Love On Tour - H.S.

By horaansprincess

153K 2K 703

Harry and Y/N's relationship was one everyone wanted. Everyone loved seeing them together because they were a... More

Day Before Tour
Las Vegas
San Antonio
The Days After The Break up - 1
The Days After The Break Up - 2
The Days After The Break Up - 3
St. Louis
Drama 1
St. Paul
MSG Night 3
The Days After The MSG Shows
Holmes Chapel - 1
Holmes Chapel - 2
The Days Before Harryween
Harryween Night 1
Harryween Night 2
The Days After Harryween - 1
The Days After Harryween - 2
The Days After Harryween - 3
The Days After Harryween - 4
The Days After Harryween - 5
San Diego
LA Night 1
LA Night 3
LA Night 3 (cont.)
Little Rock
Long Island
Epilogue - The Dinner
Epilogue - The Baby Stuff
Epilogue - The Birth
Epilogue - The Baby

MSG Night 1

4.6K 59 64
By horaansprincess

tiktok reference: Love On Tour W/ Harry pt. 7 // MSG Night 1 //

y/n's pov

Day Before MSG Night 1

"Are you ready to go?" Timothee asked while grabbing the rest of Amanda and I's luggage.

"I think so...Amanda where are you?"

"I'm grabbing my purse, I'll be right down." She yelled from upstairs.

I shrugged my shoulders and followed Timothee out of the door. We were all heading to New York to do some fittings/measurements for the movie and I couldn't be more excited.

Timothee and I's date went really well. We discussed a lot about ourselves and we found out that we had a lot of things in common. For example, we both have an older sister, we both had a youtube phase, and we were both born in New York. We talked about the movies he's been in and how his experience went. He also offered up some good tips for our upcoming movie together. Timothee and I were beyond excited to work together. It felt like a dream come true.

We arrived at the airport about an hour later than we were supposed to because of traffic and we were all rushing to get through security. Our flight would be boarding in 35 minutes and we were still in line for priority check in. There were probably 15 people in front us with only 2 employees working and we were unsure if we would even make our flight.

"Alright, we have 10 minutes to find our gate. Let's go."

With our luck our gate ended up being the very last one in the airport. We rushed towards the gate and avoided hitting people with our carry ons. I checked my apple watch and saw that I had a message from Harry.

I couldn't make out what it said so I ignored it and decided to answer it on the plane.

"Tickets please." The flight attendant said as we arrived at the gate. We scanned our tickets and headed to our seats in first class.

"So, when we land you guys have to go straight to your fittings. It won't take long, they just need your measurements so they can fix up all of your costumes for the movie." Amanda explained as we waited for the plane to take off. "After that, I don't know what you guys want to do, we can grab food or we can rest. Also, should I book a hotel or are we planning on crashing at Timothee's?"

"Uhh... I was actually planning on staying at Harry and I's apartment" I replied as I turned towards Timothee "I want to pack my stuff up and just spend one more night. You know, just to say goodbye to that place. I haven't been back in a while and I miss it."

"No need to explain, doll. I understand, go ahead and if it gets too much you can always call me and I'll pick you up or call you an uber." Timothee said, kissing my forehead and grabbing my hand.

Amanda nodded her head and got comfortable in her seat. I lightly squeezed Timothee's hand and turned my head towards him. I gave him a smile in which he returned. After the safety speech, the plane finally took off, and I closed my eyes for a bit until I remembered I had a text message from Harry.

When I was soon allowed to go on my phone I unlocked it and went straight to Harry's message.

Harry: Congrats on the role! Knew you'd kill it.

Harry: I was wondering if you were going to be able to come to my MSG show?

Harry: It's tomorrow, in case you forgot.

Harry: You sort of promised know

Harry: Totally understand if you can't come. I know you're busy with the movie and your new boyfriend LOL (do you guys think harry uses abbreviations?)

Harry: Text me and let me know. Your spot is waiting for you. Bye!

I squeezed my eyes shut and rubbed my forehead with the hand that wasn't holding Timothee's. I forgot about his show and I forgot about the promise I made.

