Chap 19: Break Is Over.

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Another normal day at the village, Flif has just woken up on his bed, the first thought on his head is about Jamezu. He knew that he can't take a break, nor procrastinate. Flif stood up and put on his scarf getting ready for another day, today he intend to train hard to improve his power and also his abilities. 

Flif walked outside, the village seems quiet today, he looked nextdoor and knocked on the door. 

"Helios, Jasper. Wake up! I have something to talk about!" Flif called out, after a minute of silence, he opened the door by himself. It was a bit rude to do that but probably Jasper and Helios wouldn't mind.. Flif thought, as he walked in and looked around both Jasper and Helios have already woken up before him and went outside. Flif shrugged and closed the door carefully.

Flif's Cierious fairies on the other hand worries about nothing, most of them are around the village playing or working. Coxel is spending his time by the lake sitting there and throwing rocks into the water. 

"Man.. master got in trouble again, did the crystal somehow break?" Coxel mumbled to himself, tapping his chin and thinking about a few things, seems like one of the fairies does have something to worry about. 

"BOOYA!" Dytrow popped up from behind, scaring Coxel and accidentally made him fall over to the ground. 

"Q-quit it sis!" Coxel stomped on the ground angrily. 

Dytrow laughed hysterically, sitting down next by Coxel rubbing his shoulder. 

"I'm sorry haha! What are you thinking about? You look a bit derpy." Dytrow asked. 

"So uhm.. Don, Flif's brother and also my previous guardian, he didn't die normally and go to afterlife or anything, his brother's soul is in the crystal he has with him and sometimes it controls him just straight out of anger.. and that caused our master alot of troubles.." Coxel explained. 

"Ah so you were thinking about that! Don't worry, don't worry! Everything's gonna be fineeee!" Dytrow snickered. 

Coxel frowned, and tilted his head. 
"What do you mean 'don't worry'??" 

"W-well uhm.. You knowwww..." Dytrow tried to look away avoiding questions, the conversation became ridicilously long after that. 

Meanwhile at Flif's house, Feat sat by the window humming and looking outside happily, bopping his head as he hums a catchy melody. 

"You sure love music, don't you Feat?" Ellie sat next to him smiling. 
"But what about your illness, do you feel okay now? Rinnako always tells you to take care of yourself." Ellie asked. 

"O-Oh my.. addiction..? I'll be fine, worry about recovering Ellie, i'll be fine. Right Coey, my bro?" Feat answered confidentally and looked at Coey waiting for him to agree. 

"It.. depends, i dont know if Rinnako has any medicine for that yet but hum to yourself and don't go anywhere loud for our sake, you're gonna go crazy haha!" Coey said. 

"Aw man, at least try to be on my side once!!" Feat was a bit mad but what Coey said was quite logical. "But you're right.. If my sound addiction is cured i won't go crazy and rush into danger when i encounter loud noises or music anymore!" 

While they were talking suddenly they could hear a little voice in the room. It sounds.. strange, who is this? 

"Please help me.." 

All three heard the voice and looked around, there was.. nothing. 

"I'm begging you, please find us before it's too late.." Another voice said, then the voice cried. 

"E-Eh, where are these voices coming from!?" Ellie looked around confused, she wasn't sure what's happening but its either a prank, or some sort of signal sent to them. 

"W-we should let master know about this!" Feat said. 

"Where are you two now?" Ellie asked the voices. 

"The Raitera forest! We believe you know where it is.." A voice said. 

"We are imprisoned in somewhere dark, cold.. out there are spikes to prevent us from escaping, we're scared, please he-" The voice then faded, the link of communication was blocked. 

"Hey! W-where exactly are you in Raitera forest? . . . Hello?" Coey asked the voice, but what he received his just silence. 

The three of them ran outside looking for Flif. But outside the village was in chaos, villagers and soldiers all grouped in one place, between them is Mukuri holding an injured man. 

"What's happening?" Jasper was sitting on a bench, he saw the chaos and stood up. 

"I don't know, let's go there!" Helios ran behind him, as they ran to the village gate Flif saw them and came with them as well. 

"He's dying, someone get a bandage!" Mukuri holds the injured soldier, who was bleeding out and was a large wound on his chest, the wound was even burning painfully and it hurts the man, making it painful to move a single finger or even breathe. 

"Ughh.. i..its.." The soldier tried to say something. 

"W-What is it?" Mukuri asked the dying soldier. 

"What's happening here? Somebody injured?" Flif tried to look through the crowd of people. 

"J..Jamezu.. coming.." The guard ran out of breathe, he collapsed onto the ground, it was too late for him. Mukuri put him down carefully and places a blanket over him. He gritted his teeth, punching the ground then stood up with an immediate order. 

"IT'S AN ATTACK! THEY FOUND THE LOCATION OF OUR BASE. GET READY, GO GO GO!" Mukuri shouted, the soldiers then all ran around preparing for the battle, they equipped themselves with weapons and heavy armors. The village was now in pure chaos, and everybody is panicking. 

"WHAT?!" Flif was in shock, he frowned, not being able to believe what he heard. 

"What the hell, right now? Jamezu?!" Jasper clenched his fist. Helios however, wasn't so slow. He already ran off and helped the soldiers as soon as he heard Mukuri's orders. 

"This isn't good, i have to gather the fairie-" Flif didn't even get to finish his sentence when Feat appeared in front of him hurriedly speaking about the voices they heard in their room. 

"Oh, its a signal from the two Cierious fairies we are looking for! They're captured?!" Flif was even more shocked, he was about to panic but had no time for that. 

"You uh, Flif! Go on top of the mountain and keep an eye on our enemy!" Mukuri was putting on his armor, he pointed at Flif and demaned in a hurry, he had no time to explain his task further. Mukuri ran outside before Flif could even react. 

Flif then ran back into his room where his fairies are. 

"Master, master! We-"

"No time for that! We have to go now, Jamezu is launching an attack!" Flif cut off Coey, as Flif summoned Rinnako, Dytrow and Coxel. They all went on top of the mountain, the fight is near, and everybody is anxious about it. 


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