Made To Believe ✔️

By LyssahTraicey

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Diana Mumbi is a beautiful book cafe owner who is a romantic at heart and obsessed with the literary world. F... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Fifteen

1K 60 4
By LyssahTraicey


The first thing that I noticed when I stirred awake was the pounding in my head and the weird taste in my mouth. The scent around me kicked in afterwards and I realized that there was something different but at the same time familiar about the sheets I was lying in. I took a few minutes to gather my thoughts and try to remember where I was. The pounding in my head wouldn't allow me to think too hard so I threw the huge duvet off me and sat up on the bed.

Yeah I was definitely not in my apartment because instead of the white, pink and light grey of my room, I was met with nothing but black and dark grey. The bed I was sleeping on was also not exactly a bed but seemed like a mattress laid on a couple of raised wooden planks.

All my stuff was on a chair besides the bedside drawer which meant I hadn't been robbed. I also wasn't wearing my dress but a baggy t-shirt that smelled like Kareem. Once that name came to mind, bits and and pieces of the previous night flashed through my mind. I was in Kareem's place for some reason, wearing his clothes and sleeping in his bed. The obvious thought would be that after the club we took the after party home and had sex but I was more logical than that. I decided to not jump into conclusions so I got out of bed to understand more of the situation I was in.

The apartment was weird since it seemed like it was just one huge warehouse transformed into living quarters. There were stairs leading up to the top part where the bedroom was with only his bed, closet, bedside drawers and a TV mounted on the wall. I walked down the stairs, barefoot and still in the t-shirt that thankfully reached mid thigh. The lower part was an open lay out living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom at the furthest end. Everything was made of hard wood, there was another TV, a sound system and a gaming console. The lower part had the same dark theme as the top.

Walking into the kitchen that looked untouched I found a glass and fetched some water from the tap. I downed it in one go and it helped with my parched throat. Fully awake, I remembered the whole night and thanked my angels that I hadn't embarrassed myself too much. I should not have allowed Manuel to talk me into drinking but I'd had fun so I didn't regret it that much. I only felt bad that Kareem had to deal with my stupid dance moves. He also had to take care of me since I passed out. Speaking of my Knight in shining armor, where was he?

I was about to head back upstairs to get my phone when I heard the rumbling of the Hellcat engine. I looked around and saw Kareem drive into a separate part of the loft and stop besides the GTO. His place was definitely a bachelor pad and he was seemingly living the best life.

"Look who's up!"Kareem exclaimed getting out of his car with several bags in hand.

I felt awkward waking up in a mans home since it had never happened to me before. I shifted from foot to foot looking at Kareem awkwardly.

"Good afternoon."He greeted walking past me but not without pausing to kiss my cheek.

It took me a few minutes to get over the daze of him kissing me for his words to register in mind.

"Did you just say afternoon?"I asked shocked turning around and following him into the kitchen.

"Yeah it's already half past noon."Kareem replied.

"Shit! I missed my shift at the cafe. Salome will be worried or pissed or both."I exclaimed.

"It's okay she called your phone when you failed to show up and I picked up to explain to her the situation. She demanded that I take care of you and make sure to tell you to call her as soon as you woke up." Kareem replied.

I sagged in relief because I was not ready to handle any more of Salome's wrath. Besides that I was also surprised that I was able to sleep past midday. The latest I'd ever woken up was eight am, never later.

"Thank you."I mumbled taking a seat on one of the high stools.

My t-shirt rode up exposing my thighs but I didn't adjust it. It's not like I could be more indecent to Kareem seeing as we had shared a bed after I persuaded him. Another thing I should have been embarrassed about but was kind of enjoying because Kareem and I actually shared a bed. It was my long time dream that had finally come true.

"Don't mention it. I know you're harboring a headache so I brought you medicine and a fruit cocktail, no alcohol this time. I also got lunch since its a little late for breakfast as we haven't eaten since yesterday, a new toothbrush for you and a comb."Kareem laying out all the items.

