Off the Grid

By TheShadyButterfly

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Author's Note
Thank You!


76 36 80
By TheShadyButterfly


27: ~Darnell's Pov~

Obviously Dad wouldn't let us follow the ambulance.

I locked eyes with Marina who was standing with two people who had familiar faces from across the street– no, nope, I wasn't going to deal with this, not right now.

Danica fled right back into the house in a fit of tears, while I just shook my head and followed behind her. I closed my room door and sighed heavily as my body stood against it for moral support, our lives can't keep going on like this. This had to stop at some point.

Please be okay, Mom! I thought as my hands balled into fists. The casual thought of breaking the old man's nose was the most appealing thing ever.

Involuntarily, I plopped down into my bed because my legs felt like jelly and couldn't hold my body up any longer, I'd probably skip school tomorrow–

And get scolded by Danica... My subconscious came alive and I chuckled at the thought.

We wouldn't want that now, would we?

Wow, look where life has lead me... Crazy mind conversations. I shoved out my pestering subconscious and stared at the ceiling hoping to zone out when someone knocked on my door.

"Go away, Anika." I breathe out, not even looking away from the ceiling.

But the door clicked open anyway and my head shot up from the bed covers in that same instant, ready to unleash rage until I saw whom it was and my expression uncontrollably softened. Eww I'm supposed to be a hard guy.

"In my defense, my name doesn't start with an 'A'." Marina piped, stepping into my room through the small crack, like she was scared if she opened the door a little wider, I'd run away.

"What's up with Danica's private concert?" She asked, strolling towards my desk chair and that's when I heard it.

Loud music was blaring in the hallway.

"Coping mechanism." I muttered and fell back on my bed.

"Pretty sure she's hurting her ears more..." She started and trailed off. "How bad was it?"

If I didn't know better, she was asking about my Mom's accident.

"Really bad."

"What actually happened back there?"

Are you blind, Marina?

"Right place, wrong time. The glass frame fell." I lied, making sure to hide anything that gave me away from my phiz.

I wasn't about to start divulging all my family issues to her and having her ask me a bunch more disturbing questions wasn't part of my needs. Marina opened her mouth to say something more but stopped herself.

"I should go..."

I didn't respond.

Then I heard shuffling and the click sound of my door coming open. My head came up then.

"Jocelyn," I called out and she turned, biting on her lower lips. "Please stay."

From the look in her eyes– that glint– there was no doubt, I'd just melted her. I'll be honest I was feeling bad. She came over to sympathize or whatsoever and I just gave her the chills, no doubt I hurt her feelings– which is really weird to say or think. Does Marina Hunter have feelings for me?

She sighed and sat on the bed beside me.

"Are you always this cold when you're in a bad mood?" She asked, raking a hand through her sandy blonde hair.

"Most of the time, I'm just not used to having company when I'm like this, I've mastered how to be alone." I explained.

In a gesture that surprised both of us, Marina scooted closer and wrapped her small hands around me.

"I understand." She murmured against my neck and I couldn't resist how inviting she scented.

In attempts to return her drastic affection, we both fell unto the sheets, hearing her laugh made me laugh too, for a split second I forgot all that just happened until the heavy sound of instrumentals resonated through my bedroom walls and I gritted my teeth.

"Oh my God, is that her voice?" Marina gasped obviously impressed and if I wasn't already annoyed at Anika, I would have been too. "I mean, Celine Dion? Ariana Grande, who???" She exclaimed amidst laughter.

I shook my head and ignored her, instead raising my voice, "Seriously, Anika! We get it, you want to be a music major, can you quiet it down." It was more an order than a request.

But instead, the little brown haired imp turned the volume up a little higher. I hate my sibling, how do people cope with more than one sibling? If you've been doing that... I respect you for real. Because what the hell? It's by infinite mercies I haven't killed that fourteen year old yet.

"She heard you." Marina chimed in, in attempts to spite me.

"I'm not dealing with you too." I groaned and adjusted my head on a pillow still staring at the canyon– I mean ceiling, but wait, hold on–

"Want to escape with me for a few hours?" My lips tipped into a suggestive smile as I stared into her bright innocent eyes.

"As long as you bring me back at my curfew, yeah sure." She said and I took her hand immediately and dragged her out the door.

~ ~ ~

~Marina's Pov~

I bent on my knees, not liking the feeling of the rocks underneath my palm and knees and sure as hell not liking the goosebumps on the back of neck either. Darnell is crazy, a total psychopath if he thinks he's getting me to go down there. It's never happening, maybe in an alternate dimension but definitely not this one. I trotted back from the cliff edge and stood on my feet.

"Absolutely not, you're insane Darnell."

"Gee thanks!" The cocky boy chuckled, probably taking my statement as a compliment.

I rolled my eyes and backed up a little more ensuring there was enough space between me and death.

I tugged at the sleeves of my white crop top till they covered my palms like it would wad off the chill I was feeling all over, but it couldn't because this chill wasn't temperature... It was phobia. The height of the cliff and depth of the powerful lake underneath flashed in my mind's eye again and I really wanted to just disappear back to my bed. The wind rolled past, blowing my hair and black skirt in the same direction and I scooted backwards some more, afraid that the wind will throw me off the cliff.

"Are you seriously that scared?"

"How are you not? Okay I know, you've probably done this a thousand times." I shuddered rubbing my arms.

My eyes grew wide as he pulled off his navy blue hoodie and was already tugging his white tee, isn't he cold or something?

