My World of Loving You - Jlai...

By Rtte_hiccstridFan

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These are a bunch of Jlaire one shots that have been springing to my head ever since wizards tales of Arcadia... More

You Have Me
The Reckless Dressing Room
It's Good To Be Home
Sleepy Hunters
Offically My Forever and Always (1/2)
Officially my Forever and Always (2/2)
With You Again
First Holiday
A Midnight to Remember
Two Realms Between Worlds
Fixed Double Date
Goodbye and Hello
Long Awaited Adventure
Rescue Mission
Valentine's Trip
Skating In The City
Worst Luck
Claire's Seventeenth
Easter Discovery
Corrupted Guilt
Uninterupted Fate
Unseen Explaination
Life Changing Descision
ROTT Theory Story Collection
Painful Memories
July 4th Vacation (1/3)
July 4th Vacation (2/3)
July 4th Vacation (3/3)
Unknowing Last Night
A Hundred Lifetimes
One Year Anniversary
Nuñez Explaination
Hero's 17th
Dia De Los Muertos
Christmas Vacation
Future's Paradise
St. Patty's Reunion
July 4th Reunion

Thanks To You

812 8 11
By Rtte_hiccstridFan

Hey guys!

I'm actually pretty excited for this one. With all these supportive people in general Jim his in his life, there's so much to write about to be thankful for in this Thanksgiving special.

Hope you enjoy it!

Third Person POV

This was a fun day to look forward to for the gang.

Thanksgiving can be such a fun holiday for folks. Some just enjoy it for the food, and some just love being around the ones they love. And couldn't be more thankful that they're a part of their lives.

Jim and Barbara were planning on hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, only two to three months after Jim, Claire, and Blinky returned from their adventures off in New Jersey. The trolls were still in the trollmarket they found there after travelling such a long distance for it, and Claire would portal herself, and a few others there to help out there, and make sure everything and everyone was ok. Blinky would sometimes spend days on end there, but thankfully still had his phone he got a while back to contact Claire if he wanted to return back to Arcadia.

In the meantime though, everyone was now getting ready for the holiday. The ones here, Jim, Claire, Toby, Krel, and Douxie would be joining, including Strickler, Nancy and the Nuñez's as well. Everyone was coming, so it would be a big event for the Lakes. Jim did most of the cooking as he always did, but of course felt a little more stress to do so around this Thanksgiving with the amount of people coming over and eating his food.

The day before Thanksgiving, Jim was home alone while his mom was at work, and Strickler was having an evening with the Darkland babies with a friend, mainly cause he didn't wanna leave the house and have Jim need to care for all those kids by himself alone at home. Toby was on a date with Darci, something Toby was looking forward to after her and her family were busy all week.

Jim was finishing up cooking some parts to his Thanksgiving dinner, beginning to hum a melody to himself as he then got his mind lost in the song. So lost, that he didn't even hear the back door creek open while he was humming and cooking. He continued humming as footsteps made their way toward Jim, in front of him cooking on the counter. He kept humming, lost in his own little world, before looking up.

"Ahh!" Jim yelled, startled to see a face so close and near him that it startled him enough to have him fall on his rear end.

The person giggled before going behind the counter and reached their hand out to Jim to pull him up.

"C-Claire? How-how long have you been here?" He asked her, slowly taking her hands and pulling himself up with Claire's assistance.

"Sorry. Only a few seconds ago. I came in through the back door this time".

"Kinda shocked you didn't portal here with finally having such easier access to getting here, you know, with not having your staff for a while" he said straightening out his clothes after standing up.

"Felt like taking a walk. Sorry for startling you".

"No no it's fine, it's good to see you actually. I'm normally not home alone very often anymore so it's nice to see a familiar face after a few hours. And I haven't seen you for a few days with you being with your friends and family more often lately too, I've been starting to miss you".

Claire showed a sweet smile before walking closer to Jim and wrapping her arms around him, enveloping him in a hug. Jim wrapped his arms around Claire tightly, smiling happily with her in his arms again.

"I missed you too. I finally had some time free and needed to see you".

After a few more moments, she backed away a bit, but Jim still held her, and looked into her eyes as he did.

