Troublemaker | Station 19

By goonerscribblesox

358K 8.5K 1.8K

When the arrival of the youngest member of the Bishop family, Maddie, turns up at the station, skeletons come... More

{Cast & Characters}
1. Arrival at 19
2. Home sweet home
3. Exhaustion
4. Sour Mood
5. Escape Act
6. Grounded
7. Staying At The Houseboat
8. Risking It
9. Hero
10. PTSD
11. Oh Mother Dearest
12. Sick Day
13. Reunited
14. The World As We Know It Now
15. Our Fallen Hero
16. Tiger on the loose
17. Moving In
18. Bringing Up The Past
19. Probie Sullivan!
20. Victims
21. Wrongful Arrest
22. The Aftermath!
23. The Chase Is On
24. It's Too Early To Say Goodbye
25. Too Soft
26. Memorial Service
27. Unwanted Guest
28. Pushing Her Luck
29. Uncle Mason
30. Back To Italy
31. Hospital Trip
32. Confessions
34. Date Night
35. Unforgivable Actions
36. Unfamiliar Face
37. Anxiety
38. Leaving For Italy
39. Late Night Fears
40. Confrontation
41. Mood Swings
42. Reconnected
43. Teenage Trouble
44. It's Wedding Day!
45. Fallout Of Events
46. Happiness Doesn't Last Long
47. Turmoil
48. Awaiting News
49. Other Side
50. Awake
51. Nobody Likes Hospitals
52. Welcome To The Family
53. Wrapped Up In Cotton Wool
54. Recovery
55. Surprise Visitors
56. Show Some Respect
57. Back To School
58. Violence Doesn't Get You Anywhere
59. Birthday Wish
60. Who Doesn't Like Fireworks?
61. Rise From The Ashes
62. Celebrate!
63. Celebrate! pt.2
64. Fear
65. Truth Comes out
66. Seattle Heatwave
67. Maybe One Day
68. Are We Ready To Try This Again?
69. The Beginning Of A Downward Spiral
70. Sneaking Out, Again!
71. Testing The Limits!
72. The Calm Before The Storm
73. Devastation
74. Grief Stricken
75. Depression
76. Late Night Hospital Visit
77. Therapy
78. Feelings
79. As The Bells Ring, Blood Is Shed
80. Diagnosis
81. The Truth Hurts
82. Homophobic Slurs
83. Burnt Turkey
84. Accept That Its Over!
85. Actions!
86. Deep Trouble...
87. Rose Petals And Champagne, All Around!
88. Realisation
89. Christmas Is Just Around The Corner!
90. It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, Well Kinda!
Book 2 Update!

33. Recovery Begins

4.4K 89 15
By goonerscribblesox

"Where is Mom? She has been gone for ages," Maddie complained to Carina as they sat outside the hospital entrance where they waited for Maya to bring the car around.

"She hasn't been gone for that long Bambina," Carina laughed. Maddie let out a loud sigh as she sat in the wheelchair, which she wasn't exactly thrilled about, she was fed up now and feeling sore since the medication was wearing off.

"It feels like she has been! It's bad enough I have to sit in this wheelchair," Maddie grumbled.

"It's hospital policy I'm afraid Maddie but it won't be for much longer," Carina explained. "Are you looking forward to going home?"

"I can't wait! I just want to sleep in my own bed again," Maddie exclaimed to Carina who chuckled. "Those hospital beds are so uncomfortable,"

"Don't forget that Sarah is coming round today as well," Carina reminded her.

"Yeah, I know. I'm so excited to see her!" Maddie said with a grin as she remembers the previous conversation they exchanged last night, "Oh! I can see Mom's car now,"

"Come on then. Let's get you home," Carina said as she pushed the wheelchair over to the car.

"I thought you got lost Mom, you took forever!" Maddie commented as Carina helped her climb in the back and buckle up since it was difficult for her to move too much right now and the last thing either of the women wanted was for her to hurt herself further.

"Oh Mads, you're so dramatic. I wasn't gone for that long," Maya chuckled as she turned around to her daughter sitting in the back of the car.

