Cier Journeys: Path Of Corrup...

By DxmonicJxmes

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An exciting journey of a few supernatural boys traveling across the world to find the Cierious fairies and st... More

Chap 1: Warm up.
Chap 2: "Lets hit the road!"
Chap 3: The Magdurus Pass.
Chap 4: A Test Of Strength.
Chap 5: Vengeance.
Chap 6: Something To Fear.
Chap 7: Not A Coward.
Chap 8: The God Wannabe.
Chap 9: The Sixth One.
Chap 10: "Give me a break.."
Chap 11: Separated.
Chap 12: Quitting isn't a choice.
Chap 14: When The Night Ends.
Chap 15: Allies.
Chap 16: Sudden Strike.
Chap 17: A Day At The Village.
Chap 18: One Harsh Morning.
Chap 19: Break Is Over.
Chap 20: The Undead And The Livings.
Chap 21: Violence Breeds Silence.
Chap 22: The Ones That Remain.
Chap 23: Undone Bussiness.
Chap 24: The Four Divisions.
Chap 25: Battle Cry In The Forest.
Chap 26: The Devil's Origin - Jasper's Backstory Part 1.
Chap 27: Refusing To Give In - Jasper's Backstory Part 2.

Chap 13: Defeat.

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By DxmonicJxmes

Another morning, bright and sunny. Helios wakes up to the sunlight shining on his face and a rustling noise from the bush next to him.

"Ugghh.. What's that noise?" He wondered, sitting up and covering his eyes to not let the sunlight shine on them. He looked over to the left, Jasper walks from the forest back to the place they camped, putting down a pack of water? No, thats some green-ish juice. There seems to be nothing unsual, except for Jasper's shirt, it was normally white but today he was wearing a black one, Helios pointed at it and commented.

"Nice shirt you got, did you lose the old one?"

Jasper chuckled and replied nervously. 

"Haha, yeah." He opens the pack and pours some juice into a cup before offering it to Helios unusually polite.

"Its sugar cane juice, have some, dude" Jasper offered, Helios happily took it, the juice is hot. 

"Cheers!" Helios was about to drink it but he splashed the hot sugar cane juice on Jasper's face, standing up and kicking him on the chest, Jasper tripped on the rock and fell on the ground hard.

"TAKE THAT!" The juice burnt his face, it was already hot making it easier to boil with the heat from Helios' palm. Jasper stood up covering his face laughing.


"Sugar cane juice isn't that.. green. And plus, i wouldn't have to worry about Jasper if i throw boiling water on his face, you reacted pretty painfully there.. Now tell me.."

Helios cracked his knuckles.

"Who are you?"

The fake Jasper laughed, putting on a black mask with a white smile on it. 

"I'm an alternate version of the Jasper you know, but stronger! I am Jasper, The Fifth!" 

He said as he summons his weapons, two red push daggers, short melee weapons. 

"I call these Bloodthrist daggers!" 

"The fifth.. he must be really strong. I'm not sure where is Jasper but this isnt him for sure, i cant underestimate this guy.." Helios thought, rubbing his palm together to gain heat as he runs to Alternate Jasper with crazy speed. "OVERHEAT!" 

Jasper took a step back, as Helios approached him he pointed at him. Spiked chains rise up from the ground, flying around targetting him. Helios blocked the attack but was blasted back by the impact. 

"BWAGH! Damn it!" 

Helios ran to Jasper again and unleashes consecutive punches, Alternate Jasper swung his body left to right then right to left, dodging the attacks with ease.

"Too slow, too slow!" He pulled Helios down and slams his knee on Helios' forehead, making him fall back dizzily.

"Now thats real power!" 

"Hghrr.. Not yet!" Helios stood up again and tries different strikes, he does all sorts of kicks, reverse kicks to backfists. This Jasper is alot less wild than the Jasper he knows, Alternate Jasper caculates his attacks and predicts his enemy's attacks perfectly. Alternate Jasper kicked him back as he charges at him.

"Come.. to ME!" Jasper runs to Helios, his body lowered to avoid any openings. 

"UWAAAAAAH!" Helios charged in as well, the temperature on his body continued to rise however once he charged in he raised his arm up for a left hook but that was his mistake. He left himself open, Alternate Jasper was aiming for his lower body, Alternate Jasper stabs through his stomach. Helios pukes out blood as he was pushed back, falling on the ground bleeding. 

