Chap 18: One Harsh Morning.

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"AAAAAWWOOOOOOOO!" Jasper threw his red daggers continuously, the daggers flew at high speed. But Bruy managed to create an energy shield to block them, the daggers creates big cracks and almost breaks the shield despite it being very hard.

"H-how?!" Bruy scratched his head, wondering how could his shield crack and break so easily from making contacts with a few small daggers.

"Its anti-magic! It's effective against projectiles made from energy!" Jasper pointed at Bruy. Suddenly there was a shout from the benches.

"Careful! Jasper learned a new move an he will use it very soon!" It was Helios, he shouted to warn Bruy to keep his guards up.

"Ah yeah! I'll show ya what i learned!" Jasper punches his chest and activates his aura enhancer, the aura enhancer then separates from him becoming a red figure flying above him.

"I call it Writhing Soul!" The Soul roars. Bruy stomps on the ground, a bit caught off guard and sort of scared by the spirit.

"Hehe. That's a pretty neat ability, but is it as strong as this?!" Bruy raises his arms out as a blurry purple armor covers his body.

"Defender's Pride!"

As the two reveal their ultimate abilities the spectators cheers loudly, the fight gets more and more spectators, almost as if the whole village is watching.

"GO JASPER, GO BRUY!!" Flif cheered.

Jasper draws near, his soul following him and launches a punch at Bruy, despite wearing an armor Bruy's speed almost stayed the same. He ducked it and snuck behind Jasper.

"Is that all the speed you got?!" Bruy said.

"Maybe, but my Spirit got more to OFFER!" Writhing Soul smacks its elbow on Bruy's face followed by a flurry of fast punches.

"So that is Bruy's Defender's Pride.. alot of Cierious fairies has this move, but this is the first time i saw his." Flif tapped his chin.

Bruy was knocked back by the sudden elbow strike but manage to block off the flurry of punches.

"Urgh!" Bruy stood back, managed to open his eyes. "This isn't over yet! Boots.. Harden!"

The boots of his armor shines brightly as it allows Bruy to run faster, he ran towards Jasper gaining momentum and throws a flying kick at him.

"Not good.." Jasper's Writhing Soul blocked the kick but its' arms were damaged and so were his. He takes a few steps back out of Bruy's attacking range.
"Writhing Soul! Throw red daggers!" The Soul saluted and throws red daggers at Bruy, but Bruy made his armor explode into crest and blasts Jasper back.

"Defender's Crest!"

Jasper fell on his back standing right back up but his Writhing Soul disappeared.
"DAMN IT! I ran out of time using it!"

"Now's my chance!" Bruy got behind Jasper and hugged his back to immobilize him, probably going to choke him or something.
"I got you!"

Jasper immediately smacks the back on his head on Bruy's face, hitting right on his nose. Bruy's nose hurted uncomfortably, however it didnt bleed, both of them struggled to take control of one another.

"You little.."

"Son of a-"

Both had a bad habit of cussing as soon as they get into a troublesome situation. Jasper finally ended their fight by pulling on Bruy's thumbs which were pulling on him and trying to knock him on the ground.

"OW OW OW OKAY OKAY I GIVE UP YEEEOWCH!" Bruy screamed as he surrendered to the pain he's receiving on his thumbs when Jasper pulls on them, he felt like they were about to break.

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