"I know I'll be seeing you tomorrow for Thanksgiving, but I wanted to stop by before it to visit. Also, it smells really good in here, you cooking dinner for tomorrow already?".

"Yup, almost halfway done actually!".

Right after Jim finished speaking, he moved to show Claire the food on the island that was finished. A pot of stuffing, thats been done for a few hours by now, was sitting on the counter and she could see a Turkey near the stove was being worked on.

"Can I try a little of what you have done?" Claire asked him.

"Oh, of course!" Jim replied with, handing her a fork as she ate the stuffing on the counter.

After taking a bite, her facial expression showed the look of someone who looks like they just got a taste of heaven.

"Oh my god Jim, it's incredible! This is really really good".

"Thank you, I'm really happy you like it! I normally wait to make the mashed potatoes for tomorrow, and sometimes I end up making a pumpkin pie. With everyone coming I'll most likely make it this year. The Turkey I've started making. I normally start making that the day before then finish around noon the actual day of-"

"Jim" Claire interrupted. " Toby would tell me you'd normally make Thanksgiving dinner, but you really know how much you have to do for it once you see it in person. And...and your moms not helping at all?".

"Oh no. No, I normally let mom relax and I'd make it. Not just cause of her cooking, but because she's normally working and anyone that'd come over for a Thanksgiving dinner would be here around the same time she'd get off before supper starts. And I really don't mind, honestly. Sure it's a little more nerve wracking this year, your parents are coming over as well and most of the gang is, so it'll be a lot to make and a lot of pressure, but I like cooking for you guys. Besides, Strickler when he's free has been helping me out between taking care of the Darkland babies and everything else".

"Still Jim, it's a lot to do mostly by yourself. It's great that Strickler's helping when he can and even I appreciate it for your sake, you at least let me help you a bit?".

"You...could help me set the table tomorrow night?".

"Jim" she said strictly. "You know that's not what I meant".

Jim laughed for a second before saying "Claire really, I don't need much help with this, I've done it for years now".

"Everyone needs some help sometimes Jim. Even the TrollHunter with a Thanksgiving dinner. I know you had no help growing up, but you got so many people now that are free to help. Please let me do something? I don't want you working on something like this mostly alone".

Jim looked in Claire's eyes and felt a little bad. For him, it came like second nature to him for years around this holiday season. He'd always be the one to make the dinner. He knew it was a lot of work, but it never bothered him to do. He always liked the smile he'd see on his mother's face each year making this meal. That was always the biggest win in Jim's book for Thanksgiving and he'd never not see it every year. He could see in her eyes that she really did wanna help, but with having everything planned out already on everything he was gonna make, he truly didn't know what to ask her to help with.

Jim let out a sigh, then responded to Claire in a sincere way.

"Ok. I can't think of anything right now. But I promise, if I do need help or need anything made then I'll let you know, alright?".

"You sure you can't think of absolutely anything?".

"No, nothing right now. But I definitely will let you know when or if I think of something I'll need ok?".

"Ok. That's all I ask" Claire said, happy Jim was at least willing to have someone help. And he promised he would, which from Claire's knowledge is something he would always come through on.

"Whatcha doing next anyway?".

"Oh, I'm working a bit more on the Turkey. If you want to you could stay and help me a bit with the Turkey? I'd love to have it done before mom gets back from wor-"

"Say no more Jim, I'd love to stay and help".

For a few hours, Claire stayed and helped Jim with the Turkey. She stayed for supper and talked to him, laughed with him and had a great time just being with him for supper. They never got to have supper or anything at his place, like a small date at his own house in a way. It felt nice to do for both of them. After supper, Claire made some guac and got some chips from Jim's pantry as they continued talking at the dinner table.

By the time nine was approaching, Claire got a text from her mom and checked her phone immediately.

"Oh shoot".

"What, what is it?".

"I gotta get going" She said standing up and walking towards the door to grab her shoes. "Mom wanted me home apparently a little bit ago, so I'll need to go".

"Oh, Sure thing" Jim started, just approaching Claire by the door. "Thanks a lot for the help by the way, I really appreciate it, especially with the time in getting these things done. The Turkey could've taken me a bit longer without your help, so thanks for that".

"No need to thank me, never be shy to let me know when you need a hand with anything ok?".

