The Keepers of Chaos: A Vault...

De Kronaeon

856 209 23

Unknown forces stir in the depths of Waterdeep, Dead gods, and fallen homes. The unsolved mystery of missing... Mais

Alekzandr Ikorov: I
Herod Westwood: II
Riu Astrial: III
Adleth: IV
Asher Exitium: V
Adleth: VI
Markos Amanodel: VII
Ammalia Cassalanter: VIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: IX
Riu Astrial: X
Adleth: XI
Alekzandr Ikorov: XII
Herod Westwood: XIII
Vaelle Lurval: XIV
Asher Exitium: XV
Markos Amanodel: XVI
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: XVII
Herod Westwood: XVIII
Riu Astrial: XIX
Adleth: XX
Alekzandr Ikorov: XXI
Donna Evergrove: XXII
Markos Amanodel: XXIII
Riu Astrial: XXIV
Asher Exitium: XXV
Ammalia Cassalanter: XXVI
Herod Westwood: XXVII
Asher Exitium: XXVIII
Riu Astrial: XXIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: XXX
Markos Amanodel: XXXI
Herod Westwood: XXXII
Adleth: XXXIII
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: XXXIV
Asher Exitium: XXXV
Vaelle Lurval: XXXVI
Alekzandr Ikorov: XXXVII
Markos Amanodel: XXXVIII
Riu Astrial: XXXIX
Herod Westwood: XL
Adleth: XLI
Asher Exitium: XLII
Ammalia Cassalanter: XLIII
Riu Astrial: XLIV
Alekzandr Ikorov: XLV
Vaelle Lurval: XLVI
Andraste Liadon: XLVII
Adleth: XLVIII
Asher Exitium: XLIX
Andraste Liadon: L
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: LI
Markos Amanodel: LII
Riu Astrial: LIII
Herod Westwood: LIV
Ammalia Cassalanter: LV
Adleth: LVI
Asher Exitium: LVII
Herod Westwood: LVIII
Markos Amanodel: LIX
Donna Evergrove: LX
Alekzandr Ikorov: LXI
Riu Astrial: LXII
Andraste Liadon: LXIII
Vaelle Lurval: LXIV
Adleth: LXV
Herod Westwood: LXVI
Asher Exitium: LXVII
Markos Amanodel: LXVIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: LXIX
Adleth: LXX
Riu Astrial: LXXI
Ammalia Cassalanter: LXXII
Asher Exitium: LXXIII
Vaelle Lurval: LXXIV
Estral Ever'reiyn: LXXV
Andraste Liadon: LXXVI
Herod Westwood: LXXVII
Riu Astrial: LXXVIII
Markos Amanodel: LXXIX
Herod Westwood: LXXX
Alekzandr Ikorov: LXXXI
Vestus Konstotte: LXXXII
Vaelle Lurval: LXXXIII
Adleth: LXXXIV
Markos Amanodel: LXXXV
Herod Westwood: LXXXVI
Andraste Liadon: LXXXVII
Rishall Callahan: LXXXVIII
Herod Westwood: LXXXIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: XC
Riu Astrial: XCI
Vaelle Lurval: XCII
Ammalia Cassalanter: XCIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: XCIV
Andraste Naïlo: XCV
Vestus Konstotte: XCVI
Adleth: XCVII
Riu Astrial: XCVIII
Markos Amanodel: XCIX
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: C
Alekzandr Ikorov: CI
Ammalia Cassalanter: CII
Vestus Konstotte: CIII
Adleth: CIV
Herod Westwood: CV
Markos Amanodel: CVI
Vaelle Lurval: CVII
Riu Astrial: CVIII
Adleth: CIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: CX
Markos Amanodel: CXI
Andraste Naïlo: CXII
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: CXIII
Herod Westwood: CXIV
Riu Astrial: CXVI
Markos: CXVII
Adleth: CXVIII
Vestus Konstotte: CXIX
Vaelle Lurval: CXX
Andraste Naïlo: CXXI
Adleth: CXXII
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: CXXIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: CXXIV
Riu Astrial: CXXV
Ammalia Cassalanter: CXXVI
Markos Amanodel: CXXVII
Vestus Konstotte: CXXVIII
Herod Westwood: CXXIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: CXXX
Adleth: CXXXI
Andraste Naïlo: CXXXII
Vaelle Lurval: CXXXIII
Riu Astrial: CXXXIV
Herod Westwood: CXXXV
Vestus Konstotte: CXXXVI
Alekzandr Ikorov: CXXXVIII
Riu Astrial: CXXXIX
Vestus Konstotte: CXL
Adleth Meliamne: CXLI
Vaelle Lurval: CXLII
Ammalia Cassalanter: CXLIII
Andraste Naïlo: CXLIV
Markos Amanodel: CXLV
Herod Westwood: CXLVI
Victoro Cassalanter: CXLVII
Vestus Konstotte: CXLVIII
Markos Amanodel: CXLIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: CL

