Did you miss me? |Villain Ura...

By ChawitZoweee

3K 19 5

After a childhood of torment and bullying from her peers for being poor, and having a weak quirk. She comes b... More

The Beginning of a Hero?
What's a hero anyway?
Who did this?
Why does she look like her?
UA -Part 1-
UA -Part 2-
I need it
First day at UA!
Back to base
Plan A...
Sports Festival!
Another day...
Mall trip!
Training camp!
Training Camp! Pt 2!
Torturous fun!
Staying silent.
The fun part!
The Lame Part!
Depresso Expresso
I-island pt 2!
This isn't fair


37 0 0
By ChawitZoweee

I remembered the pain all too clear now, I can't believe my peers are this horrendous. Doing this shit to me, I still wonder why people are like this. I guess I'm no better, I sat alone with my thoughts. I walked with Niko home and I cried on the couch with her, She was kind and honest and funny and sweet. She was the perfect human, she didn't deserve what she got. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I woke up, I sat straight up force of habit. I got dressed and clothed before I left the house around 6:00 hoping that I don't run into any heroes. I was walking when I had an idea, What if I visit the Midoriya's home?  I thought and I got excited just thinking about it. I quickly ran towards the Midoriya residence and I saw Midoriya's window. I silently jumped in his room and all the all might stuff was so great to see again.

I heard the bedroom door open and I turned around. Surprisingly I saw Bakugo "Hi Bakugo!" I exclaimed hugging him, Inko soon ran to use "What're you doing here?" She asked clearly upset, She then ran to the phone. "How's it feel? Y'know being quirkless?" I asked Bakugo "....I-" He started speaking but he was interrupted by sirens. "Oh well I've gotta go! Y'know being a villain is exhausting!" I said "W-Wait!" He yelled as I left, I really wish I had taken something though. Would've been a good keep sake.

 I walked down to Overhaul's place, I walked through the front using the code. "Hey guys!" I yelled out as his supporters came out, they went to attack but after a good ass whooping they were on the floor. I made it inside and soon I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I looked to my tracker and I soon found Eri's location, I slammed the door open "Found You!" I screamed, Overhaul was obviously shocked and Eri was excited to see me. "Overhaul...." I said he turned around and glared at me. "What's wrong with you?" He asked me, "You're so mean to her!" I exclaimed, "The league are coming by soon!" I yelled at him. "Eri escaped again, She needs to be punished." He told me.

I shook my head "Leave the girl alone! It's your fault she escaped in the first place!" I protested, "Fine, I'll stop if you shut up." he said pulling the bandaids out and bandaging her arms and legs. "Deal!" I exclaimed, He just bandaged her up. I smiled at her, She frowned. "I'll stay with her in her room." I told him he nodded, "Just don't let her leave." he told me, "I swear on my mother's life!" I promised.

I sat with Eri in her room, "I've missed you." I told her, She nodded "me too." She said before looking down. I brought her into a hug, "I left UA." I told her she hugged back "You weren't a hero anyway right?" She asked, I nodded "You're right." She let go and so did I. "It'll be alright." I comforted her.  Life was so hard for this girl. "Wanna play heroes?" I asked her she nodded. "Yeah!" We ran around room and played heroes for a bit. 

She smiled, and he smile was genuine, that was a sight to see because none of my smiles were really genuine anymore. I wish I could be as happy as her, her circumstances are worse than mine were yet she can keep smiling. She's lucky, I may be being hunted down by the government yet I think she would be able to keep smiling.

She was playing Dragoona the number 10 hero, now number 9. I was playing Overhaul, "Raaaaawr!" Eri exclaimed as she jumped at me "Aaaaaaa!" I yelled out as she landed onto my shoulders, "Oh no!" I said as she pretended to take me down, She's taken me down 9 times already, Yet I'm not bored seeing her happy brings me joy. After she took me down again I asked her "How about you play villain?" I asked her, She nodded "I'll play as you!" 

"Ok!" I exclaimed "So what's your quirk?" She asked, I whispered in her ear "I make things float." I told her, Soon making myself float, "Woah!" She exclaimed, her crimson eyes shining at the sight of me floating.  She let out a small giggle, I fell onto the floor deactivating my quirk. I soon heard the door behind me open, It was Twice. "Time to go!." He said "See you Eri!" I yelled back to her she waved looking sad. 

We were silent on the way there "Who was the kid?" He asked "Eri." "She seems nice! She's probably mean!" He said his split personality annoying me a bit, "Yeah she's really nice!" I said, we finally made it to the Main room. "Hi Overhaul!" I exclaimed once I entered, He ignored me. "Hi lil sis!" I greeted Toga, She just looked at me. "So... what are your quirks?" Overhaul asked. Toga glared at him while I kept on my smile "I'll tell you when I need to." She told him. Twice agreed "Yeah!" I looked at Toga "Sure!" I exclaimed, Overhaul turned to his friend and nodded.

"What are your quirks?"  Twice spoke up "I can make doubles of anything, for it to work I need a precise image in my head! Yeah, that means height, chest measurements, and shoe size if it's a person! You name it I need it! Gotta have as much info as possible, only then can I make one thing into two! The main difference between the doubles and the real thing is durability! They just kinda melt if they get knocked around to much! Also for personal reasons I refuse to make copies of myself got it!?" He exclaimed shocking me and Toga, We both looked at him, "Huh!? What just happened?! It's like I couldn't stop the words from coming!"

