to smile at small details in nature.

I sigh and begin running, running along the edge of the school boundaries, making sure no one catches sight of me. Not many people are out at this time, but I'd still like to be cautious. I'd hate for my run to be interrupted by some perverted imbeciles.

My mind wanders to tonight's detention.

What should I do?

Make them clean the potions room without magic?
Too simple

Make them create the same potion they failed over and over again?

Too boring

Give extra homework

Granger would enjoy that

Make them come to the forbidden forest with me?
They've done that before

Act on their fears?
I'd probably get fired

Poison one of them and make the others make an antidote?

Make them fight each other?
Too boring

I think I'm going to go with the poisoning idea.

Hopefully I don't get fired

-Skip to detention-

The trio stands in front of me as I sit on Sev's desk, looking at them, deciding who to poison.


They won't know what to do without her.

"You three are aware of why you are here, correct?"

They nod.
"I don't know what Professor Snape prefers, but I would much rather you speak back when spoken to."
"Yes ma'am." Granger replies.
"Good. Now. I know you three are used to cleaning places without magic, but I do detentions...differently."
I can see the nerves

Weasley fidgets

Granger swallows harshly

Potter sweats

I hold up the potion in my hand. "This is a certain potion that causes a slow and painful death, and whoever isn't poisoned, has an hour to cure the poisoned. The antidote is a common one, and one you should know about."
Granger's hand shoots up.
"Y-you're not going to poison one of us, are you?"
"That's exactly what I'm going to do, Ms. Granger."

"You can't! (There must be another way! Lmfaooo) It's against the rules! You're not allowed to kill students!"
"I would never!" I gasp, sounding offended. "One of you takes the potion, and two of you brew the antidote. So technically, if one dies, it's not my fault, it's the two people who didn't make the antidote." I reply, purposefully keeping out the part where I'll give them the antidote if they don't brew it in time.

"But-!" Granger starts to protest before I cut her off.

"Upupup, no resisting, muddy. You three brought it upon yourself when you got detention with me. Now. I decided that since Granger is the smartest, that she'd be the one who gets poisoned."

"WHAT?!" All three of them shriek.

"Mhm. Now you two-" I point to Potter and Weasley. "If you've been paying attention, you may be able to save her. All ingredients, plus more, are in the back. I gave you the ingredients you needed, plus more, because if I gave you only the correct ingredients, this wouldn't be a learning experience, now, would it?"
"You're insane!" Weasley cries out.

"Why thank you. Now get to work. Granger, you stay with me."

Potter and Weasley quickly give Granger a brisk hug before running to the desk in the back, where all the ingredients are.

I beckon Granger closer, smirking when she walks as slowly as possible, eventually making it up to me.
"Now now Granger, I'm not actually going to let you die. That would get me fired." I say, only loud enough for her to hear. "But you will be taking the potion."
"P-pardon?" She questions.

I hold up two potions in my hand. "This one is the poison, and this one is the antidote." I say, shaking one of the two when I refer to them. "If your friends fail to make the antidote in 55 minutes, I'll give you this." I shake the antidote. "If they manage to make it, then they themselves will save you. Now, you're not allowed to tell either of them about this, understood?"
"Understood, ma'am." She replies, her body language less tense once she knows she won't actually die.

"Good." I hand her the poison. "Drink."

"D-do I have to, ma'am? I'm going to be saved either way."
"Yes, you will be, but you also need a punishment, don't you, love? Your punishment is more physical pain while your friends will be in emotional pain and stressed. Now drink."

She hesitates before opening the cork, glancing at Weasley and Potter who are watching her every move. She smiles nervously at them before quickly swallowing the contents in the bottle. Once done, she closes the bottle and hands it back to me, standing there for a moment. "I don't feel anything."
"Oh, you will. Just wait, it's all a matter of time. And once you're done, you all can go to the great hall since it is dinner time. You can eat the taste of the antidote away."

God, I wish I could just poison her without giving her the antidote.