"Hmm, I wonder where she gets that from Bella," Carina said looking at Maya with a slight smirk on her face who looked offended. "Right I'll be back in a minute, I am just going to take the wheelchair back,"

"Mama's wrong there, I'm not dramatic," Maya mumbled.

"Are you sure about that, Mom?" Maddie asked cheekily. Maya shook her head as Carina came back to the car and climbed in. Maya just looked unimpressed at her girlfriend.

"What?" Carina chuckled. Maya shook her head as she drove out of the parking lot.

"I am not dramatic," Maya stated.

"Of course you're not Bella," Carina replied as she rolled her eyes and couldn't help but laugh.

"Home sweet home," Maya said as she parked the car in the allocated space outside the apartment block. Getting out of the car, she helped Maddie out and into the building while Carina went to grab the bags to bring inside.

"I've never been so relieved to be home," Maddie said as Maya opened the door to their apartment.

"Bed or couch?" Maya asked as she had her arm rested around Maddie's waist so she could lean on her.

"Uh, my bed I think," Maddie said.

"Okay," Maya agreed, helping her daughter towards her bedroom.

"Oh my God, my bed's never felt so good!" Maddie exclaimed once Maya had pulled back her duvet cover and helped her to bed. "So much more comfortable than the hospital bed I had to stay in,"

"Believe it or not, I hear that comment quite a lot," Carina said after she had dumped the bags onto the table and was now hovering in Maddie's bedroom door. "Are you comfy enough Bambina? Do you need anything at all, food or drink?" She asked fussing.

"I'm fine Mama, it's all good!" Maddie said. "Oh wait, my phone! Where is it?" She asked trying to get up.

"Ah, ah, ah, lie back down Bambina. I will go get it for you," Carina said. Maddie pouted and carefully laid back on her bed while Carina went to find the phone which was disregarded in one of the bags.

"Well this is going to suck, I mean not being able to do much for the next however long," Maddie grumbled.

"You need to take it easy so that you don't tear any stitches," Maya reminded her daughter as she tucked her in. "So if that means that you're stuck in bed for however long then that's just the way that it has to be," 

"This really will suck," Maddie continued to groan.

"Okay, I found your phone now so here you go," Carina said as she walked in and handed it back to the teenager who took it. Carina frowned when she saw the exhaustion on the younger girl's face. "You doing okay, Bambina? You look exhausted,"

"I feel so tired but I need to stay awake for when Sarah arrives," Maddie said as a yawn escaped her mouth.

"Get some sleep if you want Mads and we will wake you up when Sarah gets here," Maya suggested.

"Okay," Maddie said as another yawn escaped her mouth. Resting her head on her pillow, she closed her eyes and within minutes, she was passed out.

"Well that didn't take very long she must have been shattered," Maya said as she moved to stand up from the teenager's bed to walk into the kitchen to make herself a smoothie. "I think it might be a good idea to speak to Andy, maybe get her to fill in as intern Captain over the next few days just until Maddie feels better. There's not a chance I am leaving Maddie home by herself when she is in so much pain like she has been in,"

"That's understandable, Bella. I do have a shift tomorrow but I will be back as soon as I can. It all just depends on how quickly those Mama's go into labour," Carina said as she followed her back into the kitchen.

"I will make sure that dinner is on the table for you when you're home," Maya told her girlfriend with a smile that soon faltered, "Oh, damn it!" She said when she realized something.

"What's wrong, Maya?" Carina asked concerned.

"I was supposed to meet Mason today to talk. I completely forgot about it," Maya admitted as she shook her head, "I think that I will just have to re-arrange it for another day,"

"Oh, nonsense. Maya, why don't you just invite your brother to come around? It would be better than not seeing him at all," Carina suggested.

"Would you mind that though? I mean Maddie's only just come from the hospital today, maybe I should wait a couple of days first," Maya said hesitantly, she didn't want to overwhelm her daughter with different people, she was already holding off on the team coming around until she was feeling a bit better.

"I'm sure that Maddie would love to see him as well," Carina said with a soft smile. "I don't mind either. It will be nice to meet your brother since you've told me so much about him,"

"Okay. I'll text him and ask him to come around, maybe he might bring his girlfriend as well," Maya said with a slight shrug. "You know I still cannot believe that Mason is going to be a Dad it's crazy," Maya chuckled, she never thought she would see the day that her brother became a Dad himself.

