Love On Tour - H.S.

By horaansprincess

153K 2K 703

Harry and Y/N's relationship was one everyone wanted. Everyone loved seeing them together because they were a... More

Day Before Tour
Las Vegas
San Antonio
The Days After The Break up - 1
The Days After The Break Up - 2
The Days After The Break Up - 3
St. Louis
Drama 1
St. Paul
MSG Night 1
MSG Night 3
The Days After The MSG Shows
Holmes Chapel - 1
Holmes Chapel - 2
The Days Before Harryween
Harryween Night 1
Harryween Night 2
The Days After Harryween - 1
The Days After Harryween - 2
The Days After Harryween - 3
The Days After Harryween - 4
The Days After Harryween - 5
San Diego
LA Night 1
LA Night 3
LA Night 3 (cont.)
Little Rock
Long Island
Epilogue - The Dinner
Epilogue - The Baby Stuff
Epilogue - The Birth
Epilogue - The Baby


3.4K 50 19
By horaansprincess

tiktok reference: Love On Tour w/ Harry pt. 11 //Sacramento//

ahhhh it's my show!! take me back please!!

harry's pov

Surprisingly the past couple of days have been Olivia free, thank god for that. After Y/N had made the call about her decision to Max, we thought we'd be getting endless amounts of calls and texts from Olivia, but we received nothing. Y/N's been optimistic about it, but I'm slightly afraid that Olivia's going to turn up out of nowhere and cause chaos. I can't have Olivia near Y/N and our unborn child, Olivia proved that when she willingly harassed me.

Y/N's fans were understanding of her pulling out of the movie, but also a little confused. They'd understand soon enough. Last week was definitely a rollercoaster, but Y/N and I are enjoying our time with each other.

Currently we are in Sacramento, California for my show at the Golden 1 Center. Mitch had asked if I wanted to play golf and I felt like it would be a good distraction. Sarah had begged Y/N to tag along and I'm glad she did because I knew if I asked Y/N she would ignore me and stay in bed. Her hormones have definitely changed, but I don't love her any less.

No one has figured out we were pregnant, right now only 5 people knew about our bundle of joy; Y/N's parents, her doctor, and us and this weekend that was about to change. When Y/N slipped up and exposed the secret that my family was flying in, I was beyond happy. Of course when she realized she just ruined the surprise she had a full on meltdown, even called my mum and apologized for an hour straight. 'I'm sorry' and 'It's alright, hun" were exchanged numerous times between Y/N and my mum. Mum was a little confused as to why she was so upset about it, but we brushed it off as quickly as we could. We knew my mum would get suspicious so we figured out a plan to tell her on the day she flew in, which gave us approximately 4 and a half days to prepare.

"I really wished you hadn't of begged me to come." Y/N complained to Sarah. Sarah just laughed it off and continued to put her little baby in the pram. I watched Y/N cross her arms as she watched Mitch and I unload the car with our golf equipment (Insta Story). Her brows were furrowed while her lips displayed a pout. The sun beaming straight down on her like she was an angel, in a way she was an angel, my only angel. "Quit staring, it's rude." She huffed before walking away and into the golf cart.

"What's up with her?" Mitch's eyes followed Y/N with confusion written all over his face, but I just shrugged in response.

Sarah looked at me with a knowing grin and I knew I was fucked. I awkwardly avoided her gaze and grabbed my golf clubs in which I slung over my left shoulder, but before I could get far I felt her palm on my arm. "I won't tell anyone." Sarah whispered, before pushing the pram and following Mitch to the first hole.

"Hi, my love." I greeted Y/N as I sat down in the driver's seat of the golf cart. I scanned her face and watched her roll her eyes in annoyance. "Grumpy girl. I love you for coming." I kissed her left cheek and watched it become rosy, a small smile was plastered on her face and I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Can you hurry? Mitch and Sarah are already at the first hole." She pointed out into the distance where we saw Mitch throwing his little baby in the air while Sarah's smile faded with each toss as Mitch tossed him higher and higher.