She nods and sits down on the floor.

-10 minutes later-

A soft groan can be heard and I look down to see Granger laying on the floor, curled up into a ball, holding onto her stomach, groans and whimpers falling from her lips, causing me to smirk.


"No!" I hear Weasley yell under his breath, desperately crushing the Bezoar.

I'm surprised they're still on the first step.

(Here's the recipe lmao) (According to Harry Potter Wiki) (If this is wrong, it's their fault, not mine, I copy and pasted this shit)

Part 1

Add 1 Bezoar to the mortar

Crush into a very fine powder using the pestle

Add 4 measures of the crushed Bezoar to your cauldron

Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to your cauldron

Heat to a medium temperature for 5 seconds

Wave your wand

Leave to brew and return in 40 minutes with pewter cauldron, 34 minutes with brass cauldron and 30 minutes with copper cauldron

Part 2

Add 1 pinch of Unicorn Horns to your cauldron

Stir 2 times, clockwise

Add 2 Mistletoe Berries to your cauldron

Stir 2 times, anti-clockwise

Wave your wand to complete the potion

"Why does it hurt so much!" Granger exclaims.
"That's the point, love."
Her response is a groan.

"Tsk." I tut. "You're only ten minutes in and you can't handle it?"
"I-It gets w-worse?"
"Much worse."

A tear slips from her eye.

"Aw don't cry love, I'm sure your friends will help you." I say, smirking up at Weasley and Potter who are both glaring at me, and desperately looking at their friend.

"You monster!" Weasley yells, Potter desperately trying to figure out the rest of the potion.

"Name calling isn't going to get you anywhere. You don't want your friend to die, now do you?"
He huffs and begins helping Potter.

-10 minutes later-

I watch as the Granger girl sways from side to side, letting out soft sobs and groans of pain. She grasps onto anything possible, squeezing it as tight as possible to ignore the physical pain she's feeling. Pleas fall from her lips, begging for death, or an antidote. She cries and cries, screaming out in pain occasionally. Frantic mumbling being heard and words of hope that the two boys have finished the antidote.

Unfortunately for them, they're not even halfway done, and both of them are shaking while listening to Granger's crying.

Every time either of them attempt to walk over here to comfort her, I send them a glare and they get right back to work.

Oh, I could watch this for hours

"Hermione, it's ok! We're almost done!"
"You've been saying that for the past twenty minutes Ronald!" She shrieks back, tears flowing uncontrollably from her eyes.
"You're sick!" Potter yells at me.

I pout at him. "Aw, words hurt, Potter."
"Hermione is hurt!" He shrieks at me.
"Well better hurry up with that antidote now, hm?"

"Just heal her!"
"You three got yourselves into this mess in the first place. Next time think twice before doing something stupid. I could give you a much worse punishment, this is tame, considering it's me."

"TAME?!" Potter shrieks.
"Woah there, Mr. Anger issues. Calm down. Yelling at me isn't going to heal her sooner."
"SHE DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING!" Weasley yells at me.

"Oh, she's done plenty. Plus, how else would I torture the both of you if she wasn't here? You get to watch your friend slowly die, and she gets to die." I say, shrugging. "Seems good to me."

"YOU'D ACTUALLY LET HER DIE?" Potter shrieks at me.
"Mhm. If it were up to me, half the school would be dead, if I'm being honest." I say, my head whipping to the door to see Severus and another adult I don't recognize opening the door.

Severus flinches while the other adult simply stares at the Granger girl and then at the Potter and Weasley boys.

"Crystal! This is not what I meant when I said detention for them!" Severus shrieks.
"Oh relax, Sev. She's fine."
"I'M VERY MUCH NOT FINE!" Granger cries out, yelping when I kick her back.
"Shut up." I hiss. "Potter and Weasley are making her an antidote."
"The two of them barely know how to do first year level potions!"
"That's their fault, not mine." I shrug.

