The Spectacular Spider-Man: R...


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This is my revival series (ROUGH DRAFT) for the show, The Spectacular Spider-Man, written by me, THETYPINGAVO... Еще

NO-MORE: The Misfortune of Peter B. Parker
FALL-OUT: The Misfortune of Harry Osborn


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CHAPTER 1: Comrades

Disclaimer: We don't own any of the Spectacular Spider-Man Characters or Marvel Characters included in this fanfic, we do this for fun :)

Living on the Edge! ~ New York City

"WAHO-O-OOOOO!" Spider-man joyously hollered. He swung so freely through New York, even twirling mid air at one point. It was like he glided through the night sky, as another Sunday in the books; going to morning mass with Aunt May, grocery shopping in the afternoon, then stopping by Liz's house for some 'quiet' time. 'Wink, Wink'

And, of course, being New York's night time crime fighter... No biggie.

Although he wasn't the only man in New York fighting crime in his pajamas, since Daredevil swooped onto New York's radar. But Spidey wasn't complaining. New York is going to need all the help it can get... especially in Hell's Kitchen.

Which's a glorious thing for Peter Parker, since he has a tight 10 pm curfew. He needed to know Aunt May suspected nothing. Luckily, she didn't, because of her new job at F.E.A.S.T.

His Aunt felt like she could make a difference out there, then staying at home and F.E.A.S.T gave her that opportunity. Yet Peter felt uncomfortable with Aunt May working because of her heart condition. He doesn't want her to have such a heavy load, even assuring her, that his photography job at the Daily Bugle was back and he could help them out again, money-wise, insisting that he could handle it. However, that didn't phase her at all. It was for her sake, and she could handle it. Plus, she wanted to get out of the house for a bit.

His Aunt felt like she could make a difference out there, then staying at home and F.E.A.S.T gave her that opportunity. Yet Peter felt uncomfortable with Aunt May working because of her heart condition. He doesn't want her to have such a heavy load. He even assured his job at the Daily Bugle was back and he could help them out again, money-wise, insisting that he could handle it. However, that didn't phase her at all. It was for her sake, and she could handle it. Plus, she wanted to get out of the house for a bit.

But if that was going to happen, Peter made sure her job at F.E.A.S.T. caused her no harm, so he swung by the F.E.A.S.T. building more often. Sometimes right after she left work and other times while patrolling. He swung by that shelter every night and made sure that nothing out of the ordinary. And luckily there wasn't.

Till a bombastic blast rocked the nearby areas and was seen from afar. But the blast didn't sound like any ordinary gunfire or bombs. Especially with that unique, rippling rhythm. So he peaked over and saw from afar, the blasts lit those buildings green. The webhead knew who it was... the one, the only... SHOCKER!
'Shocker?... it's been a while since I've seen him'

"Hey Montana, shocker to see you here!"

"Nice word-play, bug"

"Thanks, I really worked on that... Got a new gig?"

"Not really. Still doing dirty work, squashing spiders... although one's REALLY gettin on my nerves"

"Yeah... sounds like a personal issue, Montana"

"It sure does. But it's gonna be gone, sooner or later"

"Heh. You sound sure about that"

"I'm sure about it. The big man's sure about it"

"You can cut the big guy act. I know Hammerhead's the new big guy... and he isn't even that big," he humorously pointed out.

"He sure ain't that big, but he sure knows how to pack a punch," Shocker launched his signature blast at him, which Spider-Man dodged with ease.

"Oh... touchy subject, I see," he snapped back.

"Just doing what the boss would've done. But with more flair"

"Plus, he mostly hits things with that big Ole head he got," he quipped before he dodged another blast from Shocker's gauntlets.

"He seriously charges like a bull... but doesn't have the flair of one," he added.

"It's never really about the flair... it's about the EXECUTION!"

"Oh, good one!"

"Thanks. Thought of it, myself!"

After a few quick dodges, he noticed the Van filled with Hammerhead's men was on the run. They also stole millions of dollars' worth of resources, so he knew he had to wrap this up.

"Hey Montana!... Like catching up with you, man. But I gotta get going and catch the bad guys... y'know"

"But the big man ain't-"

"Oh, cut it with the big man schtick!" He dodged the final two blasts from Shocker and webbed up his legs. Then he used a bundle of webs and quickly morphed it into a thick, makeshift lasso. It wasn't perfect, but it looked passable. Then he lasso'd around the Shocker's arms, so it gave Spidey enough time to rip off those gauntlets, grab them in mid-air and aim and fire at the runaway van's tires.

