Aura and the Dark Side

By Jedisage

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The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some considered to be unnatural. The same can go fo... More

Darth Kiryu Apprentices
Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter four
Weiss darkside look
weiss lightsaber color poll
Chapter 5
A/N: quick question
a/n:which one of these whould Neo's sith robe be?
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
A/n: At last we will reveal ourselves to the jedi at last we will have revenge.
Chapter ten
Chapter 11
A/n: What lightsaber style form should I have Neo learn?
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
A/n: Weiss Lightsaber fighting style
A/n: Darth Kiryu force powers recap
Chapter 17
A/n: Force powers
Chapter 18
a/n: Quick question
A/N: Quick question
Chapter 19
A/n: Meet Vampire Squadron
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
A/n: Darth Kiryu apprentice's/Servants and their class roles recap
A/N: weiss final look
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
A/n: Shout out
A/n: Neo's Look
A/n: Kiryu's Final Apprentices
Chapter 24

Chapter six

649 18 3
By Jedisage

Kiryu's Pov


I was aboard of the the empires capital ships the Dragons Breath on a intercept course with a republic ship the Black Raven who was escorting a imperial officer who defected to the Republic.  My orders where to capture or eliminate the the defector at any cost. This of course was my first mission for the Sith. I was approached by one of the Sith soldier saying that we be dropping out of hyperspace in a minute. I thought to myself this was the time I had a bit of fun with my prey. Once the ship came out of hyperspace the Black Raven was already disable and was easy to board. I boarded a dropship and headed towards the ship. Once onboard I fought my way through the halls of the ship cutting down any republic dogs that stood in my way.  My objective was clear but I some side objectives which were pretty easy. Before long I was closing in on my target. I came to a room  with a couple of republic soldiers and armed droids. I smiled evil as the lights in the room went dark no one could see except for me. All there was was the sound of the alarm going off until I ignited my blade and we know how that went.

(play from 0:20 to 0:53.and replace the rebels with the republic troopers and Vader with Kiryu)

The troopers where cut down same with the droids. The lights came back on only to see all my foes dead at my feet. Imperial troops contacted me that the target was in the next room and was guarded by a Jedi. I told them to secure the area and that I will be handling the Jedi alone. The door to the next room was sealed but to my strength I grabbed the door and ripped it off before walking into the room where the Jedi and the defector who pushed him into a safe room.

"Stop right there Sith you will go no further. My name Is Mara Ban Jedi Knight if you want to get to the defector you have to go through me." Mara Ban said as I just scoffed.

"If you wish to die that badly then so be it Jedi." I said as I begun my assault. Our blades clashed with one another I could this Jedi was well skilled but she never faced anyone like me. 

"Just give up Jedi you don't stand a chance against me." I said kicking  Mara in the stomach before blasting her away with the force.

"Your strength is impressive but why use for evil?" Mara asked while I just smirked.

"It's a matter perspective Jedi not that your going to be around to long enough to see it." I replied as I rushed towards her and swung my blade. She tried to block it but not in time before I sliced her hand off making her scream in pain before I grabbed her by the throat as she was clawing at my arm trying to get free but I slammed her into the ground several times  before holding her before I pressed my saber close to her stomach and ran her though with it before whispering into her ear that her republic will fall  before I dropped her lifeless body to the floor before turning my attention to the safe room where my prize was waiting. I used the force to rip the door open as the imperial defector was scared the pure look of fear in his eyes.

"Please my lord spare me I was just pretending to defect I'm still loyal to the empire." The defector said well more like begging me not to kill him.

"Do you take me for a fool?" I asked before lifting  him up off the ground as I notice he pissed himself. I smirked before snapping his neck in two drooping the dead body to the ground just as imperial troops arrived. I told them the mission was complete and to clean up the mess before heading back to the ship  while the fleet turned the ship to dust.  Once I got back to the main fleet I was contacted by Lord Vowrawn.

"My Lord." I said

"Ah Kiryu I heard the reports on the mission a job well done could had done it better myself." Lord Vowrawn said.

"Thank you my lord you honor me." I said before I was order to met him and the rest of the dark lords on Korriban saying they have something for me.

*Flashbacks ends*

I was walking towards the  bridge of the Dragon's Claw where Captain Quinn was waiting for me.

