Fairy Tail: Tale of The Drago...

By Bolt8091

174K 2.2K 1.1K

A 10-year-old boy left alone roams the land of Fiorre with his companion ....talking and flying cat? But they... More

Chapter 1: A New Family
Chapter 2. Coming home and Lucy
Harem update/Welcome to Fairy Tail!
Not a chapter.
Chapter 3 Return of My Scarlet Tsundere!
Chapter 4 The Dragon Lord's Wrath!
Galuna Island Laydown
Chapter 5 Mom and Dad, Quality time, Vince
Chapter 6 How Dad met my mother. Dragon Lord's RAGE!!!
Chapter 7 War!
Wow just Wow.
Chapter 8 Don't ever harm my MATE!!!
Harem Update!
Just for laughs
Just asking (not a chapter)
Vote over
Markings of Mates(Lemon)
Which one?
Why can't we be friends?
Vote closed
Chapter 10 Lucy The Celestial Dragon Slayer and Unexpected Events!
What if ?
Chapter 11 Justice vs Chaos!
Chapter 12 Vacation!
Chapter 13 Dragon Lordnapped!
Chapter 14 A surprise twist!
Chapter 15 You will not BREAK ME!
Chapters 16 Gotta get to back, back to the present!
New story (not a chapter)
Chapter 17 Dragon Lord Escape!
Chapter 18 Heaven's Game Part 1
Heaven's Game Part 3 (finale)
Chapter special: Goodbye Simon
Chapter 19 Home
Chapter 20: Battle of Fairy Tail Part 1
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 2
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 3
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 4
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 5 Finale
Our Dog
I'm Back!

Heaven's Game Part 2

834 20 3
By Bolt8091

Back with Drake and Natsu

It still shows the two dragon slayers facing off with Fukuro. Fukuro delivers a kick towards Natsu but he manages to block it with his elbow.

Natsu: Fire Dragon Talon!

Natsu parries his kick and delivers a kick to his face. Drake then delivers a drop to the back of Fukuro's head. Sending him crashing into one of the cages..

Fukuro: (straightens head) Sorry to disappoint you!

Drake: Ha! You're tough owl man I'll give you that!

Fukuro: Hoo-Hoo! And now the mighty hammer of justice will finally fall upon you two! Missile! (Laughs)

Fukuro's jetpack launched off his back towards the two of them. Both of them jumped out of the way allowing the missiles to fly pass.

Natsu: Ha! Way to miss your target dodo.

Drake: Natsu jump!

Natsu: Huh?

Natsu then sees the jetpack heading for them as they jumped out of the way. The jetpack then flies into the after them and out of it extended hands. Drake managed to dodge the jetpack but Natsu unfortunately was grabbed by it.

Drake: Natsu!

Fukuro: I know my opponents weaknesses very well Salamander. Weaken your prey before you go in for the kill. That's the first rule of hunting.

The hands of Fukuro's jetpack release Natsu as Fukuro himself launches towards Natsu. Drake launches towards Natsu as well to save him but he was too late. As Fukuro's mouth outstretched and he......ATE HIM?!

Drake: (complete comical shock) Oh! WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!

Fukuro: My prey is not only tasty but i gain their magic energy as well!

Happy: Give him back now!

Drake and Noy: Happy no!

Fukuro then shoots a torrent of fire at Happy knocking him down.

Drake: That's Natsu's ability!

Fukuro: That's right Dragon Lord! Weren't expecting that were you?

Now for the final blow!

He fires another torrent of fire at Happy destroying the cage he was on.

Drake: Happy!

When the smoke cleared it shows Gray holding onto one of the chains while holding Happy in the other.

Fukuro: Hoo-Hoo! And who are you?

Drake: Gray! Where's Erza?!

Gray: Sho used his magic to trap Erza in a card, and now that maniac is going to try and fight Jellal by himself!

Drake: What?!

Gray: Drake we can't waste time with this guy! If we don't stop Sho Erza's going to become Jellal's sacrifice!

Drake's eyes shrunk in horror after he heard Gray say that.

Drake: (glares towards Fukuro, coldly) You're dead bird, and then your boss is next.