"You alright there, babe?" Timothee whispered. Leaning closer to my side and slowly brushing my hair with his fingers.

"Yeah, it's just I kind of forgot about Harry's show tomorrow and I promised that I would make it. I didn't make it on his last tour and he was upset and so I promised him, but that was obviously before we broke up and I don't know what to do." I rambled quietly. Making sure no one around us heard. The last thing I needed was people finding out about the breakup before we had even announced it.

"You should go, doll. Maybe it'll help you find closure. I'll support you no matter what you choose to do. I'm here." He gave me a smile and brushed my hair away from my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"You're right. I need this. I need to do this for myself. For closure." I breathed.

"Proud of you, doll."

Timothee gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and proceeded to lean back on his chair. I grabbed my phone and typed up a response to send back to Harry.

Me: Hey, Harry! Thank you for the kind words!

Me: I'll be there. I keep my promises. See you soon!

I chose to ignore the boyfriend comment because I knew he was just trying to pick a fight and I know better than to feed the lions.

Harry: Can't wait, special girl.

I rolled my eyes at the nickname, it's not the same anymore.

Me: Also, is it alright if I spend the night at our apartment? For one last night? I'm heading to New York for a fitting and I wanted to pack some things up.

Harry: Oh

Harry: Wow

Harry: Uhh yeah that's fine. I don't think we'll be in New York until tomorrow morning so you can sleep there. I have to go. See you tomorrow.

Me: Thanks, H. See you tomorrow.

I brushed off his abruptness and decided to sleep the rest of the flight. Just a couple more hours until we land and meet some of the most important people in this movie, the costume designers, makeup artists, hair stylists, etc.


"Timothee!! Y/N!! We're so glad you guys are here. I'm Aurora, the costume designer and this is my assistant Amelia. We'll be taking your measurements and asking for your input on the clothes we've designed for the movie." Aurora greeted us with a smile and a friendly handshake before taking us into a separate room.

"It's nice to meet you both. Timothee and I are very excited to be here." I responded, stepping up on the circular platform that Amelia pointed to.

Aurora grabbed a measuring tape and started taking my measurements while Amelia wrote down everything she said. The process went by pretty fast and soon Timothee and I were looking at some drawings that represented some of our outfits.

"Oh my. These are so gorgeous." I complimented.

"Amelia drew these up. It's just a mock up because we wanted to give you guys options, but we have different outfits for different occasions in the movie." Aurora had spread out the drawings in a line and started explaining which ones we would be wearing for a specific scene. "These outfits on the very left are super casual and that's for after the break up. It's nothing special because your character, Daisy, will be mostly at home. The night of the break up we have these customized outfits that are more elegant considering you guys had just gone on a fancy date. We have many more ideas, but they are still in the process of being drawn and put together."

"These are amazing, Amelia." Timothee responded. He gave Amelia a sly wink and her cheeks turned red, she mumbled a thank you and proceeded to turn around and grab more drawings.

I pretended not to see anything so I just nodded my head as Aurora spoke. I was stuck in my thoughts, I don't know whether or not Timothee knew he did that or he did it by accident, but it was slightly bothering me. I know we aren't official, but it felt like we were. I looked up from my lap and saw Amanda give me a sad smile, I shrugged my shoulders and acted like nothing had happened.

"Well, that's all for this meeting. We'll send you the schedule for any upcoming meetings. We're happy to have you on this team." Aurora said. We all stood up from our seats and gave each other handshakes before we walked out and thanked everyone.

We walked out of the building and saw a couple of fans lined up waiting for us to exit. We took a couple selfies and gave a few autographs before the black SUV pulled up. Amanda got in the passenger seat and Timothee and I got in the back.

"Y/N what was the address again?" Amanda asked.

"443 Greenwich Street." I replied, rubbing my hands on my pants, trying to get rid of the excess sweat that I suddenly gained from the nerves.

"It's going to be alright. You're doing this for closure. Remember that." Timothee scooted closer to me and I rested my head on his shoulder. I saw Amanda turn towards us and smile. The ride was short and my heart started beating faster.

"I'll help you bring up your luggage." Timothee offered.

