Love On Tour - H.S.

By horaansprincess

156K 2K 703

Harry and Y/N's relationship was one everyone wanted. Everyone loved seeing them together because they were a... More

Day Before Tour
Las Vegas
San Antonio
The Days After The Break up - 1
The Days After The Break Up - 2
The Days After The Break Up - 3
St. Louis
Drama 1
St. Paul
MSG Night 1
MSG Night 3
The Days After The MSG Shows
Holmes Chapel - 1
Holmes Chapel - 2
The Days Before Harryween
Harryween Night 1
Harryween Night 2
The Days After Harryween - 1
The Days After Harryween - 2
The Days After Harryween - 3
The Days After Harryween - 4
The Days After Harryween - 5
San Diego
LA Night 1
LA Night 3 (cont.)
Little Rock
Long Island
Epilogue - The Dinner
Epilogue - The Baby Stuff
Epilogue - The Birth
Epilogue - The Baby

LA Night 3

3.3K 61 20
By horaansprincess

tiktok reference: Love On Tour w/ Harry pt. 14 // LA N3 //

harry's pov

Today's the day I'm telling my mum about what really went down between Olivia and I. I wanted to tell her the day she got here so Olivia couldn't feed her anymore lies, but with the whole pregnancy announcement, moving, and finishing up tour it was too hard to find the perfect time. I was a nervous wreck. It's 5:36 in the morning and I was putting on my shoes to go for a jog.

I tucked the strings of my mask behind my ear and grabbed a hat to hide my unruly hair. I then grabbed the small duffle that Y/N had packed for the next couple of days and popped it in the back of the range. The sun was starting to come up, but the wind was still blowing. My red sweater and navy blue shorts had to suffice because I didn't have any time to change. (Insta Story).

I didn't want to wake Y/N considering she's been having a hard time sleeping. She tosses and turns most of the night and it pains me to see her so uncomfortable. The only way she'd fall asleep was if I rubbed her stomach and quietly sang Hope ur ok by Olivia Rodrigo, one of her personal favorite singers. The song was lovely as well as the melody, but the meaning behind the song was heart-wrenching and beautifully written. Props to Olivia, not everyone can write a song like that and execute it the way she did. I understand why Y/N spends hours listening to her album, she's probably listened to SOUR more than she listened to Fine Line but I don't blame her. I sometimes catch myself humming along to the songs while it plays. Y/N was the main reason Good 4 U was on the pre show playlist, nagging me until I decided to put it in.

I read in a parenting book that the first trimester tended to be the hardest on some women and that most women preferred to have their significant other around during those crucial times. I was glad tour was coming to an end, don't get me wrong I love my fans and performing, but with all the free time I'll be given, I'd be able to focus on my growing family, settle into our new house, and gain some peace without anyone trying to seduce me and force me into a contract.

Which reminds me...

Today marks my last show in LA. Which means the contract with Olivia was technically over. When this so called 'contract' was written, it was before Houston got rescheduled and I added Little Rock and Long Island. My lawyers brought this to my attention last night and they were 99% sure they could get me out of this contract today, but it also means seeing Olivia before the show and that always never ends well.

A shutter from a camera pushes me out of my thoughts. I see a man with a big camera hiding behind the bushes. What a fucking joke. Y/N and I moved in this neighborhood to avoid the paparazzi, but they pop the fuck out of nowhere like fucking whack-a-moles. I locked the car and headed for my run going in discrete streets where no one would notice.

I turned around and noticed the same paparazzi from the apartment following me in his car. I walk into a one way alley to lose him and it works. He parked his car at the end of the street and used his long lens to zoom in on me. I threw up my middle finger and continued running.

I had one destination in mind and it was a local smoothie shop not far from the apartment. Y/N and I passed by it one time and I've been meaning to take her, but we've been busy with everything going on.

