Feathers & a Dash of Magic

By inkling0121

11.3K 878 829

*Completed* Everything was normal, Virgil's learned to be normal. It was hard at first, living with a human f... More

Chapter 1: People Suck
Chapter 2: Roman's Cameo
Chapter 3: Patton Likes Gossip Too
Chapter 4: Ew, Logan and Patton are a Lovey Dovey Couple
Chapter 5: Is That Everyone?
Chapter 6: 'Kay, Let's Get This Story Started
Chapter 7: The Two Weirdos Finally Meet
Chapter 8: Patton and Logan Go Parent Mode
Chapter 9: Things are Changing
Chapter 10: The Web of Lies Grow
Chapter 11: That Awkward Friend Stage
Chapter 12: Imagine Being Able to Read
Chapter 13: Magic! *Jazz Hands*
Chapter 14: Virgil's Happy? That's Rare
Chapter 15: Just Dropping By? Let's Add Some Foreshadowing
Chapter 16: Oh Let's Not
Chapter 17: Explanation Time!
Chapter 18: Ooh A Little Backstory Teaser
Chapter 19: Seriously, Patton and Logan Basically Adopted Virgil
Chapter 20: Hmm... Touchy Stuff
Chapter 21: Miss Kayda Ships It
Chapter 22: Darrell the Magical Fox
Chapter 23: Huh, So That's What Happened to Remus, Wonder if He'll Come Back
Chapter 24: Virgil Finds Darrell's Antics Amusing, Roman Does Not
Chapter 26: Roman and Virgil are Both Oblivious
Chapter 27: That's... That's Not Good
Chapter 28: Patton's Pep Talks
Chapter 29: Just Skipping Past Darrell's Power, Huh?
Chapter 30: Late Night Talks
Chapter 31: Patton's the Best Brother
Chapter 32: And When We Kiss I Sw- What Do You Mean They Don't Kiss?
Chapter 33: Oh Thank Goodness They're Not Returning
Chapter 34: Johnny Knows What's Up
Chapter 35: Seriously, They Act Like a Married Couple
Chapter 36: Who's Going to Say It? Someone Please Say It
Chapter 37: Haha Gay
Chapter 38: Super Gay
Chapter 39: The Thing Everyone's Been Waiting For
Chapter 40: Wow, an Actual Family Dinner! Haven't had that in Four Years
Chapter 41: Ah, the Bickering like an Old Couple Stage
Chapter 42: Of Course it's a Possum
Chapter 43: Some of the Best Love Stories Part 1
Chapter 44: Are Those that Bloom in Revenge Part 2
Chapter 45: Ooh a New Character for You Guys to Hate
Chapter 46: How Do You Forget Something Like That?!
Chapter 47: Well There He Goes
Chapter 48: Roman Wants to Throw Some Hands
Chapter 49: A Griffin Named Griffin
Chapter 50: Wow Roman's Falling Apart
Chapter 51: Ooh This Hunter Doesn't Have Much Longer to Live
Chapter 52: When Did Kayda Become the Town Therapist?
Chapter 53: Haha, the Building Went Boom!
Chapter 54: Well That's Not a Cheesy Reunion
Chapter 55: How is This Fight Not Over Yet?
Chapter 56: Dang it, One Escaped
Chapter 57: There's the Cheesy Reunion
Chapter 58: Everyone Loves Kayda
Chapter 59: Finally, They're Back Home
Chapter 60: Wonder How This One Will Die
Chapter 61: Planning is a Lot of Work
Chapter 62: Recovery is a Rocky Road
Chapter 63: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 64: Splitting Up Like Scooby Doo
Chapter 65: Two More Players Join the Fight
Chapter 66: Everyone is Wrong About Patton and Virgil Being Safe
Chapter 67: Two Worlds Coming Together to Kick Ass
Chapter 68: Hey! Roman's Supposed to be the Reckless One!
Epilogue: And They're a Sappy Married Couple Now

Chapter 25: Aw, They're Both Nerds!

151 15 7
By inkling0121

"Oh, and Kayda told us that when she packed fruit for Randsted, she made sure to put the oldest berries," Mrs. Miller told them with a small laugh at the table. "And I was like, that's genius!"

"At this rate they're going to stop business with us before we do," Logan said with a small smile, picking up a carrot piece with his fork hesitantly. "I suppose we'll need to find another town to sell our harvest to."

"I would prefer that, yeah," Patton agreed. "Especially with what happened last time they were here. I didn't think it would be possible to hate them more."

"At least Roman was in town," Mr. Miller told them. "How have those two been by the way?"

"Good I guess. Last week Virgil spent the night over at his house."

Logan stifled a laugh, "Wait, Virgil stayed overnight at Roman's house, someone he hasn't known for long. We are talking about your brother, right?"

"I mean, at that point it's almost been a month. Plus apparently Virgil knew Roman was going to have a bad day, he even picked up muffins for him. Though, he didn't tell me why Roman was having a bad day, or how he knew. But they're both okay now, they've both become really good friends."

