Chap 22: The Ones That Remain.

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Flif sat on his bed, looking down. Today was a terrible day for both him and his friends, Flif buried his face between palms.

"Hey!" The crystal on his scarf, as known as his brother's soul popped out.

"Dont talk to me, i'm tired.." Flif replied.

"I hate if when you look so derpy even when you're still alive, come on cheer u-"

"How can i be not sad about this?!" Flif shouted, everyone outside of his house looked at he house for a moment as they heard him, Flif noticed it and closed his curtains.

"How can i be happy now!? I failed to protect my friends, half the army had fallen under our enemy and our task to find the Cierious twins aren't even finished yet.." Flif buried his face into his palms once again.

"Okay okay, Jeez, i'm sorry. But hey i got some good news for ya." The crystal said.

"What is it?"

"I found the location of the Cierious twins!" The crystal said confidently. Flif's eyes opened widely as he heard it, he shook his head not knowing wether to believe it or not.


"Yes!" The crystal chuckled, Flif then smiled a bit as a little spark of joy ignited inside of him.

"If you dont believe me then lets go to Jasper and Helios' house, i'll show you all!" He said again, Flif then looked down with a smirk as he grabbed Don's soul and ran outside of his house.

"Gotta go tell them!"

Flif excitedly runs over to Jasper's house but upon entering he saw Jasper still asleep, not wanting to interrupt his rest Flif went outside quietly.

"Guess i'll tell them later." Flif made his way accross the village and then asked a few soldiers resting on a bench something they all disliked.

"Hey, can i see Mukuri? Where is he?"

The soldiers looked at Flif with a shocked expression, they didn't expect him to not know about Mukuri's death.

"He's.. in his house." One answered bitterly, then looking away.

"Can you lead the way? I think i forgot where do i go." Flif asked innocently, it disturbed the soldiers even more and made one walk away from the bench.

"Who doesn't know his house? Its in the corner of the village.." The soldier looked away, gesturing Flif to leave as he doesn't want to talk nor answer any more questions.

"Fine, thanks anyway.." Flif then walked around the village finally noticing the path and walked on it finally arriving at Mukuri's house.

"Ah, i met him here two days ago. Hey, you there! Are you guarding Mukuri's house? Is he busy? Can i see him?" Flif once again disturbed someone heavily. The guard clenched his fist and walked away to the other direction.

"Is he passed..?" Flif drew the attention of the soldiers around him. Flif looked around, expecting someone to say yes or no but everybody stayed silent.

"Dytrow!" Flif said as Dytrow appeared crying loudly and shouting at him for asking too much sensitive informations.

"I told you he's dead! Stop asking, stop asking, stop asking!" She smacked on Flif's shoulder nonstop, everyone around started gritting their teeth, some decided to just leave.

"I'm sorry, its hard to believe so.. i didn't, i'm sorry..". Flif looked down, he was trying to hold onto his last spark of hope that Mukuri's death was just an idiotic joke, but it wasn't.

"Can i.. see him one last time?" Flif asked, turning over to Mukuri's men.

"We all want to see him one last time.. its okay, go ahead.." One of them nodded. Flif smiled understandingly as he walked into the house. Inside was old, a bit dusty and in the middle of the living room lays Mukuri's body, covered by a white blanket.

Flif's Cierious fairies all appeared, crying next to eachother. They all liked Mukuri for his good personality and kindness, they wanted to deny the fact someone as kind as that is now gone but the truth was cruel.

"Hello Mukuri, i mean- leader.. i just wanted to say.. thank you for all your did, all your contributions and.. sacrifices will not be in vain." Flif said as his voice was shaking, he couldn't hold back his tears as well.

The fairy squad walked in a circle, surrounding Mukuri's bed. As they all raised their arms up high as a light sparkles in the room.

"This is the least i can do for you."

The fairies combines their powers together, making a spell that gently covers all of Mukuri's wounds leaving his body in better shape. No more suffering, no more pain, no more bloodshed, only a neverending sleep.

The soldiers then soon made a memorial for Mukuri, they were all grateful for his hard work. After the little funeral, Flif and his fairies walked around the village.

"Hey, what do you think will happen to the village?" Rinnako asked, Feat tapped his chin for a moment.

"Uhhh i dont know, it depends! I heard they're moving out due to the location being discovered by the corrupted army." Feat answered, shrugging, he looked over at Flif.

"Master what do you think?"

"Huh? Uhm, i dont know, let me ask." Flif said as he walked over to a blacksmith hammering his hot steel and soon came back with the answer they needed.

"Yes, we are moving out but not sure to where. Guess they will have to decide on that." Flif and his fairies soon came home and packed up all their things ready to leave before the soldiers could move their base.

"Now i need you two to go ask Jasper and Helios when are they ready to leave." Flif told Coey and Coxel, they both nodded and went over to both Jasper and Helios telling them Flif is leaving early.

"We're leaving now?" Jasper asked.

"Wh..whaat?" Helios looked at Coxel in confusion.

"Yes we are leaving now!" Flif and Rinnako entered their house, walking to Jasper and sitting on his bed.

"We can stop him by ourselves. Look at the mess he made with just his stupid minions!" Jasper said, sitting up trying to explain.

"BUT WE HAVE TO! We dont have any other choice!" Hillina jumped into their conversation.

"We have to stop Jamezu, i hate him, i hate him! I want him to die after what he did to my sister Yinker! And i won't let that happen to mommy or daddy!" Hillina said angrily as she stomps on the ground gritting her teeth in irritation.

'Since when did she grow up so much?' Rinnako thought while smiling at Hillina's new attitude towards Jamezu.

"Really?" Flif wasn't very suprised, he looked over to Yinker, or to be clear her name now is Yinkash.

"What do you think Yinkash?"

Yinkash didn't understand what they were talking about so she just nodded pointlessly.

"To be honest i get a feeling that i'd be kicked out of the village soon so i'll run before that happens.." Flif said, Jasper was getting a bit annoyed by Flif's nonsense.

"Why should we leave? Helios is still recovering!" Jasper tried to reason.

"I'll carry him, and my fairies will carry my stuff." Flif said, now just making Jasper confused wether he was the same Flif he knew or.. not.

"What makes you think we'd be better of without these men?" Jasper said, Flif just sighed, both tried to convince one another but it seems that nothing was working. 

"Dont you remember when you wanted to go all by yourself?" Jasper said, reminding Flif of that one time he acted on his own and another time even before his current journey.

"Yeah, but i am alive thanks to all of you. This journey would've been hopeless if i did it alone just like the previous generations." Flif said, being a bit more understanding to Jasper's decision.

The talk got even more boring to hear, that day was quite noisy, despite the death of their leader the Children Of Eirene continues their work.


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