"This is all very thoughtful thank you."I said taking the medicine and juice from him.

I took two pills and popped them into my mouth downing them with some juice. Kareem unpacked the food laying out two burgers, fries and ketchup.

"These aren't from KFC are they?"I asked looking at the food skeptically.

"No, why?"

"I've had food poisoning twice from their food so I just stopped eating there."I answered.

"I ordered this from a cafe down the street, they are clean I promise. I've eaten there loads of times."Kareem assured me.

He was doing so good taking care of me so I trusted him to not jeopardize my health. I unwrapped my burger and after saying a quick word of prayer I dug in, I was really hungry. The burger was great as Kareem had advertised and so were the fries.

"I'm sorry for my behavior yesterday, I normally don't drink and when I do I tend to get a little crazy."I apologized feeling like I needed to say those words.

"A drunk mind speaks sober thoughts so when you were drunk it was just an expression of a part of you that you keep hidden. Deep down underneath all those books and glasses is a girl who just wants to burst free, dance crazy and have fun. I'm glad you were trusting enough to be that person with me."Kareem replied and my heart melted to a puddle.

I didn't have anything else to say so I just looked for an excuse to escape the situation.

"Well I appreciate you taking care of me. For now I'll just take this and go brush my teeth."I replied getting off the stool since I was already done eating.

"There's clean towels in there too if you want to take a shower."Kareem informed me.

"I'd love to but I've got nothing to change into."I pointed out.

I didn't want to wear the dress I had on the previous night, it would be too uncomfortable.

"I'm sure I have a couple of Jamila's clothes here, I'll find something that fits you. I'd offer you mine but nothing will fit."Kareem offered getting up too.

"Okay I'll appreciate that."I replied making my way to the bathroom.

His bathroom was just a toilet, two sinks, a shelve with towels and other bathroom products, a small cupboard and a shower.

After brushing my teeth, I took off the t-shirt and tied it around my hair to prevent it from getting wet. I decided I would have to go commando since there's no way I was wearing my underwear again. Kareem's bathroom was designed in such a way that the fogged glass only allowed one to see the top of one's head and the feet.

I stripped off my underwear and got into the bathroom closing the glass door behind me. I turned on the water and it took a few seconds to warm up. The water felt good on my skin, refreshing even so I took my time in there.

Feeling like I'd taken enough time and used up too much of Kareem's soap I opened the door slightly and reached for the towel I'd left hanging on the rack. Once it was secure around me I got out and was surprised to find clothes on top of the sink, the comb Kareem had bought for me and a very familiar blue scrunchie that I thought I'd lost. Kareem had been in the bathroom while I was showering but at least the fogged glass didn't allow him to see inside.

I untied my hair and combed all the knots out before putting it into a high pony tail. Kareem had been smart not to undo my bun otherwise it would have been impossible to untangle. The clothes he had brought me were a little oversized since Jamila was bigger than me but they fit just fine. After bundling the dirty t-shirt and my underwear together I left the bathroom dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants, a cropped white vest and a grey hoodie.

"Feeling better?"Kareem asked as soon as he noticed my presence.

He was watching a game in the living room.

"Much, thank you."I replied taking a seat next to him.

"You've got to stop thanking me. I'm happy you're here."Kareem replied making me smile.

I was happy to be with him too even though I hadn't anticipated I would be in his house less than a week after our first date.

"It's kind of hard not to, this is not a situation I find myself in often."I replied tugging at my ponytail.

"Because that's not the kind of person you are, now please stop being so nervous. Mi casa es su casa."Kareem said with an inviting smile.

It didn't exactly alleviate my worry but it helped me calm down enough to stop playing with my hair.

"This is the part where you take me home or call me an uber."I pointed out.

"Do you want to leave?"Kareem asked looking disappointed.

"I don't know. I don't want to intrude."I replied.

"You're not, believe me and I actually want you to stay. I promise to take you home later."Kareem assured me.

I took a moment to think about it and realized that I didn't actually want to go home. I wanted to spend more time with Kareem because being with him made passing time feel worthwhile.

"Okay, I'll stay but we're not watching a game, put on a movie or something."I suggested.

"Perfect, you choose the movie I'll get the snacks."Kareem declared handing me the remote.

"I can't believe you have Amazon Prime."I exclaimed excitedly when I noticed his subscription.

"Perks of working for Vihaan."Kareem replied.

I choose a movie and waited for Kareem to come back with the snacks.

"Harry Potter, really?"Kareem asked setting the snacks down on the table.

He'd brought popcorns, chips, soda and snickers bars.

"It's a classic, now sit down."I demanded picking up the bowl of popcorn.

"I've already watched it with Nuru, do I have to watch it again?"Kareem lamented.

"You can never have enough of Harry Potter. Now shush, the movie is starting."I said getting comfortable on the sofa.

Kareem didn't say anything after that but I could feel him staring at me. I looked at him only to find him staring at me with a foolish grin on his face.


"Nothing you just look incredibly beautiful."He replied.

If I could I would have disappeared into the bowl of popcorn but instead I blushed, looked away and mumbled a thank you.

Kareem just chuckled and picked up a can of soda choosing not to embarrass me anymore which I was grateful for.

After that we settled in silence to watch the movie. Kareem made comments here and there which were actually great meaning he was enjoying the movie. After the first movie it was still light out and I still didn't want to leave so Kareem ordered Pizza and we ate as we watched the second movie.

At around eight pm I finally decided it was time to go so I gathered all my stuff and Kareem drove me home. He even walked me to my door when we got to my apartment building.

"Thank you for accompanying me last night and for spending the day with me."Kareem said as we stood outside my door.

"It was my pleasure, I had fun. Maybe we can do it again sometime just without the alcohol part."I replied.

"I'd like that, we'll make plans. Goodnight Diana."Kareem said leaning in to kiss my cheek.

"Goodnight Kareem, drive safe."I replied.

He walked away while I turned around and opened my door letting myself in. I had barely taken off the heels that I'd had no option but to wear again when the lights turned on automatically. I looked up and screamed in fright when I saw someone seating on the sofa in my living room.

"Diana Mumbi Njoroge, where have you been young lady?"Salome asked and I felt like chucking a shoe at her.

I relaxed against the door my heart still beating heavily against my chest.

"Salome what the hell? Why are you sitting in the dark like a serial killer? And how did you even get in?"I asked finally calm enough to walk further into the apartment.

"Sorry I've just always wanted to do that. Call it practice for your nieces and nephews in the future. And I used the key you gave me to get in."She replied.

"That key was for emergencies not to give me a heart attack."I scolded taking a seat on the arm chair in my living room after setting my stuff on the coffee table.

"Calm down, you're fine."Salome retorted.

"What are you doing here anyway?"I inquired.

"Your parents have Oliver for the weekend, Ashton is on a business trip to Mombasa so I decided to come here for a girl's night."She replied.

"You were just scared of staying home alone all weekend weren't you?"I asked calling her out on her bullshit.

"Yeah."Salome mumbled quietly making me smile.

"Well I'd like to hang out but I'm beat, I had a long night, woke up with a hangover and spent all day with Kareem."I answered.

"But that's exactly why we have to hang out, you owe me all the glory details."Salome replied.

"I'm exhausted Sal."I lamented.

"I knew you would say that so I made you an oreo ice cream cake as a bribe."Salome said reaching for a box under the table.

She opened it and to reveal a beautiful looking cake and I immediately changed my mind. I could never say no to cake and Salome knew that.

"Give me twenty minutes to shower and change into my own clothes."I replied getting up quickly.

"I'll be right here."Salome replied putting her legs on the table.

She had played me but there was cake involved so I allowed her. Looks like my weekend had been planned out to be a pretty busy one. I didn't mind though, so far so good.


What are your phobias? I have a Ophidiophobia which is a fear of snakes. Share yours and let's be scared together.




Love @Lyssah.

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