"Mason's said yes to come around. He's also asked if he can bring Chloe, which I presume is his fiance," Maya said as she read the text her brother had just sent. The two of them were sitting in the lounge, Maya was working on her laptop responding to emails while Carina sat beside her, catching up on an Italian Novella that Maya couldn't understand much other than a few words.

"Oh, fantastico!" Carina exclaimed as she clapped her hands together. "It will be great to meet them both and their little bundle of joy," She added.

"He isn't due to be born for another few months yet beautiful," Maya couldn't help but laugh.

"I know but ah, bambinos, they make so broody! It's just their little faces, their adorable!" Carina gushed. Maya's heart swelled, she never saw herself having any more kids after Maddie, she has mixed feelings but she had to admit hearing Carina talk like that, made her heart skip a beat.

"I know. Well, they will be here in the next hour or so," Maya said. There was a brief knock at the door and Maya looked behind her over to the door.

"Ah, that will be Sarah. At least Mads will be happy she is here now," Maya said as she placed the laptop down on the coffee table in front of her and walked over to open the apartment door. "Hey, Sarah, nice to see you again. Come inside," Maya said with a smile as she stepped aside to let the teenager inside.

"Hi Maya," Sarah said politely as she stepped inside the warm apartment, even after all this time she still did not want to get on the wrong side of the fire captain, "Hi Carina," She said as she smiled at the Italian sat on the sofa.

"Ciao, Sarah. How are you?" Carina asked the teenager who took a seat on the empty chair.

"I'm okay thank you," Sarah said. "How are you? Maddie told me about Italy,"

"Ah, si. I have to go there next month, Maddie isn't taking it that well as expected so hopefully you can help cheer her up," Carina said. Sarah nodded in understanding.

"I'll keep her happy. Sorry, I would have been here sooner but my mom insisted that I tidied up my bedroom first before I came here and it took forever," Sarah said with a smile. "How are you, Maya?" She asked. 

"Not too bad thanks," Maya said as she re-joined her girlfriend on the couch. "Don't worry about it, Maddie's still asleep anyway but you can go wake her up if you want? I'm pretty sure that she will be happy when she sees you,"

"Awesome!" Sarah grinned as she stood up from the chair, making her way down the hall to Maddie's bedroom. Bending down beside her bed and facing her girlfriend, she shook her gently, "Maddie, babe, wake up," She spoke.

"Mhmm no, not time to get up yet, five more minutes," Maddie spoke as she stirred, she kept her eyes shut. Sarah couldn't help but giggle.

"Babe, it's me. Wake up sleepyhead," Sarah said. Maddie opened her eyes slightly, adjusting to the sight of her girlfriend in front of her as she completely forgot about the pain she had when she tried to sit up but didn't have much luck.

"Ouch!" Maddie complained as she hissed in pain.

"Oh, careful babe," Sarah said as she helped her sit up in bed and sat beside her to press a gentle kiss to her girlfriend's lips. "Hey, there babe,"

"I've missed you," Maddie exclaimed as she pouted.

"I have missed you too. It feels like it has been too long," Sarah said. "So, how do you feel?" She asked.

"Uh, a little bit sore now so I think I am due to take some more meds soon," Maddie explained.

"Oh, do you want me to go get your mom's for you?" Sarah asked. Maddie nodded as she clutched her stomach in pain. "Alright, I'll be back in a minute," She said. Walking back out of her girlfriend's bedroom, she went back over to the two women.

"Are you having a hard time waking her up?" Carina chuckled.

"Ah no, she's awake but she is in pain, she thinks that she is due her meds," Sarah said.

"Ah yeah, it's probably about that time now," Maya said as she glanced at the time on her watch, it was almost 12 o'clock so lunchtime was fast approaching. Carina stood up to route around for the tablets in one of the bags, finding them out she grabbed them and a bottle of water from the refrigerator before walking into the bedroom to find Maddie sitting up in bed thanks to the help from Sarah.

"Hi, Bambina. Did you sleep well?" Carina asked, moving to sit on Maddie's bed beside her.

