The Frost Giant & The Wolf

Από TheZaraRoseSeries

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Your name is Nova Hemming and you've been a Stark Industries legal advisor since Tony Stark became Iron Man... Περισσότερα

Prologue: Storming The Palace
Chapter 1: Harrison or Hemming
Chapter 3: Meeting The Family
*Chapter 4: What Is Going On In There?*
Chapter 5: Evil Returns To Midgard
Chapter 6: Visions
Chapter 7: The Aftermath
Chapter 8: Exercising Patience
Chapter 9: The Past
Chapter 10: I Need You To Come Back
Chapter 11: Please Forgive Me
Chapter 12: Control Of Your Mind
Chapter 13: Girls' Day Out
Chapter 14: Stick To The Plan
*Chapter 15: Catch And Release*
Chapter 16: The coordinates
Chapter 17: Folklore Or History?
Chapter 18: Raiding The HYDRA Base
Chapter 19: Going Home
Chapter 20: Not What We Seem
Chapter 21: Wicked Game
Chapter 22: Don't Test Me
*Chapter 23: Heritage*
*Chapter 24: Return To Asgard*
Chapter 25: Tension & Appearances
Chapter 26: Clarity
*Chapter 27: Walk Of Shame*
Chapter 28: Gálgviðr
Chapter 29: Þrymheimr
Chapter 30: The Lost Princess
Author's Note & Thanks!

Chapter 2: Not So Secret

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Από TheZaraRoseSeries

*1 year later*

Today is the day you finally get to join the Avengers at their newly built facility. Tony built their new headquarters in upstate New York, beside one of the old Stark Industries warehouses that he remodeled with it. The entire Avengers base — with its many building spread out across the land — is absolutely massive and you're sure you will get lost several times.

Upon entering the main building, you step into the elevator where Tony is waiting for you. 

"Welcome! I'm glad you're officially part of our supersecret boy band." He smiles. "Well, super-secret boy and girl band I mean." He corrects himself quickly.

"It was either this or becoming a crazy cat lady at SHIELD's headquarters. Although, I doubt Fury would have minded either way. Did you know he likes cats?" You laugh.

"Wow, that's ... shocking. I had always imagined him owning a pet crocodile or something exotic like that."

"I know, right?" You chuckle as the elevator doors close.

"JARVIS, workshop," Tony orders the AI. "I'm taking you to the lab first so we can get an health scan done on you. After that, Nat will show you to your new quarters and then you'll be allowed to explore the compound."

"Health scan? What for?" You ask confusedly as your gaze meets Tony.

"Well, I like scanning our members when they're healthy, so we have a baseline to compare their images to if things go wrong. JARVIS can help find fractures and other injuries faster when he has a scan on file to compare it to." Tony explains.

"Ah, makes sense. Sure, let's do it." 

The elevator doors open into a vast and sterile lab. The outside walls are lined with floor-to-ceiling windows, letting in an abundance of natural light.

The inside walls are lined with robotics and appliances, leaving you in awe of all the technology they get to work with. Despite the fact that this workshop is constantly being worked in, it's being kept very clean. Almost sterile even.

"This way." Tony points to the scanner, which is located at the back of the workshop just past Bruce's workbench. Bruce seems completely focused on his work, as he didn't seem to notice you or Tony walking into the workshop.

"Good morning, Bruce." You say as you approach his desk.

"Uh - Hi, Nova." Bruce greets you with a smile and a nod.

"Doctor Jekyll is working on something that might help us keep Mister Hyde at bay." Tony smirks as you follow him. Bruce smiles at Tony's comment but decides not to react to it as he smilingly rolls his eyes at you. You smile in return.

"So, this scanner will scan you from head to toe and tell me everything I need to know about you. Meanwhile, JARVIS will also be scanning for other little tidbits." Tony pats your shoulder and gestures for you to step towards the scanner.

"Please don't tell me that I have to get completely undressed for this?"

"No, not at all. Just take your shoes off." You nod as you take your shoes off and place them on a nearby bench. Tony flips some switches and presses some buttons while you go stand upon the platform.

"Just stand very still for like 30 seconds or so." Keeping your arms firmly at your sides, you look straight ahead as the scanner hums and powers on.

"JARVIS, scan our newest Avenger with the name 'Nova Hemming'. I want to know everything about her." Tony orders JARVIS.

"Scanning new Avenger with name Nova Hemming."

"Gender: Female"

"Obviously." Tony mumbles.

"Age: unknown, Species: unknown."

"Wait, what?" Tony raises his eyebrows as he watches the data pop onto the screen as JARVIS speaks.