"Give her the antidote."
"It's only been 20 minutes." I pout. "Let me have my fun."

"Crystal." He warns.
"Severus." I say in the same tone.

"Give her the antidote, or I will."
"Ten more minutes. This is fun."

"Ugh, you're so boring!" I whine, picking up the antidote and pulling Granger's head back by her hair, shoving the contents of the potion down her throat.

She begins coughing furiously before shivering, staying in her ball shape.

The two boys completely disregard their potion and run up to the girl, kneeling down in front of her and frantically looking for injuries.

"Scram!" I shriek at them. "And don't get in trouble again!"
Weasley picks up Granger and they quickly hurry out of the room, quietly thanking Severus as they leave.

"You know, I technically did you a favor." I say. "Now they know not to do anything stupid."
"You're not supposed to torture the students! Do you see why I never leave you in charge of detention?!" He shrieks at me, ditching his normally cold demeanor, surprising the woman next to him.

"Oh, come on, she wasn't actually going to die. If they didn't brew the potion within 55 minutes, I would've given her the antidote."

"They didn't know that!"
"If they did, all the fun would be ruined." I say plainly. "Now. Why did you feel the need to interrupt me?"

Severus sighs and shakes his head before using his wand to lock the door, knowing that the room is already silenced.

I raise an eyebrow at the secrecy.

He looks at the woman and nods.

Her entire look dissolves and once it does, the infamous Bellatrix Lestrange stands before me.

"Lestrange." I say coldly.
"Forrest." She responds in the same tone.

"What is she doing here?"

"I'm-" She starts.

"I'm not talking to you." I interrupt coldly.
"I don't care. I'm here for my knife, for one."
"For one?"

"The second thing is I have to stay here with you."
"WHAT?!" I shriek.

"I don't like it either, but that was a little overdramatic, love." She smirks.
"Oh, don't act like you didn't do the same thing when you were told you had to stay with me."

"The dark told me so no, no I did not."

I roll my eyes. "However, if someone else had said it, you would've yelled at them."
"Mmm, fair enough. Now. Give me my knife back."
"Technically, it is my knife." I say. "I simply gave it to you a while ago."
"Exactly, you gave it away, it's mine now. Give it."
"Why should I?"
"Because I'll cut off your fingers if you don't."
I smirk at her. "You're all talk, no bite, Bellatrix. I could keep the knife for as long as I'd like and you wouldn't do a single thing."

"Oh, you're quite wrong about that, darling."
"How so?"

Within moments, Bellatrix launches at me and knocks us both to the floor, me laying down with her straddling me, pinning my hands above my head.

I groan softly at the force I hit the ground but I shake it off when I realize Bellatrix is reaching for the knife on my thigh.

See, I'd love to give it back, I really don't care about this knife, but I do enjoy fighting with the woman towered above me.

I quickly knee her stomach as best as I can and her grip loosens slightly, allowing me a few moments to flip us over. I do so and hold her hands tightly above her head. "You can't beat me, darling." I tease.

"And why not?"

"I've always won fights in childhood, and you're very out of practice since you've been busy the past 15 years."

Bellatrix rolls her eyes. "Well for one, this isn't childhood, and secondly..." she trails off, leaning up, her face close to mine, her breath brushing against my face and her lips terribly close to mine.

My breath hitches and I quickly move my head back, making sure I'm nowhere near her lips.

That single motion causes my grip to loosen, and Bellatrix takes the upper hand, flipping us over once more.

"...You're very wrong, I've had quite a lot of practice in Azkaban. And thirdly..." she trails off once more, moving our faces close to each other again.

I turn my head to the side, refusing to face her with her this close.

"...I know motions that make you uncomfortable."

I scoff. "If I were above you and did the same thing, you'd be uncomfortable as well."

The woman pouts. "I'm offended, I thought you knew me."

I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"You may be flirty, I'll admit that, but you'd never kiss someone you don't like. I would. That's the difference between us."

"And what makes you so sure of that?"