Fukuro: Hoo-Hoo! Such evil words, you will now feel the power if just-

Fukuro was cut off as Drake's fist connected with his face and sent him flying and crashing into one of the cages. Fukuro sits up only to see Drake flying towards him at high speed.

Fukuro: Fire Dragon Roar!

Simon: Dragon Lord! Be careful he's twice as strong with Salamander's powers!

Drake is then caught in the flames and he wasn't affected by them.

Fukuro: What?!

Drake manages to get close to Fukuro and pops out the flames and socks him.

Drake: Chaos Dragon Apocalypkick!

Drake delivers a drop kick to Fukuro's stomach making him gasp for air. The owl man then swings his fist but Drake shadow steps out of the way and delivers a uppercut. He the throws a right hook at his jaw and then a spin kick.

This knocks Fukuro down on the ground on his back. He sits up and sees Drake standing over him.

Drake: Natsu's flames are more hotter than yours so much that he would leave a few scorch marks on me. (Smirks) But you haven't even managed to singe my hair let alone hurt me.

Fukuro launches towards Drake a tried to devour him as well but Drake managed to grab his mouth. He then slams his head down to the ground. Afterwards he grabs his leg and tosses him through the air. Drake crouched down and launched himself at Fukuro slamming straight into the Owl man's back. He then wraps his arms around his waist and launched off the rock wall and delivers a suplex when they landed.

Drake: I don't have time to waist with you bird brain! I'm saving Erza and bringing her back home! And i'm gonna make sure Jellal never messes with her again!

Drake delivers blow after blow on Fukuro as he wasn't giving him the chance to attack. He then summoned ice on his arms as they coated his arms in turned sharp.

Drake: Ice Dragon: Frozen Cobra Strike!

Drake throws multiple slashes at Fukuro before kicking the assassin real hard in the stomach. This causes him to spit up Natsu as Drake delivers one last blow to Fukuro with a roundhouse kick. He was sent flying and crashing into one of the cages.


Drake roars to the air and launched away.

Gray: Wait Drake!

Drake: Noy get Natsu, Gray, and Happy outta here! Find Lucy and Juvia and get as far away as possible!

Noy: But Drake-!

Before Noy could argue Drake launches away. While he was running Drake was mowing through countless guards that stood in his way. He then stopped as he cross paths with two unknown guys he never met before. Him and the other guys got into fighting stances waiting the other party to strike first. The two he was facing were Dex and Arong but this was the first time they were meeting each other.

Drake: Who the hell are you two?!

Dex: Depends, who the hell are you?!

Drake: Answer me right now!

Arong: Not until you answer first asshole!

Drake: I don't have time to waste with you idiots! One of my mates are in trouble so i'm not in the mood!

Dex: Wait mates?

Suddenly the three of them then felt like a tingle between each other. They saw Drake was a dragon slayer and he saw the same. All three of their eyes widened but they didn't let their guards down.

Dex: Okay, i'll ask you this once, what master do you serve?

Drake: What the hell do you want me to say Jesus?

Arong: (looks at Dex) You're from Magnolia aren't you?

Drake: No i'm not! I'm from Fairy Tail.

Arong: Yeah that's the town your guild us in dipshit! How the hell do you not know that?

Dex: (to Arong) This has to be the Dragon Lord Natsu and the others were looking for.

Drake: (lowers guard) You know my guildmates?

Arong: Yeah, Erza scarlet hair wears armor scary attitude, Natsu Fire Dragon slayer, Gray ice mage that strips a lot, Juvia water mage obssess over you, and Lucy your bust blonde mate.

Drake: Okay.........you're both like me. I thought Natsu, Gajeel, and I were the only ones.

Drake then shakes his head as he remembers the mission he's on.

Drake: Look you guys have to get out of here. Knowing the other idiots on the magic council have voted to use The Etherion blast. It's only a matter of time before that blast kills us all.

Dex: What about you?

Drake: I have to find Erza! (Runs off but stops, looks back) And hey, if i live uh let's chat. (Runs off)

Drake leaves the two dragon slayers behind as he continues ahead.

Arong: (frowns and folds arms) Well that was quite the first impression.