Vestus Konstotte: CXV

7 0 0
De Kronaeon

Rocks and Kids: CXV

"You.. bought a what?" Vaelle asked him, he folded his arms standing outside of the manor grinning madly.

"A rock! Multiple rocks actually!" He declared. The men from the quarry narrowly slid the boulder off the wagon, whatever its axles were made of, Vestus wanted. "Yeah that's great! Right there, next to the broken sign- how did that sign get broken?" He directed the movers around, though he knew the final push would have to be done by himself.

"H-how am I supposed to know?" She begged, "I've been here less than you." Vaelle creased her nose. "Why.. Why did you buy rocks? Didn't you just get paid?"

"Yup! I got rocks, cause I knew things were about to get pretty.. Rough." He grinned. "Alright let's see here." He strolled over to the carriage pulling out a large box filled with rocks. Huh.. box of rocks.. He'd have to save that joke for later. Inside he uncovered around twelve smooth circular stones large enough to bash a skull in with. He wondered where he had left his pen, they needed to be labeled for the Gralhund family.

"I.. Don't know how you're gonna move this thing.." His attention was captured by the first quarry worker, bent over and panting. The man was crouched next to the eight foot tall angle topped stone. "Seriously, it took us nearly all morning just to get it here.."

"I.. know, I was walking in front of the cart the whole time." He patted the man on the back before venturing to the stone. "I think it fits just nicely don't you?" Vestus asked Vaelle. The girl was scratching the back of her head in confusion, her figure looked better than the first time he'd found her. Like she'd finally gotten some actual meals in.

"I.. think you might be crazier than Markos, in any way.." She picked at a butterfly wing shaped object in her hair, red and green in coloration. Vestus wondered what it was. "I'm gonna.. Head back inside.."

"Oh!" He smiled. "Could you send, druid lady out here to help?" He picked up the box, moving it to the front porch.

"W-who?" She quizzed. "You mean Andraste?"

"YeS!" He cheered. "Andraste. Send her out, I need someone strong enough to help me move this boulder." He kneeled down in front of the boulder pulling a stencil out of his bag. What he was planning...

"Uhh." Vaelle cleared her throat. "Andraste isn't home." He raised an eyebrow. Well, that wasn't good.. Where was she?

"Did she mention anything?" He asked.

"I'm pretty sure she's out with Mattrim or something.." She grumbled. He groaned, that relationship was apparently younger than Flare, and that kid was a fucking Theseus.

"Ok then.." He grumbled disappointingly. He didn't want to move the boulder on his own. However he fully accepted the ramifications to do so. "Where is Markos?" He vaguely remembered the cultist being decently, if not absurdly strong during a previous fight. He may have looked like a twig, but apparently he adhered to the laws of body mass about as strongly as the laws of physics.

"Uhm.. not quite sure-"

"Hi." A soft voice whispered into his ear. "I uh.. I heard you were looking for me." Vestus slowly turned his head only to be met by a wide grin, and sea green eyes. That was both creepy and hilarious.

"Markos!" Vaelle yelled. "I thought we talked about this.." Talked.. What? Had they even held a conversation? He wondered.

"Alright. For starters." Vestus cleared his throat. He faced the half-elf with his hands spread wide. "What the fuck." did the cultist just.. Go around sneaking up on people? Secondly the odd look of calmness on Markos's face was off putting. His eyes were a different color, with one of the two necklaces around his neck pulsating with a yellow energy. "Secondary.. Do you want to help me move a large rock?" The boy's face, which was previously amused, quickly turned to confusion. Where the Hades, had he come from?