"Yeah. How long have I been asleep for?" Maddie wondered as Carina handed her two of the tablets and a bottle of water. "It hurts so bad, I just want the pain to go away!" Maddie complained.

"Only a few hours or so," Carina said while she watched Maddie pop the pills in her mouth and chase them down with the water. "I know it hurts but it will get better, it's just going to take a bit of time," The older woman explained.

"I just wish it could be quicker. It sucks that I can't do much at all," Maddie grumbled as she winced at the pain when she moved slightly.

"You need time to heal from surgery and then you will soon be running around the apartment again, even kicking your soccer ball outside," Carina nudged her gently, motioning to the broken window that she had caught her eye on now.

"Where's Sarah? I didn't dream her did I?" Maddie asked confused.

"No you didn't dream her Bambina but she is just in the lounge with your Mom," Carina chuckled. "I'll go tell her to come back in," She said.

"Oh okay," Maddie said nodding in understanding. Carina stood up and ruffled the teenager's hair before she walked back outside the bedroom.

"Ah, I think that Maddie wants to see you," Carina said while Maya and Sarah were talking, she wasn't sure what the conversation was about though. "She thought that she dreamt you," She chuckled.

"Oh, wow. I better go and sit with her then," Sarah said with a grin.

"Better not keep her waiting," Maya chuckled. Sarah nodded and went back to Maddie's bedroom where she was scrolling through her phone while she watched TikTok's.

"Feel better now?" Sarah asked.

"Not really but hopefully the pain meds kick in soon," Maddie said.

"Ah, hopefully, yes," Sarah said in agreement. "So, I didn't expect the first time we exchanged 'love you' would be over the phone," She said. Maddie blushed and hesitated to look at her girlfriend.

"No, I didn't either," Maddie admitted. "You still feel the same way though?" She asked.

"Of course I do!" Sarah exclaimed, looking right at Maddie. "I meant it when I said it,"

"Me too!" Maddie said as she leaned forward to face Sarah as they exchanged a kiss. "I love you, Sarah,"

"I love you too, Maddie," Sarah said as they deepened the kiss, Sarah took a gentle hand on Maddie's head as they continued to make out.

"Ah, sorry to interrupt girls," Maya knocked on Maddie's bedroom door. "Mads, would you be okay if Mason came around today with his partner, Chloe? I was supposed to go out and meet him but I don't want to leave you alone,"

"That sounds cool. It will be nice to see him again and get to meet Chloe as well," Maddie said.

"Okay, cool. They will be here in the next half hour now. Alright, uh, I'll go back to the lounge and you two can continue with whatever you were doing," Maya said. "Oh and make sure that you keep the door open please," She said before she made her exit. Both of the girls blushed.

"God, my mom can be so embarrassing!" Maddie said as she covered her face with her hands.

"Oh come on she can't be that bad. Just wait until you meet my mom and then you won't think that," Sarah said.

"Hmm I'm not too sure about that," Maddie said. "I mean my Mama will give us a virtual sex talk, she's got a nickname for herself around the hospital and even at the station," Maddie said cringing in embarrassment.

"What is it?" Sarah asked curiously.

"Dr Orgasm," Maddie told her. Sarah's eyes widened and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, uh, I think that you win," Sarah said. Maddie nodded and joined in laughing as well.

Carina was in the bedroom getting changed into something more suitable while Maya was finishing up work on her laptop, also replying to Andy's texts about her stepping in as Captain for the next couple of days when there was a swift knock at the door.

Maya got up off the couch to walk over to the front door of the apartment and open it to see her younger brother and his Fiance, Chloe.

"Hey," Maya smiled at the young couple. This is the first time that Maya was seeing her brother since she last saw him when he was homeless.

"Hey, sis! It's good to see you after all this time," Mason said with a smile, turning his attention to his brunette girlfriend, "Maya, this is my fiance, Chloe,"

"Hi! It's so good to finally meet you. Mason's already told me so much about you all," Chloe said.

"Hi, Chloe. Nice to meet you," Maya politely smiled at the woman who held Mason's hand, she couldn't help but smile at the baby bump that Chloe had. "Please, come in both of you," She said as she stepped aside.  Carina walked out of the bedroom and spotted the two adults present in the apartment.