Seemed like a simple process.

Or Spidey is getting really lucky or reckless with crime fighting.

Those goons can't and shouldn't get away. So Spider-Man quickly swung over to the damaged van, luckily with them still in it.

"Hey, sorry about that one, guys, that was kinda hard... but hey, killed two birds with one stone with this one"

"Even got Montana in a bind... feels like I'm getting the best deal of my life."

Eventually, he webbed all of them onto the side of the van, to their dismay. Although he had to be careful not to use too much, he needed enough web fluid to go home on time.

Spidey checked on every single goon, then turned to Montana, who still had his mask on. So he grabbed him and ripped it off his mask, which then he noticed the small earpiece. He instantly grabbed and spoke to his boss, Hammerhead.


"Spider-Man... nice hearing from you"

"Gotta say Hammerhead, for the newest crime boss in town, you're seriously lacking!"

"Lacking how?"

"Tombstone and Fisk were good at this, albeit they're psychos... but good at this part of the job. You should've taken some pointers from Tomby, since you worked under him and all"

"If I've been so bad at this, why haven't you come for me? Seems like you're not good at this hero gig"

"You really believe that? Don't worry, I'll get you soon... I promise you that. Just been busy enjoying life, so I'll come around to it. So enjoy that severance package... cuz that's the last money you'll ever spend," the hero taunted before he crushed up the device.

He turned to see the mostly costumed criminal and his helpers being led into the police van in cuffs.

"See you around Montana. Hope they have a nice cell for you at Ravencroft," he quipped at him.

"See you around... Bug," he muttered, who appeared miserable.

"Good work... again, Spider-Man," he approached him with a grateful smile.

"Thanks, Captain Stacy. Honestly, couldn't have done it without your boys in blue"

"Unfortunately... they aren't the biggest fans of you"

"Well, not everyone's gonna like me... I've kinda accepted that"

"Well, stay safe out there. We need you in one piece, to keep this city in one piece."

"Yeah... don't worry about it Cap, I won't be going anywhere," he casually saluted, before launching himself into the night sky.

The Next Morning, Parker's Residence

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The alarm roared in his room, much to Peter's dismay.

'Ughhhh, Monday mornings... the bane of my existence!'

He gazed at his clock, '6:30!' and figured that it was a bit early. 'Just five more minutes, PLEASE!'

However, Aunt May interrupted those temptations by firmly knocking on his door, gaining his attention, "Time to get up Peter... you've been on a roll with not being late. Don't break that streak now, Honey!"

"I know... I know Aunt May... Just... let me get changed," he yawned.

Peter looked around his room, and WOW, it was a mess. He couldn't tell where the clean clothes started and the dirty clothes ended. Just piles of them all over the floor. Even some crumpled-up papers stuck in the mix of those messy piles. Especially his acceptance letter to his dream school, Empire State University.

So Peter just lazily plucked whatever clothes smelled and looked remotely clean, even if they're wrinkled.

"Don't forget to shower too!"

"I will, I will..." he muttered as he dragged himself out of bed.

That's where his day started, with a freezing cold shower, getting changed... and eventually taking his breakfast... to go! Since Aunt May's new job, she's had to get up early to make it to the bus on time. So she figured to cook breakfast either the night before, or really early in the morning, and pack their breakfast. Today's breakfast was blueberry pancakes, one of Peter's favorites.

"Breakfast is on the table, sweety! Bit of syrup in there, and I packed extra... in case Elizabeth wanted some pancakes as well."

"That's sweet Aunt May, but I don't think Liz likes blueberry pancakes"

"You're just saying that so you can have even more of them, aren't you?"

"Maybe... but that's besides the point. I'm just looking out for HER," he hilariously tried to convince her.


"What?" he grinned at her.

"Nothing... let's get going, Dear. Don't wanna be too late for the bus."

While waiting for his Aunt to lock up, Peter gazed at his phone, and checked for any messages. He rarely checked his phone, because nothing new would pop up, only old texts from Liz, and late notifications of missed calls from Aunt May. But to his surprise, he had one from Harry Osborn.

'Hey Pete, how have you been doing, bud? We haven't hung out for a while... so wanna hang at the Silver Spoon tomorrow? Let me know if you can... thanks!'