We walked in and were greeted by my favorite doorman, Mark. "Good evening, Ms.Y/N. It's nice to see you."

"Hello, Mark. I've missed you."

"I've missed you as well. Enjoy your evening."

I pressed the button that had an arrow pointing up and we waited for the elevator to arrive. I looked around and it felt good to be home. The familiar decorations and faces made me feel at home. I'm going to miss living here. I'll miss Mark, our neighbors, the swimming pool, the garden, Harry. I'll miss Harry the most, he and I made many memories in this apartment building.

The ding of the elevator caught me off guard. I saw that Timothee was already halfway in and I was still in the hallway. I walked in and pressed the number to Harry and I's floor. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst.

The elevator came to a stop and the door opened. We were greeted by a strong scent of cinnamon coming from our wall plugins. I looked around and everything was the way we left it, before Harry and I left for LA to start Love On Tour.

I walked in with Timothee following closely behind. I made my way to the living room and sat my bag down on the couch.

"Are you alright to be alone in here?" Timothee asked, placing his right hand on my lower back.

"Mhm, I'll be fine." I replied, giving him a tight hug. "I'll see you tomorrow or maybe the next day. Harry's show is tomorrow and I'll probably go meet up with Sarah and the girls. I'll probably even invite Amanda."

"Amanda would love that. Alright, doll. I'll see you soon. Stay safe, okay?"

I nodded my head and led him to the elevator. Before leaving, Timothee turned around and gave me a strong kiss.

We pulled away when we heard the elevator ding and Timothee walked inside of it, waving goodbye as the doors shut.

I'm home.

I walked to the master bedroom and the scent of Harry's cologne still lingered in the air mixed with the cinnamon scent coming from the other rooms. I walked towards my side of the bed and grabbed the picture that was laying on my nightstand. It was a different picture from the one in my parent's house.

This picture was from when I first met Anne, Gem, and Robin (rip robin, we miss you.) We had brunch in London and I was super nervous. Anne suggested we take a picture and I insisted on taking it, not knowing that she wanted me to be in it. So when I grabbed the camera and faced it to them they all laughed at me, but before they had said anything I had already taken the photo.

The memory was definitely a core memory. I felt welcomed and accepted into the family.

The picture was one of my favorites for many reasons, the memory it held, the feeling I felt, Robin being in it, and Harry's hair.

Harry's hair was short and it was my favorite hairstyle he had ever done, besides Long Haired Harry of course. I was in love with the short sides and the long hair on top, it just made me want to kiss him all over.

I placed the picture down and went into the closet. Harry and I had so many clothes that most of them were tucked away in boxes in the storage. I grabbed a duffle bag and some boxes and started filling it up with my clothes. I didn't bother folding the clothes because I knew I had to get rid of some anyway so there wasn't really a point in it.

About halfway through I got tired so I decided to lay in bed. I wore one of Harry's long black shirts and laid on his side of the bed. I looked up at the ceiling, I was doing so well, I hadn't cried at all today and I hadn't felt sad about the breakup, but just being in this bed just brought up so many memories. I miss being here. I miss being home.

The scent of Harry's shampoo was faintly still on the pillow and for the first time in days, I cried. I grabbed the pillow that was under my head and held it close to me. I inhaled Harry's scent and just pictured him being in my arms.

When Harry would have a bad day he would just hop in bed with his boxers and lay on top of me. I'd run my fingers through his hair and whisper sweet nothings to him. His weight on top of me didn't seem to bother me anymore because I got so used to it.

I cried for a while until I drifted off to sleep.


harry's pov

Day of MSG N1 Show

"We'll see you tonight. Do you need us to pick you up?" Jeff asked, taking out my luggage from the tour bus.

"No, I'm alright. I'll just drive there." I grabbed my luggage from Jeff's grip and walked inside the apartment building.

"Mr.Styles, how are you?" Mark asked.

"I'm doing good, I'm a little tired, yourself?" I pressed the elevator button and waited for it to arrive.

"Great, sir. Ms.Y/L/N arrived last night, we've missed having you guys around."

"Is she still here?"

"I believe so. We haven't seen her walk out, yet." He replied just as the elevator arrived.