"Weight: 450 pounds"

"Where are you getting 450 pounds?!" Tony narrows his eyes in confusion.

"Creature is enhanced."

"Creature? JARVIS, where are your manners?"

"Apologies, Sir." JARVIS says. "Height: 172 centimeters."

"Which translates to 5 feet 8 inches in freedom units so that sounds about right." Tony thinks out loud.

"Former SHIELD agent, 178 out of 178 successful missions."

"That's an amazing success rate. We're lucky to have her on our side."

"No current injuries. Black hair, blue eyes, shoe size 9, clothing size 12. Scan complete." 

"JARVIS, what's going on buddy? Rerun that scan. And make sure you get things right this time!" Tony looks at you and holds up his index finger. "One more time, just to be sure." You nod in response as you wait while the scanner runs again.

The results of JARVIS' second scan are the exactly the same as the first scan. Tony tilts and scratches his head, a look of bewilderment crossing his face as he studies the results.

Upon leaving the scanner, you furrow your brows as you walk back to the bench where you placed your shoes. "Is there something wrong, Tony?" You ask as you put your shoes back on.

"Oh, I'm sure it's nothing. — Hey Banner, get over here. — JARVIS just said some odd things. Apparently, he has no idea how old you are, which is ridiculous since you are like — what, 20 something?" Tony chuckles as he flips through the results once more.

"Well, I can help you with that. I am actually 1013 years old." You state matter-of-factly.

"Hah, you're funny Elsa." Tony scoffs as he looks you straight in the eyes.

"I'm serious, Tony."

Tony raises his eyebrow at you as he pauses and looks at you. You can see his skepticism coming through.

"You're telling me that you are 1013 years old." 

"I am." You confirm.

"Come on, you've gotta be joking." Tony says dismissively.

"I'm not."

Tony narrows his eyes once more and stares intently at you. Your eyes narrow at him in response, but you don't flinch. Why would you lie about this?

"I'm not lying!" You finally say as you throw your arms up in frustration.

"Whatever the case, I think the scanner may also be having some technical difficulties. Some of these results are just plain strange." Bruce says as he looks over the results.

"JARVIS, run diagnostics on the scanner. But first, ask Nat to come down to the lab to show our Ice Queen to her new quarters." Tony orders the AI.

"Yes, sir."

"Don't worry, JARVIS will fix whatever hiccup that was, and then we'll try again. Right now, I need to finish the unibeam of the Mark VIII, lest I forget where all these parts are supposed to be seated."

Tony walks over to a half assembled chest plate suspended from the ceiling and starts to tinker on it. While you wait for Nat to arrive, you look at the results of your scan displayed on one of the nearby monitors. 

As you go down the list, you pause on the part where it says that you're an unknown species. Maybe you weren't as human as you had always thought. Part of you wonders if that means you're some sort of alien.

The lab door opens and you snap out of your thoughts as a familiar redhead walks in.

"Hey SuperNova, are you ready to find out what your quarters looks like?" Nat asks you. 

"Yep!" You smile at her new nickname for you and nod. Together, you walk into the elevator while Nat interlocks her arm with yours.

"Avenger quarters, JARVIS."

After the elevator stops and opens into a beautifully decorated kitchen with ash-wooden cabinets. At first sight, the kitchen has four ovens, two stoves, and a large kitchen island. 

A bar stands in front of the island, where you can sit and eat. At the window on the left, there is a long dining table with enough seating for at least a dozen people.

"Here's our kitchen. It's fully stocked, use it whenever you like. What's ours is yours." Nat says.

Located behind the kitchen, there is a long and bright hallway with white walls, lined with doors on each side.

"Your quarters are this way, follow me." Nat says.

Next to every door, there is a sign with the name of the Avenger residing there. Among the quarters you pass, are Steve Roger's, Bruce Banner's, Clint Barton's, Natasha Romanoff's, and Thor Odinson's. As Nat approaches the door bearing your name, she stops.

She opens the door leading to the most beautiful and spacious bedroom you have ever seen. "This one is yours. Feel free to customize it to your liking. Just let Pepper know if there is anything you need."

The room you had at the tower was already luxurious, but this one is even nicer.

You walk inside and find a beautiful king-size bed with soft beige sheets and at least half a dozen gray pillows placed neatly on top. The walnut floor is covered with a beige carpet. 

The floor-to-ceiling windows are adorned with white linen curtains and the black walnut barn doors to the right lead to the en-suite bathroom.

