shut up (SLOW UPDATES)

Por maruharuhi

1.8K 83 69

(SLOW UPDATES) "What the hell is going on Higashikata?" When it all boils down to the murder of her mother... Más



65 4 6
Por maruharuhi

warning; no consent touching (e.g grabbing waist) , somewhat vivid descriptions of violence

i thought i'd put this warning out there because i don't want to make anyone feel upset while they're reading so jst a forewarning

rmb! consent is key

no consent = fuck off
consent = poggers 👍🏻


"There are Stand users besides us at this school?" Josuke asked, a nervous look upon his face.

Kobayashi held up a photo which showed boy with the (non altered) uniform of their school, with shoulder length dark hair.
Y/n shuddered when she saw the picture.

"I think he was trying to peek into the girls bathroom the other day, had to punch him to get him to stop." Kobayashi cringed hearing it, rubbing his face with his other hand.

"Urgh, he's a Stand user too. Toshikazu Hazamada from class 3-C. This guy apparently had an argument over something silly with a friend right around the start of spring," he paused for a dramatic effect. "One of them had insulted the other's favourite idol or anime or something. That night, surprisingly, the friend he got into the argument with gouged out his own left eye with a mechanical pencil."

Y/n saw Josuke bite his bottom lip and Koichi flinch , she wasn't too affected due to all the horror movies she had watched but it did send a shudder down her spine.
Stands belonging to people who would abuse its power is something dangerous that normal people couldn't counter no matter how hard they tried.
Y/n felt sorry for whoever had lost his sight in one of his eyes.

"Isn't that insane?" Kobayashi continued. "Apparently, Hazamada's friend said this at the hospital : 'Next thing I knew, I was staring at my left eye which I'd gouged out, sigh my right eye.'"

Koichi let out a whimper, squeezing his eyes shut as y/n tightened the grip on her bag.
Josuke took the photo from Kobayashi, his brows furrowing.

"So you're saving that this guy gouged out his left eye using some kind of a Stand?"

"Could be, or maybe not. Normal people can't see Stands." y/n pursed her lips.

"Somethings off about this," she quietly commented, getting a hum of agreement from Josuke.

"Oi, you got no right to criticise me. I've got a real job now, y'know."

"Eh a job?" Koichi perked up.

"Yes master Koichi! I found myself a little job that involves financing." he switched immediately to a polite way of speaking.

"So you became a loan shark?"

"'s a very reputable establishment though!"

Y/n watched Josuke as he studied the picture. "Still, though we can't just ignore this," he turned around and started to head back to school, earning a few confused glances from leaving school mates.
Y/n turned to follow him, jogging to reach his side.

"So whaddaya think?" she asked, peeking over at the photo again to see the grimey boy.

"I trust that you know who he is?" Josuke moved the photo over so that she could see it easier, y/n unaware of her hair gently brushing Josuke's shoulders.
He handed her the picture.

"You seem to have bad eyesight, why do you keep squinting?" he poked at the centre of her forehead where her brows were scrunched up.

"Because I'm trying to figure out what Stand he has!"

"Bah! You can't tell by looking right?" Josuke poked again at the same spot. "We can figure it out later y/n." Koichi caught up to them and together, they headed for class 3-C.

Y/n carefully slid the door open, the trio scanning the classroom to look for Hazamada.
"Seems that he isn't here," y/n mumbled, stepping backwards a little and plonking directly into Josuke's chest.

He paid no heed, much to y/n's relief and only pushed the door open wider to give her more space.

"If he really did gouge out his friend's eye and can still blend into normal school life..."he looked at the photo. "He must be one creepy guy."


Crazy Diamond tore off Hazamada's locker door easily, throwing it to the floor and Josuke instructed Koichi and y/n to keep on a look out.

"I'm gonna check out his locker," he nonchalantly started to dig through it, an alarmed Koichi nagging at him to warn him before hand. "For starters, his bag's still here."

Y/n looked around the locker room warily, her hands started to feel funny.
Confused, she looked down at her hands to see that she was playing with her fingers.

Was this what she did when she was nervous?

It was briefly seen in her memory when her father had 'scolded' her.
Did her old habit suddenly start again due to the resurfacing of the forgotten memory?