"I can't wait to do that to our baby girl." I smiled, but kept my gaze on my best friends and their little boy. When I heard Y/N let out a shaky breath I turned towards her and saw her face become tense and pale. "My love? Are you alright?" She jumped in her seat like she had forgotten I was there and she slowly nodded her head. "I'm alright, H. Just need some water."

"I can go get you o-"

"No, I'll just go with Sarah so you can play some golf with Mitch."

I hesitantly nodded my head and turned on the golf cart. I kept one arm behind Y/N as I backed out of the small spot and towards the small road leading to the first hole. Once we arrived at the first hole, Y/N jumped out the cart and nodded at Mitch before telling Sarah that they should go to the mini cafe. Sarah sighed in relief and grabbed her son out of Mitch's arms. "Oh, thank fuck. Mitch was about to kill our son any minute now." Sarah scolded Mitch and was about to put her little baby in the pram when Y/N reached out her hands instead. Sarah gave Y/N her baby and I swear I could have melted from how cute Y/N looked with a baby in her arms, but when Y/N started rocking back and forth the little man started wailing.

Y/N looked like she just got shot in the heart, she shook her head and held out her arms for Sarah to take the baby. Once the baby was in Sarah's arms, Y/N stormed off towards the cafe. "I got it, H. It's just hormones." Sarah pushed me back and shooed me away.

"Let's go, H. She'll be okay." Mitch assured me.

y/n's pov

This is shit.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to be in bed. I didn't want to be out in public anyways, this could have been avoided if I had just stayed in the tour bus which was my whole plan anyways, but no of course I couldn't do that.

I love Harry and I know he wants what's best for me, but he's acting like I can't take care of myself. My bump is barely showing and it isn't restricting me from doing anything, but Harry acts like it's the end of the world if I do things by myself. I want to be able to be free because I know once I get further into this pregnancy, I won't be able to do things on my own. I'm going to have to rely on people and that's the one thing I hate, I want to have the ability to be independent until I can't anymore, but Harry is making it so hard.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sarah asked as she sat down in front of me. I shrugged my shoulders and buried my face into the table. "I know..." I peeked my head up at Sarah and raised my eyebrows, what does she know? "I know you're pregnant." She whispered the last word and my eyes went wide, there was no point in trying to hide it, she was going to find out sooner or later.

"How'd you know?" I whispered.

"The way you act... And you haven't been drinking any alcohol lately. Your emotions are showing more than they usually do and don't take that as a bad thing, it's normal. You scrunch your nose every time you smell food, sometimes in a good way, but other times you look like you wanna puke. You've been eating a lot of food that you don't normally eat and you're absolutely glowing." Sarah smirked at me when she saw my jaw drop. She knew she was right and I hated her for it.

"Whatever, I think you're just obsessed with me." I joked.

"That and I've been in your shoes and I know you're upset about something so spill it." How does she do this? What the fuck.

"I'm f-"

"Y/N I swear to god I'll kick your shin if you say 'I'm fine'. Something is bothering you and I'm here to help. Just let it out, please."

"I hate that you know me so well." She tilted her head and insisted I kept going so I did. "I love Harry, but he's treating me like I'm not capable of doing things on my own and I hate it. And there's this thing — a voice in my head saying I'll never be a good mom. I keep seeing women with their children and they seem to have it down, but that stupid voice in my head won't stop. I've tried to push it away, I've tried to be optimistic, but the voice gets louder every single time and when I had your son in my arms and he started crying, that was my final straw. The voice in my head won and I just wanted to disappear at that moment." I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand before anyone could see.

"Oh, babe..." Sarah took my hands in hers and rubbed circles with her thumb. "First off, I know how you feel with the whole Harry situation because Mitch did the same, but all it took was one conversation. Trust me if Harry knew how you felt, he'd ease off, just sit him down and explain to him and with the whole not ready to be a mum thing, I think you're absolutely crazy." She rolled her eyes and squeezed my hand. "That voice in your head can fuck the fuck off because you have been just as a mom to my son as I have. Sure, you didn't push him out of your vagina, but you took care of him when I was sick. You were there to change his diaper when I couldn't. You put him to sleep when Mitch and I were up on stage performing. You don't give yourself enough credit. You are a killer godmother and I knew I made the right choice by making you my son's godmother. Things won't be easy, you'll have to learn, but it's a normal thing. This baby is absolutely lucky to have you as their mummy."

