A real CATCH (Garroth x Reade...

By fanficceteral

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Y/N, a talented softball pitcher, joins her junior year of Highschool in a new school because of a scholarshi... More



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By fanficceteral

You're P.O.V

Garroth seemed completely comfortable holding onto me. He had his hands on my waist and pulled me closer than I thought normal while dancing, although that could just be because I was nervous I would step on his feet. Literally rather than metaphorically. I placed my hands on his shoulders hesitantly but then ultimately decided to place them around his neck.

"See, I'm not that bad." Garroth said semi quietly. He nudged my face to look at him but I did the opposite and looked down as he leaned down to kiss my cheek. I looked up at him through the corners of my eyes.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"Yes," I said, " you are." I tightened my arms around his neck and let him peck me on the lips.

I touched the bottom of his hair with my finger tips. It was shorter than usual, shorter than I liked, but he still always looks good.

My movements were rigid and hesitant compared to Garroth's. I seemed to be a step behind and constantly found myself glancing at my feet.

"Don't look down." Garroth said, and he nudged my face up once again by putting his finger under my chin. I looked up at him, distracting myself just enough so that I actually was able to mess up the movements and hit our feet together. I pulled my foot away immediately.

"Sorry." I said pursing my lips.

"You're okay." Garroth said smirking. He really hadn't seemed to care.

He pulled me closer to him. I could have laid my head on his chest but I didn't. I had thought about it but I had turned away when I heard Cadenza. Her voice was always loud and vibrant, but hearing her over the music was an attention getter. Her voice hadn't been vibrant, it had been stressed and angry.

Her voice was more hushed now as she talked to Dante. Using her arms as she talked in a way that also did not look very happy.

"Don't look at them." Garroth said, and he moved my face back to him with his finger tips. But when I looked at him he was also looking over at Cadenza and Dante.

"What are they arguing about?" I asked, even though I knew Garroth didn't know and I probably could have made a guess myself.

"I don't know." Garroth said. His eyes lingered on Cadenza and Dante a second longer before he looked back at me. I felt that I looked more worried than him.

"Don't worry about it." He said, as if reading my mind.

"I am worried about it." I said.

Garroth rolled his eyes at me, although I knew it wasn't really at me. He leaned down suddenly, kissing me hard once for a long moment before he grabbed my left hand with his and pulled me back towards where the group had previously been. The song still played in the background as he dramatically pulled me away, but I followed compliantly.

"I don't know who fucked you that made you think you're hot shit, but it wasn't me and it's not gonna be." Cadenza stated as we neared them. Cadenza was loud and sounded genuinely angry, which was slightly frightening.

"I'm the one who thinks I'm hot shit-"

"Yes, you do think that." Garroth interrupted.

"Garroth, shut up." Dante turned only his head to look over at Garroth. I had never seen him truly angry until this point.

"I'm not the one who thinks I'm hot shit when you've got something stuck so far up you're ass that you're ignoring me." Dante said, glaring at only Cadenza like she was the only one there.

"I'm not ignoring you, I'm saying no." Cadenza said slowly like she was sounding out the words for him.

"Then stop being such a prissy bitch I'm giving you want you wanted." Dante said, his voice went higher and so did his shoulders.

"No, I wanted to get asked to the dance. Not for you to ask me to dance at the dance that you didn't ask me to." Cadenza spat leaning forward on her toes. She repeated exactly what she had said to Garroth.

"Fine. I'm asking you right now. Be my date and come dance with me." Dante said and for a moment there was a hint of pride in his voice as if he thought that would actually work.

"That's not how it works." Cadenza crossed her arms across her chest.

"That is how it works, I'm asking you right now." Dante stated again, sounding much more calm now.

"That's not how it works. You'd know that if you could actually think for yourself and didn't just follow Garroth, Laurance, and Travis around like a mindless zombie." Cadenza said, not sounding the slightest bit more calm.

My eyes had been glued on Cadenza and Dante, so I assumed Garroth's had been aswell. I figured I was the only one noticing Vylad walking around the yelling pair only to stand close to Garroth with Cadenza afew steps away from him. He looked up at Garroth as if he hadn't noticed Cadenza or Dante, or maybe he was just ignoring them.