"He's still at school. Be careful." she heard Josuke say as soft thumps of items hit the ground. "So he's in the tennis club and likes manga." y/n scanned the covers of the manga that that lay on the floor where Josuke had placed them.

Hm, pink dark boy.

Not bad.

"Still, this guy got way too much in his locker."

"His locker is like a sandwich," y/n said. "Except that he paid so much extra for the extra food."

"I'd say he at least paid ¥1000 for the extra toppings." Koichi chimed in from the other side of the locker room.

Josuke stopped his search to look at y/n and Koichi pointedly.
"Are you serious y/n. And Koichi! Don't encourage her!"

"I'm just trying to alleviate tension!" she insisted, starting to wring her fingers even more.
Josuke sighed and continued searching.

"I don't suppose he could fit the bow and arrow in here but.." he stopped. "What's this wooden thing?"

Koichi and y/n looked to him confused before he jumped back from the locker.

"It's a Sta-"

"N-no...this is a physical object." he interrupted himself. "Is this one of those dolls they sell at art stores for sketching? It gave me a scare.." y/n looked around for any signs of movement before moving over to Josuke's side.

Indeed, inside the locker there was a wooden mannequin.

"Why would he have-" the mannequin started to glow blue and the both of them stepped back alarmed.
The hand of the mannequin started to form into a real hand, a quite familiar hand to be precise.

A sudden cloud of white smoke burst from the locker, causing Josuke and y/n to jump back in response.
Koichi ran over to their side, confused.

Y/n couldn't believe her eyes, in the locker there was an exact replica of Josuke, except that it looked very smug.
"It turned into me when I touched it," Josuke gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. "But now we know for sure that Hazamada is a Stand user!"

The replica Josuke climbed out from the locker, smirking up at them.
"This is just great. You've got some nerve, turning into me!" Y/n squinted at the replica, trying to figure out what was the difference between them.

"You heard of Perman right?"

"Oh goodness it sounds and talks just like Josuke!" Koichi exclaimed alarmed.

"You know the copy robot from Perman?" he repeated, y/n tried to remember the kids anime about the superhero or something. "Isn't that thing convenient? Don't you think it'd be great to have one around?"

"Yeah what about it?" y/n replied.

"Oh so you do know! A cultured one among the swines." the Josuke smiled, his smile however , wasn't Josuke's dreamy smile, it had a sinister undertone to it in which y/n hated.

"Hey what's he talking about? what the hell is perman?" Josuke scowled, looking to Koichi and y/n.

"You haven't heard of Perman?! I can't believe it, you all are swines after all! Besides y/n of course," the replica smirked at y/n. She flinched and stepped to stand a little behind Josuke.
She didn't like the look the replica gave her.

"You call yourself Japanese?!"

"Shut up!Im the one asking the questions here!" Josuke snapped, taking a step forward only to be confused when the replica raised his hand, Josuke doing the same.

"M-my arm!" Josuke tried to bring his arm down but with no avail, y/n and Koichi watched on worried.
Was Hazamada's Stand a puppet?

"But mine is a copy doll that replicates people I don't want around." the replica brought its hand to its face, Josuke struggling against the control over his hand. "Once ig copies you, you'll mimic all of its movements."

Replica smirked.

"Which means it's not a puppet," it's eyes widened. "But a puppet master!" it slammed its arm backwards, it's elbow slamming and denting a locker behind it.

"Y/n move!" y/n was about to step away when Josuke's elbow rammed itself into her side, her body flying backwards from the impact and slamming into Koichi along the way.

Koichi flew and hit the sliding door, blowing it off its hinges and breaking the glass.
Y/n stomped her feet down in an attempt to skid herself into a stop.
Her side hurt like ass.

"Koichi!" she turned to check on the boy, he seemed to be breathing but heavily injured.

"And one rag's been hung out to dry." the replica raised its hands and turned to the back and lunged forward. The real Josuke turned and grabbed y/n's neck in response, choking her.

"J-j-josu....k..." she clawed frantically at his hands as she saw his panicked face slowly start to blur out.
She was suddenly thrown to the side and took a deep breath when Josuke's hands left her neck.

