Feathers & a Dash of Magic

By inkling0121

10.9K 878 823

*Completed* Everything was normal, Virgil's learned to be normal. It was hard at first, living with a human f... More

Chapter 1: People Suck
Chapter 2: Roman's Cameo
Chapter 3: Patton Likes Gossip Too
Chapter 4: Ew, Logan and Patton are a Lovey Dovey Couple
Chapter 5: Is That Everyone?
Chapter 6: 'Kay, Let's Get This Story Started
Chapter 7: The Two Weirdos Finally Meet
Chapter 8: Patton and Logan Go Parent Mode
Chapter 9: Things are Changing
Chapter 10: The Web of Lies Grow
Chapter 11: That Awkward Friend Stage
Chapter 12: Imagine Being Able to Read
Chapter 13: Magic! *Jazz Hands*
Chapter 14: Virgil's Happy? That's Rare
Chapter 15: Just Dropping By? Let's Add Some Foreshadowing
Chapter 16: Oh Let's Not
Chapter 17: Explanation Time!
Chapter 18: Ooh A Little Backstory Teaser
Chapter 19: Seriously, Patton and Logan Basically Adopted Virgil
Chapter 20: Hmm... Touchy Stuff
Chapter 21: Miss Kayda Ships It
Chapter 22: Darrell the Magical Fox
Chapter 23: Huh, So That's What Happened to Remus, Wonder if He'll Come Back
Chapter 24: Virgil Finds Darrell's Antics Amusing, Roman Does Not
Chapter 25: Aw, They're Both Nerds!
Chapter 26: Roman and Virgil are Both Oblivious
Chapter 27: That's... That's Not Good
Chapter 28: Patton's Pep Talks
Chapter 30: Late Night Talks
Chapter 31: Patton's the Best Brother
Chapter 32: And When We Kiss I Sw- What Do You Mean They Don't Kiss?
Chapter 33: Oh Thank Goodness They're Not Returning
Chapter 34: Johnny Knows What's Up
Chapter 35: Seriously, They Act Like a Married Couple
Chapter 36: Who's Going to Say It? Someone Please Say It
Chapter 37: Haha Gay
Chapter 38: Super Gay
Chapter 39: The Thing Everyone's Been Waiting For
Chapter 40: Wow, an Actual Family Dinner! Haven't had that in Four Years
Chapter 41: Ah, the Bickering like an Old Couple Stage
Chapter 42: Of Course it's a Possum
Chapter 43: Some of the Best Love Stories Part 1
Chapter 44: Are Those that Bloom in Revenge Part 2
Chapter 45: Ooh a New Character for You Guys to Hate
Chapter 46: How Do You Forget Something Like That?!
Chapter 47: Well There He Goes
Chapter 48: Roman Wants to Throw Some Hands
Chapter 49: A Griffin Named Griffin
Chapter 50: Wow Roman's Falling Apart
Chapter 51: Ooh This Hunter Doesn't Have Much Longer to Live
Chapter 52: When Did Kayda Become the Town Therapist?
Chapter 53: Haha, the Building Went Boom!
Chapter 54: Well That's Not a Cheesy Reunion
Chapter 55: How is This Fight Not Over Yet?
Chapter 56: Dang it, One Escaped
Chapter 57: There's the Cheesy Reunion
Chapter 58: Everyone Loves Kayda
Chapter 59: Finally, They're Back Home
Chapter 60: Wonder How This One Will Die
Chapter 61: Planning is a Lot of Work
Chapter 62: Recovery is a Rocky Road
Chapter 63: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 64: Splitting Up Like Scooby Doo
Chapter 65: Two More Players Join the Fight
Chapter 66: Everyone is Wrong About Patton and Virgil Being Safe
Chapter 67: Two Worlds Coming Together to Kick Ass
Chapter 68: Hey! Roman's Supposed to be the Reckless One!
Epilogue: And They're a Sappy Married Couple Now

Chapter 29: Just Skipping Past Darrell's Power, Huh?

149 14 5
By inkling0121

CW: panic, talk of previous injuries and fight

Virgil was sluggish and heavy when he woke up. He didn't want to open his eyes and just wanted to stay asleep, for once his head wasn't loud and was just filled with white noise. Did he have anything he needed to do today? What day was it anyway?

"That's all he remembers?" he heard a hushed voice ask. There was slight movement and the speaker sighed. "Okay, I'll go check on his injuries and see if he's okay then."

Injuries? Someone was hurt? Was Virgil hurt? His hand sorta ached, the bandages itched horribly.

The fairy frowned as he tried to open his eyes. The moment he did it felt like the light was stabbing them, making him groan as he squeezed them shut. He heard more movement and felt small dips in his bed where something was walking on it.

Then he heard Darrell yip loudly, nudging Virgil's cheek with his nose. The fairy groaned more at the noise, his sensitive ears aching as he reached up to cover them.

"Virgil?" Patton asked, reaching over and touching his brother's shoulder.

The fairy flinched, tensing up as he looked over seeing his brother's concerned face. He wondered for just a moment what was going on before it all hit him. The hunters. Roman.