"My lord a moment of your time if I may." Quinn said as I told him to speak his mind

"Well this place Remnant is still new to and all but thanks to the information Neo had gathered I found something interesting." Quinn said

"Oh did you?" I asked while Quinn brought up a holographic map of the planet.

"Yes my lord according to the information There are  four Kingdoms of Remnant are Vale (center), Vacuo (west), Atlas (north) and Mistral (east). Each of the Kingdoms has its own distinct culture - for example, Atlas was known for its martial nature and technological advancement, and Vacuo for its rough-and-tumble lifestyle. Vale and Vacuo are located on the continent called Sanus. Mistral is on the continent of Anima. Atlas is on the continent of Solitas. Vytal is the name of the island to the north of Vale. Other known landmasses include Menagerie, the continent to the bottom right." Quinn explained which peaked my interest.

"I see what else did you learn about these places?" I asked 

"Yes well thanks to Neo I learned that all of them have academies to train what they call huntsmen and huntresses to fight creatures called grimm." Quinn replied before asking what are the names of the so called academies and combat schools? In which he replied by saying the names of all of them. Beacon Academy  which is in Vale, Haven Academy in Mistral ,Atlas Academy  which of course is in Atlas, Shade Academy in Vacuo as for the combat schools they where Signal Academy (Vale) Sanctum Academy (Mistral) Pharos Academy (Vale) Oscuro Academy (Vacuo) and a Unnamed Kuchinashi School (Mistral). I remember hearing Weiss saying that she was gonna attend one of the schools I think she was going to Beacon Academy. I thought to myself I might check on this Academy and see for myself what it's  all about.

"Thank you Quinn you been most helpful also contact Neo tell her to met me here." I said giving Quinn a set of coordinates to send to Neo while I walked towards my starfighter. I thought on what Weiss said to me when we met that she wanted to restore her families name to it's former glory before her asshole of a father ran it though the mud. To be honest she had pride a lot of it and the drive to take back what belonged to her. Equities of a Sith from a certain point of view. I was looking forward in molding her into a strong Sith. Once in the hanger I boarded my ship and took off towards the planet heading to the location where I was suppose to met up with Neo.

Weiss Pov

"I hate him...I hate him....I hate him." I said to myself while I was packing up some of my things getting ready to attend Beacon against the wishes of my  father who wanted me  to attend Atlas Academy instead. Sure I was only allowed to attend after I had  defeated the Arma Gigas that my so called  father created.  Just thinking about the man makes me so upset and angry he only married into the family for the company and the money and fame  to the point to make my mom drink I just despised the man. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath and thought on what Kiryu said to me.

"You have Pride I can respect that but until you embrace your full potential you will be a pawn to fate. If you really want to take back what's yours you got to fight for it use what makes you angry and use it as your strength." Those where the words he said to me which where still buzzing around in my head. Those words mad since to me. Thinking to myself I want the power to take back what's mine and I will do almost anything to do it. Perhaps if I talked to Kiryu maybe he can teach me a few things or two. After I had everything I needed I loaded up my suitcases and may my way out of my room.

3rd person pov

The fury Starfighter landed in a open area where Neo was waiting for her master while sitting on a log with a couple of dead bodies at her feet. The ship landed close to her as Kiryu existed the ship.

"Well I see you been busy my Neo." Kiryu said with a smile on her face

"You might say that master. Ran into some thugs who wanted to have some fun so I showed them my version of fun." Neo replied getting up from the log she was sitting on holding up a few of the thugs wallets filled with money.

"Impressive. Most Impressive." Kiryu said before the both of them walked back to the ship.

"So where are we heading to this time master?" Neo asked walking with Kiryu to the bridge of the ship. 

"Where to one of the academies I want to see what kind of huntsmen their training and perhaps cause a bit of a chaos along the way." Kiryu replied while Neo had a wicked grin on her face. She loved the sound of that perhaps she can have a little play thing to toy around with whenever she wanted.

"Master I like the way you think." Neo said sitting next to her master.

"I know." Kiryu said while the ship took off towards Beacon. Meanwhile on another route a white haired maiden was on route to Beacon. What will happen to out young Sith when he runs into Weiss again? One time will tell.

(a/n: Hope you like this chapter let me know what you think in the comments)

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