"Yes. Why are you holding your shoes in your hand? Aren't you gonna-"

"I'm portaling home remember? Probably onto some carpeted floors in the house, so I really won't need to wear them".

"Ahh yes, sorry I forgot for a second there".

"I'll be over the second I'm free to help you get ready for tomorrow, ok?".

"Sure. I'll be waiting starting tomorrow morning".

Claire's smile extended for a second, before tilting her head ever so slightly to get close enough to him, and place her lips gently on his for a goodnight kiss. Jim closed his eyes and quickly after she came in contact with his lips, he placed a hand on her cheek while she smiled into the kiss by the touch and leaned into his hand like it was home as she continued kissing him.

It wasn't too long of a kiss, but long enough where you could at least start counting the seconds. Even when some are very few, they can last long.

Claire pulled away as Jim massaged her cheek as she stood close to him. More seconds passed and she backed away slowly.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Jim asked once he was out of her reach.

"Absolutely. Goodnight Jim" she said before creating a portal in front of her.

"Goodnight Claire" Jim responded, jus seconds before she smiled back at him and entered the portal like it was second nature.

The Next Day

The day later by just after lunch, Jim had everything he'd normally make done. Dressing, potatoes, Turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, and even some more food some others coming apparently already made.

Four was when others would start arriving, but by three, a knock was heard at the door. Jim walked over to answer as Barbara tended to the babies upstairs, with Strickler up there helping her out.

Once Jim opened the door, he saw his plump teenage friend standing before him, happy to be here with the smile he showed.

"Hey Jimbo! Happy Thanksgiving!".

"Hey Tobes, Happy Thanksgiving" he replied as Toby shut the door behind himself. "Where's your Nana?".

"Oh she's gonna come a bit later, she's still catching up on her crime fighting shows before heading over. Besides, I wanted to help you get things set up and ready".

"That's nice, thanks Tobes. Actually, I think Claire said she's gonna stop by soon to help out as wel-"

As if on que, both heard a very familiar sound and turned to the living room to see a portal open up, and reveal Claire jumping out of it.

She turned around to face her friend and boyfriend and smiled in their direction while walking up to them.

"Told ya I'd be here to help when I'm free" she said, eying Jim with a look walking til she was standing before the two teenage boys.

"Hey Claire!".

"Hey Toby, you here to help out too?".

"For sure! There's a good amount of people coming over and the two upstairs are occupied with keeping those babies calm, so Jim's gonna want at least some help".

"You guys here to help Jim?".

The three teens turned their heads to where the sudden question was coming from, and saw Barbara holding one of the babies at the top of the stairs, looking down at the three on the main floor.

"Oh thank god, that would help a lot. Alright, Toby, could you get things from the kitchen and make the dining table look nice and set it up while you two beside him get things ready in the kitchen?".

"No problem Dr. L" Toby responded. Perfect job for him since he's been here so many times he knows where everything to set the table up would be stored in the kitchen.

After about an hour, the kitchen was all set for Thanksgiving in a buffet sorta way, the table looked great, and Claire and Toby even helped Jim clean around the main floor a bit. Barbara and Strickler began helping in what was left once the babies upstairs finally calmed down, and everything was finally ready after they all helped out right on time.

Merely minutes after everything was ready, they got their first dinner guest.

"Hey Doux!" Claire said, opening the door to see him holding a plate of sweets.

"Hi! I hope Jim will allow me to take these in for a dessert. Zoe came over last night and helped me make them for the occasion".

"Wow. That was sweet of her. Here, I can..." Claire said holding out her hands to Douxie to take his plate.

"Oh, yes thank you".

"No problem" she replied as Douxie closed the door behind him and walked into the house, removing his shoes before he did so.

"Hey Douxie" Jim said as he saw Douxie approaching the kitchen where Jim was standing.

"Hey Jim! You think these are good to have here? Me and Zoe made some muffins".

"Oh! Yeah sure, that's totally ok" he said just before Claire's eyes went wide.

"Wait...are they anything like the ones from Camelot? I don't know if something in them would be too appetizing to others here in today's time. No offence".

Douxie let out a laugh, remembering the ones he ate in the past when they were in Camelot and the way Steve reacted to them.