As you approach the bathroom, you are stunned by the shiny marble floor. A white acrylic tub is positioned in the very center, and on the back wall, are floor-to-ceiling sliding doors that lead to a huge walk-in closet.

After running your fingers through the clothes, you pull out a random shirt and read the size the tag. You smile as the clothes are exactly your size.

"Oh, before I forget, will you follow me back to your desk?" Nat walks back into the bedroom to the sturdy oak desk placed near the door. She grabs the tablet from the desk and starts tapping on the screen.

"These devices are yours to keep. All of our contact information is already programmed into all of your devices and you should have the proper clearance to access all the files you might need." Nat opens up the calendar on your brand new tablet and hands it over to show you. 

"Since you are now one of us, you will be training almost daily, just like the rest. Your training schedule is in your calendar so keep an eye on it. It should remind you as I have set alerts for you so you don't miss them." 

"Wait, I get to keep this?" Your eyes widen at the expensive device Nat places in your hand.

"Yes. The phone and laptop as well. All yours." Nat turns back to the desk and picks up a brand new phone which she hands you.

"This isn't even out yet! This phone won't be released until the end of the year!" You gasp excitedly.

"I know. That's Tony for you. Of course, he has adjusted all these devices for our line of work so they're not quite as similar as you'd think." Nat smiles while you fangirl over the new phone you just got handed. 

You have been wanting to get one of these ever since they announced it even though you knew you probably couldn't afford it. Tony really takes care of everything.

"I will leave you to it for now. Please, get settled, make yourself at home. I will come and get you around 6 pm so you can meet the rest of the guys as well as have dinner with us. Any questions before I leave?" Nat stops at the door, ready to leave but waits patiently for your response.

"None at the moment. Thank you, Nat." Nat winks at you and closes the door behind her.

You turn back to look at your amazing new bedroom and a cheeky smile creeps onto your face. You start a little run and plop onto the new bed, stretching and sighing contently as you allow yourself to sink into the soft sheets.


"You are doing what?!" Tony growls.

"Please, Stark. Try to understand." Thor pleads.

"That psycho destroyed most of Manhattan, caused over 80 billion dollars in damage and killed 74 innocent people that day. What exactly do you want me to understand here?"

"He needs to atone for his crimes and he needs to do it here on Midgard. What better place to bring him than the home of the Avengers where Earth's mightiest heroes can keep an eye on him?"

"Why don't you just leave him up there, so we are all safe from his midlife crisis?"

"My father has decided he is to make amends with the human race and the team he fought against. He can only do so on Midgard, not when he is confined to a cell in Asgard." Thor explains firmly.

"You can tell your father that the next time he has another brilliant idea like this, to just think for a few seconds before he says it out loud. You know ... Just one extra second." Tony wags his index finger.

"I beg of you Stark. I wish for him to have a chance at a normal life. He is a troubled man but he is not beyond reason." 

Tony sighs deeply as he stares at Thor's feeble attempt at puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine ..." Tony grumbles. "But he is your responsibility Sparky. One hair out of line and I am sticking him in a cell in the basement where his greasy hair will never see the light of day again."

"You have my word." Tony scoffs and turns back to his bench to continue his work on his new Mark prototype.

"When you bring him here, there is an empty room down the hall across from Nova's room." 

"I meant to speak to you about Lady Nova as well. Did I hear correctly that she is over 1000 years old?"

"How did you even hear about that?" Tony asks as he looks around for Bruce who suddenly seems to be hiding behind his current project.

"I overheard Banner speak to Lady Widow that the voice of JARVIS reported her age to be unknown. But, he then proceeded to explain that Lady Nova herself has mentioned that she is 1013 years of age."

Tony looks over at Bruce who pretends to be too busy to hear the conversation going on. Tony turns back to Thor and sighs.

"Look, I am not sure I should even be telling you this. Part of me still thinks she was joking, but yes, that's what she said. — Why do you even ask?" 

"I am absolutely positive Lady Nova is not Midgardian. During the invasion of the Chitauri, Lady Nova had frozen me in this solid ice bubble. Her magic felt vaguely familiar. Hearing from Banner that she is over 1000 years old, only confirms my suspicion. I propose for her to join me on my journey to Asgard so we may perhaps find the truth. We would only be gone a day or two." 

"Okay fine. The kid deserves to know if she has any family. Even if it is on a different planet. Is Asgard even a planet?" 

"Asgard is a realm." Thor snorts mockingly.

"Realm, planet ... Same thing." Tony replies dismissively. "But Sparky, you bring her back safe, you hear me?"

"Once again, Stark, I give you my word." Thor says as he walks out of the lab and disappears into the elevator.