"Can we leave." Vylad said, I had expected him to say something like this considering the bored look on his face.

Vylad wasn't wearing a suit like his brother. He had a black vest over top of a white dress shirt, with black pants and a tie to match. He looked very professional and yet at the same time very Vylad.

Garroth didn't look over at his brother. He nudged his arm without looking, making Vylad make a face but then continue to stand there. I looked back at Cadenza.

"I can think for myself thank you very much, and I am ecstatic that I didn't ask you because you're only pissed cause you'll have no one to have sex with tonight." Dante said, his voice got louder again and by the end of his sentence he was back at his original volume.

I waited for Cadenza to react, and for a minute I thought she was just going to stare at him. But instead she reached to her left, hocked her hand around Vylad's shirt, and pulled him towards her. She smashed her lips onto his without a heads up or consent from Vylad. Although he did not look like he minded at all. He stood deathly still, but kissed back instantly as if he had known this was the plan. I only glanced over at Garroth, not surprised to see his expression of shock.

After an extremely long and almost uncomfortable minute, Cadenza lightly pushed Vylad's chest away from her. He took a step back as if he had fallen. Cadenza and Dante stated at each other for another minute and I began to think that she would lunge at him, instead she gave a huff and walked away. Dante turned in the opposite direction, walking away and shaking his head. I turned back towards Vylad, who was looking up at Garroth with his eyes wide.

"What just happened to me." Vylad asked, his voice exasperated. It had taken him a minute to gather his words.

"If I knew, I would tell you." Garroth spat, his voice sounding nothing but stressed.

Garroth turned and looked at me and for a split second I could read his mind. But I couldn't tell him what I had thought right in front of Vylad.

"Okay but Cadenza definitely has a thing for skinny guys. She think's Vylad is cute too." Lucinda said. I narrowed my eyes at Lucinda, not really at Lucinda but at what she had just said.

"Like, Garroth's Vylad?" I asked.

"Yes like Garroth's Vylad. She walks with him all the time." Lucinda said. Vylad wasn't necessarily ugly or unlikable but it was still odd to think that Cadenza would find him cute. Vylad was good looking he just wasn't noticed by anyone compared to his brother.

"I think we all talk to Vylad. I've known him as long as I've known Garroth." Katelyn said.

"Still, Cadenza talks to him all the time in class. And he helps her with homework." Lucinda said.

"I'm gonna go find Cadenza." I said.

Garroth nodded at me.

I walked behind him in the same direction Cadenza had left in. It was easy to see that she had power walked through the crowd and was no standing in a somewhat empty spot in the corner of the gym. She stood close to the table of food so there was no doubt that many people had seen her pace over there.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I neared her. My voice came off much more frantic than it really needed to be.

"I don't know." Cadenza said back, sounding even more frantic than me. She placed both of her hands on the sides of her face.

"Why would you kiss him?" I asked, my tone not changing.

"I don't know." Cadenza said, hers not changing either.

"Do you like him?" I asked, I was being completely serious but my voice fluctuated so much I worried she would think I was joking.

"What? No, Vylad's always just been my friend." Cadenza said, sounding almost offended.

"Then why did you just smack lips with him. And don't you dare say it's just to get back at Dante." I said.

"I don't know, I don't know. " Cadenza repeated.

"Because you like him." I said, I had already sort of convinced myself of it.

"No, no-" Cadenza started.

"Like who?" Katelyn asked, having approached us somewhat out of breath.

"Vylad." I stated, turning towards Katelyn.

"Awww." Katelyn whined.

"Not aw." Cadenza snapped. "Vylad is like a little kid. I do not like him."

"A little kid?" Katelyn questioned, "He's only two years younger than you, only one year next month."

"He's probably more mature than most of the guys you've made out with." I said, which I figured was probably true.

"Do you know how weird it would look?" Cadenza asked, having ignored what I just said.

"Why? Because he's Garroth's brother or because he's not as hot as all of the other guys you've been with." Katelyn said, saying exactly what I had been thinking about.

"No, just because." Cadenza said, throwing her arms around afew times. Her voice got louder, and definitely more defensive.

"Oh come on Cadenza, you think he's adorable. You like that he's nice to you, and he's smart, and he doesn't want to get in your pants for once." Katelyn said, she raised an eyebrow at Cadenza.