'Been a while since Harry and I talked... so I'm down'

Right as he looked back up from his phone, his aunt stood in front of him... kinda spooked him a bit.

"Alright. Let me walk you to the bus stop?"

"I'm fine, Peter, no need to"

"I'm willing to wait Aunt May"

"Peter, you don't have to worry about me all the time. Go on, enjoy these last few weeks of senior year!"

"You sure?"

"Yes. Have a good day at school, dear. I love you, and tell Elizabeth I said hello!"

He turned to her before leaving. "Okay. Just be safe then, Aunt May. Love you!"

"And make sure that Mr. Li doesn't work you too hard!" he added with a small smirk.

Recently, Aunt May has been a lot more lenient on Peter ever since she got her job at FEAST. Extremely lenient that it made Peter tense.

Other than that, the last few months have been pretty solid for him. For once in a VERY long time, he can finally see what his future looks like... and be happy with it.

From getting accepted into his dream college, to having a beautiful cheerleader girlfriend that he appreciates and happy with, and having his job back as the Daily Bugle's photographer...

Although it took some convincing, for 'Jolly Jameson', till he gave in... but as a punishment for that lengthy absence, Peter was back to the starter pay of $40 a pic.

Other than that, his grades have increased exponentially. People at school actually find him cool to hang out with. He has finally risen out of the ranks of GEEK, and is now with the top dogs, like Flash Thompson, Rand Robinson... Heck, even Sally Avril tolerates his presence now. Even more girls actually find him attractive... which's something he's been oblivious to for the most of his time in Midtown.

Although he's glad he has people to talk to, he missed talking to Harry. He's noticed how his childhood best friend became a disappearing act. He only glimpsed him, in the mornings, and occasionally after school, when Harry would retreat into his limo.

So Peter wanted to get there a bit early, to catch him before he went into hiding again.

Midtown Manhattan Magnet High School

"Morning Har, I got your text... and sure, I can go!"

When the door opened, a sleepy Harry took one step out of the limo, then stumbled out, which Peter instantly rushed to his side.

"WHOA! Har, you alright? You seem... off," he noticed as he helped him back up.

"Just tired Pete... nothing new for me"

"What time did you sleep, dude?"

"12 pm... Still talking with my therapist. Late session, that's all"

"You sure that's all?"

"Uh yeah- then I have this company to run"

"Stressful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it kinda is"

"Especially since Oscorp can go underwater because of Stark Industries"

"You don't gotta remind me Pete..."

"Okay-okay, my bad"

"It's alright"

"But you know you can talk to me about it. And I gotta admit, I'm not really a big fan of Tony Stark, anyway"

"Really? I thought you liked all the stuff he made"

"No doubt he's brilliant... but he's reckless. I remember when Uncle Ben told me how reckless he was with spending his money"

"I mean with all that money, why not spend it?"

"Says the richest teenager in the world"

"Got me there Pete... Thanks... I knew I could talk to you about anything-"

Just then, Peter's attention split elsewhere when he saw Liz Allan arrive through the archway of the school, so he wrapped up the conversation.

"No problem... Hey actually, talk later?"

"For sure, yeah, Pete. Silver Spoon later, right?"

"Yeah, just call me when you get there!"

"Hi Harry!"


"Morning, Petey," Liz greeted with a peck on the lips.

Peter waved to Harry with a small smirk before turning his attention to Liz. Harry observes Peter's relationship with Liz from afar and is subtly jealous, because of how happy they looked.

"Hey Liz... you got my coffee, right?" he asked as they walked inside.

"Here you go. Vanilla bean, right? Kinda basic... even for you"

"Kinda basic is just need something to get me through the day"

"Didn't sleep well last night?"

"Not really... but that's mostly every night"

"Oh, yeah?... Who'd you catch this time?"

"The Shocker... it's been a while since I've seen him, it was actually nice catching up"

"Sounds like you had fun," she commented.


They went up the flights of stairs, hand in hand, till they finally made it to the cafeteria.
Right as they sat down in their usual seats, Liz eagerly asked, "Did your aunt pack you some of those blueberry pancakes?"

"Um... yeah. You want em?"
She instantly answered with a smile, "Oh YES! YES! YES, PLEASE! I LOVE your Aunt's pancakes!"

"I'll only eat a few," she added before munching on those glorious flapjacks.