"That's great. I'll see you later, Mark." I stepped inside the elevator with my luggage following and pressed the floor number. I reached the floor and the apartment was dead silent. No talking, no shuffling, no movement at all.

I walked inside the foyer and saw a couple of boxes filled to the brim with clothes. I continued my way towards the master bedroom and saw that the curtains were still shut, Y/N was dead asleep and sprawled out on the bed like a starfish wearing one of my shirts. I chuckled to myself and placed my luggage on my side of the room. I slipped out of my clothes and changed into grey sweats and a shirt.

I hopped into bed with Y/N and made sure there was enough room between the two of us so I wouldn't be tempted to hold her and she wouldn't get angry at me. I've angered her more times this past year than I've ever done in our whole relationship. I felt her move around the bed so I faced towards her. Her eyes fluttered open and a confused look was written all over her face.

She jolted upwards and rubbed her eyes open, "What time is it?" She looked around the room shocked, trying to understand how we were in the position we were in.

"It's 8 in the morning. I just got here. There's no need to worry." I gave her a reassuring smile and her distressed look on her face seemed to go away.

"My alarm didn't go off, I was supposed to be out of here before 9." She grabbed her phone from the nightstand and tried to turn it on. She shook her head when she saw that it was dead.

"You don't have to leave so soon you know? I'm still on tour for another month or so, don't you want to stay a bit longer and rethink your decision?" I knew she wanted to leave, she told me over text, but I didn't think she was really going to do it. I thought maybe she would come back to the apartment and change her mind.

"I-I don't know, Harry. I really don't know. I thought I did, but waking up in our bed for the first time in weeks felt so good. Being somewhere familiar gave me comfort, but I don't think it's healthy for even us." She points her finger at me and back to herself. She's right and I want what's best for her, but I'm selfish. If she leaves this apartment, it's not going to be the same. I can't live here alone. Not ever since she came into my life.

At this point it's like Olivia had disappeared from my mind.

I was worried about being alone when I had a girlfriend. Someone who isn't Y/N, yet here I am begging Y/N to stay longer.

The sound of a buzzer pushed me out of my thoughts. I looked at Y/N and she gave me the same confused look.

"Did you invite anyone?" I asked, getting up from my spot on my bed.

"No. My phone's been dead the whole night. Can you get it? I need to put on shorts." She blushed and looked down at my black shirt.

I headed towards the elevator and waited for it to reach our floor.


y/n's pov

Waking up to Harry was comforting in a way. Seeing Harry next to me gave me flashbacks to before we had broken up. I loved waking up next to Harry because I knew it would be a good day. Seeing Harry as the first and last thing everyday was a dream.

For a moment it's like we hadn't broken up and it was just a normal day for us. When the realization hit me, I wished it hadn't because in that spare moment I wasn't stressed or upset. I was content with life.

I charged my phone on the nightstand and got up to get a pair of shorts. As I was digging through the clothes that were still in the closet, I heard shouting. I grabbed whatever pair was in my reach and put them on, almost falling as I tried walking and slipping my leg in at the same time.

I walked out the master bedroom and found Harry and Timothee shouting at the top of their lungs. I get in the middle of them, but they don't seem to mind and continue arguing with each other.

"Why are you here?" Harry was fuming. His fists were balled up and he looked ready to throw a punch. His veins were popping out and it took everything in me to look away.

"I should ask you the same thing. Aren't you busy with your new girl?"

My head was aching from looking back and forth at each of them. I shouted for them to stop, but they wouldn't listen. It's like I wasn't there at all. I put my palms on each of their chests trying to push them away from each other, but that didn't seem to work either.

"Y/N, move. This stupid ex boyfriend of yours thinks he can just come back and ruin our relationship." Timothee said, not once did he even look at me. He looked straight into Harry's eyes because he knew it pissed him off.

"Timothee, please stop it." I begged. I turned towards him and grabbed his shoulders making him look at me. "Please. Don't do this. Harry didn't do anything. We didn't do anything. My phone died so my alarm didn't go off."

"Then why are you in his shirt?" I looked down at the shirt I was wearing and shook my head trying to tell him that it wasn't what it looked like. Timothee rolled his eyes and shoved me off of him. I fell onto the wooden floor and that's when Harry lost it.

