Chap 27: Refusing To Give In - Jasper's Backstory Part 2.

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"Far too weak.." Jasper punches on the ground, his weakness is frustrating him. 

When he started his training with master Sore, summer started, and as summer ends.. all his efforts seem to be vain. The school bell once again rang, James had no choice but to continue school, despite not having enough strength to fight against his bullies. 

"Hey, look who's that again, Mr. Always-fight-back-but-never-wins!" He was laughed at once again, James acknowledged his weakness. He grits his teeth and clenches his fist, but his body refused to fight. 

"What? Not fighting this time? Jeez, i was getting bored because i had no sandbag!" One of them said, poking James' forehead laughing mockingly. 

James bit his lips, so roughly it almost bleed. He wanted to kill them, he hated their guts. But he wasn't ready, he was still the same weakling as before. 

"Come ON!" One of the three kicked him, making him fall onto the ground. James sat up, his mind filled with grief, anger and the need for vengeance. 

"Vengenace, that's what your looking for, right?! THEN WORK HARDER, WHY ARE YOU STILL WEAK?!" Sore's words echoed inside of his head. He stood up once again, raising his guard up like how he's supposed to. 

"I'm not going to accept my weakness anymore." James said in his head, narrowing his eyes and giving his foes a frown they would remember for the rest of their lives. Two of them start backing up by a few steps. 

"Oi, oi!? A-Are y-you two s-scared?!" The one in the middle said. 

"N-no, you are! Y-you're stuttering!" The one on the left said angrily, while trying to move his body and fight James. 

"You three caused enough trouble, REPENT IN HELL!" James' eyes glows, turning from black to crimson as he releases a sort of energy that terrifies the three. 

"WHAT IS THAT!?" One screamed out at. 

. . . 

James didn't remember much after that, all he knows is that, he was brought to the principal's office and they even had to call the police to solve the situation. He was expelled, for beating three students unconscious, leaving all three with broken bones and a deformed face as well as hurting many other students who got involved trying to stop the violence. 

"This is unacceptable! You should be ashamed of yourself, you make a fool out of our school! Now i will call you parents, read their numbers." The principal smacked on the table. 

James went home, his parents finally came home from work, but all they do is shout at them all day. James was tired, both mentally and physically, he laid on bed sleeping for the rest of the day and didn't go to school for a while, his parents moved him to another school. The school was friendlier, however James wasn't ready to deal with that. 

"I don't want to go to school." He said, sitting beside him is Sore. 

"Ah, that's okay. School is full of jerks anyway, haha!" Sore laughed, but James didn't. He just frowned. 

"Also, i think.. i finally mastered Anti-Magic.." James glanced at his master Sore, Sore's eyes opened widely as he immediately takes him into his dojo. 

"Now attack me James! Use your Anti-Magic, AWAKEN YOUR INNER DEMON!" Sore said excitedly, James cracks his knuckles and charges up launching a jab at Sore's stomach. He gives off a crimson aura as he strikes, the punch blasted him onto the wall but instead of being happy that his student finally learned how to use his ability.. Sore got up, the door next to him opened. Another student of his walked inside slowly. 

"Did he finally master Anti-Magic, master?" The fellow student asked Sore, who just got up from the ground. 

"You scum, WHAT IS THAT ABILITY?!" Sore darted at James, in an instant James found himself on the ground and Sore was joking him. 

"Cola, give me the sword." Sore demanded, his other student threw him a sword. Sore pointed it at James' face, but then.. 

"GHHHAAAAAHHHHH!" James grits his teeth, his aura once again appeared blasting away Sore and weakening him. 

"This.. this energy drain.. IT DOESN'T TAKE AWAY ANY LIFE!" Sore said, veins popped out of his face and arms. 

"That's because i want to get my revenge, not hurt anybody and prove myself superior to anybody." James said, the other student, Cola charged at him with a shortsword and performs a horizontal swing aimed at James' left arm. 

"You don't deserve to be Sore's student." He said as the slash land, however.. James didn't flinch. His shoulder was only bleeding a little, but Cola was suprised by his durability. 

"Are you going to use this Anti-Magic to hurt PEOPLE!? I NEVER WANTED, NOR ASKED TO DRAIN THEIR LIFE, ALL I WANT WAS A REVENGE. THATS IT!" James grabbed his neck and bashed on his face nonstop. Then he proceeds to throw Cola onto the floor. 

"I thought.. we were friends, Cola!" James closed his eyes, regretting the option to choose to follow Sore. He sure did create memories with Cola, but now in his eyes, Cola wasn't any different from his bullies.. or even worse. 

"YOU SCUM! DIE!" Sore attacked from behind, a single punch of his blasted James out of the dojo. James stood up, and ran away from the dojo. But when he was still running trying to get down the mountain, James tripped, and fell off. 

"Am i going to die?" James asked himself as he falls down, under him is the forest, James slowly closed his eyes and let himself fall. Sore and Cola chased him down but saw his fall, they both stood there for a moment before Sore finally spoke. 

"He's dead." Sore said, but just to make sure Sore threw down an Anti-Magic bomb, the bomb fall where James landed and exploded. Sore chuckled, and turned his back away then continued with his day. 

As for James.. 

He opened his eyes, finding himself in a pile of mud, the trees around him were blasted away. James broke a few bones but at least.. he was alive, but not very conscious. 

"Haha.. i'm.. not..dead.." 

Pieces of crimson red glass falls onto the floor, James had survived the blast due to his reversed magic saving him from the fatal blow by forming a shield right on time. 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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