"Thank you, Sarah. That means a lot to me, I guess I was just overwhelmed and scared. Everything is happening so fast, Harry and I broke up not even 4 months ago, we just got back together, and now we're having a baby. I feel like it's so sudden and I can't catch up with my own life."

"Listen, you and Harry were together for years, this was bound to happen. In my eyes, the baby came at the right time, it was a sign of hope for your relationship with H. Your relationship is going to feel stronger and this is just the beginning. Forget about the negativity and that stupid voice in your head and focus on all the joy and happiness you're going to be experiencing in these next couple of months." Sarah grabs her baby boy from the stroller and places him on the table, pinching his cheeks. "You're going to have one of these with you soon."

He peers over to me and his smile grows bigger. His tiny hands made grabbing motions towards me, I brushed it off not knowing that he wanted to get picked up and continued to talk to Sarah. "I- yeah you're right. I should be enjoying this pregnancy and everything that it has to offer. I can't wait to do all the shopping and organizing and the decorating and- "

A piercing cry cut me off, a couple of people around us gave us a look of disgust and I wanted to sock them in the face. "And the crying. I'm excited to hear that every day. Isn't that right little rockstar?" I picked him off the table and cradled him in my arms, tickling his tiny stomach and his giggles became more prominent as I made faces at him.

"I'll go get us some drinks while he's calm. Anything in particular?" Sarah got off the bench and reached for her purse, but I stopped her by waving Harry's black Amex card in her face. "Pink lemonade if they have it please." She smiled at me and grabbed the card out of my hand.

This baby is already rich and it hasn't even come out yet.

When the boys joined us, Sarah and I were halfway through our drinks and the little man was asleep in my arms. "My love." Harry whispered. I patted the empty space next to me and he happily obliged. Probably happy I wasn't snapping at him. He snuggled his head into my neck and his sweaty scent made me pull away.

"We should go, Harry smells like he just rolled around the grass and I don't want to sleep next to him smelling like that." Harry scoffed and pulled me even closer, kissing my neck over and over.

"Lad, my child is right there in Y/N's arms he doesn't need to see any of this." Mitch gave Harry the middle finger while Harry just gave him his famous smirk in return.

"Knock it off you two, let's go." I placed the sleeping baby back in the stroller and started walking back to the car with my drink in the cup holder. Gonna have to add this stroller to my baby shopping list.


"Y/N please just sit in the seats, you almost fainted at the Tacoma show because you stood for the whole thing, do you know how freaked out I was when I couldn't do anything." Harry and I stood in one of the hallways of the Golden 1 Center as we argued about where I would be watching the show from.

"I'll be standing no matter what. I have my water with me, what's the point of going to the seats." I remained calm, the last thing we needed right now was for both of us to be angry. One person at a time is more than enough.

"At least you'll have a seat right by you in case anything happens. You had to be escorted all the way backstage, please just this one time. Please watch from the stands, I just want you to be safe." Harry grabbed my face in his hands and pressed his forehead against mine.

"Fine, I'll sit in the stands, but don't get used to it."

"Thank you." Kiss. "Thank you" Kiss. "You're the absolute love of my life and I don't know what I'd do without you." Kiss.

"You proposing?" I joked.

"Not yet, but soon." He winked before giving me another kiss.

I swear my heart was about to burst out of my chest. The butterflies were going crazy in my stomach and our baby probably felt them too. This man is a dream and I'm lucky to be living this life with him.

"You have something crazy planned don't you?"

He cups his left ear acting like he couldn't hear me and says, "Sorry? What's that? I can't hear you?" He slowly starts backing up and I roll my eyes at him. "Maybe we should talk later? I can't hear anything." Instead of chasing after him, I threw up the middle finger and spun around towards the dressing room. Such a goofball.