"But it's weird." Cadenza said dramatically.

"Why, why is that weird?" Katelyn asked, raising her voice dramatically.

"It just is." Cadenza answered, which aperantly wasn't a good enough answer for Katelyn because she instantly turned around.

"Garroth Ro'meave!" Katelyn yelled, I looked back with her.

Garroth was no longer standing with Vylad. I couldn't see where Vylad had walked off to, but Garroth was now standing in a group with Laurance and Travis. He looked behind him towards us with no expression. I watched Katelyn wave him over with an annoyed expression.

He stared at us for a moment before he turned the rest of his body towards us and walked slowly over to us.

"Do you think it's weird for Cadenza to like Vylad?" Katelyn asked quickly. I thought about shushing her loud voice.

"Not really." Garroth said after a moment. I remembered his stressed voice from earlier and wondered if he was lying.

"See." Katelyn turned back to Cadenza with her arms crossed and a proud look plastered on her face.

"No, it is weird." Cadenza said through her teeth. She only looked at Garroth, as if he would have changed his answer.

"Why? Because he's my brother or because he isn't your type." Garroth asked, having reiterated what Katelyn said.

"Because he's your brother." Cadenza said, glaring at Garroth.

"That's not why it's weird." Garroth said calmly.

"Yes, that is why it's weird." Cadenza said, she laughed at the end of her sentence.

Everyone was silent for a moment as we all listened to Cadenza lie to herself and us.

"Are you just worried about what people are going to think?" I asked, I had thought it sounded like a genuine question.

"You don't get to talk." Cadenza said instantly, I was slightly taken back and I'm sure my expression showed it. "Look at who you're dating." She motioned towards Garroth.

"Sometimes you can pick personality over looks ya know." Garroth said.

Cadenzas eyes slid over to Garroth.

"You wish that's how it worked don't you." Cadenza said.

Katelyn was silent for once.

"Come on Garroth." I said, I turned around, using my right hand to drag Garroth with me.

Garroth turned with me, moving his feet quickly like he had almost fallen over.

"Did I say something." He asked, leaning his head down a little.

"No, you didn't say anything." I said tapping him in the stomach with my hand.

"You called me Garroth." He said, leaning down slightly more so that his head was almost even with mine. He looked over at me and I wondered if he was going to trip from not watching where he was walking.

"I called you by your name?" I questioned, glancing at him.

"You only call me that when I've done something." Garroth said, and he was right.

"Sorry Gar." I said, I looked up and over at him and put my hand on the back of his neck. I pulled him down to kiss his lips, we stopped walking for only a second. "Who peed in Cadenza's cereal because-"

"Dante." Garroth said, cutting me off.

"True, but she doesn't need to take it out on me." I said, when Garroth was quiet I spoke again, " Or you, she doesn't need to take it out on you either."

"Oh I don't care. I figured the 'you don't get to talk, look who you're dating' was a compliment to me." Garroth said, mimicking Cadenza surprisingly well.

"Yeah that definitely was a compliment to you." I sighed.

"I wouldn't mind anything Cadenza said. Dante put her in a pissy mood. Everyone knows we love each other." He nudged me with his arm as we walked, "It isn't about the looks. " He leaned towards me.

"Yes it is." I said sarcasticly, I pushed his face away.

We both looked over at the remaining members of our friend group who were standing in a circle. We walked past them without saying a word.

"You really don't care if Cadenza man handles Vylad?" I asked.

"Nah I don't care. He's pretty lonely, he could use the attention. As long as she's not gonna act the way she is now I think it'd be good for him." Garroth said.

"I don't know what Cadenza cares so much about anyways. I think Vylad's cute." I said.

Garroth looked down at me through the corner of his eyes.

"You know what I mean. Vylad is not ugly, there should be no embarrassment coming from liking him." I said.

Garroth turned sharply, nudging me to turn with him.

I followed him through the glass doors to leave the gym. Still confused I followed him, but before I could take a step closer to the exit of the building Garroth grabbed my arm and pulled me back. We stood in the small hallway that sperated the gym from the real exit.

"Have you met Vylad. Cadenza liking him is straight out of a fairytale. Hot popular cheerleader falls for the nerdy antisocial kid." He said.