"I-I.. Why in Toril would I want that?" Markos queried.

"Because I'm asking you nicely!" He chuckled, right that was the golden ticket with cultists. Wait or was that the golden rule with children... Skatá. He cursed. "Or you could help find; big druid lady because she'll probably help."

"Lemme think.. I could do that.. Or." Markos smiled. It wasn't condescending or even sadistic. It looked.. Genuine. Like for once he was happy. "I could do literally anything else!" the half-elf chuckled. Well that was quite rude. He assumed the boy liked him.

"Markos!" a shrill voice screamed from the top of the house, Vestus got a good look over the short kid's head seeing Riu Astrial bending out of the window. "Can you help me?" The white haired beauty was dripping wet from head to toe, Vestus was fairly sure he saw water running off the wood where she leaned over. Along with that, he saw bits of soap and the odd sound of meows. The cultist seemed to ponder. Vestus rolled his eyes.

"Ya know, I think I hear my.. god calling. Yeah that's it." the cultist snapped, was it right to call him a cultist right now? Vestus stared at him, and then down at the necklace. 'Yeah I'm calling toreshit.' He thought. He sighed. Markos was lying through his teeth. "Anyway goodbye!" Markos yelled. What- The cultist stomped his foot on the ground and fell backwards a strange pop in the air could be heard. His nostrils filled with an odd salty smell and-

*Groof* "Ow!" Markos exclaimed from the dirt. The cultist fell backwards hitting the ground. Dust flew everywhere, and he was fairly sure there were some cracking noises. Oo that had to hurt. "Stupid- elder.. No powers." The half-elf jumped up grumbling, before he ran back into the house.

"..." Vestus cocked his head in confusion.

"What?" He wasn't sure who Vaelle was asking the question to. He missed Exitium house. Cultists, drunks, whores, and demons made little sense to him. He taught orphaned children how to fight, how to survive. That was straight forward. These people were confusing to him.

"Well. Anyway, I hope you feel.. Better." He wasn't sure how to brooch the subject, Vaelle was clearly torn apart the day prior during the ball. Which was to be expected. She looked at the ground timidly. Ugh, he missed having other teachers around, at least they knew how to get through to children! Wait.. wasnt she nearly thirty?

"I.. Thanks." Vaelle whispered. "Ya know." She started hoping on her right leg. "Come to think of it. I think I'm gonna head inside.. Let you.. Finish whatever you're doing here ok?"

Vestus frowned. "Uh, alright. Are you sure? If you'd like we can always talk-"

"No!" She yelped. "I mean.. No, thank you. Sorry, I just. Need to be alone sometimes. Y aknow?" Vestus studied her, she was small and starting to gain some kind of weight back. Yet still he was worried for her was leaving her alone really the best option? Flare always needed space.. So maybe this was good.

"Of course. I'll just.. Juggle rocks and boulders and such. Go ahead and run inside." He waved. Trying to turn away.

"Vestus." Her voice dripped with sincerity.


"Thank you." The girl ran inside the manor, probably with everything on her mind.

"You're welcome kiddo.." He chuckled.


What on Toril? Vestus's attentio was captured by a large carriage rolling to the front of the manor. The ride was large, with light birch like wood making up its exterior. The front driver was a small gnome looking fella with an ugly nose and an odd blue suit. The door to the carriage opened, dispensing..

"Renaer?" Vestus exclaimed. The red-headed noble stumbled out of the caravan, his face a bit awkward looking. "Hm? Something the matter? You usually come in a carriage? That doesn't sound like what Adleth told me.."

"Uh.." Renaer scratched the back of his head nervously, pointing at the back of the cart. "Elnaril sent me.. Said he.. Went after your.. Problem last night but found.. Well.. here." The lord walked over, opening the back of the cart. With a bit of coaxing Vestus squinted, walking over to see three little figures step out of the cart. They were wild and scared looking, one a red tiefling boy wearing an eyepatch. The next was a small tan skinned girl who seemed to do nothing but stare at the ground in her big blue jacket. On her hip was a long wooden sword the kind you gave to children. Finally a big portly looking one, with dark skin and a shaved head tumbled out, he had trembling lips with a big stuffed owl bear on his shoulder.

"Ah.." Vestus mumbled. Well then. That was definitely something else. 

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