"Hi, sweetheart. What can I get for you today?"  The sweet old cashier asked. I gave her a genuine smile and looked up at the giant menu. What the actual fuck. These names sound like a 5 year old named them. Jumping Juice, Berry Me In Berries, Hopeful Mango, Kale LA. Watermelon Sugar. My heart warms at the sight of my song being up on the board, shrugging it off as probably just a coincidence. I mean those were only 5 of the smoothie names out of the 1,000 listed above my head. "You look a little lost, son. Would you like some recommendations?"

I gave her a small laugh and nodded my head. "Yes, please. These names are throwing me off a bit."

"Oh, I understand, dear. My daughter thought it would be funny to have her kids name the smoothies and this is what they came up with. Are you buying for yourself or for anyone in particular? I can help you get something perfect." She grabbed a pen out of the basket and looked at me with curiosity.

"I'm actually getting it for my mum and my wife — I mean girlfriend. She's uh my girlfriend and she's 11 weeks pregnant actually." My mind went into panic mode. I thought telling her about the pregnancy would avoid the awkwardness of me calling Y/N my wife, but it just made it worse. Y/N's going to be so pissed if she found out I told someone about the pregnancy, especially someone we didn't know. "I uh, I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that...We're planning on keeping the pregnancy a secret and-"

"Nana, we're here!" The charm from the door rang indicating people were coming in. Brenda — the cashier cocked her head to the side of me and immediately smiled at the little girl. She was followed by two other little girls who looked exactly like her. Triplets.

Wow, that's...a lot.

"Oh, I'm so happy you guys are here. Come here why don't you come meet someone." Brenda grabs a hold of two of the girl's hands while the other latches onto her apron. I turn around and smile at the little girls. Their hazel eyes go wide and their mouths drop in shock. Brenda turns to me and smiles, "This is...Wait I'm sorry dear I never got your name."

"Nana!! That's Harry!" Triplet number one points out like it was obvious. When Brenda looks at them still confused, triplet number two speaks. "He's our smoothie! Our watermelon sugar smoothie."

Brenda's eyes go wide and places her palm over her chest. "Oh, Harry. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it was you, I've only ever heard your voice when these girls would play your songs. I didn't even know you were British."

"It's alright, Brenda. I do lose my accent when I sing my songs sometimes." I shrug.

Triplet number three who's holding on Brenda's apron lightly taps her fingers on Brenda's waist. The little girl looks up at her grandma and quietly talks. Her voice was so light I couldn't catch any of her words. The other two twins seem to take a liking at some of the tattoos that were poking out from under my sweater.

"Aria, look I think he has an anchor on his arm." Triplet number one says to triplet number two whose name is now revealed to be Aria.

"I like his rings." Aria says.

Triplet number one shrugs and looks up at me, "Hi, Harry. Can we see your other tattoos? I want to show Aria that your tattoos are way cooler than your rings."

"Of course, little darling. Here, I'll lift up my sleeve." I grab the hem of the sleeve and pushed towards my upper arm, stopping when I couldn't go any further.

"He has a mermaid, Lee!!" Aria stands on her tippy toes and brings her small finger over the mermaid. "It has boobies." The two girls start laughing their heads off.

I shake my head as they continue to laugh and point at my arm. Their laughter brings so much warmth and happiness in the room. My heart tightens just thinking of having my own little baby soon. One who'd laugh at my tattoos or even color them in.

"Oh, girls. It's not nice to laugh at people." Their Nana says. Their laughter died down and triplet number three still held onto her Nana's apron. "I see you've met the two loud ones, this is Aria and Amelie but she goes by Lee. And this shy little one is Annastasia, you can call her Anna."

I crouch down and offer a hug to each of the girls which they gladly take. "It's nice to meet you three. You guys are adorable."

Aria and Lee stand off to the side to let Anna have a turn to hug me, but Anna looks hesitant. Her eyes avoid my glaze and I try to reassure her that it was alright, but she doesn't move. My stomach drops and I back off before I scare her off anymore.