Garroth pulled me close to him, putting his hands on my waist and holding me in front of him. He leaned on the wall to his right slightly.

"I don't think your brother is antisocial." I said.

"Well I don't either but you get what I mean. It's like Lindsay Lohan, or whatever." He said.

"Regina George?" I questioned, trying to make Garroth's completely random statement make sense, "Cadenza is not Regina George." I laughed.

"I don't know I've never seen Mean Girls. You know what I mean." He said.

"Clearly." I said, "I can't believe you're taking Cadenza's side."

"I am not," Garroth said, "taking anyone's side. I'm just saying it's a little out of the box to think Cadenza would like Vylad. Which is exactly why she's gonna be stubborn about it. She's to worried about what everyone else will say."

"Yeah." I said, because he was probably right.

I turned my head and body slightly to look behind me. It seemed like a natural reflex to look after hearing a door open.  I looked at Ivy but she didn't look back at me, she looked through me or above me, at Garroth.

"See you in a bit Garroth, right." She said it as a statement, but turned back around and continued walking towards the door before Garroth could have answered.

I looked back at Garroth, who looked like he he was still processing the fact that he was being talked too.

"Right? Right?" I mimicked Ivy's high pitched voice and hit Garroth in the shoulder. He looked back down at me with a smirk.

"Don't mind her." Garroth said.

He leaned down before I could say anything, and held my face between his hands, not letting me pull away from him if I wanted to. He kissed me, for a long moment, hard on the lips. A kiss I can imagine looked gross to watch. I laughed as I swatted his hands away from me and wiped my lips with the back of my hand.

"We don't have to go to Ivy's." I said.

Garroth stood up straight and looked down at me, he looked taller somehow. He looked at me like I said something stupid.

"Everyone goes to Ivy's." He said.

"Not people who aren't invited." I said, motioning towards myself.

"It's fine, you're my plus one. In Ivy's perfect world the house would be ninety percent guys. But half the guys in the school wouldn't go if there were no girls there to hook up with."

"Then why do we have to go. You've already got a chick to hook up with." I said.

"I do?" Garroth questioned, raising an eyebrow at me and smirking.

"Me." I said motioning towards myself again, "You don't need to be looking for anyone else."

Garroth smiled.

"Just for a little bit," He said, "we can go home early and lay down to watch movies like you wanted."

I hadn't said that but he wasn't necessarily wrong.



"But Vylad's cute." Nicole said, throwing out her arms.

"That's what I said." I told her.

Obviously everyone had found out about Cadenza and Dante's little scuffle. And if they hadn't, they definitely would have noticed that Cadenza was off away from everyone speaking to Vylad. I had thought Cadenza would ignore Vylad as much as possible but I applauded her for doing the opposite.

"Whatever, Cadenza's just going through her brat phase." Katelyn shrugged and took a drink of whatever she had gotten from the table of drinks.

"What?" I asked, half laughing.

"One of us has to be a bitch every once and a while to keep things interesting." Katelyn stated.

"Most of the time it's you." Lucinda said immediately.

Katelyn ignored her.

"Y/N will have her brat phase when she realizes she's dating a trophy case." Katelyn said, instantly reminding me of Cadenza's 'look who you're dating' comment. I glared at her.

"What?" She asked dully, rasing her hands out.

"Why do you guys keep saying that stuff. It makes me feel weird." I said.

"Don't worry about it Y/N I think you've earned that trophy case." Aphmau said.

"Thank you?" I said, although slightly hesitant.

"Do you guys ever call Garroth by his name." Sasha asked, hopefully at least partially as a joke. Although she was correct, and there always seemed to be a teasing or flirtatious nickname used instead of Garroth.

"Nah, he doesn't deserve it. He's just an object to us." Katelyn said, her voice lathered with sarcasm.

"I use his name." I said, as if I needed to prove myself.

"No you don't, you call him Gar." Sasha said.

"Well yeah but I'm not degrading his personality by calling him a trophy case." I said.

Semi seconds after finishing my sentence I felt a hand on my face. I jerked to the side a bit but the hand stay, covering almost the complete side of my face.

"Who?" Garroth asked.

"You." I responded, hitting his hand away.

"I'm a what?" He asked.

"You're a trophy case." I said, looking back at him.