"Chloe?" Carina said surprised. Chloe was one of the patients that she recognised from the hospital.

"Dr DeLuca?" Chloe questioned.

"Wait. You two know one another?" Maya asked confused.

"Ah, si. Chloe is one of my patients," Carina chuckled.

"Wow, it's a small world!" Mason said in shock. Due to Covid restrictions, he wasn't able to go with her to the appointments.

"Well, I guess I just need to introduce you only to my brother then. Mason, this is Carina, my girlfriend," 

"Hi, Carina. I have heard a lot from Maddie about you, it's good to meet you properly," Mason said.

"Congratulations on the little guy by the way," Maya said. "I can't believe that you're going to be a dad, Mase!" Maya exclaimed. "I'll just go get the girls since there in Maddie's bedroom,"

"Don't worry Bella, I've got it. You sit and chat with your brother, have a catch-up," Carina said. Maya nodded and sat down on the chair as she chatted with her brother and his fiance.

"What are the odds huh that your a patient of my girlfriends," Maya chuckled.

"I know, I never put two and two together when Mason told me," Chloe said laughing.

"So much has changed," Mason said.

"Indeed it has. I was shocked when you actually replied to my text," Maya said. "The last time we saw one another wasn't exactly great and you never agreed with me on my decision about Mads. I hope that we can talk properly now,"

"The air needs to be clear. I want my son to be born into a family who loves him, excluding Lane of course," Mason said as he looked down at Chloe's bump who smiled at her fiance, "I have turned my life around, I have a great job now, an apartment, a beautiful woman who has agreed to marry me and now I've got a son on the way. It wouldn't be right for you to not be a part of his, well our lives. I have been meaning to get in contact with you for a while now, I just never knew how to approach you. The last time that I saw you, I was pretty awful to you,"

"I wasn't exactly the greatest to you either, Mase. I realize now after all these years that while I was trying to protect Mads, I hurt the people I cared about around me as well, including you," Maya said. "I'm glad we can finally talk now though. I want you to be a part of Maddie's life, and mine as well, and I would love to be a part of your little fella's life as well. Auntie Maya has a nice ring to it," Maya said while Mason nodded and smiled.

"We would love nothing more than that," Chloe spoke on behalf of Mason. Mason nodded in agreement.

"Hey, Bambina. Mason and Chloe are here," Carina poked her head around the door to find the two women curled up together as they watched a film.

"Awesome. Let's go see them," Maddie said as the two teenagers detached themselves from one another. With help from Carina and Sarah, they walked back into the lounge.

"Hey, kid! How are you?" Mason asked, noticing them appear in the lounge. "Sorry that you had to have surgery. I bet that you feel pretty rotten,"

"Hey, uncle Mase! I have felt better I suppose," Maddie said, moving to sit on the arm of the chair next to her mom. "Hi, you must be Chloe?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Maddie, this is Chloe, my fiance and the mother of my son," Mason introduced. "Chlo, this is my niece, Maddie and her girlfriend, Sarah,"

"Hey. Nice to meet you both," Chloe said with a smile.

"Woah, look at the bump! I can't wait to meet my little cousin," Maddie exclaimed.

"Not too long now, only a couple more months," Chloe said as she rested her hand gently on the bump.

"That will fly be," Carina told her as she smiled.

"So, neither of you don't speak to Lane at all now?" Mason asked. They all sat around on the couch and chairs, it was a tight squeeze but they managed to make it work.

"I haven't spoken to him since that whole fiasco when he turned up at the scene of a fire we had," Maya said. "I wasn't happy with him because of how he treated Maddie and he just made it worse that day so I cut him off. I realized that what mom was saying was true," Maya confessed.

"Lane's a complete idiot. I never want to see him again," Maddie said. Sarah squeezed her girlfriend's hand gently in comfort, she knew her hatred for that man.

"You don't have to. We have a restraining order on him now, as well as Jake," Maya reminded her. 

"Jake? What, is he out of jail now?" Mason asked.

"Yeah, he came to the station to find out more about Maddie. Turns out that Lane went to see him in jail, told him all about Maddie," Maya explained.

