Jin Ling - This is my story!

By Cutekriya

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This fanfic is from Jin Ling's point of view. Request you to please read the novel and watch drama as it con... More

First Night Hunt
Re encounter Mo Xuanyu
Uncle Yao
Journey to Qinghe
Journey to Qinghe
Strange Events
Yi City
Yi City
Koi Tower Discussion
Second Seige
Lan Sizhui - My friend
In quest of Truth
Entry at Guanyin Temple
Unveiling Truth Part 1
Unveiling Truth - Part 2
Unveiling Truth - Part 3
RIP Uncle Yao
Life as Sect Leader
Night Hunt 1
Empathy (M)
Emapthy (M)
My Name - Rulan
Not so perfect - Yuan
First Kiss
Cloud Recess
Night Hunt
Yin Iron
Fight with Jin Chan
Lantern Festival
Lantern Festival 2 (M)
Back to Lanlingjin
Zewu-Jun and Yuan
Lookout Towers
Goodbye Jiang Uncle
Miss You
Water Ghoul
Its Only You for Me too
Yuan's Personal Diary
Yuan's Personal Diary
Leisure in Yunmeng
Connected by Souls

Night Hunt 2

170 5 0
By Cutekriya

In the morning we all decided to visit Xuanwumen temple. Lan Sizhui was walking beside me entire time. The tension in his face was quite evident and I wanted to assure him nothing will happen and he doesn't need to worry. It was Wei Wuxian who was present on another side so I wasn't able to say anything much to Yuan.

Yuan - "What if Jing Ling wasn't randomly attacked and the corpse held some hatred towards him or Lanlingjin sect? I think we should find that"

Jingyi - "Yuan how do you propose to find that?"

Yuan - "Before going to temple I shall swap my clothes with Jing Ling. We can see whom the spirit attacks - me, Rulan or someone else".

Wei Wuxian "Yuan, your thinking is right. But, we can find some other way to resolve the case. You dont add trouble by risking your life too".

Yuan - "But, Senior Wei weren't we supposed to solve the case on our own."

Yuan's answer disappointed Wei Wuxian. It was seen in his face. But not exaggerating the matter he allowed Yuan to resolve the matter in his way.

Stopping at a nearby inn, I and Yuan both entered a room to swap our robes.
Behind the partition I kept my outer robe at top of the partition. He passed his robe sideways. Donning his robe I am able to smell his scent. The faint smell of sandalwood which is also present in his handkerchief. Instead of feeling unpleasant, I never knew wearing someone's used clothes will actually make me feel so good.

"Jin Ling"


"I am dressed you can come out"

Turning towards me he asked, "Is it okay? Do I look now from Lanlingjin sect?"

The golden color robe looked splendid on him as if it was stitched only for him. His hair was flowing down right up to his knees. I pointed at his forehead ribbon "You don't have to wear that".


I placed my palm on his forehead ribbon and instead of restraining he simply closed his eyes and allowed me to untie it. Removing the forehead ribbon nor did I restrain myself while putting vermilion mark on his forehead. He stepped closer and my heart beat erratically. He was only inches apart from my face. He dint touch me but still I was able to feel his warmth has enveloped me.

Suddenly there was knock on the door.

Jingyi - "Are you two ready? Yuan, hurry up all are waiting outside"
Opening his eyes Yuan stumbled a bit. Steadying himself he clasped my hand. "Let's go"

I was still speechless with what happened. We both somewhere knew this friendship is something special. There are so many words which we both should have said but all were left unspoken. Yuan moved forward holding my hand and I simply followed him as if he had done some magic on me. I wouldn't have realized even if he would have pushed me down a cliff right now.

Reaching the door he took his forehead ribbon from my hand and kept it on my palm. "Keep it safely with you. It will protect you from any danger".

I tied the ribbon on his wrist. "It is yours. You need it more. You don't have to do this"

"Don't worry about me. Nothing will happen to me. I have Jingyi". My eyes drooped hearing Jingyi's name. He continued "Senior Wei, Wen Ning and other disciples for my protection".

He opened the door and said "I am with you. I hope I have you." My grip tightened worrying about him.