"I feel like I should be offended." Garroth said, he placed his hand on top of my head and I hit it away again.

"You should be." I said. I turned around to slip one arm around his waist, giving him the attention he wanted, like a dog.

"Aw I wanna be a trophy case." Travis said sadly, having followed Garroth over to us.

"What?" Katelyn asked, sounding only partially surprised.

Afew girls snickered.

"Garroth's my role model." Travis said, standing behind Katelyn and putting, what looked like, most of his weight into her.

"I'm everyone's role model." Garroth sighed.

"No you're not." Katelyn said plainly.

"Says you." Garroth glared at her.

Everyone waited for Katelyn to respond, for an oddly long amount of time. Her eyes followed someone else instead, that someone being Ivy. Who was trailing her hand up my boyfriend's arm.

Garroth stepped towards me, nearly stepping on me and almost falling. He leaned away from her hand.

"Can I steal you for a moment?" She asked, she looked up at Garroth as if no one else was around.

Garroth looked over at me, moving mostly his eyes and not much of his head. His eyes pleaded for me to answer but I wasn't going to. He opened is mouth to answer but never actually got to it.

Ivy reached out swiftly, taking his hand from him again. She looked pleased with herself before she sighed.

"Come." She said.

She turned around, never letting go of Garroth's hand. Garroth turned swiftly to face me, but he never removed his hand from hers. He looked panicked, I raised my eyebrows and shook my head at him.

"I know you did not just let him walk away with her." Aphmau said, I didn't look over at her.

"I'm not going to tell her no for him." I said.

I watched them walk around the island that I was standing at with everyone else. She walked him to the opposite end of the kitchen, which seemed a mile long as it had two islands and two sinks.

"Neither is he." Travis said, which surprised me.

"What's that mean?" I asked looking away from Garroth and Ivy for the first and looking towards Travis.

He shrugged and seemed to tense up.

"Have you met Garroth, he doesn't want to hurt her feelings, he won't tell her no." Katelyn shrugged.

I turned away from her, slightly annoyed that she had answered instead of letting Travis answer. I regretted looking away from them as soon as I looked back, because Ivy's hands were wrapped around the back of his neck and her lips were on his.

I didn't have time to process anything I had seen or to think about it, because Garroth pushed her away within nanoseconds. I didn't feel relieved at all.  I watched Garroth hold his hand out to her, in what seemed to be a pretty aggressive tone. In a way that only reminded me of the way someone would speak to their dog who had done something wrong. No one around me said anything, or maybe I just wasn't listening.

I turned around to walk away, towards the door, even though I had heard someone from the group say 'Y/N wait'. I ignored who ever it was but it didn't matter because I barely took five steps before Garroth nearly tackled me to the ground. He wrapped his arms around my waist and stomach, holding onto me like a limp dog. I held up almost none of my own weight and had he let me go I definitely would have fallen.

"Let go of me." I said quickly, my voice shook but I was trying hard not to blink or cry.

"Y/N you know that was not me. I know you watched that happen that was not me, I would not do that to you." He brought his hand up on me to push my back up to his, making our heads closer together.

"Let go of me." I repeated, sounding much more desperate this time.

"I'm not letting go of you, you're going to run away from me." Garroth said slowly.

I nodded, "Yes, I am."

"I don't want you to do that." Garroth said, looking over slightly at the side of my face.

"Let go of me." I said again.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked quietly.

"Away from you." I said pushing at his arms.

"We're going outside." Garroth said, ignoring what I had just said.

"No." I mumbled quietly, I planned on not moving my feet, letting Garroth drag me if he had to. But he lifted my feet off the ground instead, I was barely off the ground and if anyone was glancing around they probably would have thought I was just walking. "Put me down." I leaned my head back until I was looking at the ceiling.

I had barely even noticed Garroth remove his hand from me to open the door, but I did notice the change in temperature. He set me down in front of the front door, slowly and lightly. I took quick steps away from him and towards the railing, there was no where else to go. I wiped my eyes and ignored Garroth's presence for the moment.

He touched my shoulder but I shook him off, not looking up from the railing I stared at.

"Y/N say something to me." He said.

"I don't know why I'm crying." I said, letting more tears fall from my eyes and towards my hands.