"What an actual ass!" Mason said in disbelief. "So, uh, you talk to Mom at all?" He asked.

"Not actually since she came to the station and told me that she left Dad. However, when the pandemic hit, she moved back in with him because she didn't want to be on her own," Maya explained.

"I thought about texting her as well but I guess I didn't know what to say," Mason admitted.

"I think that she would be happy to hear from you either way," Maya said. Mason nodded. "So, have you thought about any names for the little guy?" She asked.

"Ah, we've thought of a couple but nothing really sticks right now," Chloe said.

"Once you see the bambino, you'll be sure to know what name you want," Carina said.

"It's been lovely to meet you, Maya," Chloe said as she pulled Maya in for a hug that she wasn't expecting. 

It had been several hours since the couple had arrived, they chatted, ate lunch and now they were leaving.

"Yeah, you as well!" Maya said taken off guard.

"It's been so great to see you again sis, we'll have to do this again soon!" Mason said. "And Carina, it's been nice to meet you of course," He said.

"Good to see you too, Mase!" Maya said.

"Yes absolutely. You should come around again soon when we're both off work," Carina said.

"Oh yes, or you could come to ours? I'd love to show you guys the nursery. Mason's artwork in there is amazing," Chloe said proudly.

"That would be great. Thank you," Maya accepted the invitation.

"See you later Sarah. Nice to see you again, make sure you keep my niece out of trouble," Mason said playfully.

"Of course! Yeah good to see you again," Sarah said.

"Hey, what about me?" Maddie pouted as she stood up, leant on Maya for support.

"I couldn't forget about you kid. I was saving the best till last," Mason joked as he ruffled her hair. "I'll see you soon kid, be good!" He said.

"Of course, I'm always good!" Maddie insisted. Mason chuckled and shook his head. "Bye Mason!" She yelled.

"Nice to meet you, Maddie and Sarah," Chloe said as she unexpectedly pulled Maddie in for a hug but was gentle with her because of her surgery. "Bye, all!" She said.

"Bye!" All four of them said as they waved while Mason and Chloe walked into the elevator to go down to the ground floor.

"Well, that was nice!" Carina said.

"Yeah. Chloe seems lovely and Mason seems great as well!" Sarah exclaimed.

"God, Mason looks so much different now and Chloe is so the right person for him, they just fit together so well," Maya said. They all got comfy in the lounge again as there was a random TV show on in the background.

"I can't believe that I didn't know Chloe my patient was the same one engaged to your brother," Carina chuckled.

"I know that's crazy," Maya laughed.

"Wait, what?" Sarah asked confused.

"Chloe is my patient at the hospital," Carina said.

"Wait, really?" Maddie asked.

"Si, Bambina," Carina agreed.

"Wow, that's awesome!" Maddie said with a grin. Carina turned to look at the kitchen and sighed.

"Ah, I suppose that I better make a start on tidying up the kitchen, there's a lot of washing up since we've all eaten," Carina said looking at the mess.

"Carina, let me take care of it. You cooked lunch," Maya said. Carina gratefully accepted as Maya walked into the kitchen to make a start on the stack of washing up.

It was late in the evening, Maddie was feeling tired due to the pain meds that she had taken so she had taken herself to bed once Sarah had left that evening. Maya and Carina were sat in the lounge as they cuddled up together on the couch with some romantic film. Maddie was occupying herself by watching Tiktok's when there was an incoming Facetime call from Andy and Robert.

"Hola chica," Andy said through the phone.

"Hi Tia Andy, hi Sully!"

"Hey, trouble. How are you?" Robert asked, he was sitting beside his wife as it looked like they were sitting on the couch.

"I'm okay. I'm just bored already that I can't do much," Maddie said. "I'm under strict instructions from both mom and mama, that I can't run around or do anything too extensive that will hurt me,"

"Well that does make sense since you've had surgery," Andy chuckled.

"It's so boring though that I literally can't do anything for a while," Maddie grumbled.

"I know kiddo, the recovery sucks but you just got to sit tight. You're healing and that takes time. Stay strong kiddo, you got this," Robert told the teenage girl.

