three little words ; 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐦...

By mxrvelous-

316K 10.6K 3.5K

❝ if all it is is eight letters, why is it so... More

1. Dreams
2. Lingering Memories
3. Meeting in Hogsmeade
4. Detention
5. Afraid to Love
6. Ignored
7. Fighting
8. Again
9. Problems
10. I Promise
11. Help Me, Kiss Me
12. Surprise!
13. Whoa
15. The Telling
16. Bellatrix
17. Lessons
18. Fuming
19. Warnings
20. Too Little Too Late
21. Godric's Hollow Graveyard
22. Saving Harry
23. The Agreement
Book 2: Second Chances
1. Memories
2. Searching
3. Changes
4. Wanting
5. I Made a Mistake
6. Unexpected Visitor
7. I've Had Enough
8. St. Mungo's
9. Introductions
10. "This is your work?"
11. "I Do"
PSA #2
...hello again. please read.

14. Answers

7.6K 243 134
By mxrvelous-

Hermione's POV

It was her wedding day, the day she would confess her love to her husband.

She grabbed hold of her father's arm, happy tears leaking out of her eyes. She would see her husband, her new life starting today. The piano started to play and the doors opened to the church. Not far away, Hermione's new spouse stood, tears in his grey eyes, a huge smile on his face.

Not far in front of her was Draco Malfoy, her husband.


Hermione opened her eyes. The last dream had been memorable, that's for sure. She couldn't believe she'd had a dream about marrying Draco. Sure, she loved him, but that was just teenage love, right? How often did a witch marry her Hogwarts sweetheart? Not very often, she thought to herself. But it was fun to hope.

Now that she and Draco were in the same dormitory, there was no longing for the classroom late at night, or those secret conversations. They were completely by themselves, almost as if they were in the same House, but were the only ones. It was nice, being able to wake up and see his beautiful face, his messy hair after waking up, and the joy in his eyes when he again got the fabulous realization that she was now in the same room as he was, every single day.

"Morning, Herms," Draco said softly, ruffling her already messy hair, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "How'd you sleep?"

Not wanting to get into the details, she sat on the couch, casting a spell to start a warm, sizzling fire in the large hearth. "You first."

Draco took his place next to Hermione, raising an eyebrow. "Okay, Granger." Lacing his fingers in hers, he whispered, "I dreamed about you, darling, how you're radiant every day, even in the mornings. I dreamt about how you always have the answer, no matter how hard it is to understand. I dreamt about how I love you."

Hermione felt the blush rising in her cheeks. It was her turn to share. "Well, I don't think I can top that, but here goes." She adjusted herself so she was sitting on Draco's lap, facing him. "I had a dream about..." she trailed off, not finding enough courage to tell him.

Draco pulled her close and gently kissed her. "We've gotten through the I love you's; this can't be that hard."

Hermione chuckled. "Okay. I had a dream about..." Yet again, she found herself almost scared to continue. Yes, she loved him, but what if this messed things up further down the line?

"About what?" Draco rested his hands on her waist. With a smirk, "I'm not usually this good at waiting, you know."

"....marrying you." Hermione grinned and pecked his cheek. Jumping off of him, she ran up the stairs and into her side of the common room, into her room. She waited to see if he would follow, but when he didn't, she was pleasantly surprised to see that he respected her privacy, and didn't want to invade it. "What a gentleman," she breathlessly giggled.

"Draco, you can come in!" she called, and he stepped into her room, taking in the different look compared to his.

Sitting down next to her, he said, "So, marrying me?"

Hermione nodded sheepishly. "Crazy, right?"

"Not at all."


"That's wonderful, actually. Can you imagine, us getting married? Tying the knot forever?"

Hermione laughed. "When did you become so optimistic?"

"When I realized I loved you, Granger." Draco became serious, kissing her softly. "I do mean that, Herms. I love you."

Hermione pulled away, only to say, "I know, I love you, too." With a small bit of teasing in her voice, she added, "Malfoy."

He chuckled. "You're the cutest when you're trying to be funny."

Left giggling, Hermione kissed him some more, when she remembered what she'd planned to do. "Draco, I've got to see McGonagall."

"Is something wrong?" He asked, his voice full of concern. "Can I help? You know I'd do anything to help you, to make sure you're okay." His silvery-grey eyes were big and wide, afraid for her.

"You're sweet, Draco. But I'll be fine. I've just got to talk to her. I promise to tell you what happens, no matter what." She kissed him on the forehead and stood up, walking out of the room. Hearing extra footsteps behind her, she knew he wasn't giving up just yet.

"You're worrying me, Hermione. What's going on?" He grabbed her wrist, pulling her close into a hug. She wrapped her arms around him, taking in the refreshing scent of his robes. She felt safe, like she belonged there. And like nothing would separate them. Ever.

After what felt like hours of just standing there, together, Draco pulled away. "Okay, go talk to McGonagall. But you have to give me word-for-word what happened. Got it?"

"You worry to much, Draco. It'll be fine. I'll be fine. Besides, it's Saturday. I'll have tomorrow to think about it, too."

Draco squeezed her hand one more time, and let her go. Hermione headed out, making a beeline for the Headmistress's office. She needed answers, and that was what she was going to get.


Hermione was about to knock on the old wooden door, but she heard McGonagall's voice. "Come in, Ms. Granger."

She stepped inside, and was once again astonished at how much was still the same, yet everything was so different. Their lives had drastically changed, but every single thing in here, it seemed, stayed exactly the same.

"What can I do for you, Ms. Granger? Enjoying your new dormitory?"

Hermione blinked out of her daze. "Yes, very much, thank you." Sitting in the chair across from the Headmistress, she got right to the point. "Professor, I've been having some dreams, lately."

"Ms. Granger, if you've been having dreams about a certain someone, I can assure you, this is only--"

"Hormones, I know," Hermione said, exasperated already. "But that's not it." She took a deep breath. She trusted her. She could tell McGonagall anything. "Yes, I had a dream with Draco, but actually happened. And then, I had another dream, and that one happened, too. Then...."

"Ms. Granger, are you aware of the possibilities?"

"Yes," Hermione said. "I just don't want to admit it."

McGonagall chuckled. "Then, please give me a few moments to contact Professor Trelawney?"

Hermione nodded and waited for the former Divination teacher to come. When she did, she was shocked to see that Hermione was sitting in the office. "What is she doing here?"

"Sybill, this is your new student." The Headmistress smied warmly at both Hermione and Professor Trelawney, but the only thing that was going through Hermione's mind was, I quit Divination back in 3rd year! I can't believe I'm going back! And how did I not know back then?

Professor Trelawney looked enraged. "She quit my class when she was in 3rd year! How can you imagine me teaching her again, and for an important reason?"

McGonagall, just like Dumbledore, remained calm. "I assure you, Sybill, this is what is supposed to happen." She gave Hermione a pointed look that said, make sure you behave. Hermione felt the urge to giggle. Hermione Granger, top of her year, misbehaving?

Trelawney swallowed, still looking like she was holding back much more anger than she'd expressed. "Fine," she spat, frustrated. "I'll do it."

McGonagall, satisfied, waved both ladies out of the room. "You'll start tomorrow."

Trelawney had left, and Hermione was right behind her. As she was rushing down the stairs, racing back to the dormitory to tell Draco, the truth finally sank in, settling like the foam in a butterbeer. She had to say it to herself to make herself believe it, though.

"I'm a Seer."

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