I came for this night hunt thinking about him all way. His friendship is the most valued treasure I own. Once I promised I will never hurt him and he is risking his life for me. I hope I have you - You have all of me Yuan. 

On reaching Xuanyumen all the boys were hidden scattered in different directions. Unclasping our hands Yuan moved towards Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxin looked at me and I said "I don't want to hide. I want to know whom the corpse attacks - me, my sect or anyone else around?"

Wei Wuxian - "Enough of this nonsense! Let's all discuss and find other solution."

Suddenly the corpse came forward attacking Lan Sizhui. Wen Ning jumped forward pushing Yuan behind him. Unsheathing my sword I ran towards Yuan. All of us - me, Jingyi and other disciples stood as a wall between the spirit and Yuan.

Wei Wuxian was playing mild flute tunes trying to control the corpse in front of him. Black aura surrounded around Wei Wxia and ghost. Seconds later, the ghost sat down near him bending her neck down.

Situation was under control.

Looking at Sizhui, Wei Wuxian said, "Do you want to showcase your Guqin skills as well now?"

Lowering his head Sizhui moved forward. Laying the Guqin on floor, he spread his robes, I mean my robes which he is wearing at present graciously.

Strumming chords, he asked his first question, "What is your name?"

After some time he looked at Wei Wuxian, "I asked her what is her name and she replied Wen JingJiao"

Nodding his head Lan Sizhui played another question, "How did you die?"

Spirit - "I was murdered"

Lan Sizhui informed everyone that the ghost was murdered.

Lan Sizhui - "What did Lanlingjin sect do with you?"

After the spirit started answering Lan Sizhui held tight the strings of Guqin tight. Wei Wuxian was surprised by this unseen unexpected behavior and so were other disciples.

Lan Sizhui was tensed at this moment as if what should he answer next. He looked at Wei Wuxian and even Wei Wuxian felt his uneasiness.

"Senior Wei, I don't think we should continue .... I mean I am not sure".

"Do you want any other Lan disciple to continue on your behalf?"

"No..No. I mean it is better if you deal with the ghost yourself"

Wei Wuxian turned to Wen Ning and asked all of them to wait outside. He turned to Sizhui and said "You may also leave".

On reaching the door, I felt Lan Sizhui clasping his hands with mine. Nodding he took me back where there was Wei Wuxian.

"Senior Wei, When I asked what did Lanlingjin sect do with her?" Looking into my eyes he said, "The ghost replied she was forced by Jin Guangshah. I held the Zither notes with my hand so that no other disciples whether from Lan sect or Moling sect understands. I wasn't sure about what impact it will make revealing things which are unknown"

"Well done Sizhui, you may leave. I have my own ways to find out the truth".

Jin Ling - "I want to stay. I won't go anywhere?" It was about my grandparents. The only one who could have been affected right now is me. More than Wei Wuxian or anyone else it was essential for me to stay inside. After what happened inside Guanyin temple, I knew one thing it is better to know truth rather than dwell your hatred on those whom you don't know.

I was firm and adamant this time that I will not make a move outside. Finally Wei Wuxian sighed and let me be with him. Clasping my hands even Sizhui refused to leave. "I know Senior Wei, I am not required here. Can I please still be here?" Looking at our tied hands Wei Wuxian turned and did not ask Lan sizhui to leave this time. If we were under some other situation then he would have definitely teased us but now he knew Sizhui was only trying to be a support.

"I will perform Empathy. Jin Ling, the bell will be the code for supervisor"

The entire time when Wei Wuxian was performing Empathy Sizhui was holding my hand. When Wei Wuxian mumbled Yuan, my eyes met his and I realized his focus was only on me. I don't know what this feeling is but amidst everything hearing his name, I was more afraid of him being hurt. A moment later he mumbled uncle's name pleading for help. We concentrated back on Wei Wuxian. His fist tightened and a lone tear escaped his eyes. I started ringing the bell continuously. Both, I and Sizhui were getting tensed for Wei Wuxian until his breathing normalized. There were many question swirling around inside my head, it was Sizhui who made me calm with his presence. His concerned eyes did not avert his gaze from me even for a single second. As each minute passed he kept on looking at me assuring "Everything will be alright!"

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