It was currently 8:30 and Jenny was about to go on so I said my goodbyes to the band and Harry and made my way to section 115 with my bodyguards of course. (Insta Story) Most of the seats were filled and these two girls almost passed out when I came by to sit next to them.

"Hi, ladies." I giggled. They turned to each other and started freaking out. I took a couple pictures and gave out a few hugs right before the lights dimmed and the crowd went wild for Jenny. (Insta Story).

She began singing 'Head Underwater' one of my personal favs and I let loose. Swaying side to side, yelling out the lyrics, and having the time of my life. My eyes scanned over to the people around me and it was so wholesome. It was hard to watch people when I stood in front of the stage, but up here there was a totally different vibe.

Seeing everyone jumping, dancing, and singing along was such a cute moment. I took my phone out and started recording everyone around me. A couple people noticed and waved their hands at the camera. "Say hi to Harry." I shouted over the loud music and the people around me went even more wild.

When the 15 minute intermission began, I decided to sit back down and talk to a couple of people.

"Hi, Y/N. Can we ask you a couple questions?" The girl on my right who was freaking out earlier finally caught her breath and talked to me.

"Course, go for it." All eyes in my section and the section besides us were now all focused on me.

"So, are you and Harry you know, back together?" Gasps and murmurs were now filling up the room and multiple people pulled out their phones to record.

"Getting straight to the point, I see." A few laughs were heard as they waited for me to answer. "To answer your question, yes we are back together, but we want to keep it hush hush for now we don't want to jinx anything."

"Thank fuck! We didn't like Olivia anyways." Someone yelled from a different section.

"You guys ar-" My words were cut off when Olivia by One Direction started playing. I smacked my hand on my forehead and laughed so hard, the timing on that was so iconic. "You might not like Olivia, but this song is a banger, let's singgggg." I stood up and encouraged everyone to as well. We all were soon shouting the lyrics to Olivia and I felt at home with these people.

"Y/N, can you tell us what Harry is wearing?"

"Nope, he's coming out soon, you'll just have to wait."

Harry was wonderful, he spent a majority of the time on the side where I was and when we made eye contact I glared at him, making him throw up his hands in the air and backing away innocently.

"He's sooo in love with you. I need love like that." Lexi, the girl on my right said.

"You'll find the right one, babe. It just takes time." I rubbed her arm and she looked so shocked that I was touching her. "But I should get going before I get stuck here. It was nice talking to all of you." I blew kisses around and exited out of my row, saying excuse me to the fans that were still standing.

I made my way into the dressing room and changed into one of Harry's sweaters when I got a notification from twitter. It was a link that led to an article that was titled: A highly anticipated movie called 'Toxic' has been recently canceled.

Toxic has been canceled due to the number of actors who have dropped out. Y/N Y/L/N recently dropped out of the movie due to unforeseen circumstances and today we received a message that Timothee Chalamet has refused to continue working on this movie.

Everyone is shocked and confused. The two were both excited to work on this movie together and it seems like things have changed. Y/N and Timothee were seen together on many occasions weeks ago, but it seems like she is back with Harry Styles. Could this be the reason for the big change? Is there tension between Timothee and Y/N?

Timothee is so dead right now.


Timothee: So you've seen it...

Me: Why?!?!?

Timothee: Didn't feel right anymore, this movie felt like it was made for the two of us and doing it with someone else would feel weird.

Me: Timmy...You shouldn't have done that.

Timothee: It's alright, doll. We'll work with each other soon, the timing just wasn't right.

Me: I'm looking forward to that day, Dylan.

Timothee: Me too, Daisy. Talk to you soon.

Take that Olivia.

This gave me flashbacks and I miss Harry so much 😢

It's hard not knowing Sarah and Mitch's baby so little baby and little man will be his name from now on 😅😂

Anyways, Anne is finally coming in the next chapter!! I'm so excited for her to find out!

Do you guys think the baby is a girl or a boy?

If you follow me on tiktok, the link for every new chapter will be in my bio from now on, for easy access!

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