Chap 25: Battle Cry In The Forest.

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Another bright and sunny morning, the weather was nice, perfect for a training. Jasper, Helios and Flif are outside fighting with three soldiers in front of Diron. Despite being excellent fighters, the three of them are in disadvantage to the soldiers. 

"AHH, COME ON!" Jasper shouted as he gets right back on his feet after getting knocked onto the ground. The fight was.. fierce, and it seems like our guys aren't having the best time of their life doing this training. 

Diron laughed, slapping his hand on his knee then standing up walking in between them. 

"Alright! That's enough! That's enough!" 

Flif rammed onto a tree recklessly as the battle ends, it seems like he missed a great attack and dealt heavy damage to himself. 

"OWW, OWW ,OWWW!!! DAMN IT DAMN ITT!!!" Flif rubbed his head. 

"Haha, you're a bit reckless Flif, try making yourself inpredictable by throwing out your attacks right when you're close or find an opening, attack like a snake, Flif!" Diron explained, slapping on Flif's back. 

"Predictable..? Am i always like that?" Flif looked at him, now realizing what he is missing. 

"They say you gotta be taught to even eat porridge, of course you won't be perfect at some parts!" Diron laughed. "Also, you guys should find a way to work like a team, a team that covers eachothers' weaknesses, for example Helio-" 

"Rose and Lily are being corrupted! Jamezu found a way! The Raitera forest is slowly changing!" Feat flew out of the tent screaming. 

"Emia informed us! We have to go!" Coey said hurriedly. 

"Yeah, that's.. WAIT, WHAT!?" Flif freaked out, he runs right back into his tent to pack up his things to get ready for what awaits them. 

"Okay, training paused, soldiers! We are going right this instant!" Diron commanded, the soldiers saluted and soon marched towards the forest. 

In the middle of the Raitera forest, Jamezu sits comfortably on what seems to be.. a silver throne inside a dark fortress, the fortress lays deep inside of a cave, hidden to stop any uninvited guests. 

"Ah, you two will be very useful." Jamezu lays his face on his fist as he sits back comfortably, watching the twins in a cage, their body slowly become purple overtime. 

"I wish you die already!" 

"We will never give up, you can't corrupt us!" The twins resisted, they seem determined but both knew that if somebody doesn't save them in time, their fates are sealed. 

Jamezu laughed hysterically, amused by the despair of the Cierious twins. His joy was interrupted by Visija, The First walking in then kneeling down before his throne. 

"My Lord, the Children Of Eirene are approaching us, it seems they somehow found out we are in Raitera forest." He reported, Jamezu tapped his chin for a second before chuckling. 

"How many are there?" 

"Only around 50." 

"Then there's no need to worry, just send all the beasts we have in the fortress, if things go too bad though..." Jamezu stopped for a second before chuckling and continuing his sentence.

"Just send The Third. 

"Understood." Visija stood up bowing and walked outside. 

The soldiers and Diron ran into the forest, briskly making their way accross it. Flif flipped his headpad then places his hands on it. 

"Guys, head to Central Forest immediately! Bring the Security Squad, i will be there soon!" 

As Flif was talking, suddenly the men stopped running as a few soldiers from the front row get blasted away. Facing them is a giant black beast, it's as big as a tree, the beast growls and attacks them wildly. 

"FALL BACK!" Diron said, backing up away from the beast. As soon as the men backed up Jasper charges in launching a boulder at the beast's head. It seems that the boulder did deal some damage, but not enough to kill it as the beast charged at him and rams him onto a tree. 

"BWAGH!" Jasper grunted, trying to push back the beast. 

"JASPER!" Flif spawned his shield, casting Herbal Strike then throwing it at the beast to save Jasper, luckily the explosion was enough to knock it back for a moment. 

"SPEARTONS!" Diron shouted, the spearton took out their spears and all throw them at the beast. 

Jasper rolled back to avoid the spears, he acknowledge that his healing ability is as good as gone, so he can't risk taking collateral damage. Helios took his turn, performing a surprise attack by jumping off a tree and strike from above. 

"Overheat!" Helios rubbed his palms together and slam his fists on the beast to knock it onto the ground. 

"Sandheap!" Hillina jumped in between Jasper and Helios, raising her hand out casting a spell that makes the ground the corrupted beast standing on turning to quicksand, immobilizing it for a moment. Seeing the opportunity, Diron smiled brightly as he stabs his sword onto the ground. 

"Everyone out of the way!" White circles begin forming in a straight line on the ground in front of Diron's sword, the circles explode and blast the beast away grilling it on the spot. 

"Good job, soldiers! Now let's move!" Diron and his men continued moving forward. 

"Nice work, Hill!" Flif patted Hillina complimenting her, Hillina laughed in a blush. 

"That's the spirit!" Helios gave a thumbs up. 

As they were moving deeper into the forest, they suddenly heard roars, this time not just a single giant black beast, but instead.. 

"WAIT, Everyone! Stand back!" Diron commanded as they all anxiously wait for what's about to come. 

A horde of zombies! The undead charges at them mindlessly and crazily, at the sight of these horrific walking dead bodies some soldiers froze. 

"DO NOT PANIC! THEY ARE FRAGILE, WE CAN KILL THEM WITH EASE! THEY ARE ONLY LARGE IN NUMBERS, HAVE NO FEAR MY SOLDIERS, ONWARDS!" Diron said, his words seem to have inspired his men as a battle cry echoes throughout the forest. 

"Shoot! Not the zombies, ugghh!!" Ellie felt sick seeing the undead, to the point she almost vomit trying to kill them. 

"Leave it to me, the reaper!" Dytrow jumped in the front row confidentally. 

Ellie and Dytrow worked together with different manner, Dytrow was dominating zombies left and right with confidence and absolute concentration, Ellie on the other hand.. she just wants to get the job done by closing her eyes and attacking nonstop just to make sure none of the zombies are alive because she is disgusted of them. 

"Do not panic! We will push THROUGH!" Diron said. 


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