He tried to sit up fast, only falling back down with a quiet yelp of pain when he put too much pressure on his injured hand. He tensed again as hands pushed him down onto the bed.

"Wait..." he slurred, feeling his heart jump to his throat. His mind took him back to the hunters, when they held him down on the ground, their hands holding his wings. "Wait... no, don't." It was so hard to speak, his tongue was heavy and it felt like cotton was in his lungs.

"It's okay, you're safe now," Patton reassured him. "You're not going to get hurt."

"Ro... where... Where's Roman?" Virgil asked, forcing his eyes open. They both used their magic, the hunters saw them, and then Roman got really hurt. Virgil remembered the blood, there was so much blood.

"Roman's okay, he's on the couch," Logan told him, moving into view. "He's resting right now, he's safe."

Virgil sighed, letting his head rest against the pillows. "Oh thank the stars." Darrell laid down next to him, nudging his arm with his nose still. The fairy reached over with his uninjured hand and rested it on the fox's head.

"Virgil, are you okay?" Patton asked.

"I'm... I'm fine. I'm just tired." He frowned in thought as he tried to remember what exactly happened. After Roman got hurt, Virgil grabbed a healing potion and healed his shoulder. Then there were two living hunters left, Darrell had killed the others in a bloody mess. Virgil had done his best to tamper with the living hunters' memories, replacing Roman, Darrell, and Virgil with monsters, actual unknown monsters. Using all that magic had drained him, and he ended up passing out while trying to carry Roman home. He wanted help checking over their injuries.

"You've been out for hours," Logan told him.

"Roman too, he just woke up a few minutes ago," Patton added.

Virgil sat up again, much slower this time as he kept his weight off of his injured hand. "Can-can I see him?"

"I'm not even sure if you can walk. You need to rest or it'll take longer to get better."

"Please? I-I just... I need to see him for myself."

Logan sighed, "It would make things easier if they were both in the living room. I knew we shouldn't have separated them, they both panicked about the other's well being."

"Well the couch could only fit one person, and I didn't want them to be crowded in Virgil's bed. We have only one other room in the house and..." Patton faded off. The other room in the house was their parents' old room. Other than when it's occasionally dusted, the last it was touched was after their mother's funeral, straightened out after dealing with the will.

"Just-just take me to him," Virgil told them as he swung his legs off the bed. With Logan's help, he managed to stand up, though he had to lean on the alchemist.

Slowly and carefully, the four of them made their way to the living room. Logan held onto the fairy as he stumbled, practically dragging his feet. When the couch was in view, Virgil could see Roman sitting up, leaning against the arm of the couch to keep himself up. He was pale, and his eyebrows were furrowed in pain, but it was much better than when he was bleeding out.

The witch looked up when he heard them, his eyes immediately darting to Virgil. They both were quiet for a moment before the fairy felt tears form in his eyes. Oh... shit. Somehow seeing Roman again made it all hit Virgil, how everything with the hunters really happened.

He stumbled a bit as he tried to quicken his pace to the witch's side, Logan catching him as he continued to help him walk. Darrell beat him to the couch, jumping up next to Roman and yipping in joy as he licked his cheeks.

Roman smiled for a moment as the alchemist helped Virgil sit next to them, but the witch's eyes betrayed him as tears started to well up and spill over. His smile wavered before falling before he grabbed Virgil, pulling him into a tight hug.

The fairy returned the hug with no hesitation, shaking hard. "You're okay?" he asked with a trembling voice. "Are-are you hurt?"

"I'm okay," Roman reassured him. "I'm alright, everything's going to be okay."

"They... they saw," Virgil cried into the witch's shoulder.

"I know, I know."

"They saw my wings." Patton's shoulders dropped in fear as his brother said their worst fear. He looked over to Logan, who looked just as horrified. "I couldn't- I couldn't move an- and I-"

Roman held Virgil tighter as he broke down into sobs. He looked down at the dark purple feathers, seeing that they were ruffled. Feeling how hard the fairy was trembling broke his heart. "Virgil? What happened after I was shot?"

"I-I couldn't- I tried to attack the one who shot y-you, but-but then my cloak was pulled o-off and I was pinned to the gr-ground. Th-then Darrell- he... He was really big, and-and his fur turned into metal. He tackled them before they could c... cut off my wings. I-I ran to you an-and..."

"I remember, you saved me." Roman held on the back of Virgil's head, slowly running his fingers through his hair. "You saved me."

"Darrell he..." The fairy hiccupped. "He killed two of them. Th-then I used my m-magic to erase us from the memories of the other two. I-I created new memories, so it would seem like there were monsters in the woods so they wouldn't return. I d-don't even know if I did it correctly. God I-I hope I did it correctly. Wh-what if I messed up? What if they remember? They'll send monster hunters after us!"

"It's okay, I know you did everything you could," Roman cooed, rubbing a circle on Virgil's shoulder with his thumb. "If they remember, or if they send monster hunters after us, then I'll do everything I can to protect us." It was the least he could do since he couldn't protect him earlier. Just like he couldn't protect his brother.

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