"Don't worry about it, Aunt May packed extra just for you anyway... plus I owe you for the coffee"

"Tell your Aunt, I love her," she mumbled as she ate.

Right as Peter's eyes looked up, Liz viciously munched on them, to his amusement. She finished her last bite, and swallowed, before she could say another word.

"So Petey, thought about the Florida trip yet?" she asked.

"Florida Trip?"

"The senior retreat," she clarified.

"Uh-well... I have actually... and I still don't know," he answered.

"Is it a money problem? Cuz my parents would pay for you... or I could," she quickly pointed out.

"Nononono Liz, it's not that. I'm just worried about the other guy"

"Other guy?... oh-OH!"

"Yeah him"

"Wait... what about him?"

"I can't just stop. New York's gonna need him... who knows what happens when I'm gone for 5 days!"

"And I have to keep an eye out for Aunt May," he pleaded onto his case.

"Fine. I drop this... for now"

A few tables away sat Gwen, Stacy and Mary Jane Watson, as they observed Peter and Liz afar.

"I know it's been a while... but you and Peter are getting along, right?"

"Yeah... just like usual"

"Usual being?"

"That there's awkward tension between us. That's still there," she snarkingly answered.

"Awe Girlfriend."

"Don't worry about it. Just don't... I've moved on from it. Plus... I really don't have time for a relationship. There's so many moving parts about the next few years that I haven't wrapped my head around yet. I gotta focus on that first," the blonde explained.

"Sounds like a good plan, Gwen,"

"Thanks, Mary Jane," she sighed.

As the day moved along, the web slinger patrolled throughout the city for a little, to kill some time before he hung out with Harry. While he swung, looking around for trouble, there was this buzzing in his pocket.

'I bet Harry texted or called... I'm coming, Harry. Don't worry, just gonna be late. Gotta save this... cat first... Jeez, there's so many cats stuck in trees these days!'

"Don't worry, Ma'am, I'll help with that!" he assured her.

The Silver Spoon Cafe

Minutes after saving that cat, he walked through the doors of the cafe, and saw Harry sitting in the mini booth, "Hey Har, I'm here!"

"Pete! Thanks for coming. Here, order anything you want, I'll pay"

"Thanks, but I'm good. Liz gave me the best sandwich, in return of me giving her my pancakes"
"Cool. And your Aunt's pancakes were always the best"
"I'll tell her that. She loves the complements"


"So... Har, how's therapy been?"

"It's whatever... although I wished my mom got me a girl therapist... A she-therapist?"

"I think girl therapists are just called therapist, Har"

"Oh right," he chuckled.


"Well... anyway, you going to the retreat Pete?"

"Honestly, I don't know, man. Liz really wants me to go... but I have a lot here to take care of. I'm pretty busy..."

"Chasing around and taking pictures of the bug... sounds fun"

"Heh, it's actually not as fun as it seems... I can't climb walls, so getting good shots of him is difficult"


"Ahem... well, what about you? You going Har?"

"Yeah, my mom's making me go. She thinks it's a good to relax for a bit and have fun... the funniest thing is that she thinks that Disney world is gonna relax my mind"

"I mean, I've never been to Disney world, only seen a future pictures"

"Yeah. But I gotta be focusing on the bigger picture, Pete"



"That's quite the task"

"Well... gotta live up to that Osborn name, name"

"Sounds like a lot to handle. You should give yourself a break"

"Dude I can't. Especially since... Stark is in the way, of Oscorp's success"

"What're you going to do about that?"

"I- uh... really don't know."

Allan Residence

Meanwhile, that evening, Peter had dinner with Liz... and her parents. Imagine how well that went? Quite well... actually. Which was unexpected.

Wasn't his first time meeting her family, obviously met her brother Mark, multiple occasions. And met with her parents a few months back, when they considered their relationship as 'Serious.'

That was as awkward as expected, but things worked out on their own... and her parents were fine with Peter dating their daughter.

Peter's momentum continued that night, as they were having a good time.

"Has Liz never mentioned to you she loved sports, Pedro?" Mr. Allan mentioned.


"Never... this sounds like a fun story," he answered with a smirk. And Liz just scowled at him, which made his smile grow.

"Well, she loves soccer... used to watch all the soccer games with her brother"

"Soccer, huh? You never tried out for the team"

"I liked it as a kid, but I obviously wasn't good at it"

"She also liked football"

"That's cuz that was the only thing she played with Markito," she reasoned again.