Garroth placed both of his hands on my shoulders, turning my body towards him. I turned around limply as if he had all control. I looked at him through the tops of my eyes. Garroth placed his hands on the sides of my face and dragged his thumbs underneath my eyes, where I'm sure mascara was smeared on my face. When nothing happened he licked one of his thumbs and tried again. It was gross, but I didn't move.

"I told you to stay away from her, you promised me." I said.

"I know, I'm sorry." Garroth said quietly, and he really sounded like he meant it.

"Why didn't you just tell her no?" I asked, feeling more tears build up.

Garroth hesitated for a moment.

"It's hard Y/N." He said.

"It shouldn't be hard. Why's it hard?"

"It just is." He said.

"Me or her." I said, surprised with myself that I just stared at him.

Garroth opened his mouth to speak but struggled.

"What?" He asked. He looked and sounded surprised.

"Pick right now, me or her." I said again.

"You, you, of course you." Garroth said, this time right on beat.

"Then start acting like it." I said.

"I am, I am, I'm acting like it." Garroth said immediately, I rolled my eyes at his answer.

I reached behind him, pulling my phone from his back pocket. I looked at myself through the screen, seeing the smudged pool of black underneath my eyes. I stared at myself for a long moment.

"I uh, I have baby wipes, in my car. If that helps." Garroth said, I could feel his eyes looking down at me.

"Why do you have baby wipes in your car?" I asked, looking up at him by moving only my eyes.

"Have you met my mother?"

I stared up at him.

"Come on." Garroth grabbed my hand and began walking away before I took a step.

I took my heels off as I walked, pulling them off easily. Garroth held his free hand out to me and I handed him the shoes. I normally would have held them myself, but I figured he could at least hold my shoes for kissing another girl.

Garroth motioned for me to sit in the passengers seat as he unlocked the car and opened the door. I sat down even though I was still slightly confused. Garroth leaned only his upper half into the car. He pushed the center consul of the car open and reached in it. It didn't take him long to find what he was looking for and then move back a little bit. He tore open the package of wipes in a way that it was not meant to be opened.

He didn't say anything to me before he put his hand on the side of my face, but I let him continue anyway. He ran the wipe gently underneath one of my eyes. So gently I debated on if it was doing anything. He was sitting in a catcher like position with his face slightly lower than mine. It looked to be an extremely uncomfortable position. I could have offered to wipe my own face, but I wanted him to touch my face.

I could still feel tears on the edge of my eyes. For no real reason in particular, everything recently had seemed to be tearing Garroth away from me.

"Hey," he said startling me slightly, "don't cry."

"I'm not." I said, my voice coming out embarrassingly shaky again.

Garroth smirked.

I stood up slightly, making Garroth think I was going to walk away, but all I did was push the passenger seat back as far as it would go and then sit on the cramped floor of the car. Garroth leaned down with me, our heads nearly level, he sat on the curb comfortably.

"Thank you." He said quietly, clearly recognizing that I had moved so he could sit comfortably.

I stared at him as he continued to wipe my under eyes.

"I want things to go back to the way they were before." I said, saying the first thing that came to my mind without thinking much about it.

"To when?" Garroth asked. He still looked like he was focusing more on what he was doing rather than me.

I sat for a moment. There was never really a moment in our relationship when there wasn't something trying to ruin it. The few weeks we dated before Gene made us break up we're the only real drama less weeks.

"Before you met me." Garroth said when I didn't respond. He looked at my eyes now, with a small smile that didn't look to be real.

"No, not before I met you. Before Gene, or Ivy." I said.

"We can." Garroth said without much thought. "Gene will be gone next year. I'll forget about him, promise."

Garroth sat up onto his knees. His head slightly above mine just because of how low his car is to the ground. I knew he wanted me to reply with the same thing, but I couldn't, not at the moment.

"That's what you want right, whatever you want I'll do."

I placed my hand on the side of his face but didn't say anything. His hair was shorter than I liked it, I wondered if Ivy would agree.

"Come on, let's go inside." I said as I pushed at his shoulder lightly. Garroth stood up in one easy swift motion. He held his hands out to me, which I used and let him pull me up.

I slipped my shoes back on as we walked back up the driveway. I did it effortlessly but it still slowed me down. Garroth walked slowly by my side.

