signed anonymous

By ElizebethYates

175K 6K 158

Harry wants answers and is tired of not getting them. So he writes to the only one who might give him those a... More

wanting truth
Riddle Manor
A Response!
What in Merlin's Beard
Hope Hurts
Regret of Wilfulblindess
Lunch with Hedwig
Get Me Out of Here
My Father Needs to Know
Voldemort's Realization
The Last Day of Classes
Last Day Before Hell
Mild Surprise
Leaving Hogwarts
Exit Strategy
The Get Away
The Dark Office
getting comfy
Crashers errand
Happy Mess
I'm the Favorite
fluff stuff1
Enter Squeaky
Dining with Voldemort
Horrible Morning
Enough is Enough
Emotions Run High
Potion Success Life Fail
Dog House
Pranking Voldy
Daddy's Arm's
the Backup Plan Uncovered
Bothness and Boldness
Enter Bellatrix
Boredom Tantrum
Baby Owls
the Interview
Spring Arrives in Summer
Baby's in the Hawthorne
Baby's Den
Who's not Ready?
Daddy is still Daddy
Unspoken Rules
ball Tom veiw
fluff and stuff 2
Sunday funday

Begin Phase Two of Escape

4.9K 169 11
By ElizebethYates

As soon as all the information was taken care of I looked at her cocking my head to the side. "I never got your name mayam. We got right down to business. Also I'd like for you to receive a percentage off my account of 15% more once thing's are stable."

She gaped at me for a moment. "My name is Ripshang Mr Potter. And 15% is quiet a bit to give to the bank sir." She stared at me worriedly.

"Pleasure to be working with you Ripshang. As for the 15% it off the gross profits of successful investments and not to the bank. It is to go to you mayam Ripshang. I'd like that to be paid out to YOU once every two years." I gave her a look hoping it told her not to argue. Stunned silence met me so I continued. "Can you summon Lord Malfoy here please and get me any available mail-order catalogs as well as any files available on people looking for investors." She snapped her mouth closed then quickly began scrabbling to comply with my requests.

"The king is going to like you young lord. Oh! I've nearly forgot to go over your heirships! She said settling back at her desk after having called for the things I'd asked for. Your heir to house black and house Lefay. Oh and secondary heir to Slytherin." At that I nearly fell outta my chair.

"Wait you mean to tell me I am a step away from owning Hogwarts!? Lefay? black must be from Sirius but where the hell does Lefay and and Slytherin come from?" I asked starting to panic a bit.

"Yes the black heirship comes from Sirius Black. Lefay heirship comes from his husband Remus lupin. And as for the secondary Slytherin heirship it comes from two things one being as you are from both the Peverell and Emrys lines the second reason was granted by magic for conquest. The first heir being him." Ripshang said tapping the spot on her forehead to match where my scar was.

Thoroughly stumped on how to handle all that. I sat in silence for a few minutes. Until a few goblins came in carrying the requested items. I thanked them absently packing them up in my truck to look over later. "Is there anything else I need to tend to while we wait for Lord Malfoy?" I asked curiously.

"Yes dear child there is and I'm glad you asked as we couldn't have told you to do so. You need to collect your lordship rings and heirship rings. Shall we start?" She went on to explain each and every last ring and family moto. After each ring excepted me she gave me a family book for each. I felt like I was floating and very ?happy? By the time we finished I was giggling like a small child on a sugar high. "Have you seen what you look like child sense you got everything removed?" She asked very clearly amused with his giggle fit.

"No should I be worried do I look even uglier now?" I asked suddenly stopping my giggles. I noticed her frown at that sentiment. She summoned a floor length mirror for me to look in. She took my hand leading me to it she put me in front of it. Saying I was stunned was an understatement. My hair was longer and pitch black far more manageable. My eyes were no longer just green. One was green like an emerald and the other was the perfect shade of an amethyst. What really killed me is I was no longer wearing my glasses and I hadn't noticed. My body didn't look so awkward. For once I didn't immediately hate what I saw.

I hadn't heard Lord Malfoy come in. But now as I turned for the mirror I noticed him. "I had a lot more than just tracking charms Lord Malfoy then I held up my hands and I'm very well set. But I have a lot to learn and catch up on. Will he be able to lend me someone to help with that?" I started rambling excitedly and then I looked back to the mirror and saw my hair was now bright electric pink. Shocking me and it instantly turned black again.

"Well he didn't realize he was doing that now did he. I take he had a block on his metamorph abilities?" Lord Malfoy asked Ripshang carefully.

"He'll need to be tutored on everything and I suggest now that he not go back to Hogwarts next year he is legally an adult thanks to the papers being completed today. not to mention all the lordships." She stated flatly then barked a laugh as I started figuring out how to make my hair a rainbow. Causing Lucius to turn then also chuckle at my antics.

"I also have to heirships and one secondary heirship. Oh! And I need a new wand my original wand had trackers all over it should be on the first leg of it's round the world tour. And mayam Ripshang I have no intention of returning to Hogwarts unless he dies and it's confirmed by goblins. Can we go shopping? I want to get some new clothes. Even the cleansing goblins didn't like what I had they got rid of all the old stuff except for the school robes. Please please please Lord Malfoy?" I begged give my best impression of puppy dog eyes.

"I... That's not part of the plan. But you do need a wand so we can get your measurements done and head to knockturn for your wand I think you'll enjoy the experience of it a bit better. But you need to be low key so try and be blonde and stay that way while we are out if anyone asks your my nephew ...hades..." He started sinking into his thoughts to look a last name.