After taking a quick shower, you head to the closet to grab some clothing to wear. Whoever stocked this closet has impeccable taste and knew exactly what you like to wear. You grab a pair of black skinny jeans, black heels, and a navy shirt with a V-neck. 

Knock knock

"Who is it?" You yell from the bathroom.

"Lady Nova, it is I! I seek an audience with you. May I enter?" Thor asks and your lips curl into a smile at how proper he is.

You head out of the bathroom and open your door the door. Thor is fully dressed in his Asgardian battle armor. The one you haven't seen since the battle.

"Hey, Thor. What's up?" You turn to the side, inviting him in. 

Thor enters and places his hammer on your desk. He sits down on one of the couches near the window and spends a moment fluffing his cloak before his gaze finally meets yours. You snigger as you sit down on the couch beside it.

"I may have heard about your age." 

"My age?" Your eyes widen at Thor's not so subtle approach.

"Correct. I heard Banner talk to Lady Widow about your age being over a thousand." 

"Oh, that ... That's right. What about it?" You shrug.

"Stark and I agreed that it might be wise to take you to Asgard with me. We will request an audience with the Allfather, maybe he might know of you or he may be able to guide us towards an answer."

You look up at Thor and frown.

"You think this Allfather might know of me? Also, I thought humans are not supposed to be up there?" You point your finger to the ceiling, even though you don't know if that's where Asgard really is.

"That's just it, Lady Nova. I do not think you to be human. Though, only the Allfather will know for sure." 

"Is he really that all-knowing?"

"My father has lived several thousands of years. He might not be able to tell you exactly who you are, but he can tell us whether you are a Midgardian or not. And if not, he might be able to help us find out where you hail from."

"That would be nice." You glance up at Thor, a mixture of happiness and anxiety on your face as the god flashes his signature charming smile. 

Now that you might actually get answers, part of you is scared of finding out. What if it's not what you expected? What if you are literally no-one important or your parents just abandoned you? Though, would you even want to know if the latter is true?

"Then pack your essentials, we leave within the hour. Don't worry about clothing as it will be provided in Asgard." 


Thor and Tony are waiting on the helipad on the roof for you to join them. Several minutes later, the elevator dings open, and you exit holding only a small bag. 

"You got everything, kid?" Tony asks.

"I do." You hold up the bag to show him. "I only needed a few things."

"Good luck up there with Big Brother. Tell him I said hi. Bring me a souvenir?"

Tony gives you a quick hug as you snigger.

"I don't think they get many travelers up there so I doubt I will find a little souvenir shop, Tony." You laugh.

"Well, I guess since you are bringing back Rock of Ages, you'll have your hands full anyway." 

"Huh? Who's that?" Your eyes flit from Tony to Thor and back. You can see the God's panicked expression.

"You didn't tell her?" Tony slaps Thor's arm with the back of his hand.

"I might have forgotten to mention it." Thor chuckles awkwardly, his hand scratching his head lightly.

"Mention what?" You ask confused.

"The two of you are bringing back Loki from Asgard. He will be staying here at the compound with us." Tony explains to her.

"We are bringing back the man that has tried to kill every single one of us?" You look at Thor with a displeased scowl. How could he have forgotten to tell you that little piece of very important information?

You remember Loki vividly. The anger and hurt on his face, all the death, and destruction that he caused. Manhattan is still recovering from the attack even though a year has passed. 

New York has always been good about rebuilding almost instantly. Even Stark Tower was rebuilt in a matter of a few weeks and now serves as headquarters for Stark Industries. But the devastation that was caused by the massive Chitauri leviathans? Manhattan still bears those marks. 

"Great," You grumble as you cross your arms in annoyance.

Without saying much more, Thor pulls you close and grabs a hold of your waist. Before you can protest, he lifts his hammer to the sky and shouts.

"Heimdall, open the Bifrost."

Less than a second later, rays of bright light and rainbow colors envelop you. The ground falls from under your feet and you close your eyes as you immediately feel nauseous to your stomach.

Several moments later, Thor's feet hit the platform and you lose your footing but he catches you, pulling you back to your feet. He slowly loosens his grip on you, checking to see if you can stand before walking over to greet the sentinel clad in golden plate armor.

"Heimdall! It's good to see you again, old friend."

"Not as good as it is to see you, my Prince," Heimdall replies as he and Thor clasp arms.

You may or may not have forgotten that Thor is royalty up here.

Heimdall's gaze finds yours, but you can't seem to find your words as you stare at the tower of a man in front of you.

"Welcome to Asgard, Lady Nova."

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