"No none taken and no they're not. Some of the stuff to make them like they did back then probably isn't even sold in stores to bake".

As Douxie finished his statement, Claire handed the plate to Jim as he then placed it beside some of the other foods on the counter.

"Where is Zoe anyway? I know we don't know her as well, but she's more than welcome to come over for some supper" Jim offered.

"Oh no that's fine. She's actually spending Thanksgiving with some of her friends a little while away. But that's nice of you to offer".

"Oh yeah, no problem".

Right as Jim finished replying, the door was knocked on once more.

"I got it!" Barbara said, rushing to the door from the living room.

Jim chuckled under his breath at his mothers excitement for company as Claire stood beside him, giggling lightly as well.

"You excited mom?".

"...yeah, we've never had a big dinner like this with everyone. And with the babies, I've never had time to plan anything like this on my own".

When Barbara got to the door, she opened it to reveal the Nuñez parents.

"Ophelia! Welcome back!".

"Hello Barbara!" Ophelia said coming in the house, with Barbara giving greetings to Javier as well as he walked into the house.

Jim and Claire on the other hand, watching their mothers exchange from across the room, were thoroughly confused on why they seemed so much...closer.

"Ummm..." Claire said, struggling to get words out before Jim saved her the trouble and said what she was gonna say for her.

"Did we miss something?".

The mothers chuckled before Barbara answered with "Well, when you guys left for New Jersey, Ophelia asked about the babies from the DarkLands and offered to help me and Strickler with them, with how long it's been since I've had any babies of my own. I only had you Jim which was seventeen years ago, and Strickler never had much experience with babies himself. So she'd come over to help, and while she did we started talking, discussing you guys, and became friends".

"...R-really?" Jim asked, genuinely confused how these two, who used to disagree most of the time now get along very well.

"But...but we got back close to three months ago, we haven't seen you guys hang out since then at all".

"You guys were always out together" Ophelia told them. "Most of the times it'd be around when you would be, and I'd come over for some coffee or something".

"Is that why you've seemed like you've warmed up to me a little more since we got back?".

"Some of that is the reason yes, but us being filled in by Claire about everything that you've done and the kind of person we've seen now you actually are is more of the real reason. But your right, Barbara also did fill me in on some things about you when we'd talk. You were very cute as a baby as well Jim".

"Mom!" Jim yelled turning to his mother in embarrassment.

"Sorry, they were near me at the time and she wanted to see".

"Hey I never saw those, can I see them?" Toby said, butting through to Jim's mom.

Claire shook her head slightly with her eyes closed, putting her hand on Toby's shoulder.

"Ok ok guys, lay off him. It's a day to be Thankful, not a day to embarrass your kids".

She paused for a moment before continuing with a smile. "Oh, and I heard anyway that there's a new store building in town".

"Really?" Barbara asked as Ophelia jumped in.

"Yes there is, it's this-"

As the two moms began talking, Claire walked backwards and took Jim's hand in hers, taking him by surprise but followed her anyway as they walked quietly out of the room.

They walked into the dining room as Jim faced Claire, who was smiling at him and still holding one of his hands.

"That'll get them talking for a while".

Jim realized her diversion and held onto her other hand with his free one.

"Thank you".

"Your welcome".

After the next few minutes, Krel showed up only moments before Nana as she told the others she was later than Toby cause of the shows Toby filled Jim and Claire in on that she was watching before coming over.

Krel admitted that Thanksgiving wasn't a holiday over on Akiridion-5 so he was genuinely excited to see and taste the food, but with experiences in human food, he knew that Aja would've loved this even more. She was recently officially crowned Queen after getting back to her home planet and was doing well with duties as queen. She may not have been able to be there, but Krel did promise he'd let Aja know all about it after it was finished since she still had her phone all the way over there.

Blinky stopped by before the meal, not to eat of course but to see some of the food and to know more about what the holiday was about. He was spending some time down in the old trollmarket, going down there with AAARRRGGHH!!! and retrieving things others back in New Jersey wanted that wasn't destroyed, and to get his own books.

About a half an hour after everyone arrived there, Jim began telling others that dinner was ready and plates to help themselves laid on the island looking into the kitchen. No one took much time to get their plates, and everyone was already overly excited to eat with how exquisite everything looked.

