Guardian Angel

By kidrauhlll

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Justin Bieber, He was one of God's angels. He asked his self 'What is the feeling of being a human? Being lov... More

Guardian Angel
•Chapter 1: The Beginning
•Chapter 2: That Was Close
•Chapter 3: Dark Angel
•Chapter 4: I'm a human
•Chapter 5: He saved me?
•Chapter 6: Feeling of Hurt
•Chapter 7: Danger
•Chapter 8: Who is he?
•Chapter 9: Crush
•Chapter 10: Nice To Meet You
•Chapter 11: Kiss and Emotion
Chapter 13: Too Innocent
•Chapter 14: We Are A Family
•Chapter 15: Forbidden Love
▪Chapter 16: Can something?
●Chapter 17: Sick
•Chapter 18: Drew?
•Chapter 19: Jake
•Chapter 20: Date
•Chapter 21: Overprotective
•Chapter 22: Missing Rose

•Chapter 12: First Date

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By kidrauhlll

†Justin Bieber†

Its been a normal day after the incident where Rose thought Drew(Me) was missing and I'm glad there's no evil interrupting us these past few days.

So right now, I decided to go at Ryan's place because Rose left this morning to start working again at the restaurant. She even locked the doors because she don't want me to leave the house but she didn't know I can still go outside because I can turn into a human.

"So when will you ask her out?" Ryan asked me.

I raised a brow "Ask who?"

"You know Rose."

"Huh? Ask her out? What do you mean?"

"Like a date." He said in a duh tone.

"Date? But she knows that today is Wednesday."

He face palmed and laughed a bit "I mean you know to get to know each other. You two will go into a special place, talk to each other about you guys like or even kiss."

I choked "K-Kiss!?"

"If you two are already boyfriends and girlfriends you guys kiss."

"But I-- I kissed her accidentally so is that mean we are boyfriends and girlfriends?" I blushed.

"No silly if you two have feelings for each other like you really both love each other, then that's the time the guy will ask her to be his girlfriend. So date is the first stage to know about your mutual feelings. This is where you will know if two people are really for each other like soulmates."


"So you like her right?"

I scratched the back of my head "Uh yeah..."

"Well then ask her if she wants to grab a coffee or eat at the restaurant."

"But how?"

"Text her."

"I don't own a phone Ryan."

"I can give you one. I have this phone that I don't really use so you can have it." He stood up and grabbed something at the drawer "Here."

I grabbed the phone "How do I use this?"





"Now send her a text."

"How do I ask her?"

"What do you want to do?"

I looked down at the phone screen "Coffee is ok."

"Well then go on ask her."

"I don't know how to start a conversation." Ugh I sucks at everything.

"Just be cool Jay."

I swallowed and started typing.


A few moments she replied. Well that was fast.

'Who's this?'

'It's me Justin.'

'Oh hi Justin. What's up?'

"Ryan she said what's up."

"Just keep on talking to her."

'Nothing much. Uhm want to go grab some coffee?'

'Yeah sure why not.'

'When are you available?'

'Well my shift will end at 5pm...Is that ok with you?'

"She said at 5pm."

"Tell her that you'll meet her."

'Yeah that's fine. I'll meet you infront of your working place.'


"Alright so its settle?"

"Mhm." I replied "I'm still not sure what will I do in this so called date Ryan."

"You will be fine bro. Just be you. Make a conversation. If she ask you something answer her." He said patting my shoulder.

"Sorry I feel stupid with these kind of stuffs Ry."

"Nah it's your first time here on earth that's why I'm here to help you about everything."

"Thanks." I smiled at him.


*Time Skip*

†Mary Rose†

"Hey there's this hot guy waiting outside." Shane who's beside squealed in excitement.

I looked outside and I saw Justin. Shane was right he really do look hot today without even trying. His just standing there while his hands are shoved inside his pockets waiting patiently.

This is the first time I'll go out with a guy. I haven't had any boyfriend before so I didn't know if this is a date or what that's why I'm nervous. Like whoa I'm having a coffee with the guy I like.

"Hey Rose he's waving at you!"

"Huh?" I saw him waving at me so I waved back.

"Wait is that your boyfriend!?"

"No!" I whispered "We are just friends Shane."

"And why is he here? Date hmm?"