"That's some good advice, Sully!" Maddie said.

"I know. I do give some good advice, ah sometimes at least," Robert chuckled.

"Alright, well we just wanted to check in and make sure you were doing okay. I know not being able to do much will suck but if you need to speak to someone then just call me, okay?" Andy spoke.

"Yeah. Thanks, Tia," Maddie said with a smile as she relaxed against her pillow on her bed.

"Alright kid, goodnight, see you soon," Robert said.

"Goodnight Mija," Andy said. Both of them waved as Maddie waved back.

"Goodnight both of you," Maddie said as the call ended and she continued what she was doing previously.

"Maddie's pretty quiet. Do you think she's already asleep?" Carina wondered.

"Ah, I don't know. I'll go check and see if she's okay," Maya said, moving off the couch to head towards her daughter's bedroom where she found her lay on her bed watching Tiktoks.

"Hey Mom," Maddie looked up from her phone to see Maya.

"Hey kiddo, thought you had fallen asleep. We didn't hear any noise coming from your room," Maya said.

"Oh, I am just watching these videos on my phone," Maddie said showing her mom briefly. "Do you fancy making some with me?" She grinned.

"Uh, maybe when you do feel better," Maya said. "However, it does look like something that will be fun to do, maybe we can ask Mama to join as well. You know how much she loves to dance,"

"That's very true," Maddie giggled. "Tia Andy and Sully have just Facetimed me, they wanted to see how I was doing,"

"Oh, that was kind of them both. How do you feel now?" Maya asked.

"Uh, okay I guess," Maddie said looking sad. 

"Okay I know that face. What's the matter, Mads?" Maya wondered. Maddie chewed her lip anxiously.

"So, uh when Mama leaves for Italy, will we be able to speak to her every day? What if while she is there she forgets about us," Maddie said. Maya cocked her head to the side and moved to sit down on Maddie's bed.

"Hey kiddo, your Mama could never forget about either of us and I'm sure that if you do call her then she will answer straight away. You have nothing to worry about, Mads." Maya told her daughter reassuringly.

"Will you stay with me for a bit?" Maddie asked. Maya nodded as she moved to sit against the bed so Maddie could rest up against her while she stroked her hair in comfort.

"Wake up bella," Carina said, shaking her girlfriend gently after she had popped her head in the teenager's bedroom door since Maya hadn't come back into the lounge. Therefor, she found Maya lay down on Maddie's bed as Maddie lay beside her with her head rested on her chest and her arm slung across it as well while Maya had her arm wrapped around her daughter protectively.

"Uh, I'm awake," Maya mumbled as she opened her eyes to see her girlfriend and tried to adjust herself to sit up slightly without waking up the thirteen-year-old. "I must have fallen asleep, I didn't even realize,"

"I thought that you might have. Everything okay?" Carina asked.

"Maddie had some slight concerns so I sat with her a little bit until she fell asleep," Maya explained as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Ah I see, at least you reassured her," Carina said with a soft smile, "Come on, let's go to bed, it's late," Carina said as she held out her hand for her girlfriend to take.

"Uh, sure. What time is it anyway?" Maya wondered as she carefully moved Maddie's head of her chest, which she was successful in doing.

"Just after ten. I think we could both do with the sleep though since we didn't have much luck at the hospital," Carina chuckled.

"I think that might be a good idea beautiful," Maya agreed, she made sure that Maddie was tucked into bed and kissed her goodnight. "Goodnight kiddo, sleep well,"

"Buonanotte tesoro," Carina said as she kissed the top of her head. Both women exited the bedroom and made their way to the bedroom.

"I suppose that we better make the most of our time together before you go to Italy," Maya stated.

"I still have a month yet, Bella," Carina chuckled. "But I will never object to spending time with you and being intimate," With that being said, Maya wasted no time on pushing her girlfriend on the bed. "Baciami," She said.

"With pleasure," Maya grinned as they locked lips with eachother in a hot, steamy make out session.

"There's just one problem. I'm the top," Carina said grinning as she took a gentle hold of Maya's hands and flipped them over so she was hovering over her. "I'm always the top," She continued to grin.

Another update,

Let me know what you think!

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