"She's the shy one and keeps her guard up, don't worry about it." Brenda gives me a small smile. "Their mother dropped them off, do you mind watching them while I make your smoothies? I'll be quick. I know what to make for your mom and wife. I'll make sure it has everything she needs to keep baby healthy." She emphasizes the word wife and the word baby and I couldn't help but smile.

"Of course, I'll watch them. Thank you so much Brenda."

Brenda heads off and begins working on the smoothies while I lead the girls towards the tables. Aria and Lee both take a seat on the other side of me and Anna stays standing.

"Hi, Anna. You can sit in my lap if you want. I won't hurt you." I pat my right thigh for her and she thinks about it for a solid minute before giving in. I grab her and gently place her on my lap.

"Anna, you don't have to be shy. It's just Harry, remember? He's your favorite." Aria leans over the table and grabs one of Anna's hands that was fiddling with her shirt.

"Careful, Aria. I don't want you to fall, please." I say in a quiet voice. Anna was already scared of me, I didn't want two out of three triplets to hate me.

When Anna doesn't say a word, Aria lets out a frown, but doesn't push any further instead she focuses her eyes on me and continues to point out my tattoos. I place both arms on the table and let them explore all they want.

"Who's Jackson?" Aria asks.

"He's my godson."

"You have a son?" Both their eyes go wide in amusement.

"No, not yet. He's my close friend's son, but I call him my godson." I laugh, hoping they don't ask any further questions because I don't know how to explain any of this to 5 year olds. They shrug their shoulders and continue to gossip about my tattoos to one another.

I felt small fingertips on my right arm and saw Anna gently tracing the eagle on my right arm.

"My daddy used to have one." She says in her tiny voice, so quiet that I almost didn't catch it.

"Did he not like it?" I question.

Her big eyes look at me with a sad expression written all over her face. "Daddy's gone to heaven, but I miss him so much." Her eyes begin to water and I immediately start consoling her, rubbing her small back, and whispering things like 'he'll always be in your heart' 'everything is going to be okay'.

I face her towards me to wipe the tears off her face and her next movement shocks me.

She wraps her two arms around my neck and continues to cry into the crook of my neck. I rub small circles on her back attempting to soothe her, but her cries seem to get louder and longer.

Brenda rushes towards us with 4 smoothies in a tray and places them on the table. "Is she alright?"

"She misses daddy." Lee says.

"Oh, Harry. I'm sorry again. It's just their father passed away a few months ago and Anna took it the hardest. She's still recovering from it as you can see. Their father was actually the one who introduced them to you. He loved music and always played it for the girls." Brenda explained, her eyes filled with sincerity.

"Don't be sorry, Brenda. I know how she feels, I lost my stepfather a couple years ago and it still hits hard sometimes."

"Dear, I'm sorry for all of this. We've kept you for so long, you probably must be so busy." Brenda ushers the girls to get up from their seats while she tries to pry Anna out of my arms. "Anna, Harry has to go now."

Anna shakes her head and tightens her grip on me. I stand up and place her on my right hip, trying to get her to face her Nana, but she buries her head even further into my neck.

"What if you guys come to my show tonight? So, I can see you guys and you can meet my girlfriend and a special someone."

Anna's face shoots up and looks at me with her red teary eyes. "Really? You'll let us come to your show?"

"Only if your mom and Nana are okay with it."

All three of them look up at Brenda and she shrugs, "We'll ask your mom first."

Anna jumps out of my arms and follows the other two who are prancing around the shop in excitement.

"Here's my number, feel free to text me about the show. I can arrange a driver to come pick you guys up if needed. I'd love for you all to meet my girlfriend, she'd fall in love with the girls." I handed her a napkin with my number on it and grabbed the tray of labeled drinks in front of me.

"I'll text you as soon as possible. Thank you so much for this Harry. You're going to be an amazing father, you did great with the three of them. Tell your wife and mom I said hello." Brenda gives me a hug as well at the little ones.

"I hope to see you all tonight." I said before walking out the glass door and towards the apartment.