Toga and I glared at him, "Wow that was pretty stupid." Toga said "Yeah! Way to blow it Twice!" I exclaimed sticking my tongue out at him "How about you?"  He asked Toga, She then also replied: "If I drink someone's blood I can turn into them,  Whatever I take in turns into energy, So the more I have the longer I can hold onto the form! 1 cup lets me turn and sound like that person or a day, Plus if I drink a bunch of different peoples blood I can turn into any of them!  I can recreate their clothes too, But they get layered under my own, it helps to get naked before I transform which can get a little embarrassing sometimes."  She told them, "It's the guys quirk." I informed them.

"How about you? What's your quirk?"   He asked I looked at him with a blank expression on my face, "Which quirk?" I asked, Overhaul looked shocked, So did Twice and Toga. "Come on! Tell me which quirk!" I said, "How about your original quirk?" Overhaul asked, I nodded. "If I touch somebody I can make them float! My hands have special prints on them just for this reason, I can control how high they go and when they float. If I press my hands together they'll stop floating, and I can make myself float the same way.  Yet if I do it to much I'll probably puke. Yet I've trained a bunch so I don't get sick easily anymore." I told them keeping a smile on the whole time, "How many quirks do you have?"  He asked "7 maybe 8." I admitted.

Overhaul looked surprised, So did the others. I giggled "You have almost as many as a nomu. That's not that many!" Twice said contradicting himself, I chuckled "Oh my you guys are funny!" I exclaimed,  Overhaul glared at me. We stood there for a second before we got note of something cool! Heroes were attacking!

"I'll take Eri! Focus on your dad!" I told Overhaul he nodded, I ran to Eri. "We're running away!" I Informed her before picking her up. I turned into The Bunny as we ran, I used a quick route and was surprised when I saw Mirio.  "Shit!" I exclaimed as he went to punch be from behind, I used my float quirk to stand on the ceiling. I started running while up side down still carrying Eri, He tried to jumped up to us, I deactivated it and kept running. 

Eri seemed afraid as we ran. "Who's He?" She asked looking surprised "He's a hero, but he's weak." I informed her summoning my weapons. "Cover your eyes." I told her, She covered them. I tried to slice through him but it didn't work "Just leave us be!" I yelled at him "No!" He yelled back,  He ran at us, I chopped of his legs. "She's my little sister and there's nothing you can do about it." I told him and I kept running, He looked shocked and distressed. "You can uncover your eyes now." I informed her, she nodded.

We kept running, I hid her in my wig as we ran. I felt my quirk get deactivated but I'm pretty sure Aizawa didn't know I wasn't using a quirk. I kept running until I reached my hotel room, I sat Eri down. "Eri, I'm going to drop you off at UA, I will visit you all the time though!" I informed she nodded, "Ok! Just don't forget!" She said "I won't." I looked at the clock, It was 4 am. I turned on the news. Shigaraki stepped in and Overhaul didn't have arms anymore. He fucking deserved this though.

Eri saw this and looked surprised, even a bit worried. I tapped her shoulder, once she looked up I put my pointer finger up to the sides of my mouth and made it into a smile, "Smile!" I told her, She nodded putting a smile on her face, She also giggled a bit. She'll make such  good side kick!

All that laughing seemed to make her a bit tired, She was now asleep on the bed. I walked over to the couch and lied down. Eri's quirk is strong and if she can turn a cute smile into a creepy one we're halfway there. She's had a hard life and she shouldn't let go. If she lets go I won't be able to help her get revenge, That'd be a problem. Maybe I shouldn't let her live at UA high, I mean they'll have some sort of recuperative program or some shit. Those were my thoughts before I fell into a slumber.

I sat up and I saw Midoriya, I on instinct ran over to him. I was able to hug him and it brought me so much joy.  He pushed me away after a minute. "I have something I need to tell you." He told me, I didn't understand at the time but this would change everything.

"Ochako I gave you one for all." He broke the news to me, He didn't even stutter. I jumped back fear and anger filling my body "WHAT?!" I yelled angry at him, "You... You're joking! Right?! You have to be joking!?" I exclaimed still smiling, He shook his head. "No I'm not joking, You now have all the past users in here." I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw all might. I screamed being shocked at seeing the dead.

"WHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE?!" I yelled angry at the past number 1 hero. "I was a user of one for all." He told me "I know! I.. I just..." I said before falling onto the floor, "This isn't fair. I don't want this." I said Midoriya nodded, "We couldn't let One for All die." He told me, I glared at him before standing up "YOU KNOW I DIDN'T WANT THIS QUIRK!" I yelled at him, He looked taken aback. "I DON'T NEED ANYMORE STRESS!" I yelled, He looked down ashamed, All might grabbed my shoulder again. 

"You have to take down All for One." He told me, I began laughing. "I don't want to take him down! I want his quirk!" I yelled making All Might surprised, "T-Then give it to somebody else!" Midoriya yelled at me, I turned back to him "WHY WOULD I?!" I yelled then I saw somebody else from the corner of my eye. I recognized her, I smiled "Nana..." I said before I stopped talking, "You had this quirk?" I asked her she nodded.

I woke myself up, I can't do this. At least not right now.

Haha only 2,140 words bitches. I normally do 3,000 but this chapter was bit shorter. I forgot if I mentioned she got his quirk before so forgive me.  <3 ya bye~

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