"Uaaghhh.. W-what..?" Helios mumbled. 

"Hehehehe.. hahahahahahaha! This just proves that.. the Sixth and Seventh just SUCKS! You're aint that strong and you still beat them! Look at you, you're gonna die anyway! Your friend Jasper hasn't came back, if he survived he should've came back by now but he probably died in Sharel's trap."

Helios just looked at Alternate Jasper, hopelessly grunting and struggling to move. Alternate Jasper took out a paper that has some names on them, he tried to find Helios' name and drew and X on it, he looked back at Helios chuckling then left. 

"You're pathetic." 

" probably it. We're dead. According to him, Jasper's been trapped and probably defeated, everyone dies at some point and justice never really wins. Well, i suppose i'll see you soon, Flif.."

Helios thought as he narrows his eyes, at the very last moment he sees the reflection of Jamezu in his mind as he could imagine the scream of terror and the cries of the innocent people, Helios clenched his fist and weakly crawl up, heating up himself and trying to burn his own wound to stop it from bleeding.

"Not giving up..till the last moment, even if i could do something about it...even if its the smallest thing to help, then i..i will do it!"

As Helios strives for his life, he starts to pass out again, he has a bit more time since his wound is burnt and has stopped bleeding out. He hears an echo, a familiar voice calling out for him..Helios passed out on the grass as Jasper came out the bushes, alive and fine. He picked Helios up and ran all he could to the nearest village or any medical center.

On a peaceful night, the stars shines down on the trees. Flif slowly makes his way forward, his hand holding a map with his fairies behind him. Flif puts the map back in his bag once he sees a dead tree, Flif used it as a chair and sat on it to rest. 

"Phew! That was a long walk.." Flif sat down exhausted as he leans his back against the tree behind him. Flif looks up at the stars and wondered.. how are his friends doing? While he was thinking about his friends, having his little moment his Cierious fairy.. Coey, appeared, interrupting his moment.

"When be?" Coey asked, Flif didnt get what Coey meant.

"Shut uppp.." Flif facepalmed.

Ellie appeared floating next to Coey and nodded. Flif frowned, a bit annoyed by them. If they were going to annoy him more he would give them a lesson. However the two continued being annoying and the rest of his fairies appeared and some joined them as well. Flif sighs and reached into his bag, Coey looked over curious and asked.


"Finding a scaple!" Flif reached deeper into his bag, the fairies got scared and flies around panicking. Out of a sudden Flif sees a small sandstorm going by, he narrowed his eyes and spectated it carefully. 

"Is that Flif? What a coincidence." Hillina appeared, Hillina was a purple-ish girl that appeared once when the three Flif, Jasper and Helios first met. 

"Hillina?" Flif frowned. "Why are you here? What are you doing here?" He questioned Hillina as he stood up. 

Hillina shrugged, Hillina is Flif's neighbour, she is around 10 years younger than him so Hillina's parents usually ask him to be her caretaker while they are gone. 

"Go home.." Flif facepalmed. 

"B-but whyyy?" Hillina cried, trying to make Flif feel bad. 

"I said go home!" Flif didnt feel bad. 

"If you want me to go.. thanks for helping me.." She sobbed, then had an evil grin on her face. She formed a gauntlet made of hard sand and grabbed Flif's neck.

"Its time to say goodbye Flif!! This desert will be your grave!" 

"What. A. Day.." Flif thought. 

"Introducing myself! I'm Hillina Jestrion, The Eighth under Lord Jamezu!" Hillina said proudly.

. . . 

There was an awkward silence between them as Hillina introduced herself. Flif narrowed his eyes. 

"For real?" 

"Y-yeah!!" Hillina fought back like a child. 

"You're lying." Flif confronted. 

"N-no i'm not!!" She pouted angrily. 

"Nah nah.. You didn't even grow up! Go home!" Flif demanded. Hillina began crying like a child since trying to speak back to him is now useless. 

"Put me down, you're grounded, i'm gonna call your dad now." Flif threatened her, Hillina cried even harder and puts him down. 

"NOOOOO!!!!" She screamed. That night the two of them slept under the grass, looking at the stars. Flif rested fine that night as he needed energy for what's about to come. 


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