She's Fabulous, Unlike You (H...

By Riley_TheWriteyDude

30.4K 1.1K 459

She gained an Oscar trophy for her movie; Frozen. She's talented, beautiful, and so on. But, she never wanted... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the Actress
Chapter 2: Friends
Chapter 3: The cold DOES bother her
Chapter 4: A Terrible Mistake
Chapter 5: Scared + Review about The Big Hero 6
Chapter 6: Her Childhood
Chapter 7: Helping
Chapter 8: Do I?
Chapter 9: Payback
Chapter 10: First Day at School
Chapter 11: The Crew
Chapter 12: Frost and Winter
Chapter 13: Jelsa
Chapter 14: Jealous + Author's birthday
Author's Note
Chapter 15: Party
Chapter 16: Saving Her
Chapter 17: New Girl
Not an update...
Chapter 18: The Date
Chapter 19: Romantic time
Reader's nickname!
Chapter 20: Loyalty
Chapter 21: Wounds
Another author's note
Chapter 22: Starting Over
Chapter 23: He's in... what?
Author's note
Chapter 24: Comforting
Chapter 25: Just You and Me
Chapter 26: The Trip
Chapter 28: Sudden Call
Chapter 29: Destroyed Into Pieces
Final Chapter: The Funeral

Chapter 27: The Shooting

641 32 16
By Riley_TheWriteyDude

Sorry for no updates recently.

I guess I've lost some of my readers but oh well...

Third person P.O.V

"Ouch! What the hell?!"

Hiccup backs off as he looks up, and he's very surprised that his new girlfriend would punch her own boyfriend because of a reason.

"What was that for, Els?!"

"I-I'm sorry! I thought you were a thief who attempted to steal these trophies!"

He only gave that confused look to her, as he rubs his head off. At first, Hiccup thought that Elsa punched him because he was caught talking to a girl or someone, but there was no one else in the room except the couple themselves.

".... It's okay. I should have had a permission as well to enter this room, because I had none." He admits.

"Wait, you entered without the authority's permission?" Elsa points her finger to him.

"The trophies were just so interesting... I couldn't resist."

"Fine, I'll take that as an excuse. But next time, at least tell me where you're going to. You just disappeared like smoke while I was talking to Jennifer." She gestures him to follow her.

"Who's that woman, anyway? You guys seem to know each other a lot." he says, emphasizing the word "lot".

"You'll see.."

-Time jump-

"And that's how I met Elsa!" Jennifer said, sipping on her coffee.

The trio; Elsa, Hiccup, and Jennifer are now at Jennifer's office.

They were talking about how Elsa met Jennifer. It was very complicated for Hiccup to take into his brain, since Jennifer's accent is pure french. Hiccup couldn't take some words, so he might have taken the wrong point too.

So, he decided to ask for the conclusion of the story.... or more like the short version of the whole story.

"So wait, wait. How did you guys meet again? Please make it simpler and shorter." Hiccup asks, earning a sigh from Elsa.

"Okay Hiccup, so first of all—" Jennifer was cut by Elsa.

"No, let me explain it by myself. I think I know what the problem is..." She gave Hiccup that I-know-your-problem look, making Hiccup to nod with a smile.

"So, I met her while we had lunch on a cafe together. We didn't know each other at that time. She kinda noticed me and sat with me, since Anna wasn't with me. Of course, I said yes.

We ate our lunch together, and during the lunch, Jennifer asked me about things about me. Like, what colors I like, foods, hobby, address, and more."

"Isn't it kinda weird to be interviewed by a stranger while having lunch?" Hiccup raises an eyebrow.

"Well, it was. But look at Jennifer's face." Elsa points at Jennifer's face, and Hiccup glances to her face.

"What is it with her face?"

"That is the face of a person who actually turned me into a successful person! She asked me if I could visit Disney's studio right afterwards, and of course, I did at the last!" she says in excitement, whatever the reason is...

"comprenez-vous maintenant?" Jennifer asks in french all in sudden.

"Uhh..." Hiccup rolls his eyes onto Jennifer.

"Just kidding Hiccup. Do you understand now?"

"Ah, yes! I understand now."

"Good. Now, since you're now here, do you want to replace Anna in her role in the movie?"

Hiccup went silent for a moment, consuming what he just heard. Replacing Anna in her role in the movie? But he's a male. Or maybe Hiccup heard the wrong thing, since Jennifer speaks in her french accent, even if she's speaking in English.


"Would you like to replace Anna in her role for a while? Just for fun, and also to let Elsa know about the whole script of the movie." She taps papers; which seem to be the script itself with her pencil.

"O-okay. I'll see what I can do?"

"Bon! Now, come on. Chop chop."

Hiccup's P.O.V

We move out of the office room, following Jennifer's lead.

I'm still rather confused about Jennifer asking for my help on Anna's role. So, I'm gonna replace Anna's role in the movie? But what if the fans don't like me? And I suck at acting, why would she choose me anyway? Isn't there any stunt-replacer, or anyone else that looks similar like Anna in this building?