"No!" I shook my head "He invited me for a coffee. Just like normal friends do."

"But I know you think that he is hot and you have a crush on him."

I sighed "Yeah maybe."

"Mhm. So what are you waiting for? Your shift just ended already. Go change and your good to go with mister hottie." She said while wiggling her brows.

"Oh Shane shut up. Bye."

"Bye have a good night Rose." She said teasingly.

I chuckled, shaking my head as I went to my locker to get my clothes and change back.

I stepped out of the restaurant and Justin saw me. He shot me with his boyish smile that could melt your insides. I smiled back at him and gave him a hug.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

He shrugged "It's fine don't worry. So... ready to go?"

I nodded "Yeah."


Justin ordered the coffee and I was about to pay mine but he stopped me, that he said it was his treat because he is the one who invited so I thanked him.

I cleared my throat "How come you invited me?"

He looked up at me "I-I want to know more about you."

Aww he stuttered "You nervous?" He nodded "Me too but why?  I'm sure you've already done this before?"

He shook his head "No."

"Really? Like woah you're good looking and nice at all but how come you haven't done this before?" Wait what did I just said. I blushed so hard and he did too.

"It's just I-I don't know how." He said innocently.

How cute he is "Is this a date?"


I smiled shyly "This is my first time so yeah. I'm a little awkward right now."

"Just tell me about yourself." He said smiling.

"Ok. Ask me anything you like."

"Ok sure uhm...What are the things you like to do?"

"I like to sing. How about you?"

"I want to travel the whole world."

"Have you?" He shook his head "I'm sure someday that will happen. So favorite food."

"Sphagetti. Ryan makes the best one! You?"

"Ice cream." I giggled "Uhm so you have any siblings?"

He shook his head "None. You?"

"Same. I'm only child and I really do wish to have a brother or a sister." I looked down at my coffee "And you know... I really wish that my parents are still alive. Hey Justin how about your parents--"

"I don't know who my parents are. Ryan and his family are the one who took care of me." he said quickly.

"Oh I'm sorry."

"It's ok it's not your fault. But I really do wish if I ever have a parents, I hope I'll meet them someday." He said staring back at me "And we all know that they are here always in our heart no matter where they are."

"Yeah you're right Justin."


" So thanks for today Justin. "

" You're welcome. I hope we can hang out again? " he replied shyly.

"O-Ofcourse." I looked up at his hair "Your hair is getting longer. Are you getting a haircut?"

"Uhm maybe. Uh... You want to go tomorrow again and maybe help me get my haircut?" he asked shyly "If that's ok with you and if you're fr--"

"S-Sure. Anyway tomorrow is my day off. "

"Oh ok. So I'll be going here before lunch yeah? "

"Mhm that's fine." I nodded "You know its getting dark now."

"Its already dark Rose."  He chuckled and then smirked "Do you want me to leave now?"

"What no-I mean its---"

"I'm just kidding Rose." he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes playfully "So goodnight Justin. Thanks again."

"Night. You're always welcome." He smiled.

I stand on my tippy toes, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. He blushed so hard and I did too so I quickly stepped inside the house and shut the door behind me.

What in heavens did I do back there!? That's so embarassing! What if he'll thinks I'm a freak? Well its just a friendly kiss though and I can't help myself because he was just too cute and hot at the same time today.

I touched my chest and I felt my heart beating so fast. I heard Drew making me jump on my skin.

"Drew you scared me. Come here buddy." I knelt down and ran toward me. I hugged him so tight "Sorry about leaving you alone here buddy. You won't believe what happened today. Me and my guy crush went on date." I felt him stiffened and gave me a look I don't quiet understand.

"Aww Drew you will always be my boyfriend because I love youuuuu... " I kissed him and it looks like he is going to faint. He's so adorable. He stared at me with his beautiful eyes and I felt this weird feeling like he reminds of someone.

I shook my head "You hungry?"

He barked.


I updated!! So before you kill my ass I apologize about not updating for almost i dnt know 2 freaking months? Well school is fcking dick and it makes stressed but thnk the lord it just ended last three weeks so i have to relax for a while to have some time for myself that's I didnt write for so long... And i hope u guys are still alive bc i dnt know if u still want me to continue or..........

So yeah im always active on twitter @dimplesofbieber! ✌

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