People took their time receiving their food, but took their seats after they did so. Now, there were normally only four seats at Jim's dining table, but they found a few extras from around the house, so it ended up feeling a little crowded. But none really minded very much, they were more focused on digging into the meal before them.

Normally Jim wasn't very religious, but his mother and him would always say grace before their dinner on Thanksgiving. So they took a few moments to say a prayer, but just after Barbara was done speaking, Jim raised his glass.

"How about a toast before we eat?" He asked as everyone looked to him and raised their cups. "I just wanted to say how thankful I am for everyone here. The past year has been a doozy of a year and without everyone in this room I wouldn't be who I am now. Thanks for everything you guys".

Everyone smiled at him, and a few mentioning he didn't need to thank them. A few closest even said they'd be there no matter what.

"Here's to every other battle we'll be in" Toby said as Claire joined in:

"Every challenge we'll face" she said as Douxie finished it off saying:

"And everything else we'll go through and be there in no matter what".

"Cheers!" They all said cheersing their drinks together all throughout the table before finally taking a bit into their meals.

The first few bites made some around the table even sigh in delight.

"Oh my god Jim, you made all of this right?" Douxie asked him.

"Yes, why?".

"It's amazing" Krel said, finishing Douxie's thought process.

"It's incredible Jim, sometimes I don't even know how you came to be such a great cook. But you've probably already heard that a lot from me already" Toby said to him to which Jim chuckled.

"Well that's my boy for you" Barbara said proudly, knowing well enough how amazing Jim is with food.

"Practice makes perfect" Jim told them as he continued eating. "By the way, where's Steve?".

"Oh, he told me he's having Thanksgiving with his family" Krel answered. "He might be over later, but he also mentioned he'd be FaceTiming Aja. So with how long that'd normally take, I wouldn't plan on expecting him" he finished as a few near him giggled at the statement.

Everyone continued eating and talking, enjoying their food and eating it like there was no tomorrow.

After everyone was finished, Jim got up off his chair when it was a decent time after their stomachs settled to start eating dessert, and began getting the deserts he made in the fridge.

After he got the few things out onto the island closest to the dinning table, Barbara looked to Jim in a confused way.

"Hey" she began whispering. "Where's the pumpkin pie?".

Jim's eyes got large in realization.

"Ohhh shoot".

"What? What is it?".

"I...I may have forgot to make it this morning. I-I'll check around to see if I did and just forgot I made it".

He went back into the kitchen to check, but couldn't find it. He checked the fridge, the freezer, even in some cabinets that wouldn't be smart to place it in.

'Great' he thought to himself. 'I never forget to make this and on all Thanksgivings this had to be the one year I forget to make it'.

He went back into the kitchen and put some smaller plates on the table as everyone looked to him as he did so.

"Ok, the desserts are right over there on the counter if anyone would like some".

The others sitting down all got up and took a plate with them, and grabbed a small fork as well on the way back to the table.

As a few left were still grabbing the desserts they wanted, Toby looked over and saw what wasn't there.

"Hey Jim, where's your famous pumpkin pie? Every time me and Nanna would come over for Thanksgiving dinner your pie was one of my favourite things here".

"Sorry Tobes, I don't actually have the pie. I forgot to make it, so it won't be here this year".

"What are you talking about? It's right there" Douxie pointed out.

And sure enough, Jim looked to where Douxie was pointing and saw a delicious looking pumpkin pie sitting on the island.

"Wh-what? B-but I didn't put that there".

"Eh, you probably just forgot you did. Anyway, you got a bigger knife so I can take a slice of this bad boy?" Toby asked.

"Uhh...y-yeah sure" Jim said as he grabbed a knife, still confused out of his mind as to how in the world that pie got there.

A few minutes later when everyone got their desserts, Jim was interested in what people thought of that pie that mysteriously popped up on that island and how it even tasted.

"Wow Jim, this one still tastes amazing" Toby told him.

"What does? The pie?".

"Yes, it tastes pretty good! A little sweeter than I remember, but that makes it taste even better".

Jim couldn't have been more confused at this point. All that kept repeating in his head right then and there was:

'How? I never even made it OR tasted it. It tastes good? Who in the world made this? If it tastes pretty accurate to mine how don't I remember making it? Was I really tired, forgot I made it and then accidentally added more sugar?'.