Before she could recover, y/n felt herself being held in a chokehold.
She opened her eyes to see Josuke wearing a worried look upon his face and the replica holding onto her smirking.

"Oh my, I'm not the one who did it. The one who tried to strangle y/n and elbowed poor Koichi was you, their friend." the replica tightened its grip around y/n's throat causing her to not being able to concentrate on summoning her Stand.

"Stuff like this pissed me off more than anything," Josuke's eyes darkened as he slowly raised his head to glare at the replica. "When you don't do anything yourself, but use others to do things for you."

"That makes me want to kick your ass like nothing else!" he summoned Crazy Diamond and y/n's eyes widened when Crazy Diamond approached them.

All she could think of was the possibility of Josuke gutting her and immediately healing her after that.
Even though she was going to get healed, she didn't want to get gutted like a fish!

"That's just great. Tee-hee!" the replica said , stepping back a little which caused Crazy Diamond to miss a few inches away from y/n's chest.

"Aw were you actually going to kill her? Or are you just out of range?" y/n winced when the replica pulled her closer to him. "If you can't move from that spot, your Stand can't get any closer either."

"Well, you could always accidentally kill your girlfriend I guess, however! If i continue to maintain this distance away from you, Josuke, you stand no chance against me!"

Josuke looked as if he was going to kill.
Crazy Diamond grabbed a mechanical pencil on the floor and threw it at the replica.
With its free hand, the replica Josuke caught it without much trouble, flinging y/n into the lockers.
She hit the lockers with a loud clang, slumping onto the floor gasping for air.
y/n tried to sit up but failed when her hands gave up on her, causing her to flop back down onto the ground. She weakly looked up to see the replica hold the mechanical up to his face, her eyes widening when Josuke did the same.

"The Stand's name is Surface," Surface introduced itself. "By possessing a doll, it has gained a physical form which means even normal people can see it."
Y/n concentrated on trying to sit up, relived when she was able to do so.

"Hazamada! You bastard!" y/n turned her head to see the boy near the lockers, his sinister eyes glinting from behind his dark shoulder length hair.

The replica roughly grabbed y/n's hair, yanking her to his side. "My goal is to beat the shit out of Jotaro Kujo and run him out of this city." he tossed the pencil to Josuke, who had caught it confused.

The replica made him grip it and point it at his right eye.

"He's got some nerve!" Josuke's hand started to move towards his face, the mechanical pencil inching closer. "An outsider, coming here and trying to dig up dirt on us...But I heard that his Star Platinum can stop time for a second or two."

"There's no one in our group that stands a chance against him," the tip of the mechanical pencil moved closer. "That is, no one besides my Stand Surface, now that it's copied you, Josuke!"

In an attempt to save Josuke, y/n spun around and grabbed the replica's arm, putting all her strength into holding it in place.

"Let go of me y/n," he said calmly, his voice soothing and so much like Josuke's. Y/n ignored it, still holding onto the arm tightly.

"I won't," she grunted when Surface let go of her hair and grabbed her chin roughly.

"I'm warning you," y/n's chin was forcefully jerked up to look at the replica's face. "Don't make me hurt him more than I want to."

"What's worst than death you asshole?"

The replica's eyes flickered up to supposedly look at Josuke before flickering back to hers.
"You'll find out," he smashed his lips against y/n's. Her eyes widened as her body failed to listen to her.

Even though she knew she wasn't kissing Josuke, she was kissing Josuke in some way or another.
Her arms slackened and the replica grabbed her hair again, flinging her to the side once more.

"I'll have to knock you out for now Josuke!"
y/n couldn't see the expression on Josuke's face but heard a loud squish as the boy fell to the floor unmoving.

"JOSUKE!" she shouted, rushing to his side only to be stopped by Surface. It wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back roughly.

"Crushed huh? That's a satisfying sound isn't it y/n l/n?" he hummed , y/n staring in shock as her two friends lay on the floor unmoving.

"You will pay-" she grabbed its hand and was met with laughter.

Hazamada stepped out from behind the lockers, a smug smirk upon his pale face. "As long as you didn't cut the nerve, you'll be able to see again..if you're lucky. On other hand, if you hurt my Stand, don't you think you're going to hurt Josuke too?"