"Hades I like that name." I smiled up at him. "Hades Emrys since I am the lord of that line no one can question it. Oh! Did you know my mum was a pureblood so that make me a pureblood to. I don't know why but I feel super hyper not sure I like it. Do you think that'll go away? Or is this how everyone else has always felt and I'm just n..." I started rambling again but he stop me by covering my mouth. He looked at me with concern.

As Lord Malfoy looked at her with worry etching his face she gave a small smile to me. " He had large chunks of him blocked it will settle with time. And he won't ramble so much though I do suggest not eating any sugary stuff till you gotten it settled or managed." She explained softly. "Then said best be on your way now dear child and put this in your trunk to go over later. It's the compiled property lists." She then showed us the way out.

Mr Malfoy showed me to a different tailor had them take my measurements and told them to get him a little something in every color they had in stock. When he wasn't looking I stared at the pretty skirts. I'd always wanted to try but was to scared the people would find out I wasn't normal. After all who wants to be beaten till your unconscious, or electrocuted.

As I reached out to touch the soft silky mint green skirt Mr Malfoy got turned forcibly by the attendant. He saw me touch it. He saw my curiosity and longing. I froze and started to back away. "No I'm normal honestly just looked soft and shinny that's all." But Lucius had been told by his son what he had been taught. Being gay or not normal got you injured or tortured. Not having any desire to upset him he quietly told to attendant to get him a few nice pretty girly things. And to put those things at the bottom of the bag.

The attendant gave him a look of worry. He told him quietly that his nephew had been poorly tended. After his parents had passed he had been lost and muggles had taught him harshly to be normal. The attendant nodded good you've found him was all that he said.

Once they got to the wand shop he was deeply concerned Harry looked extremely tense. So once the wand was being made which had relaxed Harry a bit. He pulled Harry over to him and sat him on the bench. Throwing up privacy spells. Before speaking. " Harry I know why your scared right now." Harry looked ready to flee any given second. "I'm not angry with you for being curious. Nobody will ever hurt you again. Especially for wanting girly clothes or liking a guy or just general not fitting with the muggle normal. Here in the wizarding world normal is relative. Okay Harry?" He watched as he slowly relaxed. As Harry listened to this.

"Okay Lord Malfoy." I said softly feeling strangely venerable. Wanting to change the subject to cheer up I told him about how even though Hermione was get paid she was just sticking it in a separate account unused. And how the goblins were going to look into it to see if she was just trying to save as much of his money as she could. After I explained how she had always been softer and even when they were talking about it she seemed to be trying for something else.

Lord Malfoy got a thoughtful look but said. "I'll help look into that but don't get your hopes up to high okay?"

"Yes sir." I said looking down. "He knows I'm not going to join right? I mean I feel like that would dishonor their memory if I did." I looking at him hopping he understands what I mean.

Lord Malfoy smiled at me. "I doubt it has even crossed his mind dear one. Looks like your wand is ready." He soothed as he took down the privacy wards. Nodding towards the beaming wand maker.

When a brilliant array of multi colored sparks shot out of my wand. And formed a strange animal in the air I heard both Lord Malfoy and the wand maker gasp. When the lights faded away I went to put my new wand in my pocket so I could pay but was stopped by Lord Malfoy. He grab my wrist and said firmly no and pointed to a collection of strange items on shelves.

"Uncle?" I said not sure what he wanted. When he sighed I tensed up.but took a calming breath to relax reminding myself he said he wouldn't hurt me. After he saw me relax he smiled at me with pride go and explained what they were and what they were for. Then told me to go pick one.

I chose a basilisk hide with ever color changing lining and straps once I strapped it to my wrist and put my wand in he beamed at me. After I paid we went to get the clothes for me as soon as we had them he walked me to and disaperision spot just after we got there I saw Dumbledore, Mrs. Weasley, and a lot of the professors searching up and down the street. I grabbed his arm not looking away. Then he grabbed my arm back. Telling me to take a deep breath and watch my feet.

Next thing I knew I was again being sucked through a tube. When I saw what seemed like the ground I got ready and amazingly I landed gracefully. I looked up at him smiling happily. "I didn't land on my face." I exclaimed loudly.

He chuckled and said. "He wanted to give you something in person before you go to the location." I curled in on myself while I stood there. He scooped me up bridle style to carry me somewhere. I clung to his clothes I was shaking horribly. I could feel tears silently spilling down my cheeks. In short I was scared.

When he knocked on a door. I stopped Breathing. When we went though the door. I whimpered out a "No". Hearing me he looked down then held me close like a one would a small child that had been hurt.

"Deep breath Harry" I tried to do as told only get a small bit of oxygen. "And out slowly remember I promised WE wouldn't let people hurt you." As I tried and failed to calm down he kept coaching me to breath. I felt him sit and then his hand hold something to my mouth. "Drink Harry it's a calming drought. Drink dear child." As he coached I managed less then a mouthful. But slowly he got it all into me and I calmed down enough to breathe properly. I collapsed into his chest. Then I heard professor Snape asking why I had a panic attack and. My magic started to swirl around the room. My breathing picked up.

'he's going to insult me again protect yourself. Can't hurt you if he can't reach you.' with those thoughts my magic began shoving forcefully at every one other then Lord Malfoy. I felt him hold me tighter. Then a humming sound filled my ears. Then I realized Lord Malfoy was singing to me, and rocking me. Very slowly I started to relax curling up in his lap falling into a gentle sleep in his arms.

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