When I walked inside the smell of eggs and cheese filled the whole apartment. I walked into the kitchen and saw my two favorite girls dancing around making food. The record player in the living room was spinning a gold Fleetwood Mac vinyl.


"Jesus Harry. You're going to scare our baby out of me." Y/N said, flipping me off.

"Sorry, darling. I brought some smoothies. They should all be labeled, I'm going to take a quick shower before breakfast." I placed the tray on the kitchen island and headed to the bedroom to retrieve my clothes before going in the shower.


y/n's pov

Anne plated the food and prepared it on the small dining table while I placed the dirty dishes in the sink and made sure all of the stovetops were off before grabbing the tray of smoothies and placing it on the dining table.

Anne sat in front of me leaving the edge of the table for Harry. We made some cheesy omelets and avocado toast to get us through the beginning of the day. I knew about Harry's plan to tell Anne and I was hoping it'd all go smoothly. Harry's been nervous to tell his mom because he doesn't want her to look at him any differently even if I did tell him numerous times that his mother would never look down on him especially with something like this.

"I'm starving." I whine. Anne chuckles at my words and points to the smoothies. "Great idea." I grabbed one of the four cups and handed the one that said 'Harry's mom' to Anne, I then placed 'Harry' next to Harry's plate, and grabbed the yellow one out of the tray.

My eyes went wide at the two words written on the cup.

"What is it, honey?" Anne cocked her eyebrow and placed her drink on the cup while I just stared intently at the writing.

"It uh- it says Harry's wife?" The words came out as more of a question than a statement. I turned the cup towards Anne and showed her the black sharpie writing.

Anne opens her mouth to speak, but is interrupted by a fainter British accent. "What are my girls talking about?"

Harry takes his seat and cautiously looks at Anne and I. Anne displayed a big grin on her face while I on the other hand looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Harry purses his lip when none of us say anything. I slowly turn the cup and his eyes follow my movements.

His two hands fly over his face as he lets out small giggles.

"Harry?" I question.

"I can't believe she did that."

"Who's she?"

"Brenda, the elderly lady at the smoothie shop. I uhhh..." His veins on his forehead were popping out and he looked like he wanted to run away. "I accidentally called you my wife and she kept making jokes about it. I didn't actually think she'd write it on the cup. I'm sorry."

"Hey, look at me." I grabbed one of the hands that was covering his face and engulfed it with mine. His other hand lowered from his face and his emerald eyes met mine. "There's no need to be sorry. I was just shocked, I think it's very cute that you called me your wife."

"Really? You're not mad?"

"I don't have a reason to be mad, do I?" I laugh.

"No, I guess not." He leans over the table and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"Okay, let's eat. The food is getting cold and we have a long day ahead of us." Anne said, motioning for us to start eating.

Breakfast was lovely. We made small talk and Anne even messed around with Harry by calling me his wife every time I was in the line of the topic. Harry might as well have been Po from the teletubbies because his whole body and face were turning red.

Gemma even called us and told us she was able to move around her schedule and come a few days early along with Des and Michal. The smiles that Harry and Anne had were the best thing ever. Both their smiles reached their eyes, showing off their pearly whites. They looked like twins.

"I met these triplets at the smoothie shop and they were the best. You'd love them, baby. They all had their own set of personalities and they kept playing with my tattoos and asking me questions." His face was filled with adoration as he spoke. It's like he's known these girls since they were born. "I invited them to the show tonight, I hope they come. I really want you to meet them. Maybe they can even be bestfriends with our little girl."

"I'd love to meet them, they seem to have made an impact on you." I giggle. "You still think it's a girl?"

"I hope so. I'd love a boy, but I've always dreamt about having a girl first."

"Well we'll see on the 27th." I shrug, digging my fork into the last piece of my omlet. I felt all eyes on me, even Gemma's who's on the phone.

"What? What do you mean?" Harry swallowed the rest of the food that lingered in his mouth and turned his whole body to face me.