"Makes sense, when he played for the football team... he was a pretty great"

"Yeah... Mark really was"

"I'm really sorry for what happened to him"

"I-it's alright..."

"Yeah, that's in the past. We actually visited him the other day, he's doing much better now, so..." Mrs. Allan mentioned,

"That's great... that's really great," Peter practically tried to avoid any awkward silence as possible.

"Anyways, Peter... what about you... you like any sports?"

"Ummm, not really. My uncle and aunt never got into it, so I never did. Although I like going to football games, but not to watch the game," he answered.

"What about your father, I bet he watched some sports?"


"Wha-Oh... I'm sorry to bring it-"

"No, it's okay Mr. Allan. I just don't remember much about my dad. But I'm sure that he watched some sports"

After that, all was heard was the sound of utensils clinking against the plates, or scraping against them. Once Peter and Liz finished their lasagna, they cleaned up the table and excused themselves.

"Hey Mama, we're gonna study in my room... if that's alright?"

"Okay. You sure you don't want more food, Peter?"

"Oh no, Mrs. Allan... I'm stuffed, but thank you! The food was great," he kindly rejected.

"Not a problem, Peter. Now go in there and study hard!"

"C'mon," she took him by the hand, and led him to her room. Liz had this big smile on her face when she opened the door to her room.

"Honestly, I think you're parents like me," he bragged with a smile.

"It's great that you all are getting along," she wrapped her arms around his neck, and stroked the back of his head, slowly massaging his neck.

"Although I'm sorry about your dad... my dad shouldn't have br-"

"Liz... it's fine"

"You sure?"

"Yes. I don't really have much to remember them by... and Uncle Ben and Aunt May are practically the best parents I could ask for, so it's fine"

"Do you ever think about them, ever?"

"Sometimes... when I grab my presents from underneath the tree, I look up and see their picture hanging on the Christmas tree"

"You miss them?"

"Sometimes. Wished I knew and remembered more about them... cuz it's just their names and that they loved me. But they left me. Maybe it... was a blessing in disguise... Cuz I could have no better parents than my uncle and my aunt. I never could repay them," he admitted. He was ready to cry, with his eyes watering up.

Liz held onto him with her warm embrace, which made Peter's smile grow. "Thanks for listening, Liz," he kissed her hair.

"I'm always here, baby," she smiled at him as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Parker's Residence

When Peter came home from Liz's place, he went to the living room, and stared at a picture of a family portrait... with his aunt and uncle, and his parents off to the side. And there he was, in the middle of that picture. He would always walk past it everytime.

"Hey Aunt May"


"This might sound like a weird question..."

"Well... I'm listening"

"Um... well... uh, what were my parents like?"

"Your parents?"

"Yeah... I don't remember much about them"

"I could say the same thing about them, dear"


"Yes. Like, what is there to tell? Being your Uncle's Brother, your father came around occasionally, and I rarely spoke to him. And your Uncle talked little about your father... except that he loved sports"

'I knew he loved sports...'

"And when he got married, we saw less of him around... except for the holidays, and till when your parents dropped you off here"


"Why the sudden interest?"

"Well... when I had dinner with Liz's parents, and we were on the topic of sports... and I know we never watched any, but then they asked if my dad did... and I froze"

"Honey, I'm confused... where are you going with this"

"I froze, cuz I don't remember my dad.. Or my mom. I can't remember the little things like if he watched sports. It's just a mess, Aunt May"

"Cuz I had parents, for 5 years, yet I remember nothing about em... just vaguely remember their faces"

"They are a part of me I want to know more about."

"Well, if that's the case, there's probably something up there in the attic. Haven't been up there in the longest time, so it'll be dusty"

"It's fine!"

After climbing up the skinny, fragile ladder to get to the attic, he instantly started searching through the tons of stuff in there. Piles of piles of dusty boxes, filled with documents that meant nothing to Peter. But he stumbled upon some old books and pictures from Uncle Ben's memorabilia. "Who's this guy?" He noticed a picture of a man with blonde hair in a unique military uniform. With a very patriotic red, white and blue uniform. The poster boy for America. 'He looks familiar... looks like that guy in my history books'

But after all that searching, the last thing he stumbled upon was a weathering leather suitcase with Richard Parker engraved on the front.


He searched inside the case, finding nothing but papers about his research. Then there was this small pager, underneath all of the files. So he messed with it, pressing any buttons that could function. Little did he know that there were consequences to messing with this type of stuff.

