Being Bad For Good Sake

By The_Author_S

22.2K 503 122

This is my obsessive life, and the most important thing is that I have never allowed myself to cry. Despite m... More

Obsessive Life
Daily Routine
MDC Anniversary
MDC Anniversary Part 2
MDC Anniversary Part 3(Lila Busted)
Tiring Weekends (unwanted visit)
What happened?
Unexpected Twist
Have to Go
Flight To Gotham
First Time Meeting
First day in Academy(1)
First Day in Academy (2)
Are You?
Timothy Drake
Face Reveal
Failed attempts to befriend her
Am I falling in love?
I Pretend to not care.
I Don't Need Your Pity
It doesn't matter who apologizes first... The apology is the one that matters.
The Dance I never expected...
The Rumor...
Recognizing Presence in the Absence.
Would You be My Girlfriend?
The Betrayal

Enrollment in Gotham Academy

723 15 10
By The_Author_S

After listening to Tikki and Plagg's extensive explanation, I discovered that when the Chengs entrusted me to them, they were initially unprepared but ultimately accepted the responsibility of raising me. Their bond with me grew so strong that they decided to pass on everything to me—the agency, the wealth, and even the estate.

Following Tikki and Plagg's accounts, it was Jagged Stone's turn to share his story. Similarly, he was quite young when Tikki and Plagg took me in, but now he appears to be a few years older than me, though, in reality, he is fifteen years my senior, like Plagg. Initially, Jagged served as a spy for our agency, gathering valuable information as a source. However, when he met me, he developed an incredible fondness for me and affectionately called himself my honorary uncle. Over time, I grew close to him as well. And now we both cherish each other.

"After hearing the entire explanation, it's evident that the conclusion of the meeting is that I now have a heightened level of responsibility and an increased workload," I informed Joseph, who had been attentively listening to all the details. He let out a deep sigh and replied, "Well, that means you'll need to complete courses on behavior, royalty, and other related subjects, which might be challenging since you haven't been exposed to them before. Additionally, you'll need to pursue a degree from an international university that offers these specialized classes. It should be a university that elite children attend. Do you know of any such institution?" Joseph's insights were impressive.

I responded to his question, "Actually, there is one university that seems perfect for my situation. How about Gotham Academy? It's renowned in New Jersey, international, caters to elite students, and offers all the required courses... What do you think?" I sought his opinion

He replied, "That would be suitable for a fashion designer, singer, fighter, princess, model, actress, figure skater, and heir to Stark Enterprise, the world's leading tech company. But what about your cover? Entering an elite school as an ordinary girl would raise suspicions." He was right; if an average girl suddenly enrolled in an elite institution, it would raise eyebrows.

However, I had a solution in mind. "Gotham Academy provides scholarships for middle-class individuals, so that could serve as a reason. Moreover, Gotham City is known for its crime, and they could use some assistance. I could be that person, and I also have a trip to Gotham planned with Bruce. Enrolling there wouldn't appear suspicious. So, my decision is final. I will be joining Gotham Academy on the day I arrive there." 

I was confident that this plan would work, so I began making arrangements and finally dialed Mr. Wayne's number. Astonishingly, he answered on the first ring. "Hello, am I speaking with Mr. Wayne?" I sought confirmation. 

"Yes, this is Bruce Wayne speaking. How may I assist you?" 

I proceeded with my request, stating, "I have a favor to ask. I need someone to enroll at Gotham Academy. They are fully capable of attending, but due to time constraints, they are unable to register one week in advance, as your policy dictates. So, there are two possible options: either you can make an exception or go and enroll on their behalf." I presented my case clearly and concisely. 

After contemplating for a moment, he responded, "After careful consideration, I will opt for the second option. I will enroll the person on their behalf. May I know the individual's name and provide some details?" He was genuinely curious. 

However, I couldn't reveal that it was for Marinette, the winner of his competition. On the other hand, without disclosing my real name and details, he couldn't enroll me. Ah, what should I do? 

Wait a minute, the winner of the competition was Miss Dupain Cheng, the name I used. That means I can tell him my true identity. "Mr. Wayne, her name is Marinette. She doesn't have a surname because she is an orphan, and I want to help her. She is a talented individual who deserves this opportunity. As for her personal details, I will personally email them to you." I believed I had this situation under control. "Ma'am, that's very kind of you. May I inquire who will be covering the fees?" Mr. Wayne asked. I genuinely liked this man. 

"Since I am the one assisting her, I will be responsible for the fees. However, Marinette is a proud person and doesn't accept help from others. So, I would appreciate it if you could keep this arrangement strictly between us. Can I trust you?" I wanted to ensure his discretion. 

"Of course, ma'am. You can always trust me. But what if someone asks her about the fees? Enrolling in a prestigious academy without paying would certainly raise suspicions," he astutely pointed out. He truly was remarkable. "Mr. Wayne, please fill out the documents indicating that she received a scholarship. That way, if anyone inquires, they won't discover or suspect anything." 

While I found myself impressed by this man, I remained infatuated with my own abilities. "Alright, everything is settled. I'll end the call now. Good night, Mr. Wayne. Oh, my mistake, it's 8 in the morning in Gotham. Have a great day. I will email you the details within 10 minutes." According to the time, it was currently 2 in the morning. I had a lot to accomplish on my day off as well

As I reached for my 15th mug of coffee, I managed to finish writing one song, complete two commissions, complete a behavior course, and make progress in a business course. If I hadn't spent so much time making phone calls yesterday, I could have completed the entire course by then. But that's just how things are for me. After getting ready for school, I braced myself for the inevitable encounters with those who despised me, eagerly awaiting their questions about my date with Luka, *my fake boyfriend*. Thankfully, Scarface, my trusty friend, would be there to protect me.

I think a street-style outfit would be fitting for the day. After returning to my apartment, I reluctantly headed to my personal version of hell—the school. As the class president, I was tasked with bringing some stationary materials, and Luka, being the gentleman that he is, kindly took some items from my hands. Sometimes, I can't help but envy Chloe's seemingly perfect life. She has it all—looks, popularity, wealth, a caring partner, and a peaceful existence. I wish my life could be like hers, or at least as serene. But there's no use in comparing or wishing for something that's beyond my reaach. As I made my way through the entrance of hell, I noticed the absence of any Scarface members on the stairs or around the grounds. Even Chloe was nowhere to be found. Perplexed, I looked at Luka for an explanation, but he simply shrugged. Just as I was about to question further, Chloe came running towards me and delivered a resounding slap across my face. I was taken aback...

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