Then Jim looked around the table, and tried to see if anyone else was looking at him in any sort of way to give him a clue.

Then in the corner of his eye, sitting beside his mom, a wink was given to him with a sly smile...and it was Claire.

'Wait' he thought.

"Hey Claire?".

"Hmm?" She replied with some of the pie she was eating still in her mouth.

"Can I...can I talk to you for a sec?".

"Sure" she said after swallowing the pie in her mouth.

Jim and Claire both got out of their chairs and headed to the kitchen.

Once they were far enough away from the others, Jim asked:

"Claire, did you make the pie?".

"What? Nooo".

"Claire" Jim said more strictly.

"Ok, ok, yes. I did make it. I didn't actually know you were gonna forget to make it, I was mainly just making it in case anyone wanted more of it since I kept hearing from Toby how good it's always been. I saw the recipe poking out of your cook book yesterday before I went home, took a photo of your recipe for the pie in it, and made it just this morning".

"Claire I...that-that means so much to me that you made that".

"Well, I know you said you didn't need any help with anything, but I couldn't stand not making something for Thanksgiving dinner if I was gonna have it with you here for the first time. And sorry if it was a little extra sweet, I may have added just a little more sugar to add some more sweetness to it".

"No no, I did taste it before I asked you to come in here with me, it tasted great! Thank you so much for doing that for me".

"It's no problem Jim, I'm glad I did" she said as she went forward and wrapped her arms around Jim's neck.

He immediately hugged her back and smiled into her hair while the smell of her lavender shampoo filled his senses.

Then, all of a sudden, some thoughts came into his head. A lot of memories did. So many things they've been through did, and it only made Jim hug her tighter. So tight that even Claire began to notice.

"Uh Jim?".

"Oh, sorry" he said as he loosened his grip and pulled apart from her a bit, but still held her in his arms.

"What is it, what's on your mind?" She asked as Jim only responded for the next few moments by looking into her eyes.

"It's just...everything started playing in my head just now, on basically everything we've been through and it made me realize...I think your the number one person I should be thanking here today".

Claire chuckled for a second before looking back up at Jim.


"No no I'm being serious. I mean, Claire...look at everything you've done for me. You stayed by me even when things got out of hand, loved me even when I was a troll and doubted myself so much after the change, went with me on a trip leaving your family and friends for god knows how long since we didn't even know at the time how long we'd be gone for. You'd take the biggest risk out of anyone to save me when no one else, including you by that time, would even have the strength for it cause of how dangerous it'd be, you travelled through time and space to bring me back to how I am now, succeeded so well...and that's only off the top of my head. Thanks to you, I am where I am today. I don't think I can thank you enough for everything you've done for me".

Claire was silent, looking her loving boyfriend in the eyes and smiling with almost a blush added in.

She took a hold of his left cheek with her right hand as he sunk into it, keeping his hands holding either side of her waist.

"You know I'd do anything for you. And with you for that matter. I'd do everything again if I had to. I'm never gonna stop being there for you and protecting you. You never need to thank me for that. I'll always be there when you need me".

Jim couldn't hold it back anymore as he kissed her when she finished speaking in such a passionate way. She responded to him by looping her arms around his neck as Jim looped his around her waist when he leaned in. He held her tightly against him while she fiddled with his hair. Their lips moved against one another as their moment went on, both using this moment becoming so tender as a thank you for so many memories that needed a Thanks.

When the two pulled away close to a minute later, Jim rested his forehead against Claire's as she moved her arms from around his neck to both of his cheeks.

"I love you Claire".

"I love you too Jim" she said as the voices faded in the other room with the couple just standing there, taking in the happy moment of such a holiday they both needed to celebrate in each other's arms, more than thankful to have each other in their lives.

That's all for now folks!

Sorry about the delay for this one, it really was supposed to be released on the Holiday itself, but my family and me went on a weekend trip and I didn't have much time to finish writing it. I just got back a bit earlier today so I planned to finish writing it, edit it, then post it later today.

To everyone out there, Happy Holidays! The holiday season has only just started and I'm telling ya, I've got some holiday ones coming up later on!

Bye for now 👋

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