Meanwhile, at the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division Headquarters, Florida... that's too long, it's S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Sir... something came up on the monitor!"

"What is it?"

"The tracker has become active... it's coming from New York"

"A tracker for who's pager?"

"Richard Parker"

'Richard?... Mary?' The man in charge pondered.

"Get the chopper ready..." He ordered.

"Why? What's the big deal?"

"You must be new here. Richard Parker's pager doesn't suddenly go active, after over a decade, since they've been dead... something is definitely up"

"You need backup?"
"I don't need any backup, thank you very much. Just be active on the coms and tell me any movement of that pager."

"And you know where you're going?"

He turned to her, and confidently answered, "Queens, New York."

For most of his day, it was a normal routine like any other day. Going through all 6 periods of school, and kicking ass and taking names during his patrol... yet he felt disconnected from it, because he's focused on the mysterious pager he found.

It wasn't just that. All of this other thing that he's never seen before was from his parents, stuck away in that attic.

"Hello?! Earth to Petey!" Liz grabbed his attention.

"Oh... hi-hey!"

"You alright?" She softly placed her hand on his cheek.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine. Just preoccupied with something"

"It's always like you are"

"You know me... one busy spider"

"You think you're too busy for dinner tonight?..."

"I'll see. You never know, Electro could break out of prison, and want to take over the city... which would be a terrible to cancel dinner plans"

"Sometimes I think you're exaggerating... but after seeing Electro doing so much damage, I know you're not"

"Thank you," he quickly pecked her on the lips.

"But if that terrible possibility doesn't occur... pick me up at 8?"

"Push it to 8:30. If I get my pictures to Jolly Jameson earlier, then 8... I'll just call you if I'm gonna be late"

Manhattan, New York

As Spider-Man swung throughout the city like his daily routine, there was this strange feeling that lingered in his mind. It was like he was being watched. Just a nerve. He looked around to make sure nothing was happening. When he turned, there was a distant, mysterious figure with binoculars.

But he put his binoculars down when he realized he caught Spider-Man's attention. He immediately stood up and stared right at him. Dead in his eyes. To the Web-Slinger, this doesn't seem like much, just a weird inconvenience.

'Do I know this guy?'

Just as he was going to confront the individual, he heard a loud blast nearby. The sound of glass shattering and bombs exploding. So, of course, he had to go. But before he left, he had one last look at the mysterious individual before he swung towards the sound of the blast.

'Trouble in Stark Tower... bound to happen for that pretentious douche'

"Hey Buddy! Not a fan of Stark either... also not a fan of destroying property or endangering innocent people!"

There was no reply. Just eerie silence.

It was hard to make anything out of the appearance of the strange individual. The thick smoke filling up the room, and the chaos of frightened people, it's hard to focus.

The individual's eyes glowed neon orange out of the dark atmosphere. Their stare pierced into Spidey's soul, but hey, he's seen crazier.

"Hey pal, you know, Halloween has passed months ago, right?!"

Then the individual threw a bomb. Something that was all too familiar to him. Especially when he glimpsed the pumpkin design.


The web slinger launched himself out of the building, and quickly made giant entire spider webs to act as a cushion for the employees to 'safely' land on.

'I gotta hurry, I gotta hurry!'

After making all of those webs in such a short time, he rushed back up to the 13th level, quickly evacuating every person he could get his hands on, and as gently as he could, threw them onto the webs.

"Please don't take this personally, but I'm in a rush," he told one person before he threw them.

After he quickly evacuated everyone from that level, there was relief for a moment. Till there was a goblin bomb rolling toward him and dropped towards the landing zone.



His webb caught the bomb in time and threw it up into the sky. It did not relieve yet him as there was still a fight to be had, with the GREAT GREEN GOBLIN!-

He wasn't there... vanished from the building. Not a sign of his escape, or a trail of his goblin hover glider.

'Well, that was anticlimactic... but I'm pretty tired, so I'm glad Gobby wanted to take a break,' Spidey thought.

Parker Residence

'Gobby's back in town?! And with an upgrade too... CRAP! Gotta be kidding me! Gotta make sure Harry's okay!... Tomorrow... AH SHOOT! I missed Liz for dinner tonight. Gotta let her know I can't make it,' Peter thought to himself before he opened the door.

"Aunt May, I'm home!"