"I was going to book an appointment here in LA, but since we're going to be in Long Island for your show I figured we might as well go to my OBGYN in New York one last time. Plus, I can show you off to that stupid doctor."

"Killing two birds- actually make that three birds with one stone. Smart thinking, hon." Anne nods her head in approval while grabbing the empty plates and stacking them onto one another.

"Wow, that's so soon. That's in one week, will we find out the gender?" Harry questions.

"The earliest they can find the gender is at 12 weeks and I'll be 12 weeks that day so there's a small chance we will, but if not then we'll go to our new OBGYN 2 weeks after."

Harry nods his head in understandment and finishes the last couple sips of his smoothie. I get up and throw away the empty cups into the trash. I see Anne about to start the dishes, but I stop her before she can get her hands wet.

"I'll do the dishes, Anne. You and Harry should have a talk." I give her a soft smile and replace her spot in front of the sink.

I feel a palm on my waist and a pair of cold lips press against the temple of my forehead, making me melt into his touch. "I love you. We won't take long."

"Goodluck, my love." I spin my head towards his neck and give him a soft nibble. "I love you."

"Tease." He whispered.

I smirk knowing he'll be hot and bothered for a while. I feel his hand collide with my ass making me drop the plate into the sink.

"Harry Edward Styles!" Anne and I exclaim at the same time. Our heads turn towards each other and we try our best not to laugh. Harry's face reminds me of a 5 year old who just got caught doing something he was told not to. He shoots his arms up in the air and mumbles out many I'm sorry's before slipping past Anne and I and into the living room. Anne follows in pursuit while I admire them from far away.

Harry sits across his mom giving me the perfect angle to see his face. I see him take a deep breath and I frown. His face looks distressed, I knew he didn't want to say the story out loud again because he doesn't want to relive it, but his therapist said it might help if he didn't hold it in to himself any longer and Anne deserves to know after being put in the dark for so long.

Our eyes meet and he gives me a very small smile, my poor boy.

"You got this." I mouth, throwing him a thumbs up with my soapy hand.

He nods his head and finally focuses his attention on Anne. His voice is quiet as the words slip out of his mouth. His palms turn into fists as he continues telling his story. Tears well up in his eyes and I just want to kiss all of his pain away. He looks so sad and miserable. If I wasn't pregnant I'd fight Olivia. I've held in all of my anger towards her and I wouldn't be surprised if I lashed out on her one day.

I brushed away all of the negative thoughts and continued washing the dishes until they're all clean and dry. I then set them in their correct spots in the cabinet and wipe down the counter to make sure there's no water spots left. I made sure everything was in its correct spot before grabbing my water bottle out of the fridge.

It takes about 20 minutes for Harry to explain everything and by the time he finishes, Anne is crying into the palm of her hands and Harry is sat next to her rubbing her back. I decided to give them some time alone and start getting dressed. My pajamas were probably sick and tired of me at this point.

I was in the shower when I heard Harry yelling in the room. I quickly rinsed out the conditioner and wrapped myself up in a towel.

"No, I'm fucking done with your bullshit. I talked to my lawyers and they've gotten me out of the situation. We are done with your stupid contract. You can come to the show, but you're not ruining anything else for me." Harry paced around the room while gripping the phone tightly in his hand. I walked in front of him to get him to stop pacing around, but he just shook his head and brushed past my shoulder. "Fuck you, Olivia. You're a hypocrite. Leave me and my family alone. You better not start shit anymore." With those words he hung up the phone and threw it against the wall, making me jump.


"Not right now, Y/N. Not right now." He was pulling the ends of his hair while I stood frozen in my spot. I didn't know what to do. I've never seen him this angry before, Harry was never the type to lash out especially to me, so this was new.

"I think you should sit down, I'll get you a cup of wa-"

He turns towards me and slowly makes his way over. "I said not right now, Y/N. What don't you understand?"