"Your head is turned away from me. If that isn't proof enough, I don't know what else."

"Oh, you've got it all wrong, little one." I say, flipping us over since Bellatrix had let her guard down while she was talking, I straddle her and rest my hands on the side of her head, deciding it would be more fun if her hands are free.

"I'm never wrong."

"Wrong again. I will kiss someone I don't particularly like, but I will never, ever kiss you. You're the exception."

"Aw I'm flattered, what makes me the exception?"

"The thought of kissing you makes me throw up, the real thing would be far worse."

"You only say that because you've never actually kissed me."

"Are you suggesting something?"
"I'm suggesting you shut up about my bad kissing skills until you actually kiss me."
"I never mentioned anything about your kissing skills, I just said the thought of kissing you is bad. But good to know that you're a bad kisser."
"I'm not a bad kisser!"
"Ooh, defensive little thing. Did I offend you, love?"

"Number one, I'm not offended, number two, I'm not little, and number three, I'm not a bad kisser."
"I doubt all of those statements."
She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Just give me my knife back." She huffs, bringing up our old topic.

"See, you know I'm right so you change the subject."
"You're most certainly wrong, I just want my knife back so I can leave and stop wasting my time with someone as utterly useless as you."
"Ooh, I'm hurt, love."

"Good. Now give me my knife back."
"Mmm, no."
"Wrong answer." Her fist immediately hits my jaw after that statement, and anger boils in me.
"Oh, so we're doing that now?!" I shriek, punching her back, my fist hitting her nose harshly, drops of blood forming.

Like every other time when we fight, Bellatrix begins cackling, the both of us continuously flipping each other over, punching each other, kicking wherever our legs can reach, ignoring the shrieks of someone and the annoyed mumbles of Severus Snape as they attempt to pull us away from each other. Whenever one of doesn't have energy or isn't in the correct to punch the other, our hands go around the others neck, strangling the other until we get the upper hand, exchanging angry words, and yells, neither of us willing to back down any time soon, not caring about the blood falling from our faces, nor the cuts and scratches from our nails scratching each other, just focusing on the fight at hand.

Whenever Bellatrix gets the upper hand, she always attempts to reach for the knife that's against my thigh, but always fails to achieve it.

Currently, I'm lying under Bellatrix, the taste of copper clearly evident in my mouth. Without hesitation, I spit the blood out at her, smirking when she cringes slightly. She's not one to cringe at blood, however when it's coming from me and it's both spit and blood, she doesn't particularly like it. "Oh, you little-"
I reach up and grab her neck, pulling her down, and hitting her forehead against the floor next to me, laughing when she groans.

Her legs release my waist and she turns over onto her back, allowing me to re-straddle her. However, before I'm able to throw a punch at her again, arms wrap around my waist and pull me away from her, and into the air, pressing me against whoever's holding me.

"LET ME GO!" I shriek, kicking the person behind me and trying to wiggle out of their grasp. I look over to see Narcissa Malfoy holding up her sister, who's also trying to escape her grip.

So that's who was screaming at us to stop.

So, if Narcissa's holding Bellatrix, Severus must be holding me.
"Severus, you let me go this instant!" I shriek at him.

"Behave." He hisses.

"You two are going to have to get along if Bellatrix is staying here."
"I refuse to get along with her." Bellatrix says.

"For once, I agree with her." I respond, kicking Severus' legs. "Now let me go!"
"Will you two behave?"
"No." Both of us respond.

"Then neither me nor Narcissa will let go of you."
I raise an eyebrow. "Fine then, we're doing this the hard way." I move my head forward and with a sudden motion, I hit the back of my head against Severus', using the momentum to hit him harshly.

He groans and stumbles back, releasing me and grasping onto his face.

I smirk at Bellatrix, who's glaring at me, because both of us know that she could never do that to her dear sister. I brush my skirt with my hands, flattening it since it had moved up a little bit.

"Crystal, you broke my fucking nose."