Dex: It can't be helped, considering how things are now he probably wants to get the hell out of here as fast as he can. (Sniffs the air) Come on! I smell Serena and Veronica near Juvia and Lucy.

The pair run off in a different direction.

Somewhere else

A green light illuminated over Lucy as she began to stir. She opens her eyes and sees Serena holding her hands out above her.

Lucy: (weakly) Serena?

Serena: Don't move so much Lucy, you'll be good as new in a few seconds.

And she was right as Lucy felt her stamina restored and back to 100%. She sits up and sees her wounds from fighting Juvia were gone and is amazed.

Lucy: (looks towards Serena) Thanks Serena.

Serena: (nods) Think nothing of it! Now to heal Juvia.

Serena moves over to Juvia as Lucy turns to see Veronica. But she looks past her noticing Dex and Arong weren't there with them.

Lucy: Hey Veronica, where's Arong and Dex?

Veronica: (shrugs) Beats me, those two knuckle heads ran off leaving me and Serena on our own.

???: Wow, someone really did a number on this place.

???: Hey, you see what i see kid?

Lucy and Veronica turn around and Lucy's eyes widened in shock before leaping up and getting into a fighting stance. Before then was Wally and Millianna.

Wally: Heh, good thing we found you dames.

Lucy: Listen you two-

Wally: (lifts hand and waves) Save your breath doll, your Dragon Lord beau set us straight. We know you ain't our enemies anymore.

Millianna: (nods) Mmmhmm.

Lucy: (sighs in relief)

Somewhere else

Sho: HOW COULD YOU?! You lied to me Jellal, you lied to all of us! I won't let you get away with this!

Erza: (in card) Calm down Sho!

Sho: He's gotta pay for what he did!

Erza: You're going to need my help to fight him. Release me from this card at once!

Sho: I can't do that. I'm sorry but it's for your own good. You're safe in there.

Sho ends up in a room with cherry blossoms dancing around. But he stops when he sees a pink haired woman.

???: Kon'nichiwa, i am the one they call Ikaruga. Who might you be?

Sho: (has cards between fingers) Get out of my way lady! Don't make me hurt you.

Ikaruga: Dear me, why must i be burdened by such of boorish man?

Sho: I warned you!

Sho throws his cards at her to attack her but she uses her katana to slice them all in half. Sho tries to attack again but Ikaruga severed his nerves with cutting his clothes or flesh. Ikaruga then uses her sword to slash at Erza, she managed to block the slash with her sword. Ikaruga then sends multiple swipes that sent Sho crashing into one of the statues as Erza was set free from her card.

Erza: You say your name is Ikaruga? Well i didn't come all this way for you, be gone!

Ikaruga: My apologies, but i think i'll stay.

Suddenly Erza's armor began cracking before it shattered.

Ikaruga: You seem surprised, a skilled warrior should have seen that coming. You may be skilled but you don't stand a chance against me.

Erza: You're my enemy and i will defeat you, (summons heavens wheel armor) i always do.

Erza clashes against Ikaruga but she managed to slice all of Erza's swords and destroy her armor. She then uses a different style and summoned a fire attack, luckily Erza managed to change to her fire empress armor. But unfortunately it shattered as well, Erza then switches to her Purgatory armor. She begins trying to attack Ikaruga but once more she managed to cut through Erza's armor.

Ikaruga: I'm sorry but you can't say i didn't warn you. You made a valiant effort but there's no armor in existence that my katana cannot cut through. Admit your defeat.

Erza: No! I can't let her win! Maybe if if try my Clear Heart clothing maybe i could beat her.

Suddenly Erza saw glowing coming from her stomach. She looks down and on the side of her stomach was the same dragon tattoo as Lucy's.

Erza: That's right Lucy got this after she and Drake mated. But mine is showing now, but why?

Erza's mark glows more violently and suddenly Erza feels a sudden burst in power. Then in her head different images appeared in her head. The glowing stops as Erza lowers her head. She stands back up and glares at Ikaruga who's just smiling at her smugly. Suddenly Erza's body glowed and instead of her clear heart clothing Erza was now wearing something else.

Ikaruga: Hmm? That's a strange type of armor.