I back away, not that I'm scared he's going to hit me, but because I'm scared of his tone. My lower back hits the dresser and I realize I'm stuck. I have nowhere to go, all I can do is stare at Harry who's centimeters away from me.

"Harry Edward, get away from your girl right now." Anne demands from the doorway.

Harry pauses his movements. Realization kicks into him and he's immediately panicking.

"I- fuck. I'm sorry. I-" He lifts up his hands to hold me, but out of nowhere I flinch. "I- fuck you're scared of me. I fucking hate this."

"Harry, I'm not scared of you, darling. I just- I've never seen you like this." I reach out my hand to touch his bicep, but he moves backwards shaking his head.

"I have to go." He grabs his shattered phone and heads out of the bedroom door, grabbing his car keys on the way to the door.

"Harry Edward you are not leaving." I request.

He reaches for the doorknob and contemplates his movements. It looked like he was ready to turn around and come back to me, but he does the complete opposite. He unlocks the lock, turns the door knob, and heads for the car.

"Harry Styles!" I shout, not bothering to put on shoes as I walk outside on the cement.

"Honey, come inside. You're in a towel and I don't think you want paparazzi snapping picks" She laughs. "He'll come back and if he doesn't we know where to find him. He won't miss his show." Anne cocks her head to the side and holds out her hand for me to take.

"I wasn't scared he was going to hit me." I say as I grab her hand. She leads me to the bathroom where my clothes are while she heads into the bedroom and sits on the bed.

"I know, honey. Olivia's just giving him the hardest time. I can't believe I ever liked that girl. The only thing I like about her now are her children."

"I agree."


Anne and I just arrived at The Forum and we were currently making our way to Harry's dressing room. Everything backstage was decked out since it was the last LA show. There were like 5 cakes when we passed by the kitchen.

When we arrived at the car park, Harry's range was parked near the entrance so I was glad to know he was here and he didn't just disappear. That man can go off the grid for a few days and not tell a single soul.

My hand was about to push the door of his dressing room open until I heard a voice I've never heard before.

"You're the sweetest for giving us backstage access." Random girl says.

Anne and I looked at each other confused. Who is she? And why is she in my man's dressing room?

"No problem. I'd do anything for them. Truly made my day when I saw them."

What the fuck?

I was about to burst through the door when I heard the cutest little voice.

"Nana! Look! It's Harry's girlfriend!" Three little girls run up to me in their tiny little dresses.

"Oh, hello. I'm Y/N." I smile. I crouch down to their height, but I instantly retract from the position when my lower back aches in pain.

"Y/N. Be careful." Anne scolds as she holds me up.

"Are you okay?" One of the girls asked.

"I'm alright, I just can't be moving around so fast. I'm getting old." I joke.

Two of the girls giggle, but one shakes her head. "You're not old. You're too pretty to be old."

My heart swoons.

"That's so kind of you, dear. What are your names?"

"I'm Anna." The little girl who just complimented me says, giving me a shy smile.

"And I'm Aria."

"And I'm Amelie but you can call me Lee."

"It's lovely to meet you girls. I'd give you a hug but that didn't go so well last time. How about a high five instead." The three girls all raise their hands and I take turns giving each of them a high five.

"You must be Brenda?" Anne asks the girls' Nana.

"That's me. You must be Harry's mom, which makes you Harry's wife." Brenda laughs.

"Still waiting on the ring." I cheekily said.

The door to Harry's dressing room flies open and a girl with brunette hair walks out. Harry is close behind her but is still not ready.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" I asked, slightly bitter.

"I got busy." He scratches his neck and avoids eye contact with me.

"Well, you're on in less than 2 hours so I suggest you get ready."

Sorry for posting so late!! This chapter took so long to write, I don't even think I fit everything I wanted in it.

I'm sorry for switching tenses every now and then. I don't realize I'm doing it until I reread the chapter, but at that point I'm too lazy to change it 😅

Hope you enjoyed this longer chapter. See you next time. I'll try to update on time 😅😂

Kisses x

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