"Bloody hell, don't you ever touch my Y/N like that." Harry threw the first punch and it landed right on Timothee's jaw. Timothee took a step back and held his jaw with his hand, his face scrunching up in pain and I thought he was going to back off and leave, but he did the opposite.

He lunged towards Harry and they soon started to trade punches. I screamed and begged for them to stop, but they continued on fighting each other. Tears were streaming down my face as I tried to get them to stop. I grabbed onto Harry's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. His features softened, but it didn't last long until Timothee took it as an opportunity to land a punch on Harry's eye. I gasped as Harry fell backwards onto the ground and I immediately crouched down on the floor next to him.

I look back at Timothee who seemed to calm down and his eyes were apologetic. I shake my head and tell him to leave.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. Just seeing him in the apartment with you just pissed me off. You were doing so well, you were just getting over him. Do you remember the night where you cried in my arms? Hearing your cries was the worst. It broke me inside knowing that some douche would ever think about cheating on you. Do you know how much it hurt me when you weren't answering your calls? All night all I could think about was you. The last thing I expected was to see you back here with him."

"You should have talked to me first, Timothee. If you had just listened to what I was saying you would know that we didn't do anything. You didn't have to start a fight with him. Do you think I would sleep with Harry just because he's back? Do you think I don't know about the pain that I went through." I emphasized the word 'I' and stood up to face Timothee "You pushed me off when I tried telling you the truth. You hurt me. I was only telling you the truth."

"Y/N, please. I know you wouldn't sleep with him, but I like you alot and I'd hate for you to get hurt again."

"You hurt me, Timothee." His eyes were filled with tears and sorrow, but he hurt me by putting his hands on me when I was only trying to help. "You should go. I don't think this is going to work out. We can talk about this another day, but you really hurt me."

His jaw dropped and he shook his head, he mumbled a quick I'm sorry before he followed my instructions and got into the elevator as soon as it opened. Without a word the elevator doors close and I'm staring at my reflection through the silver doors.

I snapped out of it when I saw Harry standing up. I rushed over to him and examined his face, his right eye was purple, his lip was slightly bleeding, and his left cheek had a red mark. "Follow me, H."

I grabbed onto his hand and guided him to the master bedroom bathroom. "Sit on the counter, let me grab a washcloth, and some make up."

His tall figure sat on the counter as he fumbled with his fingers. I grabbed the essentials and placed it on his right side, I patted his thighs so I could stand in between him, while I damped the wash cloth with water.

Even with him sitting on the counter with his back slouched, he still ended up being taller than me. I softly placed the damped wash cloth on his bruise, earning a low hiss from him. His face was hung low and he looked sad, he hasn't said a single word to me and I was worried.

"You alright?" I grabbed his right hand and had him hold the cloth so I could focus on cleaning his lip. He nodded his head and kept his eyes on his grey sweats. "What's wrong, H? You look sad and I know it's not only because you got into a fight."

He finally lifted up his head and looked me straight in the eyes. "Was it true?" I gave him a confused look and he proceeded to speak "What Timothee said. About you crying because of me, all the pain I caused you, all the heartbr-"

Instead of finishing his sentence, he let out a loud sob with tears streaming down his face. "Oh, H." I wrapped my arms around his figure and let him cry into my shoulder. His tears were falling down on my shirt and my hands ran through his curly locks.

"Is it tr-true." He hiccupped.

"I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that it didn't hurt. Because it did. I was heartbroken, Harry. I gave you all my love and you gave it to someone else. I felt betrayed and hurt. My best friend in the whole world gave up on me." I looked at him with sad eyes, ironic cause I hated them, but it felt right to use them at this moment.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I love you, you know." He stroked my cheek with his finger and gave me a soft smile in which I returned. "Can we meet up tomorrow? I want to tell you the truth about that night."

"Why not now?" I asked, confused.

"Well I have to be at the Garden at 3 and it's currently ten mintues past twelve. We also need to hide these bruises or Jeff will have my head and 2 hours isn't' enough time to explain."