"Please kindly keep your shirt on."

He smirked at me and made a sport of taking his shirt off, "Afraid you'll fall in love?"

I shook my head in disbelief, chuckling a little.

"Come on, Butterfly." He stepped towards me.

"Stop, please." My voice came out shaky, my phobia taking total control over me.

"I promise I won't let go."

Uhm, that's what Jason said.

Anyone wants to do the honors of reminding us how that ended?

I gulped, stepping away from him as I recalled my Santa Monica experience and pulling my hand away from his.

"I can't." I tried to sound in control of my galloping emotions.

But Darnell wasn't having it and he came closer, taking my hand again, then he tipped my chin making sure I was staring him in the eye, I guess I'd forgotten how tranquil and unbothered his eyes always are and honestly for the first five seconds since we got here, I forgot about my chills.

"The first step to conquering your fear is admitting it to yourself." Darnell said, while holding my gaze, like he could see through my soul.

I've admitted it to myself, I just haven't said it out loud to anyone except Jason. But it's worth a shot, no?

"I'm afraid of going into water, afraid I'll be closed in, afraid I wouldn't be able to gasp for air, afraid I'd drown, afraid no one would be there to hold my hand–" My breath caught in my throat for a second as another breeze blew pass.

The sun was no where in sight, it was some time after twilight and far above and ahead, a sterling silver-lavender-ish perfect moon was visible. If only I knew how to paint like Michelangelo, Da Vinci or Van Gogh, the universe would have come to an end by now because it'd be over for y'all, no kidding.

Still not breaking eye contact, I realized I had zoned out for a second, Darnell wasn't saying anything, and my eyes were searching his and desperately trying to read what was going in his head. Suddenly, he pulled me closer, causing my upper body to came in contact with his hot stronger one, and my insides turned to jelly. There was just something about delicate against hard.

Hold on–

How did we reach the cliff edge?
When did that happen?

I started to pull my hand away from his but his grip grew tighter– not the discomforting type rather in the weirdest way, I felt almost safe. But the feel of my phobia was stronger as it washed over me in a quick rush.

"Darnell... Please, I can't." I said to him, gulping back the huge lump forming in my throat, my eyes were already burning.

Yeah my phobia is so bad. Kindly put me in your prayers.

"Trust me." He whispered against my face, and if I wasn't paying attention, I would have thought it was just the whistle of the wind.


I'll trust you.

In that one moment, it felt like we merged souls, he seemed so transparent and sincere. Darnell broke our eye contact and looked down at our barefeet, somehow I just knew he wanted me to step on his, so I did just that, he didn't seem the least shaken by my weight– if I had any. I repeated the same thing with my other feet while Darnell's hands went to my waist, gripping me tight close and holding me in place while my fingers basically dug into his exposed shoulders. I could count the air particles between our face and mysteriously, I was still able to look him in the eye.


"Even in a light years, I'd still say no." I said sincerely and we both laughed.

"Guess I'd just rip the band-aid off!" Darnell replied and I gave him a small smile and squeezed my eyes shut.

Here goes nothing.

In a split second and in the smoothest move I'd ever witnessed, Darnell turned us around and we went falling off the grid. I felt our bodies turn again and switch positions in the air so that Darnell would touch the lake first while I was secured on top of him.

But that didn't last long.

We both fell into the surprisingly warm water, immersing and soaking completely. My eyes flew open and I was about to get frantic and start panicking when I felt Darnell's hands still around me.


You're safe, Marie.

Darnell pulled us back up and in less than ten seconds we were at a shallower part of the lake, I knew that because my feet were on solid ground and not floating around. I looked at Darnell, and couldn't stop the excitement bubbling inside of me. My previous fear was dead and forgotten, I was proud of myself and it was hard to believe that ten minutes ago I wouldn't have agreed to this, I guess conquering your fear really just takes one step.

"Look! We're the same height!" I exclaimed and laughed helplessly, with my hands still drapped around his neck.

I didn't plan on letting go.

"And we just did that!"

"We actually did!" I blushed.

Darnell's gaze shifted, it was now different, deep and intended, he looked at me like I was a priced possession, something he cherished, I couldn't help it, so I asked;

"Why you staring at me like that?"

My entire body felt like jelly against his wet, strong ones, the moon's shine casting a glow on his facial features and making his eyes sparkle, I was melting deep inside and hoping he didn't notice my inner struggle with my emotions.

He chuckled to himself, like he was having a mind conversation and sharing an inside joke with his subconscious then he temptingly whispered, "You're starting to have an effect on me, Jo. And I'm not sure how I feel about it."

"Well you're growing on me too, Darnie."

He laughed now, "Darnie? Where did that come from?"

"My mouth?" I laughed too, "Darn maybe? Danny? Dannie?"

"Okay we need to work on that."


A comforting silence followed and I rested my head on his hard chest, feeling him tense a little. He was reacting to my touch.

"Thanks for coming here with me today." He said, finally.

"Are you kidding? There's no place I'd rather be." I smiled up at him and he kissed the puff of my smiling cheeks.

A song started to ring somewhere inside my soul;

you make me feel like a teenager in love
you make me feel like a teenager in love

~ ~ ~
A/N: I really need me a Darnell. Pls hit that star below your screen if you think this chapter was really cute, I think it was, I've been planning this scene for months, trying to make it perfect and I'm proud of it. See you in twenty-eight.

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