Erza: Yes, as a child i watched those close to me suffer. I lost loved ones because i didn't have the strength to protect them, I tried to be strong. But when i was alone i couldn't hide my emotions. I decided that in order to convince everyone that i was strong, i would hide my heart away inside a suit of armor. There no one could see that it was broken. That was until....


It shows a young Erza crying as she was sitting near a bridge.

???: Why are you crying?

Erza looks up and sees an 11 year old Drake looking down at her with a look of concern. Erza quickly rubs the tears from her eyes and stands up.

Erza: (frowning) I'm not crying.

Drake: Yes you were.

Ezra: No i wasn't.

Drake: Yes you were.

Erza: (getting annoyed) No i wasn't!

Drake: (smirking smugly) No you weren't.

Erza: (annoyed) Yes i was!

Erza's eyes widened when she realized what he did. Drake fell over laughing kicking his legs in the air as he cackled

Drake: Oh man! I can't believe you fell for that!

She began to walk away until Drake starts talking.

Drake: I've seen you cry when you're alone. I used to cry a lot when it was just me and Noy. But i didn't have to hide my emotions around Noy. Because he's my adopted brother he was raised with me with my parents. I don't have to hide anything from him because he's family. And you don't have to keep acting strong Erza. It's okay to be vulnerable, it's okay to let your heart bleed with emotions, it's okay to cry.

Before Drake knew it Erza ran into to him sobbing into his shirt. At first didn't know what to do, but then he wraps his arms around Erza and hugs her.


I wear armor not to conceal my weakness anymore but to carry it and move on from that pain. Drake has taught me that i don't need to hide my pain. But with this armor i wear right now i feel him....the man i love. His power has now become my own.

Ikaruga: No matter what armor you wear it makes no difference to me. I'll strike you down just the same.

Ikaruga launches at Erza and strikes her, she stands on the other side of Erza and chuckles.

Ikaruga: Our battle is over.

But then Ikaruga's katana shatters as she falls over. In Erza's hand was a sword.

Erza: Your Katana can cut through any armor in existence. But this armor i wear was unlocked with my mate's power. This armor has his heart and soul in it, this is the armor of a dragon. And this (holds up sword) has his power within it. This is the Chaos Dragon Blade.

Ikaruga then tells Erza that in fifteen minutes the Etherion Blast would fire. She then ask Sho to leave and find the others and to get away from from the Tower of Heaven, he did so as Erza went to face Jellal.

While Sho was making his way down he then ended up running into Drake.

Drake: Sho! (Grabs his collar) Where's Erza?! Sho give her to me!

Sho: I-I-I don't have her anymore i swear! The last member of Trinity Raven sliced her free and after Erza beat her she went off to fight Jellal.

Drake:.......Find the others and get the hell outta here. (Lets go)

Sho: Okay, but what about you?

Drake: I'm gonna stop Jellal and this madness once and for all! (Rushes off)

Drake began running up the stairs he then felt the tower shaking. He looks up towards the ceiling and started sprinting faster.

Drake: Erza hold on!

Drake then sees debris fly pass the tower and falling with it was Erza. She launches off one of the debris and back to the top.

Drake: Erza!

Drake starts rushing faster and faster. But then felt the tower shaking. And them he was blinded by a bright light. But when the light died down Drake's eyes widened.

Drake: I'm alive? But how?

Drake then looked around his surrounding area and noticed he was surrounded by crystals.

Drake: What the hell?

With the ceiling gone now Drake leapt up into the air as high as he could. He saw the Tower of Heaven looked completely different now. After he saw the tower he landed back down on one of the crystals.

Drake: (breaks off a crystal and sniffs it) These aren't crystals this whole tower is a lacrima. But why-

Drake stands up silently and began to run to where Erza and Jellal were. While he was running a million questions was racing through his head on why Jellal wanted a giant lacrima. That was until he stopped as realization crossed his mind.

Drake: He wanted this to happen, this was one of the final pieces he needed to finish the R-system! Seigrain was in cahoots with Jellal, wait a minute.


Drake was talking to a young Jellal as they were looking out at the moon. He remembered what Jellal said after Drake talked about Fairy Tail.