"Good, you needed a nose job anyways." I reply, watching as Bellatrix desperately tries to hide her laugh since she hates laughing in amusement at things I say. "Now come on, Narcissa, release Bellatrix."
"Will the two of you behave?"
"Crystal. Please?"

I sigh. "Fine."
The woman rolls her eyes and sighs dramatically. "If I have to. But I want my knife back."

Narcissa looks at me with pleading eyes and I groan.

Bellatrix smirks as Narcissa lets her go. She walks up to me and holds out her hand.

"I despise you." I mumble as I take the knife out of my knife strap that rests on my thigh.

"Same to you." She replies, her smirk growing wider once I hand it to her.

"Bellatrix, thank her." Narcissa says.
"For what? She's the one who took it from me!"
"You're the one who threw it at me!" I reply.

"Bellatrix! Crystal!" Narcissa shrieks.

We both groan and Bellatrix glares at me.
"Thank you."

"You're welcome." I reply, rolling my eyes.
"Better." Narcissa says. "Now you two should go before anyone comes in."
"Where's Lestrange staying?" I ask, sticking out my tongue when Bellatrix glares at me for the use of her husband's last name.

"With you." Severus replies, rejoining the conversation since he fixed his nose. He walks up and stands next to Narcissa.

"WHAT?!" Both me and her shriek. "NO!"
"I'm going back to my manor." Lestrange says.

"No. I only got you in here because the shield was down while one of the teachers was teaching a certain skill that needed the shield to be down. You can't apparate in nor out of this place unless you're a teacher. If me or Crystal were to apparate you out, they'd know since you're not known on the grounds."
"Fuck!" Bellatrix groans. "I'm not staying with Crystal. I despise her."
"The feeling is mutual." I grumble.

"Well too bad, that's how you're staying for the next month."
"Month?! Are you insane?!" I groan.

"No, you two are the insane ones. We're just following orders. Now you two should go to your room because people are going to be leaving dinner soon and we don't want anyone to see you."

I sigh. "Fine. Come on." I walk out, with Bellatrix trailing after me, mumbling furious words that I can't make out. The walk to my room is quite short, but still painful.

How am I going to survive the month?

I open my door and beckon her in, watching as she takes a few steps in and stops, waiting for me. I walk in as well and close my door. "So. Couch, kitchen, room to my bedroom, door to bathroom, bookshelf, storage with pillows and blankets, collection of my drawings, my archery shit, horseback riding shit, and my jars full of dead small creatures. If you break anything, I will curse you." I say, pointing out the things as I list them. (Literally just adding these things cause it's what I'm into and it's easier to write about-)

"Good to know." She says sarcastically. "It's quite small."
"Well, it's a Hogwarts teacher dorm, what do you expect?"

"Maybe a little more decor? A little more style? This shit is so plain!"

"I don't really care." I reply. "You're sleeping on the couch."

"Now what the fuck are you doing here?"
"I'm here to observe you and Severus."
"And no one else could have done this?"
"No. The dark lord requested me."
"Fucking hell." I mumble. "Do you at least have a change of clothes?"
"Narcissa should be bringing those sometime soon."

I nod, walking over to my kitchen without another word. I grab an apple and walk to my room. "Don't bother me unless it's important." I say before entering my bedroom, shutting the door, grabbing a book, sitting on my bed, and eating my apple.

This is going to be a long month


Well, I have sooo much motivation for this book, except only for the romantic parts and I'm trying to stretch the whole 'enemies' thing out as long as I can but I've written like five chapters for when they realize they like each other, BUT I CAN'T PUBLISH IT BC I'M ONLY THREE FUCKING CHAPTERS INNNN

Anyways, I wrote this instead of doing my essay on Shakespeare because Shakespeare fucking sucks. Istfg that guy was high his entire life.

Sorry to the people who actually like him, I just kind of despise him-

ANYWAYS Have a nice day/night and I'm always here if anyone needs to talk/rant to someone :)

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