"That's nice to hear! Roman's always been a delight whenever he comes by," Mrs. Miller explained. "He's always so fun to talk with, and he's given us a really nice bread recipe that one time, so good!"

Patton laughed, "Yeah, Virgil told me he's a good cook."

"Oh, he's cooked for your brother before?" Mrs. Miller put her hand under her chin. "Do tell more."

"Oh stop, only I can tease him about that. He gets all red and defensive, but he's always like that whenever I teased him about a boy. He did that with me and Logan before we started dating, it's only fair I get some payback."

"They would make such a cute couple. Our resident forest dweller and mystery child, well Virgil's a mystery to the rest of the town. At least where he came from is, everyone pretty much knows him at this point."

"Yeah, I remember when he first showed up everyone was all curious. Just showed up randomly one night, took mom forever to come up with a story." Patton grabbed the butter knife to spread some butter on his bread roll.

"Oh yeah, I remember that. They said that they were traveling not too far, and found him walking lost on the side of the road," Mr. Miller recounted.

"Yup, but really he just showed up one night. He was so shy and quiet back then."

"Guess not much has changed then," Logan commented.

"He's not as shy as he was back then. He pretty much avoided us, usually somewhere outside. He warmed up to me though," Patton said. "Everyone usually does."

"You're just so lovable and kind, it's hard not to!" Mrs. Miller told him, patting his head. "I'll always be thankful Logan got a good one."

Logan's face turned red. "Mother..."

"You're so sweet," Patton said, taking Logan's hand under the table. "Logan is the best, your son makes me so happy."

Logan's face burned brighter and he covered his face with his other hand. "Thank you, dear," he mumbled.

"Well if everyone finished their dinner, I can take the plates and you're free to go wherever it is you planned on going," Mrs. Miller said, already standing up and taking some plates.

"I'll help you with that, love," Mr. Miller offered, grabbing some of the dishes.

"Thank you for the meal, it was delicious as always," Patton complimented. "Eating the food you make is just the best."

"Thank you dear, I'll pack some for you to take back to Virgil. I know he must be tired after using so much magic on the crops today."

"I'm sure he'll appreciate a nice meal when he wakes up, even if it's reheated. He didn't push himself today so that's good."

"I would love to learn more on how his magic works," Mr. Miller said. "It's fascinating, having control over something that others can't seem to control."

"Indeed," Logan agreed. "If we're not needed, Patton and I will be taking our leave. We won't be back until late, so don't stay awake until we get back."

"Stay safe you two!" Mrs. Miller called from the kitchen as they started to leave.

"We will, good night!" Patton called back as he was pushed towards the door. Logan helped ease his chair down a ramp as they walked out in the cool night air. "So, did you have anywhere in particular that you wanted to take me?"

"Yes, though it's no fancy place."

"It doesn't have to be, wherever you take me I'm sure I'll love it." Patton sat back comfortably in his wheelchair.

"I hope you do." Logan continued to push him down the street. It was a long walk, the two of them talking comfortably. By the time they reached the edge of town, the stars were out and the moon was high. The alchemist stopped next to a bench, moving Patton's wheelchair next to it before sitting down at the end of the bench. He took Patton's hand and said, "I wanted to bring you here, just outside of town to watch the stars with me."

Patton smiled widely. "Spending time with your favorite person doing your favorite activity?"

"That's correct. I've been reading about constellations and wanted to show them to you. That one right there." He pointed to a constellation that looked like an upside down and sideways slingshot. "Those four stars are Sagitta. It starts with that lone star there, and goes down to that one before branching off and connecting with two more."

Patton watched as Logan traced the sky with his finger. "Oh, I only know the big dipper."

"The big dipper is actually part of the Ursa Major. That's Latin for greater bear, and there's another called Ursa Minor."

"Lesser bear?"

"That's correct." Logan took Patton's hand before pointing to Ursa Major. "If you look at the big dipper, the handle of the ladle would be the tail. Then the stars that make up the dip in the spoon connect with those three stars there, making the body. Under those are those six stars, making the legs."

"Oh that's so cute! And..." Patton pointed up at a bright star above the bear. "That's the north star, right?"

"That's correct."

Patton hummed. "You're so smart, I wish I knew as much as you do."

"I can teach you anything you want to know."

"I know. Oh! Does the north star connect to the little dipper?"

"That's correct, that's the very end of the handle. And the little dipper is-"

"Ursa Minor?!" Patton looked over at Logan in excitement.

The alchemist faltered for a moment, seeing the galaxy being reflected in Patton's eyes. He smiled warmly. "That's correct. See? You're very smart. Knowing things does not make you smart, it's taking that knowledge and applying it to other things that makes you smart."

"I wanna know more!" Patton took Logan's hand with both of his, pulling the other closer. "Teach me?"

"Gladly, that's why I brought you out here. I'm happy to see you enjoying it."

Patton nodded enthusiastically. "I love talking to you. You know how to say smart things without making me feel stupid."

"That's because you're not stupid." Logan turned back to the sky. "Now, do you know who Hercules is?"

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