Chap 7: Not A Coward.

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Bahp Town, 5am. Helios woke up early to check on Flif to see how he was doing, it seemed like he was okay, sleeping soundly without a single sign of getting a fever or anything like that. As for Jasper..Helios turned around, he was sleeping like he's dead, which he already is. While Helios was still looking at the wall, thinking of the terrifying things that happened just yesterday's afternoon then Rinnako, another Cierious fairy of Flif had woken up and flew around Helios.

"Good morning sir Helios!"

"Good morning."

Suddenly there was a somebody knocking on the door, it seems rushed and hard. Helios opened the door.

"Hello? Who's this? How can i help you?"

Standing in front of him is an 11 years old boy who was breathing heavily, he stuttered trying to explajn.

"P-please help, someone collapsed out there!"

Helios nodded and immediately ran over to the direction the boy led him to, but unfortunately when he arrived there was nobody. Helios stood still in confusion when he was stabbed from behind with a purple shard of crystal, he could feel the pain on his back and slowly falls.

The boy laughed, holding the crystal shard in his hand. He took off his scarf revealing a glowing symbol of a crystal on his face.

"Sir Jamezu sent me here to take care of you, allow me to Introduce myself, Perkry, crystal manipulator. The Seventh one of Jamezu's seven loyal minions!"

Helios coughed as Rinnako flew over.

"Are you okay sir Helios? Why did you do this to him!?" The fairy asked.

"S-sir Jamezu..who is tha-" The image of the mysterious man in the silver armor comes back into Helios' head, could it be?

"The man..with the silver armor?" Rinnako asked.

"HAHAHA! YES, GOOD MEMORY!" Perkry clapped.

Helios remembered what he said to Jasper..something about becoming a god, and somethint about declaring war on him.

"So he was serious about it." Helios frowned, he couldnt believe that they would get ambushed by a minion of the mysterious man from yesterday so early. He stood up, hand covering the stab.

"Might sound strange but Sir Jamezu keeps his words, he saw the..Determination in the eyes of..that guy..who was he again, with the white shirt. Oh right, Jasper! Yeah so he saw the 'Determination' in his eyes, and letting those kinda rats with the will to take revenge on him live, ooh..when they become strong thats gonna be a problem." Perkry said.

Rinnako got annoyed, the fairy flies right at Perkry.
"Thats enough talking, i hate you already!"

"Don't underestimate me! I serve right under sir Jamezu, i'm not WEAK!" Perkry laughed devilishly, putting his hand on the ground as waves of crystals pop up from the ground, knocking out everything thats in the way including Rinnako who just took the hit and fell back.

"I've always been a coward ever since i started going with them..i couldnt help in the fight with the giant, i didnt help with the fight at the Magdurus Pass.. and i couldnt get myself together to even face the Silver armor man..Jamezu.." Helios grunted, gritting his teeth together.

"I will not give up this time." Helios spoke, his own determination makes his body gets all heated up.

"See? Thats the problem! You dont give up, no wonder why Sir Jamezu has to be so cruel and kill every single one of you that knows about his existence! You dont quit, thats a big problem!" Perkry shrugged, laughing and mocking Helios' willpower.

"Who told you so, kid?" A familiar voice spoke..Helios turned around in suprise.

"Flif! You're up!"

"Hell yeah i am. Right on time to beat this kid to a pulp! I heard all of it, Jamezu, eh?" Flif slammed his fists together.

"Yes Flif, his name is Jamezu." Helios nodded and stepped up, Flif was about to come with him but..

"No, let me handle this, Flif." Helios looked back, coldly glaring down at Flif.

"So far i've done nothing much other than going with you two, i've been laid back on you and Jasper. But i'm NOT A COWARD. And i will prove it, so step aside and for once i'll show you how its.."

Helios stepped forward, lowering his body and goes on a KungFu Tiger stance.

"How its done!" Helios smiled confidently.

"This could be a rare opportunity to see Helios reaching his full potential." Flif thought, chuckling as he steps aside.
"Sorry for interrupting, please go on."

"Ah gee, this is getting ridiculous with all this talk about will power stuff! Anathema, Stage One!" A shadowy aura covers Perkry's body as his eyes changes color to dark purple.

"This is the ability we are granted as Sir Jamezu's loyal minions! Anathema!" Perkry laughs as he raises his hand up. Multiple shards of purple crystal flies at Helios with great speed.

Helios closed his eyes for a second, breathing in and out. He releases a scream of fury as his surroundings becomes very hot.

"OoovveeerrrHEEAAAAAT!" Helios uses his barehands to knock away the incoming crystal shards as he runs to Perkry incredibly fast. Seeing that he just used some sort of power buff, Perkry makes another line of crystal froms from the ground and about to attack Helios. Just when it was about to land Helios launches a sideway kick, smashing the crystals and stopping more from popping up from the ground as he jumped up and clenches his speed.

"No..WAAAAY!" Perkry grunted, Helios landed on the ground and was now about to launch a blow on his face. Perkry laughed as Helios realized his mistake for coming into the boy's attacking range, around him are crystal pieces floating. Each of them fires a purple-ish laser towards him.

"Say goodbye!" Perkry laughed.

"'re the dead one." Helios pulled out a crystal shard he picked up from shattering the waves of crystals, he turned behind and raised the shard out as the lasers all hit the shard and goes flying everywhere. Helios turned around and before Perky could run away, he launches a hefty punch on the kid's face knocking him on a wall.

"Game over, kid." Helios grabbed him by the neck and pushes him against the wall.

"Whoo! That was awesome, Helios!" Flif came over clapping for him, Helios chuckled scratching his head.

"Its nothing, its just a little game to keep the little boy entertained." Helios turned back to Perkry, Perkry was very scared, he was breathing fast and tears were gushing out of his eyes and not long after that he started crying loud begging for his life.

"P-please spare me, h-have mercy. I'm still young, i'm still foolish, dont kill me!" Perkry begged pathetically as he was crying.

Helios rubbed his chin. He looked over to Flif with a raised eyebrow. Flif knew what Helios wanted to ask just by the way he was looking at him, Flif nodded in agreement.

Helios turned his face back to Perky.

"W-will you spare me?"

"Hm. On one condition."

"W-what is it?"

"Tell me everything about Jamezu."


Cier Journeys: Path Of CorruptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora