Australian | Tronnor au

By frnkie_ro

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Troye Mellet is the lanky 15 year old singer and actor who just moved from Australia to America and is trying... More

Authors Note


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By frnkie_ro

Connor thought it would be just another Monday when he woke up. Boy was he wrong.

He sauntered into Morgan Blake High School with his best friend Ricky, smiling at and greeting the people he knew. Even people he didn’t know. It was going to be a good day, he could tell. Maybe it was because he managed to get a Starbucks coffee before school. Yeah, that’s probably it, Connor thought as he stopped by his locker to meet up with some of his friends.                                                                                                                   

“Hey Connor.” Trevor smiled at him.                                                                                                       

“Hey Guys!” Connor relied, bouncing on his feet.                                                                             

“Con, what’s wrong? Why are you so happy?” Jc asked, curious as to why the 17 year old was smiling like the Cheshire Cat. The grin didn’t leave his face as he responded.                     

“Nothing’s wrong Justin, I just have a good feeling about today.” He received a glare from Jc when he called him Justin, but ignored it as he walked away.                                                  

“Connor, where are you going?” Ricky called after him.                                                                       

“Mr Walkers’ class. I need to hand in the homework I didn’t do.” And with that he was off

By 3rd period, Connor was sure he was blessed with good luck overnight (I mean, having Starbucks was an effect of the good luck, right?). In Music he had gotten away with not actually doing any work, in Maths they had started looking at Standard Form(which, in Connors’ opinion, was one of  the easiest things ever) and now the English teacher was telling them to just do whatever they wanted - within reason – instead of reading Of Mice And Men. It was all very peculiar.                                                                                           

“Hey Con, you doing anything after school on Friday?” Jc asked, leaning over Martha Jonesel’s desk.                                                                                                                                 


“A bunch of us are going to Caspar Lee’s, you wanna come?”                                                                         

“Uh,” Connor hesitated, “I’m not sure. Is it going to be a party or something?”                                                  

Jc let out a laugh. “No, we’re just gonna watch a bunch of Disney movies. Maybe The Maze Runner.” Connor hesitated but eventually nodded. He was about to say something but the bell rang, cutting him off. There was a rush as all 31 students in the class chucked their belongings in their bags and simultaneously moved to the door to their next classes.

Connor met Ricky and Kian at Ricky’s locker after Creative Writing. He was, for lack of better words, extremely curious. The thing was, he had absolutely no idea why. Well, he did- during the last period one of the English teachers came into the room followed by a tall and lanky boy. From what Connor picked up from eaves dropping, the boy was a new sophomore. And boy did he have beautiful eyes. And really nice, cute, plump lips. But Connor pretended he wasn’t thinking that.

Connor shook the thoughts from his head as he followed his friends to the cafeteria, listening to their conversation and thanking other students who moved to the side to let them pass. Lots of them were to star struck that The Connor Franta spoke to them to react back. Connor couldn’t help but think most of the students in the school were a bit stupid; the ‘popular’ people were normal after all. Just a tad more charismatic.

Connor was silent when he sat down at the table in between Sam Pottorff and Alfie Deyes. Everyone’s attention was on him- it wasn’t often Connor sat down and wasn’t in a conversation immediately.                                                                                                            

“Hey guys, could you, ya’know? Stop staring at me like I have 3 extra heads?” Connor said. If it was anybody else, they’d probably think he was being rude; they knew he wasn’t.                                                                                                                                              

“Sorry Con, you just seem a bit…” Joey paused, “Off? I guess.” Connor let out a small laugh.                                                                                                                                               

“I’m okay guys. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever felt better. I’m just thinking.” Various people were about to reply but they were all interrupted when a bag thumped down on the table. One of the youngest of the group, 16-year old Trevor Moran, had arrived. Connor was relieved to say the least. It was hard to be one of the most popular people in the school, even in your own friendship group.                                                                                

“Oh my god. Today has been so great.” Trevor exclaimed.                                                                  

“Really?” Tyler asked, “Did you hear about that new kid in your grade?” Of course Tyler knew about him- the 18 year old was one of the biggest gossips in the school.                             Trevor nodded. “Yeah, he’s in most of my classes. He’s called Troye Mellet” And he pointed to behind Alfie. Everyone sat around the table either craned their neck or turned around to look at him. “He’s the one with the blue crewneck and the black backpack. The tall one.”                              

 “The one looking at us?” Trevor nodded to confirm.                                                                        

“He’s such a twink.” Tyler remarked. There was mixed reactions to Tyler’s statement, including Trevor squeaking out “He’s 15!” But Connor wasn’t paying attention to anything they were saying. The only thing going through his mind was that the boy everyone was looking at was the same boy from Creative Writing- the cute one with the amazing blue eyes. Troye Mellet. It was the perfect name for him, Connor thought.                                            “Uh, Connor,” Sam said, “Why are you staring at the air?” It was then Connor realised that Troye had moved. He chuckled lightly, turned around and joined in a conversation about erasers. Troye slipped almost completely out of his mind- but not quite.

Connor was trying to focus in PE. It was the last lesson of the day and they were doing Soccer. They weren’t focusing properly as Mr Sminters was a fairly relaxed teacher. That was probably why Connor let himself notice the whole group of teenagers around the field. Why he had let himself notice the tall, bluey-green sweater-wearing boy he had found himself interested in.                                                                                                             

“Hey, Ricky,” He nudged the boy standing next to him, “Why are there a whole bunch of sophomores on the field?”                                                                                                     

“Art. Didn’t you hear Trevor talking about it at lunch?” Ricky responded, waving at a couple of the younger kids he knew. Connor let out a sort-of grunt and turned away to get involved in the lesson; but his attention always turned back to Troye. He was so distracted, in fact, that he didn’t Mr Sminters was saying his name until his shoulder was poked by a class member.

“Oh, yes sir?” He said apologetically. Mr Sminters sighed.

“The Sophomore art class are currently doing the photography unit and would like a subject for some of their photos. Would you participate?” Connor reluctantly nodded- who better to have in your photographs than one of the most popular people in the school? He followed the three 15/16 year olds to a less populated part of the field, giving them a few photography pointers. At least he got out of Soccer.

Connor was posing slightly for the small group of photographers when he was knocked over. Yeah, he had been standing there for nearly 5 minutes but he didn’t appreciate being walked into and knocked over! Well, he didn’t until he recognised the big, sparkling blue eyes. The sparkling, blue eyes of a face only about 3 inches away from his. Connor Jr, keep still, he mentally spoke to his slightly twitching dick, Don’t. Re. Act. He was more than fully aware of the younger boys arms either side of him and the knee resting lightly on his crotch. They stayed like that for a few seconds before Troye breathed in and attempted to stand up. His knee rubbed against Connors crotch. Yeah, not the most pleasant experience.

“S-sorry,” Troye stuttered as he helped Connor up,” I wasn’t, uh, looking where I was going.” Connor almost ‘aww-ed’ at his cute little accent. He refrained from saying it out loud, resigning the noise to inside his head.

“It’s okay. It’s Troye, right?” Connor asked, sticking his hand out. When Troye replied with a nod he said, “Connor. Swim Captain and star mathlete.” Troye shook his hand shyly.

“How do you know my name?” Connor laughed lightly at the question.

“My friend Trevor told me.” He explained. Just after, Troye heard his name being shouted by Ben.

“Um, I gotta go now.” He stated.

“Yeah, so do I. See you around.” Said with a quick hug and a wave before Connor jogged off back to the measly soccer games. Troye was left in the metaphorical dust, before he trudged back to a group from his art class. Mainly to avoid the people who had been photographing Connor.

It was already 5 past 3 when Connor trudged out of the changing rooms. The rest of PE had gone kinda’ fast but when the group of boys arrived back at the changing room Connors mind had gone back to Troye. His eyes, his lips, his face in general. His voice; swoon. It had been enough to slow down his changing process so it took 10 minutes opposed to the standard 5. At least he wasn’t the last one in there.

He wasn’t surprised when he walked out to the front of the school and saw Trevor waiting. Or that he was talking to that Ben Pierce kid. It was more that they were talking to Troye. He walked up to them, wiping his hands on his jeans (why was he even nervous?) and spoke. “Hey guys.” It was simple enough, not enough to intrude on the conversation but enough to be not ignored.

“Hey Con. Can we wait a few minutes ‘til they get picked up?” Trevor asked. Connor nodded, kinda thankful he had a legit reason to procrastinate.

Ben went first and Trevor began a new conversation with Troye, something about music. Connor just listened. A few minutes later a black car pulled up at the curb and Troye muttered something that sounded like ‘bye’. Connor couldn’t help but stare as he walked away- he had a nice ass, after all. Trevor had to shove him so he wouldn’t get caught. Connor waved to Troye as he got in the car, then hurried off to the student car park, Trevor in tow.

“You have a crush on him, don’t you Con?” Trevor teased as soon as they had gotten in the grey car. Connor shook his head.

“No Trev, I don’t. I’m just intrigued by him. I mean, I did see him four times in one day.” Trevor sighed at his friend’s denial and texted Zoe. Something about Connor and crushes. They had a brief talk about Trevor’s homework troubles- Connor was planning to help- until they arrived at the Moran residence. After Trevor left the car, Connor put his (little listened to) Panic! At The Disco cd on. He stopped at Walmart to get brownies before heading home.

Connor lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Any homework he had, he had already completed. His wind was whirring with thoughts, but for some reason they kept coming back to one thing- Troye Mellet. Troye Mellet and his amazing eyes, his adorable face, his- Connor shook his head mid thought. Trevor wasn’t right. Connor did not have a crush on Troye; he didn’t even know him. Anyway, you can’t have a crush after seeing someone 4 times- technically only 2. In a quest to ease his mind, he pulled the laptop sitting next to him on to his lap. His fingers flew across the keyboard as he opened up Facebook and typed ‘Troye Mellet’ into the search bar. Finding the right profile, he started scrolling- then stopped. Connor, he thought, this is technically stalking. Stop it. Then he clicked the ‘add friend’ button. Before he could do anything else, a voice floated up the stairs and down the landing.

“Connor, dinner’s ready!” He was in the kitchen within 30 seconds.

“ You lied.” He accused, “Dinner is NOT ready.” His mum just sighed and started putting the spaghetti on the 4 plates on the side.

“Go and set the table please Connor.” She said. Connor grabbed 4 forks from the cutlery drawer and put them on the table in the dining room in front of 4 of the chairs. A loud sound like an elephant echoed around the house as a girl ran down the stairs and into the dining room.

“Nicola, can you help me bring the plates through? And Connor, get your father.” Their mother called from the kitchen. Nicola sighed but went through to the kitchen. Connor sat down at his favourite seat (the one with the best view out of the window).

“Dad, dinner’s ready!” He yelled. There was no way on Earth he was going across the house and back just to get his dad.

Connor sighed. It was 12 minutes into the meal and he was already contemplating just leaving the table… But food. His family were only just bearable. They were talking about their days! Connor just rolled his eyes.

“Connor, how was your day?” Nicola asked.

Connor stuffed another forkful of spaghetti into his mouth, chewing slowly. He swallowed and said “Average.” It earned the eye roll of eye rolls from Mrs Franta.

“Trevor’s mum called me. She said there was a new boy in your school.” It was one of those things parents say that means ‘Tell me all about it’.

“Yep. He’s a Sophomore. He fell on me in PE.” Connor sighed, earning a scoff from Nicola.

“If he’s a Sophomore and you’re a Junior, how did he fall on you in PE?” She questioned.

“His art class was on the field at the same time as my PE class.” After he said that, Connor stayed silent until he had finished eating. Then he quickly darted upstairs and into his room. The door slammed behind him.

He sat on his bed cross-legged, his laptop sitting in front of him. A small wiggle of the mouse made the screen light up and Connor moved the mouse to refresh the page. There was a new notification- Troye Mellet has accepted your friend request. Okay, there was a lot of notifications but that was the only one to stand out. Connor clicked on Troyes profile, scrolling down to see his timeline. Not much was on it so he scrolled back to the top. Pictures?, He thought, then nodded. He clicked on the ‘Photos’ button and was met by various pictures of Troye. They were perfect, every one of them.

“Wait. I did not just think that.” He muttered. But he had- and he wasn’t sure if he liked it.

Hi, this was Chapter 2 of Australian. Hopefully you enjoyed it ^-^

I’d just like to say that I am really bad at dialogue so this was definitely a challenge. Thankfully not every chapter is going to have this much dialogue.

Also, the next chapter is predicted to go up by Saturday (hopefully). I’ve been writing this book during school so I might not be able to do as much writing now that it’s the Easter holiday but I’ll try.

Shameless self promotion:

Twitter- JellybeanFi

Instagram- of_mice_and_fluffie

Tumblr- jellybeantronnor

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