Young Jellal: The guild you come from sounds amazing Mr. Haze. I wish that i had a family to look after.


Those words had always stuck in the back of Drake's mind. His eyes widened in horror as he finally put the pieces together.

Drake: Siegrain was never real, he was an illusion of Jellal the whole time! Damnit! (Starts running) How can i have been so stupid! That's why Erza was able to beat him easily! Because without Siegrain Jellal couldn't call his full power! This was Jellal's plan from the very beginning, get on the magic council, finish building the Tower, fire the Etherion blast, and use Erza as a sacrifice to summon Zeref! That's why i couldn't smell his scent or sense a life force he was never real!

Drake then senses Erza energy dropping, she was fighting Jellal and losing.


Erza was being restrained by Jellal's bind snake.

Jellal: Now that i collected the precise amount of magic energy i need for the R-system, there one more thing that must be done. Before Zeref can be resurrected. This is where you take center stage, for your moment in the spotlight my dear. The magic energy held within this lacrima must be fused with the body of my sacrifice. Once that happens the flesh will break down and reconstruct itself to create Zeref's body.

Erza: (groaning in pain) Drake will stop you! He'll keep you from using me as a sacrifice.

Jellal's eyes widened in shock before he starting laughing like a made man.

Jellal: Oh my dear Erza, you thought you were the sacrifice? No, like always my dear you were the pawn in my game.

Erza: What?! But Simon and the others-

Jellal: Were told to lure you here, but i never told them who was the true sacrifice. From the very beginning it was Drake Blaze Erza.

Erza: (eyes widened in horror) No.

Jellal: That's right Erza you thought Drake was the bait to lure you in. But you were the bait for the bait. With Blaze's body Zeref will come back with a far more powerful body.

Jellal shoves Erza into a lacrima making it look like she was about to be sacrificed.

Jellal then turns his back and closes his eyes.

Jellal: I know you're here Dragon Lord, come and rescue your mate.

Suddenly he turns around and sees Drake pulling Erza out of the Lacrima.

Drake: Hey Za za, missed me?

Erza: (smiles gently) Drake, (smile turns to a frown) Drake you have to get out of here, it was all a set up Jellal wanted you as the sacrifice from the very beginning.

Drake: I kinda knew that already. (Chuckles) But damn he played me for a sap, i had no idea Siegrain was Jellal the whole time, but don't worry i got this.

Drake was about to stand up and face Jellal until Erza called his name.

Erza: Drake...

Drake looks down at Erza and saw that she....was crying.
Remember because of Drake interfering with the past Erza didn't loose her right eye. So she's crying from both eyes.

Erza: Please, i don't you to die. I don't want to lose you.

Drake: his face

Drake then sits Erza up and hugs her.

Drake: I love you Erza.

He then chops her on the back of her neck and lays her down gently on the ground.

Jellal: You're even foolhardier than the rumors make you out to be.  What kind of sick satisfaction do you get from striking a defenseless friend.

Drake:.................Are you seriously chastising me? Are you seriously belittling me of all people about that? You really don't have the right to criticize what i do when you're no better. Besides.......i had to do it.....she was crying. When we were kids she would always cry when i was around because i could comfort her. But when she got older she stopped crying and walked on her own strong and proud. But this moment.....after seeing her as the strong woman i've known for years she looked so weak and fragile. (Balls fist up) Her voice was trembling in fear, and i wasn't there to comfort her this time. Erza was a strong warrior that everyone looked up to. And when she wakes up from this nightmare, i want her to feel like herself again.

Ref fire then swirled and danced around the Dragon Lord as he slowly turns and glares at Zeref.

Drake: You're gonna pay in blood for making her cry Jellal.

Jellal just smirks and makes bring gesture.

Jellal: Then by all means show your power "Oh mighty Dragon Lord."

Drake launches towards Jellal ready to end this nightmare and take Erza home.

Drake Blaze vs Fukuro: Winner: Drake Blaze

Erza Scarlet vs Ikaruga: Winner: Erza Scarlet

Jellal Fernandes vs Erza Scarlet: Winner: Jellal Fernandes

Drake Blaze vs Jellal Fernandes: ???

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