"Your Stand doesn't work that way-" y/n started.

As much as y/n wanted to gamble on the idea that hurting Surface would not hurt Josuke, Hazamada had a point.
She really wouldn't know better.

"Looks like he's gonna be out for awhile," Surface pulled y/n close to him, the girl squirming in his grip uncomfortable.  "That was super easy." he smirked.

Y/n shoved him away, stumbling back and falling onto her butt.
Fuck that wasn't graceful.

"Don't retaliate, just be a good girl and follow us, or else who knows? Surface may accidentally hurt itself and the injuries will be translated onto poor poor Josuke~" Hazamada taunted her. "And pick up my bag too Surface, we're gonna go straight after Jotaro."

Y/n glared at them as Hazamada walked away, Surface raised a brow at her and she stood up to follow.

Deep inside, her whole body was screaming to go check on Josuke and Koichi.

But she couldn't.

"I'm sorry Josuke," she muttered to his unmoving body before following Hazamada and his Stand.


Hazamada made Surface call Jotaro and arranged a meeting in 15 minutes at the station.
Y/n stayed silent the whole way and tried to think of any plans to escape or help with the situation.

Gentle had a punching range of 1.2m much to her dismay, which meant that if she wanted to protect Josuke from any harm done to him by Surface, she would need to be close to Surface and Hazamada.

Y/n considered using her mist which had a very wide range to make Hazamada hallucinate but decided against it when Surface seemed to have a mind of its own too which meant it could possibly notice the sudden mist building up.
Could Stands hallucinate too?

She wasn't sure and didn't want to try it out.

Y/n let out a sigh of relief when she saw Kobayashi up ahead on the pavement they were walking on.

"Hey Josuke and y/n, you're early! Where's Master Koichi?" he asked and his eyes shifted to Hazamada. "Hazamada!? What are you doing here?"

"Kobayashi Tamami," Hazamada said before smiling.
Replica Josuke walked up to Kobayashi smirking. "You don't know why we're together?" he bent  down to Kobayashi's level.

"N-no, I don't.."

"No idea at all?" y/n looked away as replica Josuke's voice became more threatening.

"Then..good!" y/n whipped her head as replica Josuke grabbed a stray brick and slammed it on Kobayashi's head, the man spitting blood and falling to the floor.

"You're going to kill him!" y/n grabbed Surface's arm but the Stand grabbed her neck.

"And if I do?" he smirked. "What are you gonna do?"

y/n stopped struggling and Surface let her go.

They continued walking and soon, passed some girls from their school.

"Ooohh Josuke!! Goodbye!"

"Bye bye Josuke!"

"See you tomorrow you hottie! <3"

How the fuck did she really say '<3' y/n thought to herself, glaring at the girls when they made eye contact with her.

"Why the hell are you the only one they say goodbye to? I've never had anyone say that to me." Hazamada sounded salty and y/n decided to rub it in his snobby face.

"Because he's actually a decent person and you're a fucking pervert," Hazamada glared at her.

"Whatever all the girls in this school are ugly, anyhow."

"You sound like an incel for fucks sake, maybe you are one that's why."

"Shut the fuck up or im going to cut a long nice slit along Josuke's throat." y/n shut up instantly even though she wanted to spit more insults at the dumbass fuck of an incel.

"Josuke!" the trio turned their head to see a girl approaching them. "P-please read this!"

A confession letter lol. Y/n raised a brow as Surface took it, the girl saying bye and running off.
Hazamada seemed to be furious at this scene which made y/n want to laugh.

It's nice to see asshole angry.

"Why the hell did you accept that? Rip this stupid thing up!" Hazamada grabbed the letter from Surface and started to tear it up.

"Fuck! What the hell is the difference between you and me?" he glared at replica Josuke, making y/n giggle.

"What's so funny you bitch!?"

"Exactly that you dolt. You're so rude and incredibly jealous over a dude that has a way better reputation than your fucking sorry ass could ever," y/n sneered, if she's couldn't punch Hazamada, she could at least wound his pride. "Josuke is kind and caring to everyone unless it's assholes like you who think that the whole world revolves around them and thinks that they are superior."