After the long day he's had, with so many growing questions... that his brain needed to take a break because of the headache.

He caught her laying on her bed, "Hey Aunt May, you alright?"

"Huh... oh-hey dear. Sorry, I just... needed to take a nap. That's all"

"You sure?"

"Yes, dear."

Suddenly, the sound of knocking is heard.

"I'll get it!" Aunt May exclaimed as she made her way to walk to the door.

She opened the door to see someone unexpected... someone she didn't know. A mysterious man, wearing all black, a trench coat and a terrifying eyepatch. It screamed intimidating bad guy... or intimidating badass.

And when Peter caught a glimpse of who it was, it freaked him out. It's the man who stalked him while he patrolled.


"Um, Good evening... how may I help you?"

"Good evening, Ma'am, sorry to disturb you. My name is Nick Fury. I'm here to talk to Mr. Parker... about something that would be important to him"

"How important?"

Nick reasoned, "This info relates to his father and mother, so I'd like to believe that it is."

Addressing comments from previous chapters posted before 11/30/21:

Guest: Make Pete and Gwen realize that Harry overheard their conversation at the end of season 2 where he emotionally manipulated Gwen to stay with him and use that affect the story. Also make Harry kind of indifferent to Pete's problems it's up to you.

Since Gwen already broke up with him, I don't think she cares anymore about it. She moved on from it, and Peter mostly moved on from having a relationship with Gwen, but (he obviously still has feelings for her... in some way). Also yeah both characters will have their own personal problems, which will inevitably conflict with each other.

~ TheTypingAvocado

FictionWriter453: Glad to see you're writing again.

Also, sucks for Harry but he kinda brought it on himself. Karma does that to you...

Oh yeah definitely, Harry is going to be really self destructive in this story. That's probably the focus we're trying to do for Harry's character. But he's also trying to be moral, and keep himself in check... but you'll just have to read more to see. ~TheTypingAvocado

Shing Ren: I was gonna take a nap until I stopped by around the site to surf and lookie here! Finally! Love the prologue already! God bless and keep up the awesome job!

Awe, thank you. I hope this was worth it, especially since you sacrificed your nap for it! Stay tuned for more, and God bless mate!


South Down: Will there be more Villains in this? Like Venom? Hobgoblin? The Sinister Six? The Enforcers? Sandman? Jackal and Hydro-Man?

Ideally, I wished we could write more villains into this story... but I also want to focus on the personal conflict more than the bombastic villains. But hey, I promise that this world of villains will be explored... and hey; we brought back villains in this chapter!


Guest: Finally! Are Gwen and Liz gonna play prominent roles in the sequel? I want to see more of them. Also I want to see old spider man enemies especially after kingpin fled.

I'd like to say yes, Gwen will be mostly on her own personal journey, while Liz is reliant on Peter, but she has her own journey as well. And, yes, I'd love to involve them in a lot more in this story. And yes, old and new enemies will be referenced in this story.


Crawlerer: Good to see you're back working on this again.

It looks like Harry went off the deep end but really, it was his own fault. He should've just accepted that Gwen just saw him as a friend.

Yes, Harry is down horrendous. I believe Harry's problem is that he never really got any love from any other women, so that's why he holds onto Gwen, because she is the only woman who gives him attention and will go out with him. That's how I see Harry... and hopefully, we reveal more about his character.


Guest: I recommend making the chapters longer.

Oh don't worry, these chapters will be much longer than the prologue, like this chapter is long.


Waiz (Guest): I really enjoy your story and looking forward for the next one

Thank you, if you're reading this, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


Guest: Can't wait to see the next chapter. I hope it's soon.

Hopefully this chapter didn't disappoint.


Authors' Message of 11/30/21:

This is the first official chapter of Fall-Out, and we hope you all enjoyed it, and it hooked you. This project is fueled through passion, so if you don't see many chapters out consistently, there's probably a major writer's block or a lack of passion for the project. Even though we want to release more finished chapters.

Also, keep in mind, Liz and Peter's relationship feels like they've been through months of relationship building. They've had their fights, and their highest moments. And yes, we'd wish that it wasn't all off screen, but we'll try our best to get you caught up with their relationship. Plus, this story is about Peter and Harry's friendship.

And I know, it may be weird to have this storyline with Peter's parents, but it fits with the theme of FALL-OUT, LEGACY.

~ TheTypingAvocado

NEXT UP: - Companionship

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