Why me?

I thought of everything, until I actually bump into a wall. I grab my nose in pain.

"You'd better be daydreaming about Elsa later on, Hyccup." She actually called me Hyccup instead of Hiccup.

Wait, did she mention Elsa?

I pull Elsa closer to me, as I lean to her ear while walking. "Did you tell her that we're in a relationship?"

"Duh." She shrugs.

"But, I don't think I'm ready to expose our relationship.. I mean, look at you! You're Queen Elizabeth! Do fans actually think that I'm worth to be yours?"

She sighs, then giggles along.

"Okay, I assume that you're not ready because you said so. I'll tell no one else anymore, then."

I turn bright. "Thanks. I'll make sure that I will get used soon."

Her face turns into surprised.

She holds my arm, and stops walking.

"What do you mean 'get used to it'?" she's frowning. I don't know why, but she probably got the wrong point.

"Well, you know.. I've never been into a relationship before. Especially with a girl like you, who's..." I shrug. "Very fabulous."


"What were you thinking when I said that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"I thought... that our relationship will bother you in your life. I mean, you need to love me, right?" She starts walking back, I follow her lead.

"Right. But it will never bother me, never. You girl— are something else." I playfully touch her nose with mine.

"Eheh—" As she looks at forward, she stops. I look what kind of obstacle would block us in front of us.

Jennifer, watching us with that innocent-yet-annoying face of her.

"Allons! Chop-chop!" she turns around again, continuing her walk to the studio.

I frown. "I kinda don't like her with her french accent. And why would she say 'Balloon' without the double 'O'? She basically said 'Balon' without double 'O' and that kinda sounds stupid."

"It's Allons, not Balloon or whatever— it means 'come on' in English." She slaps my arm a little.

I make that "Oooohhhh...." expression on my face.

-Time jump-

"I mean, seriously? I'm gonna have to be dressed in that dress, put a lion fake-hair, and sleep with saliva dripping on my mouth while Elsa will wake me up?!" I complained.

"Just for one day, Hiccup." She laughs, holding her belly down. "Besides, haven't you seen the movie? Anna was sleeping like this as well! Her hair was basically a storm— or a lion's hair, if you say it like that. And she was dripping saliva. I mean, this is real life!"

I stare at the sleeping dress, that's what they call it.

Only for one day Hiccup. Only for one day.


I grab the dress and go to the changing room.

"How am I suppose to wear this again?"

Elsa's P.O.V

I was still laughing about Hiccup's reaction on both to the dress itself and the script. In the script, it was mentioned that Anna would be sleeping in that unlikely-princess style. And when Hiccup mentioned the lion's fake hair, I was laughing on the floor already. He does have a funny side.

The movie, or more like the short movie, will be called the Frozen Fever. Frozen is like the fever of internet; people are talking about it, making fandom, things like that. So that's why we called it Fever, instead of Ebola or something else.

But there's also Queen Elizabeth; who will be actually suffering fever in the movie itself. Yes, a real fever. It might not make sense, but this will be what actually happened. I did ask Jennifer about this thing, but she said, "Well, she's still a human-being, right? Right." I just left her be.

I see 2 women coming to the changing room. They are the crew on the fashion, they must be trying to help Hiccup changing his outfit.

They enter the door without knocking, and Hiccup immediately screams.

"WHAT THE F?!" He said "F" instead of "Fuck". "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?!"

"We're here to help you. You might rip the dress off."

I cracked myself again, this time, I tried to find myself to land myself and laugh for my life, not on the floor anymore.

-At the shooting-

"....The cold never bothered me anyway~"

I swing my hand at Hiccup's dress, and the fan under it blows the dress; which the editors will do some editing to it when the real Anna plays here. I crack myself again, when I see Hiccup's face.

-Other scene-

"Best birthday eveeeer~!" I sing along, with Hiccup following me with his 'birthday' present.

I then sneeze again, following the script.

"Eliz, go home, you're drunk."

I cracked myself again.

-Other scene-

I swing myself on the pole, Hiccup was watching me and following me in the whole time, carrying that amount of prizes that he received during the way as well.

To follow the script, I fall myself after swinging on the pole. Hiccup, seeing this, immediately drops the prizes and catches me.

"Let's go home Eliz.." He says in a caring voice, which makes me warm.

-Other scene-

"This is the best birthday present ever." Hiccup says, feeding me with a bowl of hot soup.

I was sitting on a bed, with a unique scarf wrapping my neck.

I smile to him, raising an eyebrow.

"What present?"

"Taking care of you."

"ALRIGHT! CUTTY CUT!" Jennifer shouts at us.

"You two look more like a couple than sisters. At least Elsa knows how the whole thing will go when Anna's here, right?"I nod down to confirm.

"Well, you should have chosen someone else instead of me, Jennifer." Hiccup says, removing the wig from his head.

Hiccup walks to the changing room.

A girl approaches him, and giggles.

"Nice performance, Hiccup." She compliments.

He turns to her, "Astrid?!"

Who's Astrid?

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