"Yeah, tomorrow's fine. I didn't realize it was already twelve cause I planned on having lunch with the girls...but I'm sure we'll reschedule."

"They miss you, you know? Everytime I do something wrong they tell me 'Y/N would be mad' or 'Y/N would yell at you for doing that'. Don't even get me started on how much they hate Liv. They never invite her anywhere and I beg them to take her so I can have some space, but they complain about how the only thing she talks about is me and she doesn't try to get to know them."

"Maybe you should talk to your girlfriend about that, but I miss them a lot. They were my confidants, besides you of course, but that's besides the point. They were my girls and I appreciate them for sticking up for me, but I'll have a chat with them and tell them to ease up." I love the girls with all my heart. Harry nods his head and it falls silent.

I'm standing between his legs with my hand placed on his shoulders. He looked down at me with his hands around my waist and we stayed like that for a while until he broke the silence.


"Mhm?" I hummed, letting him know that he can continue.

"You think if one thing had been different...that everything would be different today?"

"Uhh...I think so. I never really saw us breaking up so in my eyes we would still be together because you were the one for me"

We stayed in silence while I fixed his hair and put makeup over his bruises.


It felt so surreal being front row at Harry's show. I never thought I'd end up back here after what happened at the last show that I went to. The adrenaline was rushing through me, the fans were excited to see me and I was excited to see Harry perform.

Reuniting with the band was the best feeling ever. Apparently Harry had kept it a secret so when Harry and I arrived in the green room at the same time everyone was shocked. Olivia looked like she was about to pee her pants when she heard Harry gave me a ride and invited me to the show. I almost had to pee my pants from trying to keep in my laughter.

Jeff looked like he was about to pass out. He didn't know that Harry and I were on talking terms and if he found out Timothee and Harry got into a fight, he'd be livid. He would literally pass out.

When Harry's makeup and hairstylist came to check on him, I swore Olivia almost fought me right then and there.

"Uh Harry? Your face looks like it already has make up."

"Yeah and your hair looks perfectly quaffed and styled. There's no way you did that because it looks so perfect." Helen, his hairstylist, jokes.

"Whatever you, lot. Y/N did it." He confesses.

I quickly glanced at Olivia and her face was red. She looked pissed and Harry's comments about how I did a great job with his hair and makeup didn't help. She was ready to pummel me into the ground. So I quickly slipped out of the room before my face matched Harry's.

The crowd went wild as they heard Charles Bukowski's style poem. The lights were off, the screens flashed with images of the two bunnies, and the spotlights soon turned golden.

Harry started off on the opposite side of me so I didn't really see him until he ran up to us. His butterfly and swallows were on display and it made my heart skip a beat. He gave me the biggest smile and leaned in closer to the fans. (insta story).

He spent a lot of time on my side and I felt bad for Cherry pit so when Harry was looking at me I twirled my finger and pointed to the other side of the stage in which he nodded and followed me as I walked. He showed off his abs alot and it made my eyes wander all over his body. (insta story).

I erased the dirty thoughts that were in my head and focused on why I was here.


I did this for closure. For me. For my head and my heart.

I decided that it was finally time to announce the break up and so I recorded a video of Harry singing 'Fine Line' and typed up a long paragraph. (insta story). I tried my best not to get emotional, but with the song and the emotions it was hard not to.

The show was over and I was saying my goodbye to the band. I didn't tell Harry that I announced the break up, I thought that it would be best for him to find out on his own.

"I'll see you tomorrow, right?" Harry whispered as we hugged each other goodbye. His bare skin making contact with the thin material of my blouse.

"Of course, H. Just call me, alright?" We pulled away and my hands were on his side. He looked down at me and gave me the brightest smile ever.

"Harry, let's go." Olivia demanded, pulling the ruffles on his blazer making my hands slip off his sides.

He looked back at me while he was getting dragged away and I blew him a kiss, he caught it and placed it in his back pocket.


This week's updates will be Today and Wednesday!

No update on Friday since it's New Years! Hope you all had an amazing Christmas!

This chapter was one of the longest chapters I've ever written!!

The truth will be revealed in the next chapter 😏

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