He opened the front door and I followed him in. I noticed instantly that most of our friend group was looking in our direction. I assumed they had been watching the door since Garroth and I exited. I didn't care to look at them, I was busy scanning the room for Ivy.

Ivy was no longer in the Kitchen. She stood in the back of the living room, afew guys and afew girls surrounding her. They laughed as they talked.

I walked away from Garroth, surprised by the fact that I didn't feel him following me. I rounded the side of the couch and walked to talking distance towards Ivy. No one around her seemed to notice me, or rather, they probably didn't care. Ivy watched me until the point where I stopped walking, standing closer to her than the people around her. She looked down with only her eyes, and then back up like something had been embarrassing or awkward. Which it was, it was extremely embarrassing that she had just kissed my boyfriend.

When she looked back up at me, she gave me an annoyed look, as if I needed to begin speaking. That, unfortunately, was not what I walked over to do. Instead I reached my hand back, her eyes not leaving mine, and I slapped her across the face.

I had never walked up to someone with the intent to slap them across the face before now. But it seemed deserved. She turned to the side and hunched slightly, but know one around reacted or even moved. I turned around and walked away without looking back. I did however, look at my feet as I walked, I wasn't sure if Garroth had been watching or not but I didn't want to look up and see his eyes. I did however see that he was standing at the edge of our group, most likely facing me. I looked up but not at him, straight at the door.

"We're leaving." I said as I passed him.

Garroth didn't say anything but I knew he was following me. I entered the passengers seat of his car silently, sitting there alone for the moment it took him to walk around to the driver's side door.

I waited for him to start the car, which he didn't. The back of my mind had expected this. I looked over at him through the corners of my eyes. I had no idea what he was thinking of saying but it took a moment of silence to get out.

"That was kinda hot." He said.

I put my hands over my face, coving my eyes.

"Shut up Garroth." I said, but I immediately regretted it after remembering his words from earlier in the night.

"Did I say something." He asked, leaning his head down a little.

"No, you didn't say anything." I said.

"You called me Garroth." He said, leaning done slightly more so that his head was almost even with mine. He looked over at me and I wondered if he was going to trip from not watching where he was walking.

"I called you by your name?" I questioned, glancing at him.

"You only call me that when I've done something." Garroth said, and he was right.

"Sorry, I'm just joking." He said, his voice gone quiet.

I removed my hands from my face and stared forward out the windshield.

"I know you are." I said.

We were quiet for another moment.

"Do you feel better." Garroth asked, his voice sounding surprisingly upbeat. I thought about the question for a moment.

"Yeah." I responded.

"Good enough to eat your own words and forget she exists?" He asked.

I turned towards Garroth for the first time since entering the car. He gave me a broad smile that even someone without eyes could recognize was fake.

"So I can forget about the fact that you just smacked lips with her." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Yes?" He said, his smile growing.

"I guess." I said regrettably, although partially just to tease him.

"Yes you will." Garroth said, although he sounded more like he was saying it to himself.

He put his hands out and barely touched both sides of my face, merely guiding my head towards his. He stuck his lips out an extreme amount, I pecked him on the lips in return.

"Gene will be gone next year, Ivy won't be." I said as I leaned back. Not to go back on my word, just to remind Garroth that he still had half of a bargain left to uphold.

"Yeah." Garroth said like it was nothing. "I'm not really thinking of next year when I've got all summer to spend with you."

"I don't know, I'm getting pretty tired of you." I said, raising my eyebrows at him but coating my voice with sarcasm.

"Not a chance. Who could get tired of all this?" Garroth motioning up and down himself.

"It's possible, trust me."

I know it's been forever but I hope you all enjoyed. This is infact the last chapter of the fanfic. I thank all of you lovely people who have made it through all of the cringe and long breaks between chapters. I put my whole heart and soul into this book starting in 2018 and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Don't leave just yet because I have decide there WILL be a sequel. It will not be as long as this book and hopefully will be written better than the beginning chapters of this book, so I hope some of you will join me there. I'm not sure when it will come out but it might be awhile, hopefully (at most) by the summer. I have tons of stories left in my head so if you did enjoy this book and can stand my writing then stick around. I love and cherish you all even though I have met none of you, thank you for sharing this part of my life.

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