Y/n felt herself smirk.

"As much as I don't want to say it, there is a huge difference between you and the real Josuke," she glared at Surface before the Stand held a hand up.

"It doesn't matter, you don't have any time to waste, so you? She's wasting your time." Surface said, scowling.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to!?" Hazamada raised his fist and struck his Stand across the face, immediately yelping and swinging his hand around.

"You scraped your hand? That was dumb," Surface's comment made Y/n burst out laughing. "I'm made of wood remember?"

"Shut up and get away from me!" he grabbed his bag and continued walking, y/n and Surface tailing behind.

They walked past a sleek green bike and Hazamada wiped his bloodied hand on it, making the owner moan in pain.

"My bike!" y/n heard him say. "Damn it, that dumbass! I'll kill him!"

"Hey it's not like he meant it. And he'll hear you." his friend tried to persuade him to keep it down.

"I meant it! Look at him, wobbling around like that..Man! He looks like a dying cricket!"

Im adding this to my list of insults. y/n mentally noted to herself, trying her best to not laugh.

"Good metaphor! " his friend laughed. "I quite like it!"

"Oh yeah, it was pretty good huh?"

The duo burst out laughing, y/n trying her best to not laugh too.

A sudden crash made y/n turn around.

Surface had knocked one of them unconscious and grabbed the other, holding his hands behind his back. 

"Hold him up Surface! I'll carve him up myself!" Hazamada took out a pen knife smiling evilly.


"I'm going to make sure you'll never be able to open your mouth again."

"HAZAMADA STOP!" the boy turned to y/n pissed and before she could react, stabbed her in the gut.

For some reason, y/n didn't feel too much pain.
Honestly, compared to the fight she had with Keicho, this tiny little shanking wasn't much of a comparison, not to mention the stab was kinda weak so it was just a shallow wound.

"Now for you.." he placed the penknife in the man's mouth as he whimpered, pleading for his life.

A glass shard suddenly flew in Hazamada's direction, Surface catching it and throwing the man aside.

Y/n raised her head to see Josuke and Koichi on the other side of the street panting hard.

"J-josuke Higashikata!?" y/n heard Hazamada mumble. "Why..and the shrimp too?"


"We finally caught up with you, asshole!" Josuke shouted.

Cogs seemed to be turning in the boys head as he commanded Surface to control Josuke.
Surface raised its hand only to be stopped by a bottle repairing itself.

The shard that Josuke threw!

Y/n slowly edged away from Hazamada and his Stand, making a break for it and running over to Josuke's and Koichi's side.

"I didn't throw that shard to hit you," Josuke grinned. "I threw it so I could put it back in its original form!"

The bottle reformed around Surface's right hand and broke off it off.
Y/n flinched when she thought that Josuke's hand would fall off too but blinked a few times confused when Josuke's hand was just fine.

So Hazamada was lying to her this whole time.


Josuke reached out and held her hand, giving it a small squeeze as he gently pulled her to his side.
"Are you okay?" he whispered, his eyes shifting to glance at her.

"I was so worried," she mumbled as the three of them started to run through an alleyway. "Hazamada tricked me to believe that I couldn't punch his Stand or else you would get hurt."

"You selfless brat," he healed her knife wound and let go of her hand. Y/n frowned and grabbed onto his hand again, Josuke holding it again , a slight flush in his cheeks. "thank goodness you're alright though, I was so worried."

"He was so worried he kept asking me even though I wouldn't know any better," Koichi tutted. "Anyways y/n where are they meeting Jotaro?"

"In front of the station, they seemed to be taking the fastest way there though," Josuke smirked.

"We have Koichi for that."

"Huh me for what?" Koichi asked.

Josuke laughed and squeezed y/n's hand.

"For my genius master play."


oof Josuke and y/n crumbs 😔😔

anyways Hazamada is like a tier 1 incel like rewatching this part made me go like

"no wonder no women, or rather no one respects you"

don't be a Hazamada hhhh

anyways hoped you enjoyed this chapter and do stay tuned for the next!
i wanna sprinkle so many josuke and y/n crumbs 😔


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